Ok guys I know this sounds weird, but the idea for this came to me in a dream and I just had to write it. Just bear with me and I hope you love it as much as I do. If you didn't read the description then I'll just go ahead and let you know that it is set during the episode Tall Tales during season two (kickin' it old school I know, I just didn't want to have to work around Season gr8 just yet). Also if you get the joke behind it being called The French Success then brownies or cookies for you. Oh and I would like to thank my soul sister for helping me perfect the story line.
Aubri watched her reflection get blurrier as she backed away from the mirror. She stared at the fuzzy outline of her face for a moment before she picked up her big, black framed glasses and set them on her nose. She sighed as her reflection became clear and she saw that her long blonde hair was already falling out of the curls she has so painstakingly worked on. Her eyeliner was a little smudged since she had to put it on while practically blind so she ran her finger under each eye to fix it and wipe away the extra liner.
"Well it's not much better than I looked this morning, but I guess this is what I have to work with." She mumbled to herself as she ran her hands down the front of her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles that had formed since the graduation ceremony earlier that morning. With one last look at her reflection, she sighed a defeated sigh and turned to leave her room. She walked into the kitchen and made sure that there was food and water in the bowls for her slobbering Bloodhound, Folsom, who was currently following her around like a drooling shadow. Kneeling on the ground, she wrapped her arms around his thick, wrinkly neck and placed a kiss on the side of his big head. "Don't do anything too exciting while I'm gone ok bud?" He stared at her blankly as he panted and she stood up patting him on the head before grabbing her purse. "That's my good boy."
Once she was outside she locked the front door of her house and started walking down the sidewalk to her friend's apartment that was nearby. As she walked she looked up at the starry sky and tried to wrap her brain around the fact that she had finally graduated. Four years in this place and all she had to show for it was a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies. What was she going to do with that? She hadn't really thought that part through when she picked her major on a whim all those years ago. Sure she could talk your ear off about different religions and their belief systems. Yeah she could read Latin and had picked up all kinds of weird chants through studying. If she needed to she could perform a Catholic exorcism because she did a project on them, but in a world where demons were only in movies that wasn't really going to come in handy. She was doomed to a life of sitting in a chair surrounded by book, video games, and her dog, which didn't seem so bad aside from the fact that it paid absolutely nothing.
When she got to the apartment complex she walked up the stairs and to the door of her friend, Skylar's, apartment. She could hear the loud music through the door and she took a deep breath to prepare herself for the high pitched squeals she knew Skylar would emit as soon as she saw her. Even though she was her best friend, Skylar was her polar opposite. Where Aubri was nerdy and reserved, Skylar was preppy, always on trend, and friends with everyone.
The first thing Aubri saw once she pushed the door open was Skylar's curly red hair bouncing as she animatedly told their mutual friend, Brett, a story. The door squeaked as it finished opening and Aubri flinched as Skylar whipped her head around and let loose a squeal that was so high pitched that she was pretty sure Folsom could hear it all the way back at her house.
"AUBRI!" She screamed as she ran over to her, arms wide open. "Look at my little college graduate! You are so grown up now. I can't wait until next year, I'm ready to graduate. You are so lucky you are done with school, but you better come back and help me with classes next year."
Aubri tuned out the rest of what Skylar was saying because she knew it would be at least two more minutes until she actually stopped to take a breath. Brett came over and wrapped his arms around her. "Congrats Aubs." He said before letting go.
"Congratulations to you too." Aubri said punching him lightly on the arm. "I'm not the only graduate here and your major was way harder than mine. Chemistry is terrifying."
He smiled and shrugged like it was no big deal. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could speak Skylar pulled her into the kitchen. "Ok so we have beer, vodka, rum, whiskey, and mixers, but before you have any of those you are required to have one of my signature margaritas."
"Sky you know that me and tequila do not get along. I always do the stupidest stuff when I even the tiniest sip of it."
"Aubri Layne, you are having a margarita. You are going to cut loose and have some fun tonight. I even had Brett bring his Xbox over so we can play those games you like. So you are going to humor me and have a margarita. Please?"
