Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling et al. Any characters or locations you recognise are the intellectual property of these individuals and corporations. I make no money from the writing of this story.

Story Time at the Manor

Hermione Malfoy entered the Manor and placed her bags on one of the hall tables. A house elf immediately popped into the hall to gather them. "Thank you Nessby, these ones are to go to the laundry, these ones to the library and these ones straight to my dressing room please," she requested indicating the different bags. "Where is Master Lucius?" she asked.

"Master is in his study with Young Master and Baby Mistress, Mistress," the elf replied. Thanking the elf as he disappeared with the bags, Hermione turned to the grand staircase and began her climb to Lucius's second floor study. She could hear his voice as she approached, unable to make out the words but able to appreciate the deep, rumbling sound of it. Clamping down on her usual reaction to it (she was mindful that Draco and Elizabeth were in the room) she stopped in the open doorway, flushed with happiness as she took in the most domestic scene within.

Lucius was lying on one of the sofas, his head propped up on a large cushion against one of the armrests. His green, silk waistcoat was open and hanging to the sides of his trim body. The top three buttons of his white, Egyptian cotton shirt were undone. The baby was lying on her tummy on his chest, her face turned to the side so Hermione was easily able to see she was asleep. Her cheek was resting on her father's bare skin. Draco was sitting comfortably in an armchair, his long legs stretched out on an ottoman, crossed at the ankles. His arms were resting comfortably behind his head. His unwavering gaze was fixated on the figure of his baby sister, and he was smiling gently at the little sleep noises and movements she was making.

Lucius had one hand resting on Elizabeth's back to hold her in place, absently rubbing in gentle circles. His other hand held a sheaf of parchment from which he was reading aloud to Draco. His tone of voice was reminiscent of a man who was telling a fairy tale however Hermione could clearly hear him quoting figures, rating stocks and listing various properties to his son. Hermione cleared her throat gently as she entered the room, raising an eyebrow as to Lucius's behaviour. Draco chuckled as he realised how they must have looked.

"What? I am reading a story to my children," Lucius defended.