Here's my first fanfic. Please let me know what you think! It's slightly AU because no one knows Chris' identity, but they have finally started to trust him. I hated how that revelation was handled, so I'm rewriting it. I might also have rewritten some powers because it's been a long time since the show ended. I hope you enjoy this.
Music of the Harps
Piper sat on the edge of the bathtub and glanced at the pregnancy test again. She had looked at the result four times, as if she expected it to change. Piper was thrilled. Being Wyatt's mother had been an incredibly fulfilling experience. To have another person to love like that, to have someone who loved her like Wyatt did, were both blessings. The thought of Wyatt being an older brother gave Piper a lot of joy. However, everything was so complicated. How powerful was this child going to be? Where will Leo be?
For now, Piper felt the need to keep her pregnancy a secret. She buried the pregnancy test in the bottom of the trashcan and went downstairs. She could hear her sisters approaching the door and enter. They waved at each other before entering the living room, where they saw Chris sleeping on the couch. Wyatt was lying on Chris, also asleep.
It took a lot of time and energy for Piper to convince Chris to watch Wyatt while she attended to "personal issues" and her sisters were away, but he caved when he guessed her reason.
"Awww . . ." Phoebe exclaimed quietly.
Wyatt started to stir awake, which in turn woke up Chris. Piper walked over and smiled at Chris.
"Thank you for watching him," Piper said as she picked up Wyatt.
"Hey, Wyatt!" Phoebe exclaimed. "Your favorite aunts picked up a couple things for you!"
Phoebe pulled two items out of a bag. "We came across a flea market and started looking around. We found this miniature fish tank with fake plastic fishes. Wyatt, look. You just press this button and the fishes inside move."
Phoebe delicately took out a second time.
"That's a lap harp," Chris said.
"Yeah, Wyatt can start making music now."
Piper laughed. "He's going to break those strings in a matter of days."
"Oh, that's all right," Paige said. "This was cheap."
Chris took the harp and pulled out the tuner.
"How do we even know how it's supposed to sound?" Piper asked.
"I can give it a shot," Chris answered. He quickly tuned the fifteen strings and handed the harp to Wyatt.
"Chris," Piper said. "I didn't realize you were so musically talented. How long have you played?"
"It's only been a few years. Growing up, my hobby was magic. Then, I randomly found a new lap harp and started following the music sheets. I hadn't seen or heard anything artistic in so long. Did this come with sheets to stick under the strings?"
"No," Paige answered. "The woman who sold it said she lost them."
"That's okay," Chris said. He picked up the lap harp and played part of a variation of Greensleeves using the top ten strings. "I'm sure you can find something on the internet."
"You and a harp. That's an interesting combination," Phoebe commented. "I thought you'd be more of a guitar kind of guy."
"Like I said, I just stumbled upon it, and it was nice to have live music for once."
"That was actually nice," Paige admitted.
"Really? I never knew if I was actually playing that piece correctly. Having the time and opportunity to play music was a luxury in the future, even for me. Music instruction was practically unheard of." Chris set the lap harp down, sighed, and walked back to the sunroom.
Piper thought she saw hints of tears in Chris' eyes. She let Wyatt pluck random notes on the lap harp and then went to see Chris. "You must have had a hard life in the future."
Chris almost warned Piper of future consequences, which she expected, but he relented. "Actually, I didn't, all things considered, of course. Wyatt . . . loved me. He took care of me."
"You didn't tell me you knew him that well. Then again, you hardly tell us anything."
"He was my best friend, and being the best friend of the ruler of the world had its perks." Chris closed his eyes. "We were growing apart the past year, but we still spent a lot of time together. I still had a room in his mansion."
"Didn't being best friends with Wyatt make you a target?" Piper wasn't entirely convinced by what Chris had told her.
"No. If anyone tried anything with me, they'd face the wrath of half the Underworld trying to impress Wyatt and get on his good side."
"Yet, you still came back to the past to change all that."
"I might have benefited in some ways, but I lost so much more than I could ever gain. Besides, it was still wrong. I wasn't just going to watch the world burn just because I was close to the top of it."
Chris thought he saw the slightest hint of respect from Piper's face. He also saw the same guarded opinion she held of him, not that he minded.
