Author's Note: Well, this is it. The last chapter for this story. I want to thank you all for reading and leaving all your awesome reviews. It has been lovely to read all your comments and thoughts. Like I said, there will be a sequel to this story and it will be titled Heart of Stone. The idea for the story came to me while I was talking online to another SVU fan and it will involve Amanda going undercover whilst she and Olivia are together. The story will be dark and angsty, because there is a side to Amanda's character I really want to explore. Keep your eyes open, the story will be there before you know it! ~Cissy

Chapter 16

It`s been a long road, but we got here
It wasn`t easy, but it was true
We found out through all the bad times
It all comes down to me and you
~Trisha Yearwood - Love Alone

The early morning sunlight filtered through the half open bedroom curtains. Olivia's eyes fluttered open when she felt the warm rays on her face and blinked a few times against the sudden brightness. Then her eyes wandered around the room. It had been dark when she'd walked in here several hours ago but now, in the morning light, she took in Amanda's bedroom. It had been painted in soft earth tones, accented by the wooden floor. A white arm chair stood in the corner, by the window. The closet stood against the opposite wall and one of the doors held a full length mirror. Two wooden bedside tables stood on either side of the bed, both with a beautiful looking lamp. Its foot was silver and the shade was white. The bed sheets were white too.

"Hey," she heard a soft voice say beside her and she slowly turned her head. Amanda's blue eyes had opened and she was looking at Olivia. "Now there's a sight for sore eyes."

Olivia smiled and moved closer to the blonde. The images of the previous night returned to her. She'd arrived here soaking wet and cold and after Amanda had accepted her back inside she couldn't stop shivering. Amanda had found an old Atlanta Falcons football jersey and gave it to Olivia to wear. It had been Amanda who quietly started walking to the bedroom. After having left her wet clothes on the floor, Olivia had followed her. They'd slipped under the duvet together and found their way into each other's arms. That was how they'd fallen asleep.

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asked softly. There was something surreal about waking up in the same bed as Amanda. The morning sunlight danced across her golden hair and it was as if all the stars from the night before had been put into her eyes. She rolled onto her side so she could look at Amanda's face. "Did you sleep OK?"

"Best sleep I've ever had," Amanda admitted and her hand found Olivia's under the duvet. Her index finger started drawing circles across the back of her hand. The touch was feather light and yet it brought goose bumps to Olivia's skin. A smile tugged at Amanda's lips. "How about you?"

Olivia smiled too. "Same."

She scooted closer to Amanda until she managed to slide her arm underneath her shoulders. Carefully she pulled the blonde towards her and kissed her hair before Amanda rested her head on Olivia's chest. She felt herself relax when Olivia's fingers started running through her hair and she listened to the slow, steady beating of her heart. She ignored the pain in her shoulder and her side as she snaked her arm around Olivia's waist.

"I'm glad you came back," she whispered.

"Me too," Olivia answered. "I never should have left."

Amanda pushed herself up far enough so she could look into Olivia's eyes. "Is this really happening?"

Olivia nodded and closed the distance between them by capturing Amanda's lips with her own. "Yes," she breathed as she rested her forehead against Amanda's. She felt the younger woman's warm breath against her skin. "It is."

"Do we need to tell somebody?" Amanda asked as she lay back down. Olivia's fingers continued to thread her hair and caressed the back of her neck. Amanda's breath hitched when she felt those slender digits dip lower, across her spine. They slid behind her tank top and Olivia's nails unexpectedly grazed across her skin. It started a wildfire in the pit of her stomach and she clenched her fingers across Olivia's stomach, something the brunette noticed immediately.

"Not for a little while," Olivia whispered, her hand still caressing Amanda's back. "I think we can wait until the Captain says you're fit for work."

Amanda didn't answer. She'd found the hem of the football Jersey Olivia was wearing. It reached down to her hips and she felt the bare skin of the older woman's legs. Her fingers ghosted across the tender flesh before softly sliding the smooth fabric up across Olivia's stomach. She encountered the lace of Olivia's underwear and slid up further until her hand came to a rest on Olivia's now exposed stomach. She had felt the brunette suck in her breath but now Olivia's muscles relaxed.

It had been a long time since someone had touched her this delicately. The nights she spent with Casey had never been gentle. They were the kind of nights where they had ripped each other's clothes off, sometimes damaging the items beyond repair. They had been nights of lust and blind passion, a heated desire that needed to be released. There was no tension, no expectation. There were no tentative fingers caressing undiscovered flesh or nerves that settled in a stomach as anticipation mounted.

Olivia took a deep breath before carefully slipping her other arm around Amanda and pulling the blonde on top of her. Amanda's eyes grew wider when she was faced with the brunette underneath her and her pupils dilated.

"Are you allright?" Olivia whispered as she brushed a strand of hair out of Amanda's face. "No pain?"

