Aaaah vacations! First order of business: finish this story. So I can move on to others. I have a pile I already started. Must get on with it.

Sorry this took so long, but I've been sooooo busy. Ah, the life of a procrastinator. But I've finally gotten a much deserved break, and it's time to update for the last time. Thank you if you have stuck with this story since the beginning, it's been very therapeutic to write, and let's hope the Powers that Be at Glee give us a prompt Klaine reconciliation for real. Fanfiction can only do so much to keep me somewhat sane regarding this matter. :(

Disclaimer: Glee belongs to RIB & Co. and FOX.

Above The Wreckage

by HappyValentina


Blaine woke up startled from a weird dream. For a moment he felt really disoriented. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light and he soon recognized the ceiling in his own room.

It was still early, but the sun was already up, judging from the faint shine coming in through the edges of the curtains. He looked down at his clothes and remembered. Prom night. He was still wearing the trousers and white shirt of his tux, his jacket and bow tie crumpled somewhere at his feet.

He glanced next to him. Kurt was fast asleep, also still wearing his shirt and trousers. His pearly white bow tie was undone around his neck. Blaine smiled, settling back down to watch Kurt sleep.

Prom had been awesome, at least by his standards. As vice-president, Sam had planned the whole thing on his own with the prom committee, and pulled it off to amazing effect. The theme was "The Beatles": there were Yellow Submarine-style decorations, the photo booth was a British telephone booth, and Sam, Artie, Jake and Ryder were dressed like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band; there was even a pedestrian crossing at the entrance, and people walking in single file trying to emulate the iconic Abbey Road cover for the official photographer. Everything was amazing.

Brittany and Sam won Prom Queen and King, and they danced together adorably to the coronation song, sung by Marley and Unique. Blaine felt sorry that he had been so caught up on his issues, he had forgotten that his friends had been on the running for prom royalty, and had done nothing to help them with their campaign. But they won, and that was all that mattered. They certainly didn't seem to care.

Late in the evening, when the party was almost wrapping up, the DJ suddenly played Alicia Keys's raw vocal version of "Blackbird", a lovely mellow piano cover, much to Blaine's delight. And much to his surprise, Kurt stood up with a smile and asked him to dance. Artie and Sugar, who had been at the table with them, basically had to shove him toward Kurt, seeing as his legs didn't seem to cooperate.

Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him onto the dance floor. It felt like the very first time they danced together, back when Blaine was there to ask Kurt to dance in front of the entire school; back when they were starting to fall in love. The same jittery excitement, the same poignancy.

This was like falling in love all over again.

After prom, practically all of McKinley ended up in Breadstix, the only place that was still open. Blaine and Kurt found themselves in a cramped booth with old New Directions, laughing and sharing stories. It was the first time in months and months, that Blaine felt almost normal again. Like he could almost put everything behind him. Almost, but not completely.

He has no idea how long he would be on edge, slightly extra careful around Kurt, how long he'd be compensating, but he would continue to try.

Kurt forgave him; but he still had to forgive himself.

Blaine had been so tired that he vaguely remembered them getting home. He laid there, head propped up on an elbow, watching Kurt's face. How he had missed that face.

His phone buzzed on the bedside table. Blaine picked it up quickly, afraid it would wake up Kurt.

Sooooooo how was prom?

Blaine rolled his eyes at the tacit sing-song tone in Cooper's text message.

It was perfect.

O_o And how is Kurt?

He's good.

But did you guys, you know, "get to know each other again" last night? *wink wink*

He blushed horribly.

No, Coop! Come on! Give me a break. I'm already a huge mess as it is. One step at a time.

Wait, you're telling me that he came back with you after prom, to your house, and you guys slept in the same bed, and you didn't do ANYTHING?

Blaine stopped and looked around apprehensively.

Wait, where are you? How did you know he's here?

AHA! So you admit it!

Blaine mentally kicked himself.

What, you thought I was hiding in your closet or something? I'm not that sneaky. But it's good to know that you're still so sweetly innocent and gullible.

Blaine huffed and calmed himself.

Well, we kissed.

Oh did you?

Yeah... a lot. :)

And then you just... fell asleep... :/

Blaine sighed in frustration.

Look, right now I simply can't believe my luck. He's sleeping right next to me, when just a day ago I was still wondering if I had managed to lose my soulmate forever in the stupidest, most pathetic way possible. So I don't care how long it takes before we can be that intimate again, all I know is that I love him and last night was the best night of my life, and I woke up terrified thinking that I had just imagined the whole thing. So could you please take it easy on me? Is that asking for too much?

