Sorry. Been busy.

Thanks for all your reviews and what nots.


That night at dinner, Leo and Raph asked the younger turtles about practice. "You guys were amazing at practice today," Leo complimented them. Don mumbled a thanks while Mikey didn't respond.

"I'll cut to the chase," Raph said, "How were you guys so good today? You should be rusty, not better then ever."

Mikey looked up, a scared look in his eyes, while Don looked mad. "Why can't we be good?" he asked. "We've been training all our lives, a little brake shouldn't matter."

"It shouldn't, but it always does," Leo told Don, taken aback by the smart-turtle's anger. "There's nothing wrong with being rusty.

Don looked as if he was going to argue again, but Mikey cut him off. "Don. Can't we just tell them? They won't be mad at us."

Raph and Leo shared a look before turning their attention on the youngest mutant. "What are you talking about, Mike?" Raph asked gently.

The scared look returned to Mikey's eyes, but he fought through his pain to tell Raph what happened. "When...when we we're with...him," Mikey started, still unable to say their captor's name, "He had us fight."

Don began to look scared as well, and moved his chair closer to Mikey. Putting his arm around his younger brother, Don picked up the story. "Sometimes we'd fight his agents. Robots, a few times. But mostly, he made us fight each other."

"We don't know why he made us do it," Mikey spoke again, "But we always did it because if we didn't, he'd hurt the other."

"After all the time fighting the robots and soldiers, we learned some new moves, which you saw today" Don finished.

Once the story was done, Leo and Raph were both upset. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Leo asked, only getting two shrugs as an answer.

Raph watched his younger brothers for a moment before speaking. "Maybe we should hold off on sparring in practice for a bit," he suggested.

"Thank you," Mikey answered quietly.

The rest of dinner went by quickly, ending with Mikey and Don going to bed early.

"So why do you think Bishop made them fight?" Raph asked his older brother.

"Who knows with that guy," Leo answered. "Probaly some experiment."

"Mikey was able to talk about it without crying," Raph pointed out. "That's a good sign."

"Yeah," Leo sighed gratefully. "I think they're going to be okay."