Aubri rolled her eyes and let out a defeated sigh. "Ok I will have one margarita, but after that I get to have whatever I want ok."
"Fine, fine." Skylar mumbled to herself as she started mixing a pitcher of margaritas.
-4 margaritas later-
"Shoot him! Shoot the bastard Brett!" Aubri screamed at the little man running around the screen with a gun. Her fifth margarita sloshed out of the cup a little and landed on her dress. "Damnit." She muttered as she stood up. "Brett if you haven't manned up by the time I get back I'm gonna have to show you how it's done."
"Yeah yeah." He said waving her away, never taking his eyes off of the television screen.
Aubri stumbled her way back to the bathroom so she could dry off her dress. Once she got there she braced herself on the counter, both hands on either side of the sink as she leaned closer to the mirror. "Get it together Aubri. You shouldn't have had all of those margaritas. You said that you would only have one." She shook her head slowly before she wadded up some toilet paper and blotted at the wet spot on her dress. She looked at her reflection one last time and ran her fingers through her hair before she went back into the living room where Brett was still getting his ass kicked in the game.
Skylar was bouncing in her seat and had a mischievous glint in her eye. Aubri looked at her suspiciously out of the corner of her eye before finally giving in to her curiosity. "What are you so excited about Sky?"
"Oh nothing." She said grinning from ear to ear.
"Sky, spit it out."
"I got you a present." She jumped out of her chair and ran back to her room. When she returned she had a small package that was wrapped in obnoxious silver wrapping paper with a giant bow on it.
Aubri took the package out of her hand and turned it over. It was a book, she didn't even have to open it to be able to tell what it was. She slowly ripped the paper from one corner to the other, revealing an old looking book with a leather cover. The title was in a language that looked similar to Latin, but she couldn't figure out what it said.
"The guy at the store said it has all kinds of stuff about paganism in it and it has incantations and stuff like that in it. I thought you might think it was cool. I thought it was pretty." Skylar explained.
"Thanks Sky, this is really nice of you." Aubri said as she flipped through the pages of the book, skimming over the contents of a few of them.
"You should read something out of it. I bet it would sound cool." Brett said, finally looking away from the T.V.
Aubri shook her head, "No I'm not reading this stuff, especially when I'm not sure what it even means."
"Come on Aubs, it would be fun." Skylar begged. "It's not like it's really going to do anything, it's just words on a page. Don't be a chicken, read it."
"I'm not being chicken; I just don't want to read it." Aubri said firmly. The book was cool and all, but something about it gave her the creeps. It gave off a hum that she couldn't hear, but she could feel it. Like it was alive. Like it was waiting for something. She slipped the book into her purse and downed the last bit of her margarita before standing up. "I'm gonna head back home now, I have to let Folsom out. Thanks for the book and everything else Sky! I'll see you guys around."
As she walked back to her house Aubri tried to focus on walking straight. The last thing she needed was to get arrested for public intoxication or whatever she might be doing wrong, but it was hard to focus when she could practically feel the book in her purse begging her to read it. It was like the book had a need and that was for someone to open it, for her to open it, and read from it.
Finally she reached her house and got the front door unlocked. Folsom was sitting pretty much where she had left him and his tail started drumming out a happy beat on the floor when he saw her. "Come on bud, let's go to bed." She said quietly, patting her thigh to get him to follow her. Once she got into her room she shut the door and sat on her bed with Folsom. She pulled the book out of her purse and set it in front of her on the comforter.
As soon as the book was out of her purse she felt Folsom tense and begin to whine softly. She rubbed his back as she stared at the book. Could she do it? Could she read something out of the book? It wasn't like it was actually going to do anything. They were only words on a page after all. She reached out to open the book and as soon as her hand touched the cover Folsom's whines turned into a low growl deep in his throat. "Shhhh Folsom. It's ok bud. It's just a book." She wasn't sure if she was trying to reassure him or herself at this point.