"Anyway, I should get back to P3 now that everyone's back. I want to look into a couple leads."
Chris orbed out without waiting for a response from Piper.
In the Underworld, a dark figure approached another.
"Rumis, you're late."
"What do you want, Evon?"
"Have you heard about Damien and the Elder?"
"Yes, the Elder was the Whitelighter of the Charmed Ones. Damien nearly killed him."
"There are rumors about how he did it."
"Why should I care about that?"
"Because if we can succeed where Damien failed, I think we would find our existence much more pleasant."
"We?" Rumis asked.
"Damien was a fool. He was stupid and careless. Together, we can kill Leo Wyatt. We will not fail."
At P3, Chris took a break from his research and lied on his bed, thinking about Wyatt's new lap harp.
Chris recalled one of Wyatt's prisons, one in which Wyatt kept normal human doctors. Chris was sitting at the end of a hall with two lines of cells on both sides, his back against the wall. He had been sitting there for an hour with his chin on his arms, which were on his raised knees. Chris was mostly motionless, even when a fight broke out among the prisoners. One doctor found himself on the end of a brutal assault that left him bleeding. Chris later found out that his name was Craig Quigley.
"I know you aren't like him," Craig weakly told Chris. Craig was lying on the ground, battered, and staring at Chris.
"You should save your strength," Chris remarked. "I doubt anyone here would use their magic to help a normal human."
"You would, if you had that power, wouldn't you?" Craig had detected the sadness in Chris' voice.
Chris walked over to Craig. "I wouldn't be able to save everyone, could I? I see a lot of people dying every day. Even if I had that power, I couldn't save them all. How do I decide who to save? Do I leave it to luck and choose the first people I see until I'm too exhausted to continue?"
"Why did you let your brother take so much of your power?" Craig asked. He saw the look of surprise on Chris' face. "Even we normal humans are privy to certain information about the brothers."
"He asked for a portion of my powers. This was before I realized who he was becoming."
"Didn't you ask for it back?"
"No, it felt corrupted. I didn't want it to be a part of me again."
"That's why you come, isn't it? Why you visit his prisons."
"What is?" Chris asked.
"Never mind."
"Are you going to be all right?"
"No, too much internal bleeding."
Chris looked around for guards.
"Didn't you say no one would help me?" Craig mentioned.
"Yeah," Chris answered softly. "Maybe it's not so bad."
"I was an ophthalmologist before, but I know what ruptured organs feel like."
"Where did you practice?" Chris asked.
"On Bello Street, near Manor Brook, with some friends." Craig's voice weakened as he answered Chris. He exhaled.
Chris reached into the cell and put his hands on Craig's.
"Thank you," Craig said. "I didn't want to die feeling alone." Craig let out a small laugh before wincing in pain. "I never imagined dying in a place like this, at the hands of other doctors, with the tyrant's brother here for me."
Craig lied motionless and speechless for another minute before Chris noticed Craig's last breath. Chris sighed and began pulling his arms out, but someone grabbed him
"If you don't approve, then help us," a different doctor said.
"I can't."
"Help us," another voice said.
"Please," a different doctor begged.
"I'm sorry."
A few more hands grabbed Chris and they managed to pull Chris towards them. Two doctors were able to reach Chris' face across the prison's bars.
Chris orbed out and returned to Wyatt's mansion, letting himself fall onto a sofa. He was only there for a few minutes before he heard some commotion and went to a window.
Chris saw four witches attacking the mansion. Chris knew that dozens of guards would soon respond with deadly force. If they were lucky, the witches would die quickly and privately. Chris orbed to Bello Street to save himself from the sight.
Chris walked slowly down Bello Street, finding it atypically quiet. He soon found a worn-down sign that he could read only by being up close to it. He had found Craig's old practice. Chris entered and looked around. He usually found a little bit of solace in seeing the lives that people led before Wyatt took over the world. Chris then walked into a room filled with destroyed violins and keyboards and then realized that he had walked into the store next door. Not wanting to be at the mansion, Chris continued looking through the store and came upon a package, the only one that seemed intact. He opened it and found a lap harp.