Blaine finished typing furiously and almost wanted to fling the phone away, chuck it into a corner or something, so he could go back to watching Kurt, but he wouldn't really do that. Besides, the noise would probably wake Kurt up.

There was a long pause before Cooper's reply came in.

B, I was only joking. Please stop being such a mess.

I'm sorry. I'm hungry and I really want to take Kurt out for breakfast or something. I'm kind of torn between letting him sleep and shaking him awake so I can talk to him.

That is so freaking cute, I think I'm having a stroke from all the cute.

Blaine chuckled quietly and shook his head again.

I still can't believe you missed out on mandatory post-Prom sex.

I hate you.

No, you don't. You love me and you miss me, and you wish I were there right now to high-five you and congratulate you on getting your shit together and getting your soulmate back.

Negative on the latter... but the first part is true.

I love you too. And Blaine?

Blaine waited for the dreaded parting sexual innuendo that was sure to come.

I'm really happy for you, little brother. :)

He smiled to himself and replied with a simple smiley face, before putting the phone back on the bedside table. He accidentally knocked over a tower of DVDs, and they tumbled to the floor noisily.

Blaine cringed as he felt Kurt stir next to him, and turned guiltily toward him. Kurt buried his face in the pillow and stretched like a cat before opening his eyes.

"Hey," he said, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Hi. Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm-hmm," Kurt mumbled. "I could stay in bed all day, though."

Blaine laughed. "I think we'd get hungry."

"Hah, yeah..."

Blaine laid back down on the bed again with a yawn and a stretch, and Kurt scooted toward him, close enough to tuck himself into his arms, and bury his face into the crook of Blaine's shoulder. Blaine was so taken aback by the gesture that he held his breath involuntarily.

"Let's just stay here for a bit, just like this," Kurt whispered against his neck, tickling him.

"Okay," Blaine whispered back.

The only sound for a moment was the sound of their breathing, almost synchronized. The air on a lazy sunday morning of early summer was still and quiet, as it should be, until it was interrupted by Blaine's stomach growling in protest. He jerked away. Kurt laughed breathily into Blaine's shirt.

"Okay, sorry, that was my stomach," Blaine said. Kurt propped himself up on an elbow.

"Yeah, I'm kinda hungry too." He made a face. "Ugh, but I wanted to stay here..."

"Do you want to go get some breakfast? I know the bagels in the Lima Bean are nothing compared to the bagels anywhere in New York, but they will be just coming out of the oven," Blaine said with a smirk. "And then we can come back here and watch movies or something...maybe...?"

"Sounds perfect," Kurt nodded.

They both sat there, staring at each other without really motioning to get going. Blaine took a deep breath and smiled.

"I don't know about you, but... I had a great time last night. Thank you so much for being my date."

Kurt beamed at him. "Always," he said, pecking him on the lips.

On Wednesday, Blaine had his final Chemistry exam, possibly his toughest subject, thought he was pretty confident he'd get a decent grade. But none of it mattered anymore.

He had to rush to Kurt's house as soon as he could get out of school. Sam met him in the parking lot.

"Dude, I got a B- in History! I didn't cheat, I swear! It was like an adrenaline rush!"

"That's great, Sam. Get in the freaking car!"

They made it to the Hummel residence in record time, Sam looking a little worse for wear and saying that it was pointless to graduate with a somewhat decent GPA if Blaine managed to kill him just before graduation. Blaine ignored him and sprinted to the door.

"What took you so long!" Kurt yelled, flinging the door open and yanking him inside. Sam rolled his eyes at them.

"I swear I'm going to throw up any second, this is the worst kind of suspense there is," Kurt said, leading Blaine quickly into the kitchen, Sam following them.

"I know. I could barely focus on the last exam," Blaine said.

"What exactly is going on?" Finn asked as soon as he came into the kitchen. "Is this about your NYADA letter? You haven't opened it yet?" he asked Kurt.

"No," Kurt answered with a pained expression.

"But they sent that to you in New York, you got it before you came here. You're telling me you've had it this whole time and you haven't opened it?"

"He was waiting for me to get mine. We wanted to do it together," Blaine said, biting his lip as he fished his letter out of his bag.

"I swear my patience has never been tested so thoroughly," Kurt said, taking his of his pants pocket.

"Yeah? Well, neither has ours," Burt huffed jokingly from his seat at the table. "He's been baking all day to keep busy, and then hounding me about not eating any of it."

