Magic And Its Price

A blue box appears out of nowhere, a silent sound acknowledging its presence. Soon, a young man in a brown suit comes out of it, fixing his bowtie with one hand, "Doctor, where are we?", a readheaded woman asks, hand-in-hand with a tallish brownhaired guy. She looks around her, her eyes filled with amazement and wonder, "It looks like a picture from a fairytale I used to read as a kid."

The man with the bowtie - the Doctor, she called him - stiffens and runs back into the blue box, "Off we go, Amy."

"But we just got here, Doctor.", the woman, Amy, says, a puzzled look on her face, "Why are we leaving?"

"You should've known you can't escape me, Doctor.", the Doctor's eyes widen and he turns away from the control board.

"Rumplestilskin,", says the Doctor before the man could utter another word, "I assume you've came to collect what I've promised you."

"I already thought you forgot, laddie.", Rumpelstilskin says, a smirk on his face.

"Rumpelstilskin?", Amy yells out in amazement, "Are we in a fairytale, Doctor? A real fairytale?", she says, turning to face the Doctor, "Happily-ever-after fairytale?"

The Doctor ignores her, his eyes settled on Rumpelstilskin who can't help but reply, "This is far from a happy ending, dearie."

"You were supposed to bring her back.", he never should've trusted him, he knows now.

Rumpelstilskin just smiles, "I did - you were the one that let her go. Now fill your part of the deal, laddie."

"No.", the Doctor says coldly, his gaze on the man not breaking.

"Every magic,", the man says, lifting a hand, "comes with a price.", he finishes, raising his other hand and smiling.

Doctor's eyes water and he goes back inside the blue box. Amy turns to the man by her side, "Rory, what is he doing?", Rory shrugs, his eyes on Rumpelstilskin.

When the Doctor comes out, in his hand there is a watch Amy never saw before; a round pocket-watch appeared to be made out of stone with its grey-coloring, little circles ingraved on it; and he hesitantly gives it to the man.

"Thank you, laddie.", Rumpelstilskin says, putting the watch in his pocket without a second glance.

No one crosses Rumpelstilskin, after all.

With a tilt of his head, he is gone and behind him lays a single red rose.

"Who is he pretending to be?", Amy says while picking up the rose from the ground, "The phantom of the opera?"


Amy looks at him, lightly smelling the rose, her eyes filled with simpathy, "Who was he supposed to bring back, Doctor?"

The Doctor speaks, his voice barely above a whisper, "Rose."

A/N: Just so there is no confusion - the watch I am reffering to is the one the tenth Doctor used to make himself human.