Ok everybody, here it is, the final chapter of the story, and the longest at best. I'm glad that this story has been viewed by many of you fellow writers and hope that you are enjoying it so far, and please review for me, Enjoy. Also, I don't own Regular Show.
Chapter 8
The cart was giving all the speed it got, but Benson was still behind them, and was extremely closer to them. In the backseat, Rigby and Eileen try to get him back to who he was before.
"Benson you're the boss of the park, how do you not remember that" Rigby yelled to him.
"Lies" Benson yelled back, still not buying it as he brought the crane down again.
"Look out!" Rigby said to Mordecai to alert the digger crane coming, in which he luckily dodged it as the crane continued its pursuit on the cart. Meanwhile, the construction site had become a battle ground, lasers and bullets were flying everywhere, and swords, mallets, and clubs were swung around. Blake was organizing his groups, telling which group should go where and who they should strike. He came up to Skips, who was still fighting with the fists of justice.
"How are you holding out" Blake asked him while reloading his weapon.
"I'm fine" Skips replied "I think the guys below need help down there" he pointed to the lower area around the highway, where the guardians of eternal youth, and several resistance members were engaged in a massive fire fight with a large amount of enemies.
"Are you gonna be ok up here?" asked Blake.
"Don't worry, Muscle Man and I got this" Skips said to him before he punched a construction worker in the face. Blake nodded as he came down the ladder and ran over to a wooden crate to use as cover before he came out and shot several rounds at some blondes and some zombies, until the destroyer of worlds appears and fires a giant laser shot from its eyes, causing an explosion, which Blake and the others manage to avoid. Then, the baby ducks appeared in super form alongside Lemon Chef, and a gigantic Suzan came out of the ground roaring. Both gigantic groups charged at each other with Lemon Chef firing at the destroyer of worlds, until they got too close which caused them to destroy each other. Then, Suzan and the giant super duck charged and started wrestling each other. After 10 seconds, the super duck grabbed Suzan and swung her to the bridge. When she slammed into the bridge, she landed on a wooden board which sent the duck collector, who was fighting pops, flying into the air. The super duck spotted their foe and remembered what he almost did to them.
"STEP OFF!" The super duck yelled before he karate chopped the duck collector in half. Meanwhile on the bridge, the No Rules guy was roller skating he way through the upper part of the battle towards skips.
"No rules" he said to Skips as he splashed the fists of justice with a cup of water causing them to spark up and Skips threw them off his arm and into the air just before they exploded. The no rules guy laughed as he skated away, but when he turned around, Uncle Grandpa was right in front of him.
"Good Morning" Uncle Grandpa said before an arm came out of his chin and punched the guy in the face, sending him flying straight towards the super duck which he caught. The duck then place the no rules guy in a porta-potty that he picked up, shook it, and then kicked it into the air, which was incinerated by a plane engine from a plane that was passing by.
Mordecai, Rigby, Margret and Eileen were being chased by Benson for a while, but when the four of them reached a muddy hill on the cart, they couldn't move up, so they tried to move in another direction, but Benson cornered them with the digger. Mordecai looked at the situation they were in and knew they were doomed.
"Benson don't do this" Mordecai begged "The Park means everything to you"
"He warned me you'd try to fill my head with lies" Benson said to them "Say goodnight" He then raised the digger crane up in the air and the group screamed for a moment before Benson started to bring the crane down. Mordecai hit the gas on the cart, but they are stuck in the mud which causes them to do donuts while they while out, giving Benson a flashback of Mordecai and Rigby doing a donut on the grass. He tries to shake the memory away from his head which caused the digger to slow down as the cart stopped so that the four friends could see what was going on. As the digger just bounced off the top of the cart, Mordecai realized what was going on.
"We were doing donuts" Mordecai exclaimed to Rigby "Quick dude, ham boning"
"Ham-Bon-ing!" Rigby repeated three times causing some memories to come back to Benson but he tried to hold them back. After they did their brief humming's, they got out of the cart.
