Adam smiled as he hugged his mom goodbye, followed by his father.

The party had reached an end as it was approaching six o'clock. All the children who had attended had fallen asleep, including Joseph. "I'll see you later, mom." He leaned down to kiss Joseph's head, as he rested in his grandmother's arms.

They walked off with their grandchild, agreeing to watch him for a couple hours so Becky and Adam could clean up the area they had been using.

Adam turned around and saw his few friends who were staying to help; Eli and Fiona. Drew had gone earlier with Bianca after taking a generous amount of leftovers. They were going to attend another kind of party soon later that night.

Leo was also helping to clean up and was standing besides Fiona. Adam ignored them as they laughed together and he saw his wife packing away the presents in the back of their car.

"The party was fun." Adam told her as he helped put some presents in the trunk.

Becky sighed and closed the trunk after all the presents were in. She looked at her husband and crossed her arms.

"What's going on with you, Adam?" Becky asked sternly. She was getting a weird vibe the whole time he was around her throughout the day, as if trying to hide or fake something. It irritated her, as if he didn't trust her. "You've been acting strange."

The friends who were cleaning up couldn't help but raise their heads as they heard Becky. "Oh, no." Eli muttered to himself and went back to pretending to clean.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Adam responded and kept his voice low. "Don't speak so loudly, you're making a scene Becky."

Becky's face fell. They've had their fights before but something about this one wasn't like any other. "Excuse me? I'm just concerned about you and want to know what's going on."

Adam scoffed and shook his head, "You never really ask me what's going on and all of a sudden you're interested?" He looked at her more with sadness than with anger.

At this point everyone's eyes were on the couple. All three sat on the same side of a table, since they had finished cleaning.

Becky looked teary eyed as she noticed the little group watching them. She looked at her husband and frowned, "I'll pick Joseph up tonight. You can hitch a ride with someone else." She muttered, only audible for Adam to hear.

She smiled lightly after she turned around to wave to the group that were sitting at the picnic table. "Thank you for coming, guys. I appreciate it." They all thanked her for the food and such when they got up from the table.

Adam moved away as she backed out of the parking lot and drove off. Eli patted his friends shoulder, "It's alright, man."

He sighed in frustration, "At least it was a good party." He shrugged, trying to look on the brighter side even if his wife was furious.

Adam and Eli heard another voice behind them say, "Hey, at least you don't need an excuse to see Fiona tonight." Leo smirked at his own snark remark.

Fiona raised an eyebrow, "How do you know about that?" She asked Leo but before he could answer Adam's fist made contact with Leo's face.

Leo stepped back and put his fingers on his lip as he felt some blood. "What the fuck?" He yelled and glared at Adam as he gained his balance back.

Adam's eyes were cold as he kept looking at the guy. "It's none of your fucking business, okay? And besides it's fucking over, you got her. Happy?"

The last part spilled out. It wasn't intentional because it made it seem that he saw Fiona as prize that both of them wanted.

"She's no prize by the way Leo. Fiona is a loving person who deserves only the best. So you don't fuck that up, understood?"

Before Adam could make another step towards him, he felt some hands on his chest. He hadn't realized Fiona had moved in front of him. "Adam, relax."

His eyes now focused on the brunette in front of her. Adam loved the girl but she couldn't do it anymore, as neither could he. He had been selfish through the whole month, not thinking of the fact he was holding her back.

"Relax." Fiona repeated and looked into his eyes. They were the same height as she wore heels.

Fiona moved a hand up to stroke his cheek, knowing her touch relaxed him. His face softened as he looked at her, she was beautiful; inside and out.

A month of them sneaking around, he got to know her better. He loved her. The way she thought and how she viewed the world, how she always looked at the bigger things than the small.

At this point Leo had staggered off to sit on the bench, as Eli went to find a napkin of some sort. Leo's eyes wouldn't part from the couple as they kept talking.

"I wasn't using you." Adam whispered, continuing to look into the eyes of the brunette, "At first, I was only attracted to your looks, but I love the person you are. It sucks that no one is willing enough to learn more about you."

Fiona couldn't help but smile, "Adam, you're a great guy..." She got distracted as she noticed the way he was looking at her lips.

They leaned in and shared their last kiss; a soft one that held their passion.

After they pulled away, Adam stepped back away from her. "Have fun in New York." He said without taking his eyes off her, "You and me, it didn't happen, okay?"

Before she could say a word, he walked away. Adam had no idea where he was going but he needed to get out of there, his anger becoming too much for himself to handle. As well as his sadness.

Fiona held back tears as she watched him go. She wanted to move on but not forget. Eli ran after his best friend, never seeing him so struck with anger and pained with sadness at once.

"Adam!" Eli called out, trying to not let his best friend get away.


Hahahahahahha so this happened. Sorry y'all :3 this is the last chapter. the sequel is now up and is called "A Memorable Christmas" :D Thanks for your support on this story.
-Peace, johanna