"Oh right! Blaine, would you like some soufflé? Or maybe some strawberry-vanilla cupcakes? There's plenty of both," Carole offered cheerfully.

"No, thanks, my stomach is doing somersaults right now," Blaine shook his head.

"Just open them, then," Sam said, sipping from a can of orange soda.

Blaine and Kurt looked hopefully at each other before they simultaneously tore the envelopes open.

"I can't do this! You do it! Read mine!" Kurt shouted, shoving his letter at Blaine.

"Me? I can't read yours, I can't even read my own!"

"JUST DO IT ALREADY!" Finn yelled in exasperation.

The boys froze, glanced at each other, and quickly pushed the letters at Finn. "You do it. Please?"

Finn sighed tiredly. "Fine," he said. Sam snatched one of the letters and pulled it out of the envelope, and Finn reluctantly did the same with the other. Blaine and Kurt held their breaths, gripping each other's hands so tight their fingers were getting numb, as they watched the other two boys read their respective letters with thoughtful and undecipherable expressions, trade letters and read through as well. They put the letters in their respective envelopes, nodded at each other, and looked at the expectant boys.

"YOU BOTH GOT IN!" Finn and Sam shouted in unison, jumping up from their stools, their faces splitting into huge smiles. Kurt's eyes were as big as tennis balls. Blaine felt a rush of blood to his head.

Everyone was suddenly shouting excitedly. Burt had rushed over and wrapped both his son and Blaine in a bear hug. Sam hugged Blaine and patted him on the back. Finn hugged his brother and ruffled his hair annoyingly. Carole kissed them both on the cheeks and started crying with joy.

Blaine was still so shocked that he could barely respond. As Burt and Carole sprinted around the kitchen fetching the champagne and the flute glasses, and Sam and Finn were suddenly distracted shoving cupcakes into their mouths, he turned to Kurt for confirmation, to make sure that he wasn't imagining things. This was what they always wanted. And it suddenly seemed too good to be true.

"We're... we're really going? Both of us?"

Kurt laughed, cheeks flushed, and nodded. "I told you, you were great."

Blaine's eyes misted over and he shook his head slowly. Kurt turned to him fully and kissed him lightly, before pulling him into an embrace.

"Just like we wanted. It's everything we wanted," he whispered in his ear.

Blaine smiled, just as a tear escaped his eye, and he hugged Kurt back tightly. Carole came over with glasses of champagne, and Burt cleared his throat proudly to make a toast.

"To Kurt and Blaine," he started, once everyone had their glasses. "Two brilliant young men with bright futures ahead. Hard work and resolve have gotten you this far, so I wish you both the best. I hope you continue to work as hard as you can to accomplish everything."


Blaine blushed slightly at the beaming faces watching them, and they all clinked their glasses noisily and sipped the champagne. Burt held up a finger suddenly.

"And I hope you continue to be by each other's side every step of the way," he added as an afterthought, suddenly grinning like a cheshire cat. "Because seriously, who are you guys kidding? I'll be doing this again soon enough at your wedding. I'll see you there!"

Carole, Finn and Sam laughed, toasting again. Kurt and Blaine blushed spectacularly, but neither of them said anything. The way Kurt giggled embarrassed and glanced at him, still beet red, pretty much indicated they were both thinking the same: that Burt Hummel had hit the nail right in the head.

"So, do you think I should keep coming during the summer?"

Dr. Franco looked up from her cup of tea and stared curiously at Blaine.

In spite of having a ton of studying to do, Blaine still went to his appointment with Dr. Franco, to tell her about his NYADA acceptance. She hugged him and congratulated him profusely and lamented that she didn't have a bottle of sparkling cider to toast him.

It was the last appointment before Blaine's graduation, which was on Saturday. Blaine was suddenly unsure how his appointments would work now that he'd be out of school, and now that he had a lot of stuff to do before leaving Lima behind.

"Why would you? Aren't you moving to New York?" Dr. Franco asked. Blaine shrugged.

"I just thought... I don't know. I thought maybe I should. Just in case."

"In case of what?" she put her cup down and looked serious. "Blaine, do you feel like you haven't resolved any of your issues?"

He drew a blank. "Um... well, no."

"Do you need to adjust your medication or have something else prescribed?"


"Are you even still taking the anti-depressants?"

Blaine froze. He couldn't remember the last time he had taken the pills. Maybe some time before his NYADA audition? Or before Nationals? After Mr. Schue's wedding? He really had no idea.

