"Thor Odinson, do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of all the Realms?"

"I swear."

Loki's jaw tightened at that last bit as he refrained from clenching his fist; it would be unsightly for the prince of Asgard to be seen in such a bitter state at the coronation of his brother, but he projected his feelings quite clearly when it came to Thor.

Yes, he did love Thor. But he was in no way suited for the throne that everyone believed him to be. He was arrogant, reckless, and dangerous; certainly not the material for a king.

But this was Thor he was talking about, and if there was one thing Thor had that Loki didn't, it was blind charisma. Charisma was what allowed Thor to get away with anything he wanted, and it was charisma that led to this event that he was currently partaking in.

Both of you were born to be king, but only one of you may rise to the throne.

Odin was a fool to feed his children those lies. Years of brotherly competition gradually turned into an agonizing one-sided animosity. Did he want to be king? In truth, no. Loki was fully aware of his nature-an introvert and a predilection for magic that he preferred to keep under wraps. However, it didn't mean he disregarded power. He craved power just as much as Thor desired a good fight, but Loki's reasons were much more personal.

"Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather proclaim you—" Odin stopped as a far off look came into his eye, and Loki held his breath. Right on time.

"Frost giants…" Odin murmured and quickly bounded for the vault, Gungnir in hand. Thor raced after him, as did the Warriors Three, and Loki trailed behind with just enough briskness in his step to show concern.

The Destroyer was already out by the time they reached the vault, but the numbers of Frost Giants were pouring in and the Warriors Three looked about in shock.

"Where are they coming from?!" Fandral said, nonplussed as he drew his sword.

"Does it matter? Kill them!" Sif replied, already swinging her weapon and tag teaming with Volstagg. Thor was on the opposite end trying to find how they were getting in, swinging his hammer, taking out as many Frost Giants as possible.

Odin stood at the front of the vault, looking mildly shocked as he safe guarded the vault humming words of enchantment. Loki gritted his teeth in frustration; he asked for a distraction, not a battle!

Drawing his daggers, he launched one at a charging Frost Giant that was running towards Odin, and it landed squarely in its stomach, rendering it immobile.

"Don't let them touch you!" Fandral shouted as he limped and cradled his left arm that was scalded. Volstagg shoved him out of the way as he swung his mace in a circular motion, knocking a Frost Giant in back of Loki.

"Watch out!" Thor barked, and Loki spun around to throw another dagger, but the Frost Giant caught his arm. Loki braced himself, and held his breath, but the pain didn't come and a blue pigment crawled up his skin. This wasn't just blue, Loki realized with horror as the raised markings formed along his arms. Before he could process another moment, Thor hit the Frost Giant in the back of the head, causing him to go limp.

"Loki…" Thor said, but Loki was still examining his arm as it faded back into his normal color. He swallowed, questions brimming through his mind, but he knew this wasn't the time.

"ENOUGH!" Odin slammed Gungnir against the floor, causing a shake and a surge of light reverberated against the vault. The Frost Giants fell back; most were already wounded and for a moment, everything was still, save for heavy breaths.

"Laufey." Odin whispered, staff still in hand as he advanced towards an aimless black space behind a pillar.

"Allfather," replied a raspy voice, cloaked in the shadows. The Warriors Three went still, and Thor went to join Odin's side.

"Show yourself!" Thor demanded, but Odin held his arm out to silence him.

"How did your people get into Asgard?"

"There are traitors in the house of Odin," Laufey said, and a nervous shudder swept throughout, each casting glances at one another. Loki held his composure, lips pursed.

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies," Thor shot back, but only earning a steely laugh in return.

"This isn't over," Laufey said and a sucking sound echoed against the walls, and the air became lighter. The temperature returned to normal, and they all looked at each other with warily.

"Father?" Thor asked, reaching out to him. Odin bowed his head in deep contemplation and looked to the Warriors Three and Thor.

"Leave us," he commanded quietly. Thor looked to Loki in concern, but nodded in approval.

"As you wish."

