It's been almost a year since I last updated. Wow. Omg I'm so sorry. I don't even know what excuse to give. Time flys huh? Well I promise to pick this book back up again and finish it before this year is over. (PS I wrote these shout-outs like forever ago)

LoveShipper: Aww you think that was adorable? Well that's as close this fanfic is gonna get to a Dally moment...Ally exploding on Dez my friends. Yupp they both want to sing to each other. Smells like trouble. Will the effect be embarassment...or love?
LovetoloveLeddie143: Yeah while I writing it I was cracking up but when I was re-reading it. I was like. Woa. Dude. Get your life together. Lol Why are you mad at the TV?
Misa-chan rocks: Aw thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Too many words...I feel dizzy,
Kathy0518: I was squealing so hard! For some reason I'm imagine you silently cheering by shaking your right that weird?
queenc1: It will be quite the party. ;) Thanks for reading. :D
Tmnt 2012 rocks: Welcome new reader! Thanks for the comments, on every other chapter you read as you were catching up I love to see people's reactions. You made me smile. :) I'm not sure when you'll read this. But Ally is okay! And yeah. I like to make things heavy. Just for Michael J. Fox. Glad you like the chapters.

Thank you BTW to everyone that favorited or followed this story it makes me feel good and shit. If I didn't get to your comment, which is almost nearly impossible is because you said something like "UPDATE NOW" so like how am I supposed to reply to that? I just update as a reply! Okay now to stop with my blabbing and get on with it. ;)

Chapter 15

A l l y

"Okay Trish. Are you ready?" Ally said from the top of the stairs.

"Yes!" she shouted.

Ally had invited Trish over the day of the party, so she could help her get ready. She needed to look stunning for her performance for Austin. More than that. She needed to look phenomenal. Ally really liked Austin; and she couldn't believe that Austin had to create a fake relationship for her to figure out she felt this way. Ally made her way down the stairs, the clicking of her heels against the staircase adding to the suspence.

Trish smiled wide when she saw her beautiful bestie. It felt like a moment out of a cliche prom movie. Ally came down in a red dress that was long in the back but short in the front, strap heels to match, and the boldest change of all high-lights in her hair.

"You look amazing Ally," Trish said gushed.

"Thanks," Ally said blushing. "Are you sure? Because the woman from the store said it would look better in blue but they didn't have my size."

"Of course I'm sure! You look amazing! And Austin would like you better in red," she replied giving Ally a playful wink.

"Stop," she said blushing even harder covering her face. "I'm nervous enough as it is already."

"Why? Austin's already in love with you," she said. Trish covered her mouth as if she slipped up, "Whoops."

"What do you mean?" Ally asked walking up to her with her arms crossed. There was something that Trish wasn't telling her. What else is new?

"I just mean...He's gonna love it...The way you look. You're so gorgeous. I like what you did with your hair...Allyson." Trish obviously didn't know what to say but it just came out like word vomit.

"Is that what you guys have been hiding from me this entire time?!" Ally shouted at her.

Trish looked guilty. That was a clear sign Ally's predictions were right.

"I can't believe this. I was stressing for three weeks! Three weeks! About Austin and no one decided to tell me, 'oh hey Ally just so you know you don't have to stress because Austin feels the same way'. No! You guys let me suffer. You guys sneaked around. You guys made me feel bad for eavesdropping. Aren't you supposed to be on my side? You're my best friend! Ugh, I was in such a good mood a few seconds ago," Ally said lowering her voice.

"I am on your side Ally," Trish defended herself. "And that's not what we have been hiding from you. Actually we have just been covering for Austin because he's embarrassed about some dreams he had about you." Well the cat was out of the bag. There was no going back now.

Ally was silent for a few minutes. "So...all this happened...because Austin had a sex dream about me?" Ally said awkwardly.

"Well I don't know about all the details but I wouldn't be surprised if he had one of those," Trish explained. They locked eyes and started laughing. They weren't exactly sure why, but it let out some of the steam.

"Oh my god, I sure wasn't expecting that," Ally said. "I mean out of all the possibilities." She laughed.

"I know," Trish said still giggling along with her.

"So does that mean he likes me?" Ally said once the laughter died down.

"Of course. He hasn't shut up about you. And the kiss. That really messed his head up. I mean you even kissed him and the idiot thought you still didn't feel that way about him. I mean it was so obvious," Trish told her. It was nice to be open with her about everything for once.

"It wasn't that obvious? Was it?" Ally gushed.

Trish nodded her head in response, "But you both were too blind to see it."

"So do I just pretend I don't know and continue on with the plan or..." Ally wasn't sure where to go next from this.

