Ed: Will this be the last one?

Spoot: I think so, for this story anyway.

Ed: you mean you're gunna write more!

Spoot: Eddy baby, its only just begun!

Ed: *grumbles under breath* hate when you call me...stupid writers...wish you were dead...


Ed covered his eyes with his hands. Granny watched in amusement. Ed removed his hands with the swiftness of a hunted bunny. "peekaboo!" he exclaimed. The little blond haired, golden eyed girl screeched with amusement. Little Trisha, named after Ed and Al's mother, was 3 years old, as of today.

"winry would have loved to see that." said Granny. Ed looked over at her with a furrowed brow. "Yeah. She would have." He said. his voice slum. Ed looked a bit saddened. "granny, I miss her." he said. Granny nodded. "I figured this would happen. Dont go getting any ideas. you know what happened last time."

"I'm fwee!" Trisha said suddenly. "Thu-ree." said Granny. "Oh let her be." came a voice from the doorway. Ed looked up. "What are you doing here! I thought you had to work!" the person in the doorway stepped further in the room. "I did, untill I told that old fuss pot, today was my daughter's birthday. She about threw me out the door."

Granny smiled. "you missed it Winry. Do it again Ed." He laughed and peekabooed his little girl once more. Winry laughed hard, and joined in the game. they both stopped when the little girl became frustrated. "No...I'm FWEEEEE!"

"Alright, alright. don't have a cow..." Ed started, but trailed off. Cow...why did that ring a bell, and feel so familiar? he shrugged it off and laughed. Winry picked the girl up and began to order Ed to do some things around the house. Trisha occasionally saying, "Yeah daddy."

Ed found he couldn't sleep that night. he got up, and walked down the hall. They had moved here a few months after Trisha was born. a few miles away from Granny's house. He couldn't bring himself to leave Risonbool. it was the best place to raise a family. quiet and down to earth.

Ed found himself in the kitchen. he was about to get a glass of milk, he secretly enjoyed when no one was looking, when he heard a child's laughter. he set the glass on the counter and headed in the direction of his little girls room.

He found her out of her bed. She was sitting on the floor, looking up at the wall. "T.W?" when she heard her father's voice, she looked over at him. "Hi daddy!"

"Why are you not in bed?"

"Daddy, look." She said, pointing to the wall. Ed glanced, but saw nothing in the dim room, but butterflies Winry had painted on the wall. "Yes, they're very pretty, now, chop chop, in bed, let's go." he picked her up, but stopped dead when she asked, "Daddy. Who's Gweed?" he swiveled her around in his arms to face him. "Why would you ask me that?" She shrugged and giggled. he sighed, figuring it was a game kids played now-a-days, and put her in her little wooden bed all painted pink.

"Eat that." Winry said a bit irritated. Trisha was wanting to toss her waffle on the floor. Ed emerged, buttoning up his shirt. he kissed his wife on the top of her head, then his little girl. "Eat that." He said, stopping her from tossing it. "No." She said. "All day, day in, day out." Winry said, reaching over and pulling the cloth napkin from her pesky daughters mouth. Ed laughed. "Well, at least she's not making circles at the table." he said. Winry did not look amused. "Not funny Ed." He shrugged. "ZOOOOOOOSH!" Trisha exclaimed, tossing her half eaten waffle across the room. both parents just sighed.

His little girl had an affinity for transmutation circles. not Ed's idea, nor Winry's, it was just something she had picked up. Ed swore he would keep his terrible past away from his little one. but somehow, she knew. in things she would say. like the time she asked if Grandma had suffered. Ed nearly spanked her, but she looked so frightened, that he lowered his hand. that was the first, and last time he would raise a hand to her, untill today.

"Ok, I'm off." Winry said as she kissed Ed good-bye. "And me!" Trisha said. "And you." She replied picking up the little one and giving her a big kiss. "I love you both. no mess when I come home please!"

"We love you!" said Trisha, waving her mother off to work. Ed as well, waved. When they were back in the house, things took a turn for bad...Trisha took off to her room with laughter, and Ed made it a point, that today, he was gunna check something off his to-do list. he didn't get far into his wooden sculpture when he heard his little girl scream.

He burst in her room. She was sitting on the floor, looking at the wall. "Wha?" Ed mumbled, turning his head to one side. She looked over at him, then pointed at the wall. "Pwide" She said. Ed stepped into her room. "What did you say?" He seemed to recall a very horrific time in his life, where a certain inky ass hole had nearly ruined, said, life. "Pwide." She said again, pointing at the wall. "One more time." He growled. "P...rrr..ide." She had got it right. he raised his hand to her. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!"