Loki stepped forward, carefully avoiding the Frost Giant remains. He swallowed, and looked to the Casket that continued to rest on the pedestal at the end of the room. Casting another look to Odin, he picked it up with a heavy breath as the cold shuddered throughout his body. He didn't have to look into a mirror to know what he was becoming.

"Am I cursed?" He asked in a strangled tone, turning to face Odin.

"No," Odin replied.

"Then what am I?" Loki forced himself to say as he trembled. He lowered the Casket down and watched his hands fade back to his Asgardian form.

"You're my son," Odin dared to reply and Loki's eyes went dark as Odin recollected his tale of finding an unwanted Jotunn baby in the aftermath of a battle. Reunite their kingdoms? Loki scoffed at that—he was just another pawn in Odin's game of power-another stolen relic to be locked up in this vault when it was time.

"You are my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth."

Lies. All of them. Clenching his fist, he swallowed back tears that were threatening to fall. He wouldn't be weak. Not in front of his fath—Odin. He already had a monopoly on his past; he wouldn't let him hold onto his future either.

"Because I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?" He ventured, stepping closer. Odin's one eye widened, about to rebuttal, but Loki sneered in anger.

"It all makes sense now. Why you favored Thor all these years," his voice was rising to a shout before he could help himself. "Because no matter how much you claim to 'love' me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!" His voice echoed throughout the vault, rendering Odin speechless as he looked at him with sympathy. Loki hated that.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different. You are my son," Odin said softly, eyes cast down what appeared to be shame.

A strangled cry erupted from Loki as he drew nearer to Odin. "Sorry doesn't change anything. You think this made me feel equal?! Look at Thor. Open your eyes. How could you possibly fathom him as the next king of Asgard? It's a good thing the Frost Giants came; maybe now you can see what a fool he is."

Odin gripped Gungnir as he process Loki's words. Realization dawned on him with a pained expression.

"…It was you." He stated in disbelief and looked cautiously at his surroundings. Loki snapped form his tirade of rage and blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"You let the Frost Giants into Asgard. All this time …Blinded by jealousy to the point where you would betray Asgard."

Loki's heart sunk and terror gripped him for a moment. "Father, I don't know what you're talking about—"

"Do not lie to me!" Odin thundered, and he pointed his staff at Loki's chest. "I was a fool to think that this could work. For the good of Asgard, I cannot let this stand."

Before Loki could answer, he was swept off his feet and found himself at chest point with the blade of the staff. Drawing in a breath, he attempted to summon his magic, but it was useless.

"You are unworthy of this Realm." A spark of magic flew at the tip and jolted into Loki's chest. A shudder shook throughout him, and he clenched his teeth in pain as a fought back a cry. "Unworthy of your title," another spark flew, and this time, Loki could feel his magic slowly dissipating. "And unworthy of the loved ones you've betrayed. I hereby take you from your powers."

Unable to mask the agony, Loki let out a strangled moan and his head began to pound. Despite the pain, he could hear Odin as clear as before.

"In the name of my father, and of his father before, I cast you from Asgard, and strip you of your memories and power until I call upon you again. The god of lies will learn the value of truth. Until then my son, this is farewell."

Loki screamed as his vision blackened. It was if he was drowning, but it was a rush of air that strangled him. He wouldn't be able to hold onto consciousness for much longer, and he felt his weight being lifted from the floor. A wet tear fell onto his cheek from above and for a moment, he wanted to reach out say that he was sorry.

But what exactly was he sorry for?

He heard a familiar shuffle of armor and startled murmurs, but that was all being lost into his fading consciousness. A woman cried out and from the pace of her footsteps, he assumed she was close to him. Anger. Determination. That's what he felt radiate from her as a soft cloth brushed against his cheek and hand.

A kiss was pressed against his temple, and for some reason the action was soothing despite the tears falling onto him again. Why were these people so sad?

Loki he heard someone cry. It was a male's voice, and it seemed uncharacteristic of him by the choked snarl of anguish. No said the voice, and he knew it was time to let go. The muffles turned into a faint buzz in the background until it all faded into silence. He was at peace.

