A/N I'm b-aaackkk! Sorry I have been MIA for a couple weeks, I was on a Disney cruise and it was the most amazing thing ever. I'm seriously depressed that I am back to real life, because everything was so perfect. It was like a dream on that ship. Reality is harsh! Anyway, now that I'm back I have no idea where I am at with any of my stories so to get back into the swing of things I decided to take a request from Big Time ot4, who asked for a sicky Kames story. The request is slash but I suck at that, so it will mainly just be bromance, but wear your goggles if you must. Enjoy!

Oh, and italics are flashbacks.

Kendall was wrapped up tightly in 3 different blankets, a shivering bundle of blonde hair and flushed cheeks. His eyes were droopy and glazed over, the forest-green orbs staring off blankly at the ceiling as if the white stucko plaster was actually interesting. He had been in this position on the couch for hours now and it was obvious to anybody at first glance that the teenager was ill.

"Where's Logan?" A harsh sound croaked from Kendall's chest. He blinked and broke his stare from the ceiling to look at a blurry, wavering James who stood in front of him, watching the sick boy worriedly.

"He's at a science seminar for the weekend, remember?" James reminded him. For weeks, all Logan could talk about was the science seminar he was invited to attend in Sacramento. How could Kendall forget that so easily?

"Oh," was all Kendall could croak back in reply. He blinked dazedly again and closed his eyes, trying to cease the spinning feeling in his head.

James didn't really know what to do. He had never taken care of a sick person before, and he was the only one capable of tending to Kendall for the weekend. Everyone else was out of town. Well, Carlos was still at the apartment, but he didn't exactly qualify as a doctor. The Latino had lesser knowledge than James when it came to sick people. Carlos was sweet and caring enough, but one should never trust him to administer medication or lower a fever. It could end up very… Badly.

"Are you okay, dude?" James asked nervously, feeling very awkward. He just didn't know what to do. Kendall looked very uncomfortable and ready to barf at any moment, and James was just standing there, fidgeting with his thumbs and tugging on his long auburn locks of hair, trying to figure out what Logan would do.

All Kendall could do was groan in reply. It was a wet, throaty sound that made James wince. Kendall was kind of disgusting right now.

Just yesterday, Kendall had been fine. Or he seemed to be, anyway. He was a little tired and slow, but nothing indicating that he would become so ill this fast.

Three o clock in the morning was when it all started though, with a deep and painful cough that was loud enough to wake James up from his beauty rest, which wasn't an easy thing to do.

Kendall felt like he had just fallen asleep when he woke up with a coughing fit. He tried to suppress the loud hacks to avoid waking his friends up, but his esophagus insisted on nearly choking him to death. It was uncontrollable and, inevitably, James came running into Kendall's bedroom, his eyes wide with concern even though his mind was still half asleep.

"Kendall? What's going on dude?" James asked, thumping his best friend on the back with his palm in hopes of calming his cough. Kendall was unable to answer as more coughs wracked his body. He turned and buried his face in James' shoulder, taking in shaky breaths as his coughs slowly died down.

"Are you sick?" James asked, his hand going from patting Kendall's back to drawing circle patterns on his pajamas.

Even though Kendall's usually tan skin was a shade of pale gray and his eyes had purple rings under them, he shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Go back to sleep," He insisted.

James didn't make a move to go back to bed. Surely Kendall was lying. He could feel the heat radiating through Kendall's pajama top, and he was rubbing his temples with his thumb and forefinger as if he had a headache.

"I'm going to get you some water," James announced, getting to his feet. Kendall shook his head and reached out to grab James' arm, but his equilibrium was off and he ended up grasping air instead.

"I'm okay dude," Kendall said again. It was a lie, of course. All day he had managed to hide a headache. He had felt off since he woke up the other morning. Tired, weak, a little out of breath, no appetite. But now he was really feeling sick, like flu or something worse sick. But it was the middle of the night, and he felt bad for keeping James up this late. The brunet needed rest, too.

"Lay down," James instructed, pushing Kendall's chest. Kendall was so weak, that he fell back to his pillows limply. James left the room, and Kendall felt oddly alone.

"J-James?" Kendall called out, hoping he'd come back. Not even a full minute went by and James shuffled back in with a glass of ice water in his hands.