"Oh yeah, you should definitely continue on with the plan no matter what. You're finally going to come over your stage fright. This isn't just about Austin. This is about getting out of your head and conquering your fears. And if you end up with a boyfriend by the end of all this. Then that's an upside to this as well," Trish told her.

"Thanks Trish. You're right. I can't back down now," she said walking over and grabbing her purse. They were meeting the boys there in a few.

"But I do think you should just be honest and tell Austin you know that he has dreams about you. No sense in hiding it now," she said following Ally out the door.

"You're right. And I don't think I'm going to be hiding anything anymore."

. . .


"Alright I look great, I feel great. Let's go," Austin said to Dez as he stepped away from the mirror.

"I'm glad you're not nervous about this Austin. Because if I was in your shoes, I'd be nearly terrified," Dez said fixing his purple tie with different color triangles all over it.

"Yeah I'm not nervous. My hands are really sweaty though. And my heart is pounding really fast. And I occasionally feel like the room is spinning, but I'm fine," Austin said running his hands through his hair once again more.

"Oh that's only because you're in love with her," Dez said nonchalantly.

"What makes you so sure?" Austin said facing his red-headed friend.

"Come on, Austin. I'm your best friend. I've never seen you look at someone before like you look at Ally," Dez said putting a hand on his shoulder. Austin wasn't sure he was ready to admit that he was in love just yet. It seemed to be all happening way too fast for him.

"I mean...I could be right," he agreed. "But it's too soon to tell if I love Ally or not." Dez was about to tell him otherwise, but Austin changed the subject so the queasy feeling in his stomach would go away. "So I hear that Jimmy Starr's hot daughter will be at the party. You should talk to her," Austin told Dez.

"I don't even know what she looks like," Dez said immediately rejecting Austin's offer.

"But while I was in the studio with Jimmy a while back, I was talking to her from the other side of the booth about you and she said that she thinks it's cool that you love to direct and make your own films," Austin told him.

"She does...?" Dez said considering Austin's thought for a second. "Well I still don't see why you would do that. I don't want to get hooked up with some superficial music producer's daughter," Dez snapped at him. Dez then turned away from Austin, facing the mirror once again.

"She actually seems really sweet. And I know you like a girl with a pretty smile. And she has one," Austin said still sounding positive despite Dez's attitude.

"Well then if you think so, then why don't you date her?"

"Technically I'm already dating Ally," Austin said smiling to himself.

"Why are you trying so hard to hook me up with this girl anyways? I haven't met her. What if I agree to this and then find out she does something or has something I really don't like about her?" Dez questioned.

"Like what?" Austin rolled his eyes.

"I don't know...Like what if she has really bad breath," Dez made up off the top of his head.

"Yeah okay. I'm pretty sure Jimmy Starr wouldn't just let his daughter run around with stank breath," Austin chuckled.

"Look. I'm done talking about this," Dez stopped Austin. "Let's just focus on the plan."

"Why are you so touchy about this? I get that you haven't met or seen the girl, but can't you trust your best friend? It's like you shut me down right away before I even had a chance to talk."

"It's because..." Dez was at a loss for words.

"It's because you're into someone else," Austin finished.

"No. Why do you keep bothering me about that? I have nothing to hide," Dez said.

"Then why do you keep acting strangely about this kind of stuff," Austin said furrowing his eyebrows.

"You guys say I always act strangely. And why are you doing this?" Dez hesitated to continue. "Did...someone...ask you to do this?"

"No. I just didn't want you to feel like a third wheel because I kind of want to be with Ally the entire night." Austin started to worry about what the real buried issue this was about. How big and horrible could this crush be?

"So? Can't I just hang out with Trish? She did ask you to do this, didn't she? She probably even gave you the idea to use Jimmy's daughter because she's your manager. Trish probably knows all about that girl," Dez said finally coming clean about his worries.

"That's what this is about? Trish?" Austin asked surprised.

Dez didn't answer Austin.

"She didn't ask me to do that. But I get it," Austin told him giving his friend a sincere look.

Dez finally made eye contact with Austin. He looks desperate, but for what? Then then someone knocked on the door interrupting their thoughts.

"Let's just forget about this," Dez proposed to Austin.

"If that's what you want buddy." Austin walked over to his door, and opened it to find his mother on the other side of it.

"Austin you look great. Are you all ready? You're girlfriend is downstairs and Trish too, Dez."

"Why are you telling me Trish is with Ally?" Dez asked nervously.

"I just assumed she was your date," Mimi said slightly embarrassed.

"Well she's not. We're all going as a group," Dez said quietly while looking at the floor.

Austin and his mother both lifted their eyebrows at Dez giving him a considered look.

After a few seconds of silence, Dez grabbed his camera, walked past them, and downstairs to where the girls were waiting.

