A/N Ok so new story time! Hard to explain but the pairing is Raven/Trish/John, thats a weird combo, anyways its an AU story and hopefully it pans out, so onwards tonto and enjoy!

Chapter 1 Meeting you

Trish Stratus pulled the little bit of paper from the ad, more than ready to move out. Due to the past that threatened to make her break down again, Trish had been living in a dingy motel, her father had secretly paid for it, there was no way her mother would help her now. Trish had broken her heart, broken it beyond repair or so her mother said. Every move the young blonde made was wrong and her mother had had enough. Trish was basically kicked to the curb after the latest drama and now had to resort to surviving on her own. Well mostly on her own, her father still cared for her even if he was heart-broken as her mother. As her brown eyes scoured the address and phone number, she tried to keep the past from repeating in her brain. It all came down to life style and the way she couldn't help but being. Trish was in line to marry a nice young man, settle down with all the riches of being a trophy housewife, all what was expected of her was too cook, clean and pop out babies. Trish couldn't do it, she had her own plans, Trish hated that even though she was very bright, she was expected to put her brain on the shelf and rely soley on her beauty. Then there was her personality, her husband wanted her to be nothing more than a dull spark in the night, someone who was better seen and not heard. The out-going candian just couldn't do it, there were some people that just needed to be told to shut the fuck up, like her cousin Melody for example. And the last thing that really made her marriage a deal-breaker, Trish liked women. Men had nothing she wanted, it was the beauty and brains of a woman that she craved, when her mother found out, Trish saw it in her eyes, the grand-children she planned for slipping into the realm of the lost, her only daughter, a filthy lesbian, a disgusting dyke. Her mother wanted nothing more to do with Trish, she just kicked her out and went on as though nothing had changed. Shaking away the past and the screaming insults that Alice fired at her, Trish pushed in the number, she had made little money doing odd jobs, jobs that she wasn't proud of but in order to survive, sometimes you had to rely on whatever skill you had. She planned on moving out from the little shoe-box room her father was paying for, once she was on her feet she would get herself a proper job and hopefully make a fresh start. As the rings went on and on, she couldn't help but get nervous, she could only hope the number she rang was a woman, women were usually easier to talk too. With the exception of Alice, her cold distant mother.

"Hello, Raven speakin"

Her accent and way of speaking instantly hit something in Trish, she wasn't sure what, but it was hit and for a moment the busty blonde couldn't speak.


"Um Hi," Trish finally got out, pulling herself together she managed to put a sentence togther. "I saw your ad and was interested in moving in"

Raven's tone changed and Trish could hear the kindness float through the phone, it gave her a strange peace that she was yearning for. "Sure, I'll set up a meetin, we can go from there"

"Well I'm free anytime today" Or tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day.

There was a slight jumbling as Trish assumed Raven was checking her other engagements. "Well I have a spare hour today, about two?"
"Sounds good, see you then"

When Trish got off the phone she instantly sent a text to her father saying that she had a meeting about a flat, she didn't want to rely on his secret money forever, although that would be an easy option. Actually now that Trish thought about it, the easiest option would be to hide her sexuality and just marry that fucktard Ron. Trish just couldn't do it, even if it would make everything better.

Right on two Trish went to her meeting, her father told her good luck and he would lend her more money if needed. Trish looked to the plain one story house hoping that a spare room lay inside for her. Going up the wooden decking, she tried to soothe her own nerves. Trish could only hope that she didn't look too bad, her track pants and t-shirt were her only reminders from her now broken home. Lightly she tapped on the door, her nerves right on the edge. The ranch slider pulled back and for a moment her breath caught in her throat, the girl on the other side wasn't what she expected. Her long black hair hung freely with its ringlets of silver. Those soft eyes flashing silver and skin heavily inked it was hard to figure what was skin and what was ink. Little hints of metal poked out from her face and belly button. The last thing that Trish noticed was the fact that on a blazing hot day, she was wearing all black. There wasn't an ounce of colour in her material, the most colour on her came from her tattoos. It was her gentle smile that put Trish at ease, soft and inviting,

"You must be mystery girl on my phone this mornin" Her accent was light with a definate twang, whatever country she was from it wasn't this one.

"Yeah, I'm Trish Stratus" She extended her hand which Raven took, her skin so soft it made Trish want to feel the rest of it.

"Raven Michales." Raven stepped aside and let the young blonde inside, her silver eyes scaling over the petite frame, Raven put her eyes in her head, perving wouldn't be tolerated. "So, take a seat and we'll talk about the room"

Trish took a seat at the wooden oak table, several papers spread over the glossy wood, thick text books strewn every which way. "So what are you studying?"

"Its meant to be psychology, but I'm startin to think its just guess work" Raven laughed, Trish got the joke knowing that not many people would. "I'm meant to be studying but its boring me slightly, funny how things do that." Raven flasher her a perfect grin, her eyes flicking with such brightness it made Trish hope for two things, a spare room and Raven to be a lesbian or at least into girls.

"Would you like a hot drink Trish?"

"Um sure, white coffee, no sugar"

"Sweet enough huh?"

Trish let out a nervous giggle, never had she had an attraction like this, it was almost instant and that freaked her out more than she realised, keeping it down, she nodded, "Yeah I guess thats it Raven"

"Not me, I'm all about the sugar. A little more sweetness won't kill me, at least thats my theory"

Once Raven had made them both hot caffine, she sat down at the table and looked into those brown eyes, Raven liked looking at them, so sweet and chocolaty, now she was craving chocolate. They talked about the room and other bits and peices, by the time Trish left an hour later, she was happier than she had been in years, she had a room, a roof over her head and a new friend. Everything was slowly working out, at least thats what Trish hoped for, she didn't want this to be another wrong turn because for the first time in a long time, something felt right.

A/N Ok so thats chapter numero-ono, hopefully you guys enjoyed it, should I continue on and yes John comes into it eventually yay!