She pulled her hand back from the cover and as soon as she was no longer touching it the book sprang open. Aubri froze and Folsom began whining softly again. After a moment she leaned forward to look at the book and saw that the page it had opened to had an incantation on it. She couldn't really tell what it meant, but the language looked pretty similar to Latin. She could hear Skylar's voice in the back of her head telling her that she was too chicken to read it. "I'll show you who is a chicken." She muttered under her breath as she wrapped her arm tighter around Folsom and began reading.
"Sicut mensas convertetur,
a vestro mundo vos ero exectus,
numquam reuerti.
Nigro in album,
tenebris ad lucem,
nostris exhibito, timores et vivetis.
Omnia est diversus
Omnia idem est
Sed mundus tuus est absentis
Et nihil est idem."
Everything was almost silent for a moment and the only sounds she heard were her and Folsom's soft breathing. Then, the world started shaking.
The bed was vibrating; the books on her bookshelf were slipping out of their spots; the fan looked like it was about to fall off of the ceiling. Aubri held on tightly to Folsom who was shaking like a leaf and whimpering as he tried to hide. Her heart felt like it was about to fly out of her chest and she had no clue what was going on. Earthquake? An earthquake with some really good timing. It couldn't be what she had read, there was no way that just reading a few things could actually do this.
The shaking worsened and with her free hand she grabbed a pillow to put over her head and she squeezed her eyes shut. Suddenly everything stopped moving and she slowly opened her eyes. She took in the destruction around her room and was amazed that her house was still standing. What was even more amazing was that the book she had read from was still in the same spot, open to the same page. As she stared at the book the pages seemed to get brighter like there was a light coming from them. She blinked a couple times, thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her, but the letters on the page were definitely glowing. A high pitched whine was being emitted from the book as the light got brighter and in the blink of an eye the room was filled with a blinding white light and everything disappeared.
Sam and Dean got back to their motel room after looking around the dead professor's office. "Well no traces of EMF that's for sure." Sam said as he fell into a chair at the dinky little table.
"Yeah and we know that room 669 is a load of crap." Dean said, putting away his food.
"So what do you think? Professor's just a jumper, haunting's just a legend?"
"I don't know. I mean the girl that janitor described, that's pretty weird. We oughta check out the history of the building. See if any co-ed ganked herself there."
"Yeah you're right." Sam said, stretching out his legs and settling beck with is laptop. He stared at the screen with a confused expression on his face before he called out, "Dude, were you on my computer?"
"Oh really? Cause it's frozen now, on Busty Asian ?" Sam glared at Dean, waiting for him to fess up. Instead of admitting to it Dean just made a face, clearly wishing he had been on that website, and walked away. "Just, just don't touch my stuff ok?"
"Why don't you control your OCD." Dean shot back.
Sam opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a loud clap of thunder. He looked around, confused because the sky had been clear when they walked inside. Then the room started shaking. Dean braced himself in the doorway, a slightly panicked look in his eyes. "Sam? What's going on?"
"I don't know man!" Sam had gotten up but didn't make it very far so he was holding on to the counter for support. "Earthquake?"
Then just as quickly as it started, the shaking stopped. Sam and Dean looked at each other, both of them trying to figure out what had just happened. That's when the high pitched whine started. Dean put his finger in his ear and looked around trying to find the source of the noise, but his search was cut short when he and Sam were temporarily blinded by a bright, white light.
A good minute full of blinking and "what the fuck was that?" they could finally see again. "What the hell is going on here Sammy?" Dean asked.
"Shhhhh!" Sam cut him off holding up a finger as his ears strained to hear what he thought he heard.
From out in the parking lot he could he what sounded like a dog howling. It was a sad, lonesome sounding "Ahhhhhwooooo."
"Did you hear that?" Sam asked as his brother nodded and grabbed his gun.
Dean checked to make sure it was loaded and then he walked out the door. "Come on Sam."
