A/N: This is my second story on english. I got too excited when I finished second chapter, so I decided to post this story. If it will be well accepted, I will probably continue it (I have couple of more one-shots in process) but if not I will fully focus on my first story. ;T WARNINGS: I'm a russian speaker, expect mistakes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Amano's drugs.

The Byakuran Effect.

Summary: Byakuran is a person with the knowledge of a billion Byakurans. His powers and Mare rings are sealed, but it doesn't mean he doesn't remember. "Tsunayoshi-kun, how do you think the world would be if you was a girl?" "What?" Tsuna prefer he forgot.

Inspired by: 'Phalaenopsis' by Koyuki11, 'Parallel' by SkyGem and other AU KHR fics.

Warnings: OOC-ness, AU, many mistakes

Chapter 1: Part 1

In the fancy decorated office, the only sounds were the shuffling of the papers and quite humming. The young Decimo Boss of the Vongola Famiglia was sitting behind his oak desk with a dejected glare. 25-year-old male, with brown gravity-defying hair and chocolate-brown eyes was scowling at towering in front of him stacks and stacks of paperwork. Sawada Tsunayoshi mentally groaned. Paperwork is his worst enemy ever. The only enemy he truly hates. The prize for making him angry, helpless and miserable in the same time, without any questions goes to this damned thing (well actually the first place occupied Reborn, as he was the one who usually makes him do the paperwork, but it would be easier just to blame the paperwork. He didn't want any more bullets in his body, thank you very much). He would probably prefer to fight all of his ex-enemies together, than do the paperwork, but alas, he had no choice…

And speaking about ex-enemies…

Tsunayoshi twitched at the cheerful humming coming from another occupant of the room and sighed.

"Byakuran… I'll ask again, what are you doing here?"

The albino on the sofa across the room turned his gaze away from the bag of marshmallows in his hands to look at a young man behind the desk and pleasantly smiled.

"Why, Tsunayoshi-kun~ I'm just keeping you company, while you are suffering from your punishment~" smile on his face was sickly sweet, that Tsuna need to wonder if those marshmallows made Byakuran consist of them.

Corner of Tsuna's mouth twitched, as he remembered why exactly he was locked in his office with that white monster (paperwork, not Byakuran. Even paperwork was more frightening than psycho Byakuran).

Who knew that going out for an ice-cream with I-Pin and Fuuta, while thinking that his Guardians wouldn't notice his absence for a half an hour, will cause the nearly destruction of the mansion, freaked out Guardians and pissed off Reborn. Tsuna pouted. His guardians and sadistic tutor became too over-protective to his liking. Even after the war with the Millifiore half a year ago and his so called 'death', they became like hawks watching his every move and breath. His still recovering health didn't help in one bit, as he was ordered (forced) to stay at the mansion and letting his friends and Reborn to deal with the mayhem in the outside world after the Millifiore fall.

"Then, I have another question. How did you get here, when Hayato clearly stated for you to stay away from me like… at another continent?"

And to add to his 'home arrest', Decimo's Guardians forbid anybody to meet him, while he was recovering and it included especially Byakuran. As Byakuran was released from the special part of Vindice's jail, containing Vongola's enemies (due to his newfound goodness and a word from Uni), they prohibited the former Millifiore Boss from seeing, breathing and even walking on the same land as Decimo. They'd like not to take any chances, even if Mare ring and his powers were sealed and Byakuran himself didn't bear any ill-feeling towards the Decimo anymore.

The violet-eyed man hummed and popped another marshmallow into his mouth.

"Your loyal right-hand sure have an interesting security system~"

Tsuna sighed. He had no patience to make sense from Byakuran, so he just signed document in front of him and took another one from the stack.

For a few moments there was only sound of the scribbling pen and rare sighs from the brunet.

Byakuran who became silent, was thoughtfully watching at the sweet, soft, white treat in his fingers.


"Tsunayoshi-kun, how do you think world would be if you was a girl?"

"What?" lifted his head Tsuna, afraid that he did heard albino right.

"If you - was a woman" repeated Byakuran chewing at marshmallow. "How do you think your life would be?"

"… I honestly don't know how to answer you Byakuran." slightly bewildered replied Tsuna, focusing his attention on the white-haired man, feeling that he is going to hear something interesting. "I can't imagine myself as a girl." Despite everyone telling him he was quite feminine.

Tsuna's lips formed into a pout. He was not feminine.

Byakuran lazily smirked.

"Funny thing, you answered me exactly the same only on the contrary, that other time."

"Huh?" Tsuna frowned. He felt like it was going somewhere, but couldn't quite elaborate where.

"You know." on Byakuran's face bloomed wide grin. "In the parallel world, where the Decimo is a pretty girl."

"Oh, now I - wait, what?!"

"Oh, I'll tell you this story~ It all started when the famous Vongola Famiglia's Boss, Nono, fell ill…"