"Um... no."

Dr. Franco smiled knowingly. "Then I'm pretty sure you don't need my help anymore. You know, obviously, you can still contact me if you need to. I'm always available. But I think you're finally taking notice of the tremendous progress that you've had." She shrugged. "The rest is pretty much up to you."

Blaine blinked, a little confused.

"So... it's like... just like that?"

Dr. Franco sat beside him, and grabbed one of his hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Blaine, remember one of the first things I explained to you when you first came to see me? I said it again when you brought Kurt with you."

Blaine nodded.

"Sometimes all we need is someone to listen, and then maybe we can come by the answers on our own." She grinned again. "And you did. You suddenly knew what you wanted. No one had to tell you. You moved on from your mistakes, and you gave yourself another chance."

Blaine looked down at their hands and shook his head. "I don't know when I'm going to be able to forgive myself, though, for everything that happened," he said glumly. "I haven't forgiven myself for the pain I caused Kurt, and myself."

"Yes, you have. You don't know you have, but... it's not something that just happens suddenly. It's a process, and it started when you sought help."

Blaine felt an overwhelming mixture of sadness and relief and joy, and his eyes started welling up. Dr. Franco smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"No more tears, okay? You deserve all the good things that are coming your way," she said, embracing him tightly. He hugged her back, the lump in his throat not allowing him to respond, so he just nodded.

She let go of him and squeezed his hand. "I'm very proud of you and very happy for you, Blaine."

He nodded again, turning red. She sighed.

"Okay, so the hour is up, and I wanted to let you know something, but I don't want you to think that this might be the real reason why I don't want you coming around during the summer."

She took a deep breath.

"I'm getting married in August."

Blaine's eyes widened. "You are?!"

"I am. We finally set the date."

"Oh my god, congratulations!" he exclaimed. She beamed.

"Thank you. Ugh, I have so much planning to do, I'm going to be so busy, so I'm taking a short leave of absence. That's why I won't be here." She shook her head. "Besides, you'll soon be in New York, living out your amazing new life. And you will have long forgotten about me."

Blaine shook his head. "Nina, I don't think that's possible."

"I mean, I hope that you will be too busy with your amazing life to remember me." She winked. "I am going to miss you though."

Blaine suddenly had a strange nostalgic feeling, as if Nina Franco was a sort of Nanny McPhee. "When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go."

He hugged Dr. Franco again, tighter than ever.

"Thank you for everything," he whispered.

"It's been a pleasure."

Blaine stood backstage in the auditorium, toying frantically with the tassel of his cap, minutes prior to the graduation ceremony. He was much more nervous than he would've expected to be, and he started feeling quite hot under the McKinley-red gown.

"Dude, are you okay? You look like you might throw up," Sam asked, appearing behind him. He was decked in the red cap and gown as well, a pair of black Chuck Taylors peeking under the hem.

"I might, but I'll try to control it during the ceremony," Blaine replied, not even half-joking. He was a little nauseated, now that he thought about it.

"Relax, man, you're going to be great. You're the senior class president, I'm vice-president, we'll make an awesome entrance. We're gonna rock this," Sam assured him, squeezing his shoulders.

"Hey, look, your family's here," Blaine pointed out, smiling and feeling a little better. Mr and Mrs Evans, and Stevie and Stacy, took their seats near the front, beside Tina's parents. Marley and her mom were on the front row with Jake and his mom, next to Artie's parents.

"Oh my mom brought Lord Tubbington!" Brittany exclaimed, pointing at a blonde lady in the very back trying to conceal a kennel under a seat, but having a lot of trouble because it was visibly heavy. "He promised he'd come, and he did!"

Blaine kept seeing familiar faces turning up among the sea of parents. Santana and Quinn had just walked in, arms linked; Puck made his way to Jake. Mercedes and Mike were having an animated conversation at the far end of the second row, next to Sugar's parents.

Finally, Blaine spotted his parents coming in, right behind Lauren Zizes's family. And they were chatting to Kurt's parents. Burt and Carole had both come, much to Blaine's surprise and delight. Behind them, Kurt, Finn and Rachel were all talking distractedly. Blaine smiled when he saw Kurt. He felt his chest flutter, like a cage full of butterflies, watching them all take up half of the third row.

Kurt suddenly looked at the stage, and caught his eye. Blaine waved at him, and Kurt waved back. "What, you actually expected him not to come or something?" Sam asked, catching the look on Blaine's face.