"Daddy?" She said in the sweetest voice she could muster. Ed stopped himself. he looked at his hand, raised high in the air, ready to strike his only child. he was afraid of himself, more than he was of what was going on with his daughter. "Daddy, you're scaring me..." She cried out. tears were on their way down her face. Ed lowered his hand. "I'm so sorry." was all he could say. "You have fun. Ok, daddy hasta clean the mess in the kitchen..." With that, he turned and left the room.

Trisha looked over at the was. the butterflies gone. covered in black. The little girl smiled. as did her wall. "That was a fun game." said the wall. "I told you." said the little girl. "What next?" asked the wall. The little girl giggled.

"Ed? What are you doing?" asked Winry, she stepped in the house, and he was sitting at the table, with a knife. "Where's T.W?" she asked. "In her room..." Ed's voice was hollow. there was hardly any life in it at all. "...playing...with Pride..." Winry was on her way to the little girls room when she stopped. "Pride?" She said in a tiny voice. she turned to Ed. "PRIDE!" He yelled, stabbing the knife in the table. She jumped with a gasp. "I almost hit her today...I scared myself Win...I scared myself bad..." He got up and began to walk over to her.



"are...are you taking you're meds?" Winry said again, more slowly and focused. trying to calm her frantic husband, who teeter toterd toward the deep end. Ed looked confused, What meds? he never took any meds. Cow? It looks like a cow...His eyes got big. He grabbed Winry by the shoulders and began to shake her. "Tell me what you know! now! NOW WINRY! Or I sware I'll-"

"you'll what! Ed! KILL ME!" She shouted. He let her go by tossing her to the ground. "Why would you say that?" She looked up at him, tears covering her face. He got down beside her. "Why?" she sobbed. "Why Winry?" she sobbed again. "TELL ME GODDAMN IT!"



"Ok...ok...but you gotta calm down...please...Ed...you're scaring me..."

Ed sat at the table in shock. "Why don't I remember any of this?" Winry was standing closer to the front door, as far away from him as she could be. She was holding a frying pan. "I don't know Ed. I give you the injections once every 2 weeks. but its like you block it out. the day I told you I was pregnant, you never spoke a word of this Pride thing, and the meds, or the illness"


"Yes." She said. Ed nodded, very slowly. "I almost believe you." he said. "No, no...you just want me to think I'm crazy. no...Pride is back, and he's getting to our kid, don't you see Win?!"

Winry shook her blond head hard. "NO ED! NO..." She began to cry again. Ed got up, and when he did, she flinched and raised the pan. He put his hands up in surrender and sat back down. "If this is true, not saying I believe you, then why even stay Winry, what for?"

"Because I loved you." She sobbed. He looked up at her with hurt eyes. "Loved..." He repeated. "Love, Love Ed...gods, it's just so hard, you know..."

"No...you said 'loved' I heard it...you dont love me Winry?" It was quiet. "Winry..."


"Winry..." It was quiet again. "WINRY!"

"Ed, shut up...whens the last time you heard T.W?" the two of them looked at each other, then both bolted for the little girls room.

What a mess it was. the room was covered in blood. in the middle of the floor, laying on a crayon drawn transmutation circle, was a rotting, contorted body of a child. Winry covered her mouth and turned into Ed's chest. He wrapped his arms around her and looked on in quiet agony. his little girl appeared out from her dressing room. "Aww...bwoken..." She said. "TRISHA WINRY ELRIC! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Ed hollerd. Trisha looked up in tears. "Did it wong..."

Ed was pacing back and forth in front of the little deviant, she was sitting in her time out chair. Winry had passed out, and was now resting on the couch with a cool cloth on her head. "You wanna tell me what that was all about?" Ed finally asked. Trisha looked up at him. "Kyle." she said. Ed knew him, he was a little boy down the road, who Trisha did not care for.

"P..rr..ide said, I haf'a bwing him back." She said, then giggled. Ed nearly raised his hand, but stopped himself. "Well, you tell pride to go to hell! do you have any idea what you've done! What did you give up? What was it!" He snatched her up and began to inspect her body. She squirmed. "Daddy. what you mean daddy? give what? Daddy, What?" Ed plopped her back down in her chair.

"Nothing is missing, that I can see..." He said. "I tilled you about the laws of Alchemy, right?" She nodded. "I didn't bwing nuffin back. i took away Kyle. hims bad Daddy. bad!" Ed was confused. "you didn't try to bring someone back?" She shook her head. "I took away Kyle." Ed's eyes widened. He got it. "Oh my god, you killed a kid!" She shook her head. "Pwide did daddy, honest. Hims bad, daddy! BAD!"

"I'm well aware of that, I don't want you talking to Pride any more, you got that! and this..." He pointed to the mess on the floor. "We will never speak of it again! NEVER! you got that?" She nodded. With that Ed buried the mess in the back yard, and a week after, they moved.

Spoot: The end!


Spoot: I think I can.

Ed: what happens next! I gatta know!

Spoot: maybe one day...