Mimi smiled at Austin, "Have fun and good luck tonight Austin."

"Thanks mom," he said grabbing his guitar and running down the stairs. He found a super happy Trish, an awkward smiling Dez, and not Ally. Instead he saw a goddess.

. . .

A l l y

When Austin's mom went upstairs to tell Austin and Dez we were here, Ally suddenly felt all the color in her face drain. For some reason in this moment it all became real, the fact that Ally was going to be performing in front of all my friends, Jimmy Starr and his friends and colleagues, probably celebrities, and to Austin. Her dream guy.

Dez ran down the stairs, but Austin wasn't behind him.

He's probably still working on his hair.

"You guys look really nice. You changed your hair I like it," Dez said.

Ally turned around smiling and was about to thank Dez, but Trish cut her off, "Thanks I thought I would get my hair blown out (A/N: That's not the only thing that can get blown Trish. I'M SO SORRY LET ME GET OUT OF HERE.) for tonight's special event."

Ally just rolled her smirking at them. Usual Dez.

Austin came blotting down the stairs with his guitar but stopped in his tracks mid-way. He smiled wide at Ally letting out a gust of air.

"You're pretty-" Ally started but Austin cut her off.

"You're pretty," he told her. Coming down the rest of the stairs, Austin stood face-to-face to Ally not breaking eye contact once.

"Really?" Ally blushed.

"Yeah. You look good," he said as he continued to stare at Ally.

"Thank you." A little smile, that was bigger on the inside, spread across Ally's face.

"Let's go!" Trish said excitedly, breaking the stare between the two.

Ally knew it was because Trish was anxious to go through with the plan so Austin and her could be together. Ally smirked at Austin as she turned and followed Trish out the door, not seeing the boys smile and give each other a high five.

. . .

"Alright Austin. You ready? Ally is sitting right in front of the stage not expecting anything. Once I leave, count to ten then turn on your mic," Dez told Austin from backstage at the party.

"Got it," Austin replied bouncing from excitement.

"Ten," Dez said walking backwards.


. . .

A l l y

"Come on Ally," Trish said yanking her out of chair.

"Is it time already?" Ally said biting her lip.

"Yupp, the guys backstage already starting hooking up the music and everything up," Trish said.

Ally ran backstage quickly just as the curtains opened. She was getting help with her mic but another voice sounded throughout the stage.

Austin sang, "Yeah, whoa. I'm walking on a thin line. And my hands are tied. Got nowhere to hide. I'm standing at a crossroads. Don't know where to go. Feeling so exposed." Austin turned around and Ally wasn't where she was sitting a minute ago. Suddenly he froze.

"Ally go!" Trish yell whispered.

Ally heard Dez' voice come on her microphone. "Austin? What are you doing? Don't stop now!"

. . .


When the curtains opened Austin was center stage with his back facing to the audience and Ally. Here is finally my moment. He started to sing the beginning and paused to face her. When she wasn't where Dez and him had left her, Austin froze. He ignored Dez's plea. His next part was quickly approaching as he searched through the crowd for Ally, but he couldn't find her gorgeous face. Where was she?

Then he heard her. "Yeah I'm caught in between. Where I'm going and where I've been, yeah. But I know there's no turning back. Yeah!" She sang as she stepped onto stage.

He smiled wide as they both sung the next part, " It's like I'm balanced on the edge. It's like I'm hanging by a thread. But I'm still gonna push ahead. And I tell myself. Yeah I tell myself..."

Austin held out his hand for Ally. She grabbed it and he spun her towards the audience as they sung the next part. "Don't look down down down down. Don't look down down down down. Don't look down down down down. Don't look down down down down ."

Austin titled her chin to him as he continued, "It'd be so easy just to run. It'd be so easy to just give up."

Ally's stage personality finally popped and she pushed Austin's hand away smiling. "But I'm not that girl who's gonna turn my head. No turning back," she sang.

Austin joined her for the next line, "No turning back!"

Austin slid away from Ally and did a dance move, "It's like I'm balanced on the edge."

"It's like I'm hanging by a thread," Ally finished with sass.

"But I'm still gonna push ahead. And I tell myself. Yeah I tell myself," they both sang not breaking eye contact.

They faced the audience both putting their hands out at the same time, "Don't look down down down down." Ally then took the high note, "Doooooooown!"

"Don't look down down down down. Don't look down down down down. Don't look down down down down " The song ended and they stepped towards each other and Austin pulled her in for a hug.

Austin grabbed her face with both hands, "That was for you."

"And that was for you," she whispered.

Then they both leaned in and sealed it with a kiss as the crowd clapped.

Next chapter coming soon lovlies don't worry. Leave a review please, and follow or favorite if you want. =)