The days were growing warmer in anticipation of the summer season. Each day started a bit sooner, each night arriving later. The silhouettes of people by the beach at sunset were multiplying as each day went by, and the anticipation for a certain annual summer family getaway was growing bigger everyday. Red x's began to appear on the calendar as a spunky, brunette teen began to countdown the days.
June 20th
The first day of summer; Kids of all ages leave their schools without looking back as they head towards their long awaited summer vacation. Already you can hear plans for this summer break being tossed around the air by all the students.
On the edge of the street stands a young 16 year old girl with brunette hair and sapphire like eyes in a typical school uniform waiting to be picked up for the last time this school year. Next to her stands a boy of 13 with forest green hair and large glasses resting on his nose.
"Oh, I can't wait for this year's family trip. Max!" The brunette girl says to the boy, "Going back to Johto for the whole summer and being with Grandma and Grandpa! Aren't you excited?"
Max closes his eyes and sighs, a small mushroom-shaped cloud escaping his mouth, "Not really. I don't get how you get all excited to go to the same place every single year, May."
May's eyes narrow at him, "Well, excuse me, little brother, for being excited to see our grandparents!"
"Hey, I love my grandparents as much as the next kid, I just wish we saw more of Johto, not just Goldenrod City."
Before May can say anything, they hear the familiar sound of a truck's horn from around the corner. They turn to see their parent's silver truck with their father Norman in the driver's seat. A Combusken is peeping out from the back window.
May and Max make their way to the car and hop inside, May happily greeting her fire chicken Pokemon.
"How was school, kids?" Norman asks, pulling out onto the road towards their home.
"Fine," both the teens answer simultaneously at the usual daily question. Max is paying attention to May's Combusken while May is looking out the window playing with her hair as she daydreams about the summer that lays ahead of her.
"So, you guys excited for our trip this year?" Norman asks, as if he reads May's mind.
"I AM!" May responds enthusiastically while Max gives a monotone 'Yeah.'
"Good," says Norman, "Because this year should be fun." He sounds as if he's hiding something in his words, but neither Max nor May say anything, as they know their dad always makes things seem like a huge secret.
The car pulls into the driveway of their home where a Treeko is waiting for his master to come home.
"TEEKO!" Max says happily, letting himself out of the car and running straight to the small green lizard that jumps and runs for boy as well.
"We're home!" Norman announces as he opens the screen door of the house, walking into the kitchen where he finds his wife Caroline removing oven mitts from her hands.
"Hi, Mom," May says happily to the tall brunette woman and kisses her cheek.
"How was school, sweetie?" She asks but before May can answer she yells out the window to Max, warning him not to ruin his uniform. May makes her way to her bedroom as her parents engage in a conversation about what's for dinner this evening.
When May enters her room, she immediately throws off her school bag and jacket and they land with a thud on the corner of her bedroom. Combusken follows her.
On her desk sit four pokeballs and she picks one up and throws it in the air. Out pops a large butterfly with colorful wings, large blue eyes and a straw-like mouth that curves at the end.
"Beaauuuutiflyyy," the butterfly shouts as it flies around the room happily, then lands on May's head and greets Combusken, who is seated on the floor across the room.
"You guys excited?" May asks as she strips off her school clothes and being careful not to disturb the butterfly Pokemon perched on her head. Both her Pokemon answer back enthusiastically, mostly because they like seeing their trainer happy. Beautifly flies away from may and lands on her bed frame as May pulls a comfortable tee over her head and then pulls on some loose gym shorts.
"I can hardly wait," May says, landing on her bed, "The long summer days in beautiful Goldenrod, shopping at the department store all day with Grandma, cooking with Grandpa, taking you guys to the park…"
May suddenly gets up from the bed, "I should ask Mom and Dad when we're leaving!" She returns Beautifly into its pokeball and rushes out her room and towards the kitchen, with Combusken following closely behind.
When she arrives at the kitchen, May finds her brother at the table with Norman while Caroline is taking dinner out of the oven.
"Oh, there you are, May," Caroline says, "Be a dear and set the table, please."
May does as she is told and at the same time clears her throat, telling her family she has something on her mind.
"So, Mom, Dad," she starts as she sets the plates on the table, "It's summer."
"Mmhmm.." Caroline responds, placing food in the middle of the table.
"Yes, we can see that, May," Norman replies.
"You know what happens every summer, right?" May continues, placing the last glass on the table then sitting down across from her brother, who is ignoring all of this as he plays with his Treeko who is perched on his shoulder.
Norman chuckles, "I see where this is going. You're talking about our annual trip to your grandparent's house."
"Yes!" May responds as she helps herself to some of the food on the table, "When should I start packing? When exactly are we gonna get there? The department store is waiting for me! Johto is waiting for me!"
Caroline giggles as she sits down next to May, "Should we tell them now, dear?"
Max and May exchange glances.
"I suppose," Norman responds.
"Tell us what?" Max and May say simultaneously.
"Aren't we going to Johto this year anymore?" May asks.
"Oh, we're going to Johto, alright," Norman explains, "But I never said we were going to Goldenrod City, did I?"
"What!?" May and Max exclaim, again at the same time.
"Where are we going, Dad!?" Max asks, finally excited at the thought of this year's vacation.
"Olivine City," both Caroline and Norman say.
"Olivine City!?" the kids exclaim.
"What about Grandma and Grandpa!?" May exclaims, her heart suddenly dropping at the thought of going one year without seeing her beloved grandparents.
"They're in Unova this summer," Caroline explains, "So we're spending our summer this year in a beach house in Olivine City!"
"But we don't know anybody there!" May remarks.
"You don't," Norman clarifies, "But I do. We're staying at a good friend of mine's beach house this whole summer. You guys will love it!"
Max celebrates at the fact that he'll get to see some place else other than Goldenrod City, but May sinks in her seat. There goes her good summer.
Initially posted this on under the username Shiny_Clefairy. Thought I'd give it a go here. Please tell me if you like it. x