So, I haven't updated this in just about more than a year. I decided, while I was in a writing mood, to hopefully satisfy my former readers and update a chapter. I lost most of my ideas for this story but I'm on a mission to finish my fan fictions which is why I've been working on one nonstop basically so that I don't forget about it. This is probably going to be short because I have to figure it out while I go. I apologize.
Dick sat in his room for most of the day, only coming out for school and when Bruce or Alfred dragged him out for breakfast lunch and dinner. In order to relive some stress and get his mind off of the overwhelming feeling of self-dislike Batman allowed Robin to rejoin the team and go on missions.
Robin was attempting to get better, truly, he was. Frankly, the team wasn't a stressor. True, it could be, a failed mission here and there, a picked up piece of information that could change the game for better or worse. All in all it was good, though, all he worried about was the mission, whatever bad guy they'd be hitting next. There was no depression or complaining, just freedom and the need to succeed while knowing that he could.
It was a lot better than sitting around and moping.
Despite this new found stress reliever Dick was still struggling. Every stare, every glare, look and glance that came his way looked like that of a judge. The eyes pierced his mind and put idea on his head that he knew were wrong but could not avoid.
School was the worst
People saw the scars, the fresh cuts. No one mentioned them of course, that was bad manners, but they still stared with pity and confusion. Why would a boy who has everything, be doing this to himself?
It was a question Dick could not answer himself and stopped trying to. He sat in his room and thought about the blade running across his skin again but knew that Bruce would never let it happen. He was watched like a hawk, never taking it's eyes off the pray. One wrong move and the bat was right on it, as Batman always is. The man never missed a beat any more, he kept Dick distracted and on task, his thoughts away from former habits.
Despite the efforts, though, fowl thoughts still crossed Dicks mind time and time again. They were nearly unavoidable but less time consuming than they used to be. Wally helped a bit, of course, helping to keep his friends mind off of the stress with jokes and the usual banter, not even mentioning the past. He no longer gave Dick pep talks because he knew that Dick would wave them off as ridicules.
Hidden feelings consumed the smaller boy. He still felt as though he did not deserve a boy as wonderful as the one he had. Wally always told him otherwise. It was more nonchalant now, not making anything a big deal so that Dick could keep his mind off of it.
Missions went smoothly although there were some days Robin seemed a bit off his game or thrown off, feeling the rush of depression that week or month or just day.
Everyone hoped it was always just day.
There was one day in particular in which Dick felt particularly bad. He hung out in the cave alone, sitting on the couch flipping through TV channels he could not care less about. No one was there accept M'gann and Artemis, who were both chatting in the kitchen about something or another.
Artemis, seeing Dick sitting in a board position on the couch came and plopped herself beside him.
"What are you watching?" he asked, watching as the screen flipped over and over again from channel to channel with no end in sight.
Robin leaned his head on his palm "Nothing yet." He threw the remote onto the next couch and crossed his arms "When did television get so underwhelming?" he mumbled, shaking his head with dissatisfaction.
Artemis waved it off "Who needs that? Come on, I'll take you o in the training room." She stood and Robin fallowed. He needed a bit of training with Artemis. They hadn't worked together in a while so he thought it good to train to be better in sync.
First, though, they would take each other on in hand to hand combat.
Artemis beat him the first two rounds. She stood in front of him, hand on hips, eye brow raised, before putting out one of her hands to help him up.
"You seem pretty off your game." She pointed out, pulling her comrade to his feet "You alright?"
"For now." Robin mumbled, rubbing the back of his sore head "I couldn't tell you about tomorrow though." They hopped into fighting position again and began the bout.
"That's not reassuring." Artemis grunted, blocking a hit and going in for the defensive.
"Well it's true." Robin countered, throwing another blow.
"But it doesn't have to be," started Artemis, suddenly going for the offensive line "You can never predict tomorrow," she grunted, throwing a hit and hitting the mark "Tomorrow is something you can make." She took down her opponent but immediately put a hand out to help him up "You can make tomorrow whatever you want." She stated, pulling Dick to he feet.
She put hand on her friends shoulder "I want to see what you'd make it." She gave Robin a smirk before heading out of the bout area and back into the living room.
Robin stared at the door where Artemis had exited. He thought a moment about Artemis, what she was saying.
She'd predicted tomorrow all her life. But it was evident that one day she decided to make her own tomorrow.
Maybe it was time for Robin to do the same.
Sorry if it's short and sorry if it's lame. Hope somebody still reads this. Reviews are greatly appreciated.