OMG I haven't updated in forever! I'm so sorry!I've just been so busy lately! But today I'm home sick so I thought I would! Hope you like! Imma try to update the rest of my unfinished stories today too!

Disclaimer: I do not own HTR!

G- Game On

Ah, high school basketball games. You'd think they'd be fun right? Well, normally they are, except when your insane ex-girlfriend is team caption of the opposing team. Now do you understand my predicament?

All throughout the game our student sections had been yelling profanities towards each other. Heck, we both had giant dry erase boards to write messages on! I knew as soon as those came out things would get out of hand. But I didn't think it'd get as bad as it did.

Halftime approached quickly. After the cheerleaders and dance team preformed we were free togo talk to the players.

"Hey Steves." I said nudging her with my arm.

"Sup Z?"

"Good game so far. You're really kicking their butts!"

"Well thanks. You know, butt kicking is my favorite extracurricular activity!" She replied back sarcastically.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the home wrecker." My ex- girlfriend walked up behind us. I saw Stevie roll her eyes.

"Hello Courtney." Stevie smiled, obviously forcing it. "I wish I could say it's a pleasure to see you, but I don't like telling lies so.." I couldn't help but smirk at Stevie's reply. I can always count on her for a witty comeback.

"Oh you don't like lying huh? Then what do you call your relationship with my boyfriend? "Courtney smirked.

"Ex-boyfriend. And we're just friends. Now why don't you go back to your side of the gym and leave us alone." I corrected her. She gasped and stomped away over to her side.

"Nice Z. I think I'm finally started to rub off on you." Stevie winked at me and turned to walk back to her team. I laughed. And turned back around, facing the other side of the gym. Uh oh. The dry erase board war has started.

"Why is Molly's name on the dry erase board?" I asked Kevin.

"They're naming off school…sluts." Kevin said.

"What!? But Molly hasn't even had a boyfriend before." I looked over at the Perfs. They were all hugging a sobbing Molly. Never in my life have I ever felt bad for Molly Garfunkel, but right now, my heart was slightly breaking. Wow.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a chorus of OOOOOOO's. Looking at the dry erase boards, my jaw dropped.

Stevie Baskara = home wrecker

I looked over at Stevie, expecting her to be fuming. But instead, she was laughing. She honestly thought it was funny. Which made me laugh. Which, in result, made Courtney mad. Next thing I knew, my name was up on the board, and not in a good way.

Zander Robbins = ELF

Okay, that one struck a nerve. Yeah, I know I'm short but really? That's just low. Courtney's playing dirty. Well, two can play that game. I walked up to Justin Cole, the person who had our white board, and told him to follow my lead. Then I stomped over to Stevie, turned her around, set my hands on her hips, and slammed my lips to hers. She froze for a second but reacted almost immediately, putting her arms around my neck. Our lips moved in synch. I was assuming the crowd was going crazy but I wasn't sure because all I felt was fireworks.

Eventually we had to pull apart. They crowd was going insane as I had assumed. Justin had written on the board 'Hey Courtney! Check this out!' with a bunch of arrows pointing towards us. And Courtney looked pissed. Stevie must've noticed too because she smiled and waved at Courtney, making her even more mad.

"Thanks Steves. I just-" I started but she cut me off.

"It's no problem. You just wanted to get revenge for her elf joke. It's cool, I got it." She smiled.

"So, still just best friends?" I asked, sticking my fist out.

"Still just best friends." She smiled. Her fist made contact with mine right as the buzzer went off. "I gotta go. Bye weirdo!"

Once the game had resumed, Stevie and Kacey were running up and down the court, dribbling and passing the ball to each other. The score was 57-54 us. Kevin, Nelson, and I were still in the stands screaming our heads off as Stevie went to shoot a three pointer. But as she jumped, Courtney slammed right into her, knocking Stevie to the ground, shutting the entire gym up completely.

Stevie is a tough girl. She can take just about anything. So, obviously, it was hard to watch Stevie roll on the floor clutching her arm, in tears. Not to mention the fact that while Stevie was screaming her head off, Courtney was also in tears; of laughter. And that's when I lost it. I sprinted out to Courtney, about to give her a piece of my mind when and earsplitting yelp of pain stopped me.

Stevie's arm was getting examined by the school's athletic trainer. Every time she touched it Stevie screamed out in pain. The trainer straightened her arm out and I noticed something sticking out of her arm. It made me cringe. I could tell it was painful. Stevie needed to get to the hospital immediately.

"Everybody out of the way!" I yelled as I pushed through the crowd of people surrounding Stevie. "Come here Steves." I picked her up bridal style and began to carry her out of the school. She continued to yell out in pain. Each sound made a new piece of my heart break. "Shhh its okay Steves."

"Zander it hurts so bad." She managed to get out through her sobs.

"I know baby, but it's okay. We're going to the hospital right now. It'll be okay." I kissed her forehead as I set her in back of my car. Soon enough we were at the hospital.


"We have her x-ray results." The doctor said as she walked into the waiting room. Since her family was out of town, I was the only person there for her.

"And?" I asked.

"Well, her shoulder is dislocated and her arm is broken in two places. But, they're clean breaks so they should heal wonderfully. You're free to go visit her if you would like." The doctor walked away as I went to Stevie's room.

"Hey Stevie." I said quietly.

"Oh, hey Z. I didn't know you were still here." She said sleepily.

I smiled, "Of course baby. I'd never leave you alone like this."

"Like what exactly?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well I was kind of asleep until you walked in here. I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with me- other than the fact that my arm kills right now."

"Oh right. You have a dislocated shoulder and your arm is broken in two places."

"Ughhh I guess that means no bass for a few months."

I immediately felt guilty. If I hadn't kissed her to make Courtney mad this would've never happened.

"It's okay Zander; it's not your fault." She grabbed my hand, sensing my guilt.

"Yes it is. I knew Courtney hated you and I used you to make her mad. I'm so sorry. I should've known it wouldn't turn out good."

"Relax Robbins. It's okay. And besides, it wasn't all bad." She said shyly.

"And why is that? You got a freaking broken arm and dislocated shoulder. How can anything good come of that!?"

"Because I finally got to kiss the guy I've been in love with ever since we met." She smiled and looked right into my eyes. My heart leapt. I wanted to tell her that I felt the exact same way, but I thought I'd milk this one just a little longer.

"Oh really now? And who would that be?" I smirked at her.

"You tell me." She returned my smirk as she grabbed my shirt with her good hand and kissed me. When we pulled apart, I was at a loss for words.

"Fireworks." I managed to get out.

"Tell me about it."

We stayed together holding hands and cuddling until I knew that I had to get home. I kissed her one last time before I left. As I walked out the door I was stopped by a familiar voice that I've come to love.

"Hey Z?"

"Yes Steves?" I turned around.

"We are so not still just best friends." She smiled. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle out.


Thazzzz it! Hope you liked it! I tried to make it a longer one for the sake of me not updating for over two months! Let me know what you thought! And I'm still taking suggestions for the rest of the letters in the alphabet! Reviewwwww!