Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin!

The runaway prince

Chapter 2

Previously: His son was... sleeping with his manservant, who apparently wasn't a servant at all but a prince, and he was in love with him?! Merlin turned around slowly and saw Arthur standing in the door with his parents and his own.



Arthur was sitting on his old bed with his head in his hands while his father paced around his old bedroom murmuring to himself. Every once in a while he could hear his father saying: "This isn't real. I'll wake up any second now.". Arthur knew he shouldn't find it amusing, but it was, in a way. Until he remembered that he probably wouldn't see Merlin ever again once everyone got over the shock. King Balinor and queen Hunith would take Merlin back to Eldor with them and they wouldn't allow him to come back.

Merlin was still sitting frozen on the chair near the window watching as king Uther started pacing around the room like a caged animal, muttering to himself. His eyes moved from Uther to Arthur who had taken a seat on his old bed, his head rested in his hands as he breathed evenly. Merlin couldn't tell if he was angry or embarrassed. 'Probably both.' Merlin thought grimly.

Sighing inwardly his gaze moved to his mother and father. Balinor was looking thoughtfully at his son as if he was weighing the option of what his son had revealed to him while his mother and queen Igraine had their heads together, whispering and cooing every once in a while. After what seemed like an eternity to Merlin Arthur suddenly stood up and cleared his throat. Their parents turned to look at the prince and Arthur shifted under their gaze.

"I'm in love with Merlin." Uther seemed to chock on his own spit at the open deceleration. "And to be quite honest I don't care what you all think about it. Sure you king Balinor could take him back home, but believe me it will not keep us from another. I am quite angry at Merlin for not telling me he was a prince, but I will get over that. I love him too much to stay mad at him." Their parents seemed to think about what Arthur had said and it was Balinor who spoke first.

"Merlin, son, you and Arthur have my blessing." At that moment several things happened at the same time. Merlin's eyes seemed to bug out of his sockets, Uther gasped quite openly at his long-time friend, Hunith and Igraine cooed again and Arthur smiled gracefully at Merlin's father. Similar statements from Igraine and Hunith followed soon after Balinor spoke and now everyone was looking at Uther for his opinion on the matter. The king shifted greatly under their gazes.

"What about heirs? Balinor, you and Hunith can still have another child and hope for another son, but Igraine and I can't have anymore children after what happened at Arthur's birth." This time Merlin stood up from his place at the window and he spoke strongly, directing his every word at the king. "I have magic, my lord. If need be I could provide Arthur with an heir."

Uther's face paled considerably. Was that boy insinuating what he thought he was? "You mean you can..." Uther couldn't finish the sentence so he moved his hand over his stomach mimicking a pregnant woman. Merlin felt a red hot flush rising from his neck to his cheeks and nose. "Heavens no I didn't mean I personally could... " Merlin did the same gesture. "I meant that I can magically combine mine and Arthur's uh... you know what," The blush returned quickly. "and incest it into a willing woman to carry out a child that would essentially be Arthur's and mine."

Arthur looked equally as shock as his father did at Merlin's statement. He couldn't believe it. Him and Merlin could have a child together. A child that would truly be theirs. He was ecstatic at the mere thought of it. Uther looked considering at Arthur who had now moved over to Merlin and put his arm around the younger prince. Taking a deep breath he made up his mind. "Very well. You shall be married within the week."

Arthur let go of a sigh he had been holding in for what seemed to be ages. He turned to Merlin who's face shone with happiness. He put his hand on Merlin's chin and grasped his face lightly turning it into his direction. "I love you." He whispered softly and placed a small kiss on Merlin's lips. "I love you too." Merlin whispered back happily. By the time they looked back to their parents they saw that they had left the room leaving them alone in their happiness.

Three days till the wedding

"Arthur are you sure? She does understand what she is agreeing to right?" Merlin looked worriedly at his betrothed. "Yes Merlin I promise you Gwen understands perfectly and she wants nothing more than to help us. I explained to her that you will do all the work of combing... well" Arthur cleared his throat. "and that you would... well that all she would have to do was carry out the child." Merlin smiled adoringly at Arthur. He loved it when the blond prince was this embarrassed. "Well I guess all we have to do now is make sure that I can actually make a child right?"

Arthur instantly went from embarrassed to horny. He picked Merlin put from the chair where he had been sitting and carried him over to the bed. He lay him down softly and started kissing down his neck. "We definitely need to make sure of that." Slowly Arthur let his hands wander to Merlin's hips. Letting his hands wander under his betrothed's shirt. Looking up from Merlin's neck Arthur leaned down and kissed Merlin's mouth softly. Merlin's eyes flashed gold momentarily and his and Arthur's clothes disappeared from their body's.