"Not settin' up the chairs next time, not settin' up the chairs next time" they both said while waving their arms around. Benson couldn't take it anymore.
"Get out of my head!" he yelled as the memories were too much for him.
"Woooooaaaaahhhhh" they both yelled the longest. Finally, Benson started to have a series of flashback of his days at the park and how they both really annoyed him, once his memories came back to him; he got out of the cart.
"Where do I sign" said Benson, Mordecai held out the document as Rigby gave him a pen.
Meanwhile, as the battle continues to rage throughout the park, Garret Bobby Ferguson Jr. and Garret Bobby Ferguson Senior were both watching on the edge of the highway near the portal and saw that Blake's forces were starting to get tired.
"They're overwhelmed" GBF Jr. said "Soon it will all be over"
"I think you just got the universe record for best revenge ever" GBF Sr. said to his son patting him on the shoulder. Then, they saw something up in the sky heading straight towards the highway, and GBF Jr. took his sunglasses off for a better look. It was Gary's car that was flying to the highway so it could land with Mordecai, Rigby, Margret, Eileen and Benson in the back.
"STOP" Benson yelled as they were landing on the highway, and soon everyone, both on and off the highway stopped fighting and looked up to see what had just transpired. Benson then picked up a megaphone so that they could hear him "This ends now!"
"That's right" Mordecai said while holding the document up "Benson got his memory back and with his signature this document is complete, shut down Exit 9B and the portal"
"Decreed from city hall, yo" Rigby yelled out.
"Historical landmark" Everyone in the back yelled out. All of the resistance members cheered, thinking that their problems had finally been solved. But GBF Jr. and his dad just laughed, as if they had made a stupid decision.
"They think they got everybody Garret Bobby Ferguson Senior" GBF Jr. said to his father. The people in the back of the truck and the resistance members looked confused as they all whispered to each other.
"What are you talking about" said Blake who was back on the highway near the truck.
"You had to get the signatures of ALL the park employee's" GBF Jr. said as he walked to a trash can that was flipped upside down. He kicked it over to reveal Thomas who was kneeling down for cover from the massive battle.
"Thomas!" Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson said together, realizing that they had missed him and that he counted as a park employee.
"Now hand over the document, or the intern gets it" GBF Jr. said to them while pointing a laser gun at Thomas.
"Why did I hire him right before all this happened" Benson said with his hand on his head, not thinking about it before. Mordecai sighed and turned to Benson.
"This isn't his fight" Mordecai said. He started to come out of the truck with the document, but he suddenly lost his balance and fell, dropping the document too. He quickly got back up on his feet "Sorry".
"Quit messing around and bring me the contract" GBF Jr. said losing his patience.
"Alright, alright" Mordecai said picking it back up, walking over to GBF Jr. and handing him the contract. The head with arms and legs took it with a smile on his face.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold" GBF Jr. said before turning to Thomas "Intern, fetch the coffee- Iced!" Thomas got up and went over to the coffee table that was nearby and started to stir the coffee that already had the ice. But as he mixed the drink, he started to see sadness in the rest of the employees.
"The park" Muscle Man said.
"Our home" Skips said sadly.
"All is lost" Pops added shedding a tear. Thomas saw how much the park meant to them.
"Thomas, stop messing around and bring us the coffee already" GBF Jr. yelled to him waiting impatiently, that's when Thomas decided that he had enough taking orders from him, and GBF Jr. turned to his father "Kid's worthless am I right?" Then, Thomas charged straight at GBF Jr. with the coffee mug in his hands and threw the coffee in his face. GBF Jr. angrily roundhouse kicks Thomas in the chest sending him flying off the bridge.
"THOMAS" everyone yelled in shock, and Gary's car flew straight down to get Thomas with Rigby, Eileen and Benson still on it. While Mordecai, Margret, Skips and Blake went over to look to see what happened, GBF Jr. and his dad gathered all of the villains together.