5 Years Later

"I think we should stop trying," Darcy said, throwing her purse violently against the armchair of their foyer. Her mascara was running, nose red, and she was currently looking for a tissue to blow her nose into.

Loki found a box of tissues in the kitchen and gently handed it to her. He let her blow her nose a few times before he took her into his arms and rubbed circles along her back. She buried her face into his neck and kissed him before erupting into a small sob.

"What am I doing wrong?" She asked quietly, and he held her tighter.

"Nothing. You're perfect," he soothed. "I bet it's my fault. Somewhere in my family there's some defect in our sperm." He said this lightly, earning a small laugh from Darcy. At least he could still make her smile.

"Too bad we'll never know," She said, lifting her head up to look at him, and he handed her another tissue to dab her eyes.

"Then we'll blame it on them," he decided and led her to their couch and shifted her so that she could lie more comfortably on his lap.

They cradled each other in silence with Darcy's head resting comfortably underneath his chin. "We could always adopt," Loki ventured tentatively, but he felt Darcy's shoulders sag in defeat as she chose her next words carefully.

"I want it to be ours," she said, and she knew she made a mistake by the sudden stiffness in Loki's hands.

"I didn't mean—" She began, but Loki shushed her by pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I know," he reassured, but the pang in his heart didn't leave. "It can still be ours. But in a different way."

Darcy stood from his lap and stared at him thoughtfully. "Is it selfish of me to say that I want my mom moment where someone comes up to me and says, 'She has your eyes!' or 'She really takes after her father,' you know? I'd love an adopted child the same but…Oh god, what am I saying. It shouldn't matter. What kind of person am I saying this; I probably shouldn't even be a mother!"

Loki stood up abruptly; capturing her in his arms, and gave her a stern look. "Darcy, stop talking nonsense. I'm sure my parents thought the same thing. It's only natural."

"It's an awful thing to think, though."

Swallowing, he couldn't argue with that knowing how much the idea of it hurt him as well.

"Maybe. But in the end, they love you just the same."

Darcy shook her head and made way for the bathroom to wash up, but Loki took her hand to stop her.

"Hey, look at me."

She purposely turned the other way, and he saw a tear come down her chin beneath her chestnut tresses.

"We'll figure this out. But until we can, there's no harm in trying again." There was no misunderstanding in last words; they were purely playful and inviting, and the corners of Darcy's mouth turned upward. Success.

She pulled him in by their linked hands and gave him a chaste kiss. "I love you. I'll be out in ten minutes."

When Darcy awoke, she expected to be in a perfect tangle of limbs as she recalled the events from last night. A smile was graced upon her features, instead expecting the smell of warm pancakes, but there was none.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she saw Loki's slippers at the base of their bed. That was strange; Loki never liked to walk around the house without them. Maybe he had gone out?

After wrapping a robe to cover her bare frame, she began to search for any sign or note. He couldn't possibly be at work; it was a Sunday. Immediately, she thought he went out to get groceries but his wallet and phone were still on the kitchen table from the night before.

Her legs began to shake as she looked in the driveway; both of their cars were parked. Deep breaths, Darcy. Maybe this was some elaborate plan to surprise her. He liked to do that often, but this was beyond strange. Especially after last night and the delicate emotional state she was in.

Hand flying to her cell phone, she realized that calling him would be useless, so she raced to their study to find the number for the local police. Part of her was telling herself that she was being ridiculous—Loki has probably been gone for no more than a few hours, and he would probably come through the door any minute with a bag of fresh bagels.

But something in her told her to get the number anyway, and just as she was about to enter the study, something caught her eye.

Half of the front door was knocked down.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Thor or Marvel, and many of the lines/phrases used were taken directly from the Thor script.

Hi everyone! Welcome to The Promise We Made. To clarify some things, this is an AU and I wanted to establish my universe before jumping straight into the story. This is why I used exact lines from Thor; I wanted to show what was canon and what will be deviating from it. I'm sorry if this offends/bores anyone, but I felt this was necessary. The rest will be completely my own (or as personal as a fanfiction can get).

Thanks for reading!