Are you guys mad at the over-due update? PLEASE DON'T BE! I had it completed a few days ago, but then I was hit by a car and I'm still in the hospital. Never Drive while Drunk, GOT IT?! I have to be pushed around in a wheel chair. I feel useless... BUT! The good news is that I'm back home!
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.
~Chapter 10~
Dawn had just slid down the wall of her chosen hiding spot, openly sobbing into her hands, when she felt the nervous presence of someone else. She instantly bolted into an upright position while wiping her eyes clear of her tears. She blinked up the new presence as they blearily came into focus.
"May?" the bluenette gasped as she took in the sight of the sapphire eyed brunette.
Said girl quickly took a few steps back, getting ready to run.
"W-wait!" Dawn cried, hurriedly getting to her feet. May paused, watching her warily.
"I'm so sorry about your family, May. But I also can't help but feel jealous. You…You know what happened to your family. I never got that luxury." May blinked and let down her guard slightly.
"You're a pirate." She said uncertainly. Dawn hesitated before nodding.
"I am a pirate. But I became one because it was my only option! It was either that, or become stranded. I couldn't just give up on life." May looked at her, obviously confused, before sitting down and pulling Dawn down with her.
"Care to explain?" The brunette asked, giving her a side-long look.
Dawn took a deep breath and began.
"Well, believe it or not, I was born into a high-class family. My father loved taking me and my mother on extravagant trips, and the last one he ever took us on was a cruise. It started out great, but before we had even gotten to the second stop of the trip, we were attacked. By the Pirates of the Frozen Pride." Dawn snarled out the name of the ship, a look of pure hate surfacing in her watery cobalt eyes. May placed a hand on her arm, urging her on with her story with her curios sapphire eyes.
"My father sent me below deck along with my mother, and after a few minutes we heard the sound of fighting. It seemed to go on forever! Endless sounds of swords clanking against swords, guns being fired, and bodies thumping to the ground. And when the noises finally faded, my mother went to find my father. That was the last I ever saw of her." Dawn slammed her fist into the floor, startling May.
"The Frozen Pride's Captain must have ordered the crew to strand the ship, because next thing I knew and I was being knocked around by this huge storm. I remember being thrown against the wall and hitting my head, but after that….A big black blank." She shook her head.
"Next thing I know and I'd been pulled onto the Bloody Rose." Dawn looked at May, who stared at her blankly.
"If you hate Pirates so much, then why are you here?" She mumbled. Dawn gave her a weak smile.
"I'll only say this: Don't listen to Drew's claims. It's just the way he manages to not get blasted out of the ocean." She gave a small laugh before the ship lurched violently to the right and a cannon was blasted, rocking the ship even more and causing the two girls to slide into the wall farthest from them.
Dawn fought to stand, and when she succeeded she offered her hand to May, who gratefully allowed the bluenette to pull her to her feet.
"I don't know how you got out May, but I'm gonna need to ask you to go back to your cabin. If you can get out again, well, I could care less. Just stay safe, got it?" Dawn asked, placing one of her hands on May's shoulder.
May nodded before turning and taking a few steps away before turning back and shooting a smug grin towards Dawn.
"Glacier figured out how to turn the lock."
Can anyone guess who the Frozen Pride's Captain is? Bet you can't~!
Sunny: Awww! Thanks!
GGU: ...WHOOOA THERE! It's not that big of a deal. :P I just said that so that you'd be able to reveiw the real chappy! K? We all good?
The Moltres's Flame: Yeeeaaah, I didn't really plan this story out. . I'm tryin', but I've got like No ideas. Don't worry though! In the future I'll make sure I have an idea mostly developed in the future!
MudkipLover33: As explained in this chapter, Because of those Damned Frozen Pride Pirates.
rabiya123: As I told The Moltres's Falme, I didn't really think this story through. I am working very hard at trying to improve the whole "Think, THEN act" thing though, if that makes any sense. Thank you for sticking with Un-reliable me through all this time!
reppad98: Yes, Poor Ryan. XD (BTW: He's mad that I told you. Meh, To bad for him) OMG If all my reveiwers are bringing that up then I REALLY need to work on it! /shot/
Fprmr1: Meh, They were fine. The nurses at this hospital are much worse, always fussing over me. :P I'm surprised I havn't died from too much attention.
SpecialxGirl: Thanks so much! And the cats? I went to the stables, climbed into the hayloft, and POOF! The barn cats, (Can you guess their names? lol) showed up and started doing the most hilarious things. And yes, One of them is called "Pikachu". ...Imma dork, lol.
Eeveexme: I wouldn't say I rule, If anything I'd say I suck...And, (OMG CONFESSION TIME! /shot/) I kinda ended up using the cats because I had nothing planned. Shocker. I hardly ever plan anything through. Oldrival Shipping? One of my fav shippings! I'll see what I can do with that~