They both shivered lightly as the chilled air in their chambers hit their naked bodies. It didn't diminish their lust for one another however. They kissed again slowly and sensually while Arthur guided his right hand to his and Merlin's manhood. He grasped them both in his hand and stroked slowly but firmly. Merlin moaned deeply into Arthur's mouth and thrust up into his lover's hand loving the felling of Arthur's hand on his erect penis all the while feeling Arthur's penis rubbing against his as well. Disconnecting their mouths Merlin came up for much needed air. He rested his head in the crook of Arthur's shoulder and breathed deeply. "I love you so much Arthur. Ah.. faster. Please."

Arthur grunted deeply and granted Merlin his wish, increasing his strokes in speed. "I love you too Mer. Your everything to me." Merlin moaned and kissed the blond's neck softly. "Ah Arthur... God... I-I... I'm gonna..." Arthur kissed the side of Merlin's face. "Cum for me Mer. Cum all over us." Merlin stilled under Arthur and came with a loud cry of Arthur's name. The blond followed shortly after his beloved. He rolled off of Merlin and they lay panting for a while. After Merlin came down from his high he slowly got up, which invoked much protest from Arthur, and walked over to the desk. He picked up a small glass vile and made sure to put as much of his and Arthur's release into it as he could.

Turning back to the bed Merlin held up the still half empty vile and grinned cheekily at Arthur. "I have three more of these. Think we can fill'em all?" Arthur jumped up from the bed and ran over to Merlin lifting him up. Merlin put the vile back on the table just as Arthur said: "We will most certainly try." They weren't seen by anyone until dinner the next day grinning like two loons. And whenever someone asked why they were so happy all they answered was: "All four of them." Sufficed to say Uther regretted greatly having asked what they meant.

The day of the wedding

Merlin was sitting in Arthur's old bedroom counting down the minutes. Just twenty more and he and Arthur would be married. Gwen, Igraine and his mother were keeping him company, but he was still so nervous his whole body was shaking. "What if he doesn't show? What if he's still angry with me? What if-" "If you say 'what if' one more time... I swear Merlin you aren't too old for me to put you over my knee." The threat from his mother got Merlin to stop talking, but not to stop worrying. "Arthur loves you Merlin. He will be there and if he knows what's good for him my son had better to say yes." Merlin chuckled lightly and smiled.

"What if he changed his mind? What will I do then?" Arthur was pacing around his bedroom driving his father and Balinor crazy. The two kings took turns trying to calm down Arthur but nothing seemed to work. And after two hours of this they were starting to consider putting Arthur in the stocks just so they wouldn't have to listen to him anymore. Then finally it was time to go to the throne room for the wedding.

"Arthur Pendragon, Wilt thou have Merlin Emrys to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

Arthur took a deep breath and looked into Merlin's eyes. "I will."

Geoffrey turned to Merlin and spoke again.

"Merlin Emrys, Wilt thou have Arthur Pendragon to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

Merlin smiled brightly at Arthur and took hold of his hand. "I will."

"Then I know declare you husband and... eh husband." Geoffrey seemed a little uncomfortable but refrained from calling Merlin Arthur's bride, which in hindsight probably was a very good choice. The happy couple turned towards the people of Camelot and Arthur spoke loudly. "People of Camelot, today is a day of celebration. My marriage shall mark the beginning of a beautiful and even stronger friendship between the kingdom of Eldor and Camelot. But we are not only celebrating my wedding today but also the heir that will follow. Gaius has confirmed it. Mine and Merlin's son will be born in nine months time. Drink, eat, celebrate."

All the guests cheered loudly and Arthur and Merlin made their way to their parents. Life was good.


"Raven Alexander Pendragon! You get back here right now!" The little boy turned around and saw his parents standing near the entrance to the castle. He huffed lightly before turning around and running back to them. "Mer don't be so hard on him. It's not often that he gets to see his grandparents. Let him be exited." Merlin turned to face Arthur with a fierce glare. "Excitement is one thing Arthur. I will not have my son be overrun by a cart because he didn't listen to me when I told him not to let go of my hand." Arthur lifted his hands in surrender just as Raven reached his parents.

"Raven, love, you must know what I am not so strict with you to punish you. I just do not want you to get hurt okay." Raven looked up at his father and smiled a little before nodding. "Okay." Merlin held out his hand and Raven took it quickly. Turning to Arthur Merlin leaned in for a kiss. "I love you Arthur." "I love you too Mer." They smiled at one another and watched as Merlin's parents' carriage came closer. 'I'm happily married with a son and a daughter on the way. Life could not get better.' Merlin thought softly.

A/N: Hope you liked this. I'm really sorry for the delay. I had job interviews all week long... anyway I hope your not too angry about the delay...:D Review if you feel like it...