A/N: I know you all dont want to hear my lame excuses, and i know that this is many months late, but i really want to get this out before november. When the...bad thing happens :( Yup, it hurt me too. iCarly is ending in november. this was written on my ipod so sorry for any mistakes, hope you enjoy.

iPick up the pieces

Chapter 1

Sam smiled and Held her newborn son closely. "Hey there pretty boy," she cooed, "mama loves you." she giggled, making a silent promise not to cause him anymore danger. She knew that she was lucky not to have lost him, after all the stress she put herself into while trying to locate the daughter she thought was dead for almost six years. She smiled again as the baby opened his eyes slightly, revealing bright blue-green eyes exactly like hers. Looking into the innocent eyes of her son, her heart swelled. She had a perfect husband, her daughter was home, and her son was healthy. She finally had her perfect unglued her eyes from the newborn when the door burst open, and a frazzled Freddie flew in. She started to question him, but was stopped. "Sam," he began, "Lilly was in an accident." he said without thinking.)

'Hello God it's me again 2 am room 304

visiting hours are over time for our bedside tug-o-war

this sleeping child between us might not may it through the night

I'm fighting back the tears as she fights for her life

Well it must be kind of crowded on the streets of

Heaven so tell me what do you need her for

Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl


but right now I need her so much more

She's much to young to be on her own

barley just turned seven

So who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets

of Heaven-'

Sam was perched at the end of her daughters bed, singing softly. She didn't know if she believed that the five year old could hear her, but she found herself comforted by the soft sound.

Her eyes remained glued to the child as the door opened silently behind her. "Sam," her husband freddie said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Without taking her eyes from her child, she shook his hand away. "Why are you here?" she questioned bitterly, her voice chilledi

"Why won't you talk to me?" the tired man pleaded, shifting the sleeping four month on his shoulder.

"You know why." she spat bitterly, turning her head away, trying to contol the tears that threatened to erupt.

"I never said that I was leaving you!" he exclaimed, " I just suggested that we spend some time apart, just until we get this sorted out." at this point, his own eyes were quickly filling. He felt helpless, She knew that she needed help, she just wouldn't admit it. She wouldn't let anyone in.

"Whatever. Just leave, we don't need you." she said, knowing that it would hurt him.

Her didn't just hurt him. They killed him. They burned him, cut him, mocked him mercilessly. He loved her, more than anything. Even when she used to tease him or hit him. He loved her. When he lost her once, all those many years ago, he still loved her. He didn't want to lose her again.

He tried to speak, tried to fight the weakness in his voice. "I-I c-can't take this anymore!" he said, his voice shaking. Sam l looked at him, startled. "You know you need me. You know that you can't get passed this without someone." his whole body seemed to be shaking now.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam said accusingly, her eyes narrowing. Then, she gasped. "You don't think she's going to wake up!" she screeched, causing the baby in Freddie's arms stir.

"I never said that!" he said defensively. By this time, the baby was fully awake and screaming.

"For the love of-give me him!" Sam said, practically prying her son from Freddie. "shush Ollie, it's ok." she said gently, rocking back and forth.

Feeling the embrace of his mother, the baby was instantly soothed. With his thumb stuck in his mouth, he quickly fell back asleep.

Without hesitation, she handed the baby back to Freddie and resumed watching her daughters peaceful face. "she's looking a lot better." she said suddenly, speaking to no one. "The doctors said she might even wake up soon." with this, she turned around and looked at Freddie.

She stood up without a word, pulled Ollie and his bag away from Freddie, and walked out the door, leaving Freddie standing in confusion.

After a moment, Freddie pulled his eyes away from the door and focused them on the child in the bed. "You know I'm not giving up on you right?" he said out loud, half expecting the girl to answer. His eyes grew sad, "You have to wake up. You're mom-and me, we need you to be OK." his mind told him to stop, she can't hear him. "Remember how we told you that you were going to have a baby brother? And you were so happy, happy to have someone to play with. Well, he's waiting for you to come play with him! He needs you to wake up." silently, he wiped a stray tear from his face and leaned down press a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"She's find Freddie, don't worry." she said, smiling. "She playing with Emma outside. Don't worry, go back to Sam and the baby." she hung up the phone, shaking her head. At that second, she glanced out the window in to the yard where the girls were playing. For a second, she panicked when she noticed that Lilly was no longer with Emma. She noticed her standing under a tree, waiting for Emma to kick over the ball they were playing with, and breathed in relief. She moved to step outside, when something blurred past her. She looked on towards the street, and gasped when Lilly appeared out of the brush. "Lilly!" she screamed, trying to move. Horrified, she realized that her legs would not respond. She tried to lift them, but they seemed to turn to stone. She couldn't move. "Lilly!" she screamed again, hoping that the girl would hear her. Suddenly, a car came speeding down the road, plowing into the frail child-)

Carly Shay bolted awake, her nightmare fading. Looking around in confusion, she slowly adjusted to the darkness of her bedroom.

A wail pierced the air, causing her to jump. Sighing, she ran her hand threw her hair and glanced at the baby monitor beside her. "Ollie." she breathed, tossing her blanket aside.

The wailing continued as she walked into the living room. "What's wrong Ollie?" she cooed, picking the baby out of his bassinet. She bounced him a bit, before realizing what he wanted. "You've got your mamas appetite alright." she cooed, making her way towards her small kitchen.

"Mommy?" she jumped at the sound of her daughters voice.

"What's wrong baby?" she asked tiredly, taking the bottle out of Ollie's mouth. The baby whimpered before closing his eher yes and falling back asleep. "Did the baby wake you up sweetie?" she asked, walking passed daughter.

The girl shook her head slowly, rubbing her eyes. "No." she mumbled, shuffling towards the couch.

"Go on back to bed Emma." Carly said hurriedly, stoping her daughter from climbing up on the couch.

Without another sound, Emma turned around and padded slowly out of sight, leaving Carly standing alone.

Unable to fight her tiredness, Carly made her way to her darkened bedroom and crawled under her blanket, silently praying that for her nightmare would not return.

Her baby's face, her smile, her laugh, the images wouldn't leave her mind. "Mama will be back with you soon baby girl." she said into the air.

From the dim lighted hallway beyond her cell, the guard called. "lights out!" instantly, the small amount of light went out, surrounding her with darkness. A bright flash passed the cell, signaling that the guard has gone.

With a sigh, Nora laid back in her cold bed. "Soon baby." she said.

"go to sleep!" the guard called, flashing the light on her.

"Whatever" she mumbled, pulling a thin sheet over herself with a sigh.

A/N: sorry if its not what was anticipated for a first chapter :( like i said, i wanted to get this out as soon as i could. I have six chapters done, so i'll try to upload when i can.

Another thing that i wanted to mention: as you may have noticed, i had to delete iam lilly. If you still want me to upload, i will after ipick up the pieces. for now though, i want to focus on this. thanks for reading :)