Kurt suddenly looked away when someone beside him tapped him on the shoulder, his face lighting up. Blaine's eyes were wide as golfballs, watching as Cooper sat down beside Kurt and hugged him.

"No, but I did not expect my brother," Blaine said, waving again, confused. Cooper winked at him and started chatting with Kurt.

"Are you okay? Don't cry on me, man. It's almost starting, you don't want to be crying," Sam said. Blaine shook his head.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's just... it's all of it."


"Just... this. You guys, and graduation. And my family. It's all here."

"Yes, we're all here. Where else would we be?" Sam smirked, patting Blaine on the shoulder. Blaine smiled back, feeling a little flushed and nervous still, but a little less nauseated.

He stood behind Artie just as Principal Figgins walked onstage and started addressing the audience, and took a deep breath.

Blaine was riding the biggest high for the rest of the night, especially when he heard his name called and Principal Figgins handed him his diploma; he had instinctively looked out at the crowd as he flipped his tassel to the other side, and caught sight of his family, his entire family, clapping and whistling and cheering him loudly on their feet. He met Kurt's eyes, which were filled with tears. Blaine mouthed 'I love you' before his own eyes started brimming as well. Luckily he had made it across the stage before his vision could get so blurry he couldn't see where he was going, and luckily Tina had an extra tissue for him.

After the seniors tossed their caps in the air, when the ceremony was well over, and after hugging and kissing everyone, Blaine's parents announced a celebratory dinner. But before they could extend the offer to the Hummel clan, Cooper intervened.

"I got this, little bro," he said with a wink, hugging Blaine tightly. He quickly pulled his parents aside, and Blaine was able to catch part of the whispered conversation; Cooper very adeptly made up a story about Blaine's Glee club having a small party planned, and that maybe they should postpone the dinner and make it a lunch for the next day perhaps, but the three of them should totally go out for a bite and catch up on Cooper's many misadventures, and the Hummels were definitively welcome to join them.

"What party?" Finn had then asked Kurt and Blaine quietly, dumbfounded. Kurt glared at him.

"Uh, we should go get some dinner first, eh, Finn? Come on, I'm starving!" Rachel said quickly, pulling Finn along. She winked at the two of them before leaving.

Blaine was so nervous as he got into his car, Kurt on the passenger seat, that he once again felt like he might upchuck. Surely it was too soon to even think about it. Surely.

"Ummm, do you want to go get some dinner too?" he asked hoarsely.

Kurt chuckled, seeming just as nervous, and thought for a moment.

"I think we can do that later," he said, scooting closer. "After."

Blaine nodded in agreement, throat dry, as he watched Kurt inching closer, heavy-lidded gaze fixed upon Blaine's lips.

"Uh, sure, okay," Blaine stammered, his heart going a million miles per hour. "Er, after we..."

Kurt deadpanned, making Blaine cringe.

"How do I put this simply? We're starting over, it's been a long time, and Cooper just improvised a scheme so we could have your house to ourselves. I think we should have sex right now, before we go out of our minds."

Blaine had no idea how he even managed to drive properly, considering he had to drive with Kurt's hand on his leg the whole way, his heart pounding at the base of his throat. They actually got to Blaine's empty house in a rush, stumbling about in a mess of limbs and kisses, and Blaine had never loved Cooper more for all his sneaky, enabling ways.

They rushed to Blaine's bedroom, barely remembering to lock the door, and struggling hilariously to get each other out of their clothes. By then, he was a little less tense, and felt as giddy and nervous and clumsy as he did the first time they'd had sex.

Everything that had happened since November, everything that made him feel lost and sad and inadequate, vanished like a puff of smoke the moment his hands gripped Kurt's bare hips, the instant they became a tangle of arms and legs, the second that he felt the desperate pull of Kurt's lips on his, and the deep rhythmic moaning reverberating in his throat as if it were his own. His mind was a haze of want and need and longing, and he had never felt his entire skin tingle so much all at once. His chest felt like it might burst at any moment.

It was everything that Blaine had expected and more, a lot like their first time together. It was a little messy and wonderful and awkward and amazing. It was perfect.

Sometime past midnight, Blaine was still staring blearily at the ceiling. The drapes had been left open, and the streetlamp cast shadows from the trees and they danced across the ceiling and the walls. Blaine watched them, hypnotized, and just breathed deeply. His arm had gone numb from where it was cradling Kurt's head, but he couldn't care less.

He was so scared of waking up and finding that it had all been just a dream, that he refused to sleep at all, even though his eyelids were drooping heavily.