"Here, drink some of this. That cough sounds pretty nasty," James said softly. Kendall took the glass of water and drank down the cold liquid greedily, even though it felt like pins and needles going down his throat with each swallow. After several gulps, he began to choke on the icy liquid.

"Whoa, slow down," James instructed, patting Kendall's back again. A small amount of water spilled from Kendall's mouth, which was gross, but James cleaned it up anyway with a tissue.

"You alright?" The brunet asked. Kendall nodded, snuggling against his pillows. Just that short amount of activity left him feeling exhausted. "Okay. Get some sleep, I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning," James instructed. He covered Kendall's shivering body with a blanket and set the half-full glass of water on his bedside table, in case he woke up needing a drink.

Kendall fell asleep immediately. James felt a bit wary leaving his friend for the night when he looked so ill, but he tried to assure himself that he was just overly tired and would be better by morning, so he reluctantly left the room and retired to his own bed.

James had relied on the hope that Kendall would be better by morning, but now it was early afternoon and he was only getting worse, which was very unusual. Kendall didn't get sick often, and when he did, he just came down with fleeting colds. Sore throat one day, gone the next kind of thing. So in all honesty, it was kind of scary for James to see Kendall so listless and pale and weak. He'd never seen him like this before.

"Do you want some medicine?" James asked helplessly after a few more minutes of just watching his sick friend lay on the couch, moaning. Kendall scrunched up his face in distaste and buried his head in the throw pillows of the orange sofa.

"Ugh, no. I'll be fine. Help me up." Kendall reached up one arm and wiggled his fingers for James to pull him to his feet.

"Um, I don't think you should get off the couch," James said, raising an eyebrow and ignoring Kendall's outstretched arm.

"Studio," Kendall moaned.

"Do you really think you're well enough to go to Rocque Records today? You look like poop, man," James said.

"Gee, thanks," Kendall said. He covered his mouth as a few deep, fog-horn sounding coughs bellowed from his chest. "We have to lay down our tracks today and Carlos is there waiting for us. Gustavo said he needs to do some layering this afternoon for the bridge that we share on the new song."

"So? Who cares what Gustavo says. You're kind of way too sick to do anything today."

Kendall frowned at James' stubbornness and rolled off the couch. He managed, somehow, to stand on both feet, but he was noticeably wobbly. His green eyes seemed to literally roll around with dizziness. James' mouth dropped open, appalled that Kendall would disobey him like he just did.

"I'm no Logan, but if there's one thing I have learned from him, it's that you can't go to a recording with a fever!"

"I don't have a fever," Kendall stated in a tiny, hoarse voice. James smacked his hand on Kendall's hot forehead, feeling the heat that his head possessed.

"Well the hand says ya do have a fever," James argued.

Even though Kendall felt horrible and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, he had to prove James wrong. He may have been sick, but he was still perfectly capable of going about his daily life. The only person residing at the Palmwoods who was more stubborn than James, was Kendall. And he was determined to prove James wrong.

"We're going to the studio," Kendall said in his "And-that's-final" voice. He looked like a drunk person putting on his shoes and stumbling to the door, but James was actually surprised he made it that far without collapsing or puking, so he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was healthy enough to get through an hour or two at the studio.

"Fine, we'll go to the Rocque Records," James said, rolling his eyes. Usually he was one to argue endlessly with his friends, a talent he formed from being best friends with Carlos for so long, who was extremely argumentive. But his throat was starting to feel a bit scratchy so he didn't feel like fighting with Kendall anymore.

The blonde bundled up in a coat, even though it was close to 60 degrees outside, and stomped out the front door. James shook his head at his stubborn best friends and followed behind him. The duo made it all the way to the parking lot when Kendall suddenly stopped walking and turned to James, his eyes glassy and glazed over with fever.

"Kendall? Are you okay?" James asked, placing a hand on his quivering shoulder, his voice soft and sweet with concern.

"You're were right," Kendall mumbled. James looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean, buddy?" James asked. He had both hands on Kendall's shoulders now, the blonde looked so unsteady. Kendall blinked a few times, his pale cheeks turning almost translucent.

"I don't feel so good," Kendall admitted, before his legs finally gave out from underneath him, and his lanky, 6-foot-tall body fell on top of James.

A/N Yeah I am aware that this probably sucked… But more cuteness to come, I swear it! I really missed you guys. I'd love it if you drop me a review! Xo!