They slowly walked towards the parking lot, scanning back and forth for the source of the howling. Then Dean saw him. There was a big, wrinkly dog sitting in the middle of the parking lot, head thrown back as it let loose another heartbreaking sounding howl. The dog's back was to them and as Dean walked towards him he could hear the big dog whimpering as he dropped his head and nudged something in front of him gently. That's when Dean saw her. There was a girl lying on her side on the ground in front of the dog. Her light blonde hair was spread around her head in a golden halo. Dean kept moving forward slowly and he heard a crackling sound as he stepped on an empty chip bag that someone had tossed out of their car.
The big dog whipped around, head down, tail erect, and the hair on his back standing on end as he let loose a low, rumbling growl. Dean put his hands up in surrender, "Woah man, I just want to help your friend." He said softly. "God, I'm reasoning with a dog." He muttered under his breath. The dog's eyes were locked on the gun in his hand. "What, this thing? You don't like it?" He asked, waving the gun slightly and earning a louder growl from the pissed off dog. "Ok, ok, look it's gone." He said as he set the gun on the ground. He looked over his shoulder at Sam who had hung back when Dean started approaching the dog. "Dog doesn't like guns man."
As soon as Sam set his gun on the ground the dog relaxed a little. He sat down facing them, looking over his shoulder quickly to check on the girl behind him and whining softly when he looked back at Dean. "Are you going to let me help her now?" Dean asked as he started moving forward again. The dog whined again, watching Dean closely as he got closer, but not acting like he was going to do anything. "Sam, make sure this dog doesn't bite my ass ok man?"
"Why am I on dog duty?" Sam asked as he side-eyed the dog who had been so ready to rip their throats out just seconds ago.
Dean rolled his eyes. "I don't know Sam, maybe your psychic powers will let you talk to him. Just watch him ok?"
Dean was next to the girl now and he knelt down beside her. She didn't look like she was hurt, at least on the outside, but lying passed out in the middle of a parking lot wasn't exactly normal so he was sure there was something wrong. Her thick black framed glasses were a little askew on her face and he reached down to straighten them as the dog looked at him over his shoulder and whined again, as if asking him to hurry up. Trying not to jostle her too much, Dean lifted her up in his arms and turned, walking back to the motel room, the dog following closely behind him and never taking his eyes off of the girl in Dean's arms.
Once he got inside, Dean set the girl on one of the beds while Sam shut the door and went to get the dog some water. The big dog had hopped up onto the bed and made himself comfortable, putting his big head on the pillow next to the girl's watching her face intently as if he expected her to wake up at any moment. Dean reached over and rubbed the dog's head. "She's lucky to have a friend like you." He walked over to where Sam was standing by the sink. "So what do you think man?"
"I don't really know, there's all kinds of weird stuff going on here now. I don't really know what to make of it. I would do some research if someone hadn't broken my laptop."
"Come on man, I didn't touch your freakin' laptop. Don't start with that." Dean grabbed the bowl Sam had filled with water and took it over to the bed where the dog and the girl were. When he set the bowl down he noticed something around the dog's neck. It was a collar that was almost the same color as the dog's fur so they hadn't noticed it before. He gently turned the collar so that the tags were visible and he squinted as he tried to read the words engraved in the metal. "Folsom Layne" it said, underneath it had an address and a phone number. "Folsom, like the prison." Dean said quietly with a smile as Folsom's head popped up at the mention of his name. He wagged his tail a few times before turning his attention back to his owner.
Sam was fiddling with his laptop, trying futilely to repair the damage that had been cause by the bustyasianbeauties virus, and Dean had flipped on the T.V. Every now and then he got up and checked on the girl, he checked her pulse, made sure was still breathing. After about an hour something changed and Folsom sat up, tail wagging rapidly. He whined an excited sounding whine as he fidgeted on the bed. Dean sat up straight and looked at the girls face. Her brow furrowed and her mouth frowned before she slowly opened her eyes. Folsom let out an excited bark as he began to lick his owner's face repeatedly.
"Get off Folsom." The girl grumbled as she sat up slowly. She put her hand to her head as she looked around the room. Her eyes were as round as saucers when they landed on Dean. They stared at each other for a moment before she broke the silence. "Where the hell am I and who the fuck are you?"
I hope you guys liked it! More reviews equals more motivation to write more!