Author's Note

My dearests,

I hope there are still a few of you around there to read this.
I know I'm completely at fault for not updating and for leading your hopes up if you believe this to be an update. Unfortunately, it isn't.

As many of you know – or don't – it's been a most complicated year for me. Building my confidence up once again has not been easy and it's as hard as it gets when you've hit almost rock bottom. I've been doing really better and I'm more confident in my abilities to overcome this fase.

Putting writing at bay has been difficult but a "necessary evil" since I ended up realizing that flunking a year was my warning that I needed to step back a little and take a good luck on myself. I needed to re-balance myself and writing has been my escaping mechanism all these years – so I had to learn the hard way to face my problems head on and not behind a pen and paper or a computer screen.

I have to thank you all for your support, so far. I've been amazed at how many supportive messages you've been sending me and they've been so important along the way… you just have no idea how much.

I'm writing this AN to let you know that I haven't given up on any of my stories – I WILL UPDATE THEM AND I WILL COMPLETE THEM!

I've been focusing myself in my studies and I can proudly say that all my efforts have been slowly paying off – my teachers feedback today was so positive that it has prompted me to reassure you that I will be writing again really soon.

I've still got 4 more weeks to go at my internship and I'm giving it my all because as soon as that ends I'm getting back to writing it and to updating! I miss it, I miss writing and I miss your reviews deeply but I hope you understand that I have to really focus at this last effort. It is, after all, my future that is at stake.

I hope you guys will forgive me and still stick around to read my updates as soon as they're ready. In 4 more weeks I'll promise your waiting will pay off. Once again sorry for this "testament" but I felt it was needed.

See you guys really soon!

Love you all,