Kurt stirred awake, fingers grazing the side of Blaine's bare ribs, tickling him.

"Hey," Blaine greeted. Kurt blinked a few times and smiled, scooting up so that their noises touched.

"Hey," he replied, placing a kiss on the corner of Blaine's mouth.

"How are you?"

"Fantastic," Kurt said sleepily, reaching for Blaine's free hand. "You?"

Blaine's throat tightened, watching Kurt's every move.

"I'm just really, really happy right now," he whispered, voice choking a little with emotion.

Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine again. And again and again.

"Ugh, we're gonna have to buy more coat-hangers," Kurt said, hands on hips and nose scrunched.

Blaine looked up from the last of his pajama pants that he had folded and placed neatly on top of the pile. He carried it to the dresser and put it in the drawer that Kurt had cleared for his clothes.

His drawer. On their dresser. In their apartment. In New York.

He closed the drawer and felt the tension ebbing away. He hated packing and he hated unpacking, but it had never been as nerve-wrecking and exciting as this time.

It was late afternoon in August, and it was hot, really hot outside, but inside the brick-walled apartment, the temperature was just right, just hazy enough. With the right set of windows open, a lovely cooling breeze swept into the apartment.

He had only been there less than two hours, but this place already felt like home. Maybe it was the lighting, or the smells that were already embedded in his mind. But most likely, it was the sight of Kurt walking around on his socks, showing him where to put his things in the bathroom and making tea and calling his dad to let him know that he and Blaine had arrived safely; it was the sight of Kurt leaning on the kitchen counter making a list of all the groceries they had to buy; it was the two of them working together to make room in Kurt's closet and Kurt's dresser for Blaine's stuff, and unpacking Blaine's stuff slowly while listening to music.

"Can I borrow this again? Not right now obviously, but for when it gets cold," Kurt said, holding out the black sweater that he had kept over the winter. Blaine shrugged and nodded; he was pretty certain that he had the dopiest grin on his face, but he couldn't care.

Kurt pouted at the few clothes still inside Blaine's suitcase, getting more and more wrinkly.

"I swear I thought I had enough. I'll have to ask Rachel if she's got any that she's not using. I mean, I could check for myself, but I'm actually afraid of her catching me going through her closet. I don't want to lose a finger."

Blaine laughed. "You know she's all the way in Lima until tomorrow, right?"

"Whatever. I'd still rather not. She'll know I've been through her stuff. Just like I'd know if she went through mine."

"I'll just put it on the list of things I still need. I need to buy shampoo too. And we have to go grocery shopping later, anyway."

"Or maybe we should wait for Rachel to go shopping," Kurt said, jumping onto the bed and sitting cross-legged on top.

"But she gets here tomorrow," Blaine made a face. "I don't know about you, but I can't survive on tea until tomorrow."

"We can order takeout, silly," Kurt said, leaning back on his hands and smiling. "And tomorrow morning we should definitively go have breakfast at Starbucks, it's mandatory."

"Okay," Blaine said, looking around. "Well, I should jot down the stuff that I need to buy, and check-"


Blaine glanced at Kurt, who simply wiggled a finger at him, beckoning him over. Blaine didn't move an inch, breath caught in his throat, and Kurt huffed.

"Could you just relax for a bit? I know the flight wasn't that long, but... aren't you a little bit tired? I am. So could you come here and just rest for a while? I think you need it. You haven't slept in three days, I know it. You never sleep well before a trip, let alone a move." He licked his lips. "Also, we have established that Rachel won't be here until tomorrow, so... we should probably take advantage of that."

Blaine swallowed hard and approached the bed, climbing slowly. Kurt scooted up and lay against the pillows, holding his arms out so that Blaine would fit into his embrace.

"Welcome home," Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's forehead.

Blaine smiled and wrapped his arms around Kurt's torso and buried his face in his chest and inhaled Kurt's scent deeply. He finally felt at home.

That was the cheesiest thing I've ever written, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Sooo, in case anyone's interested, I'm currently working on a fic called "Salt and Pepper Shakers" (working title), which, if you look up on which occasion it's traditional to give those things as a gift, you'll know what the fic is about :) I started working on it long before The Break Up even happened, before the start of the season, in fact, considering I even had Rory in it, and none of the newbies.

In light of what's happened during the season, I'm going to adjust some of it, and post is as soon as possible.

Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my little redemption fic, and let's keep the prayer circle going for a reconciliation. Us Klainers have got to stick together.