"Alright, we'll just tear this thing up and get this war back on" GBF Jr. said to his dad "Minions, behold!" he held up the contract for all of them to see, but it turned out it wasn't the contract, but a crude drawing of him.
"Uh, is that a drawing of you with a butt for a face" one of the Blonde's pointed out.
"Huh, a fake?" GBF Jr. said realizing that he was tricked.
"Hey losers" Mordecai yelled out before Gary's car floated back up with Thomas hanging on to the truck.
"Should've checked the fine print when we switched the contract in front of your face, know what I'm saying" Rigby said holding out the real contract while Thomas had a pen in his right hand.
"NO!" Both GBF Jr. and GBF senior yelled out realizing that it was too late as Thomas signed the contract. Then, the contract floated up into the air and flew straight into the portal. The freeway begins to crumble and crack as the villains started to be sucked back into the portal and sent back to the afterlife. The park employees and the resistance forces held on for dear life as the portal was sucking in every section of the freeway. Gary's car was dodging some flying debrief while Mordecai was hanging on to a digger with one hand while holding Margret's arm in the other to make sure that she didn't get sucked in and everybody else was using their own unique method of not getting sucked into the portal. Both Fergusson's looked at the portal, and then GBF senior looked at his son.
"Junior" he cried out to him angrily "You just broke the universe record for disappointing your father" he then exploded and was sent into the portal. His son was so distraught by this that he knelt down and screamed to the heavens before he too exploded and was sent into the portal. Every single bit of the highway started to be sucked into the portal forming a bright light. Then, a large explosion shook the park and everything went bright. When everybody opened their eyes, the park was back to the way it was, minus the leaves on the trees and the house was still a wreck. Mordecai, Margret, Rigby, Eileen, and everybody else looked around them and saw the grassy plains and trees were back to the way they were.
"We won" Mordecai said out loud. Everybody started to agree with each other, and then all of them, including the park employees, cheered for their victory. Blake walked over to them and joined in on the celebration.
"Nice job" Blake said to them "especially you Thomas" they all looked to the new employee and patted him on the back for respect.
"Yeah nice job Thomas "Mordecai said to him.
"Yeah, you're gonna make a great addition to the team" Benson said referring to the group of employees. Everyone soon patted him on his head and Thomas started to feel glad for himself.
"Good to have you" said Pops.
"Hah, thanks guys" Thomas said to them "Does… stuff like this happen all the time?" everybody in the group nodded and agreed with what Thomas said.
"Well, it's been good to fight with you guys" Blake said to them.
"Yeah man" said Mordecai.
"Well, my work here is done so I better be going" Blake said to them "Oh and by the way, thanks for your help"
"No problem" said Skips. Everybody waved goodbye to all of the resistance members as they walked out of the park.
"So, I'll see you later then" Margret said to Mordecai.
"Yeah, I'll see you later too" Mordecai said before Margret gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Mordecai waved to Margret as she walked away with Eileen.
"Man, the house is still destroyed" Rigby added.
"Don't worry; we'll have this place cleaned up in no time, right Skips?" Benson said.
"Eh, I've seen worse" Skips said.
"Alright everyone, let's get to it" Benson said. Then he, Skips, and Pops went over to the house while Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost went over to the cart where Mitch took off his shirt and waved in in the air like he normally did.
"Later Grandma" Muscle Man shouted out as he drove away.
"Thomas, we'll catch you later, alright?" Mordecai said to the new employee.
"Uh, yeah" Thomas said with a smile.
"Cool, later Thomas" Rigby said as he walked away with Mordecai to help with the house. As Thomas was thinking about the good things that were about to come from this, his cell phone rang and he answered it, it was his mom.
"Hey mom" Thomas said on the phone "No, no I'm not gonna quit anymore. Yeah, yeah. I think this internship is gonna be really cool".
The End
Yay, so that's the end of the story, I hope everybody enjoyed it. Just so you know, I'm gonna be taking a break throughout December but I'll get back to writing a new story by the beginning of next year. I'm glad of myself, and I will continue to feel proud about my work. See you next year.