She was in pain but she wasn't going to let it destroy this moment so Amanda shook her head. "I'm fine." She brought her face closer to Olivia's until she could see every eyelash. Softly she brushed her lips against Olivia's mouth and felt how her heart did an unexpected double flip when the tip of Olivia's tongue darted out, teasing the curve of Amanda's lower lip. She responded quickly and caught Olivia's lips between her own, drawing a soft and appreciative moan from the older detective. Then the rush took over and Amanda hungrily attacked Olivia's mouth. When she felt Olivia's lips part she eagerly met the other woman's tongue with her own.

Olivia's hands slipped from Amanda's hair down across her back and slowly peeled the fabric of her tank top away from her skin. Exploring hands caressed soft warm skin, sliding up higher and higher until she could do nothing else but attempt to try and pull the shirt over Amanda's head. Amanda pushed herself up on her arms, breaking the kiss between them. Questioning blue eyes found dark brown.

"Too soon?" Olivia whispered. She slowly pulled the shirt back across Amanda's skin and just caressed the small of her back. "Maybe I should let you decide."

"I need to know this is what you want," Amanda breathed and kissed Olivia's lips. "That this is what you really want because by God, Liv, I know this is what I want."

"I wanted it that night in Malone's and I want it know," Olivia confessed. Her eyes were a few shades darker than normal, reflecting all the emotions she felt inside. "But I don't want to push you into anything." Her gaze was drawn to the large bruised area on Amanda's left shoulder. The tank top hid the actual entry wound but the bruise extended across her pale skin. "I don't want to hurt you. If you're not ready then we'll wait."

Amanda didn't get a chance to answer. The sound of someone knocking on her door echoed around the apartment and her eyes snapped to the alarm clock beside the bed. It was just after nine thirty and she groaned. "Shit. That'll be my mother."

Olivia smiled as the sudden absurdity hit her. "I never thought that this would happen. Have someone's mother walk in on me."

Amanda smirked as she slipped out of the bed and readjusted her top. "Just be glad she ain't got a key."

She padded across her apartment, cursing her mother under her breath, and eventually opened the door. By then her mother had knocked two more times and even impatiently called her name. Amanda removed the chain and turned the doorknob. She opened the door and revealed her mother standing outside. She carried a tray with two Starbucks coffees and a bag she assumed was breakfast. Sheepishly Amanda rubbed the back of her head. She had no idea how she was going to explain herself.

"I was beginning to worry," Nancy said as she stepped into the apartment without waiting for her daughter's invitation. She turned to give Amanda the once over. "Are you allright, Amanda?"

"I'm fine," Amanda reassured her. "You just… err… you just caught me by surprise, that's all."

Nancy frowned. "I did say I'd come to check on you."

"Yeah." Amanda pulled a face. "I kinda forgot."

"Did you sleep allright? Are you sure you don't want me to set you up an extra room in the hotel?" Nancy fired her questions at her daughter as she walked into the small kitchen and opened the fridge. It was empty apart from a bottle of orange juice and two Chinese take away boxes. Nancy turned back around in horror. "My God, Amanda! How long has this Chinese takeaway been in there?"

"I'm surprised it hasn't walked off yet," Amanda replied and glanced over her shoulder at the bedroom. She was sure she just heard Olivia get out of bed. Her eye then fell on the pile of wet clothes in the living room and the scarlet colour crept onto her cheeks. "I haven't had time to go to the market around the corner, allright?"

Olivia chose that moment to walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Dressed in the football jersey and with her brown hair falling freely down her shoulders she looked like she had been sent right down from Heaven. Amanda couldn't help but let her eyes trail up from the detective' bare feet, along her calves and up to her thighs before lingering a little too long on the voluptuous chest. She eventually found Olivia's eyes and the brunette detective grinned at Amanda's obvious embarrassment.

"I guess I won't be getting breakfast," Olivia joked as she glanced at the still open fridge.

Nancy spun around at the sound of the other woman's voice and her blue eyes widened in surprise. She glanced from her daughter to Olivia and back and Amanda could see the wheels spinning in her head as she began to fit the pieces together. "Oh." Nancy's gaze held Olivia's. If she felt any kind of resentment towards her for leaving Amanda in the hospital she didn't show it. "Olivia."

Olivia flashed a smile. "Hi, Nancy."

Nancy glanced at the coffee she had brought with her before looking back at Amanda, who had now walked over to Olivia. A smile graced the blonde woman's lips as she watched how Olivia's hand tenderly trailed down Amanda's arm. "I suppose I had better go and get some more coffee."

"Or we could go out for breakfast," Olivia suggested and Amanda's head whipped around.

"And exactly what do you plan to wear?" Amanda asked and pointed at the wet clothes on the floor.

Olivia frowned. "Oh."

"Amanda, does this building have a laundry room?" Nancy asked and her daughter looked up. She hadn't expected her mother to jump at the idea of going out for breakfast and for a moment she wondered how well the two had bonded over the two days Olivia had spent at her bedside. "Olivia could wash and dry her clothes in an hour or so. Gives you time to take a shower."

"In the basement," Amanda answered and watched as her mother began picking up Olivia's clothes. She shared a confused look with the brunette detective who just shrugged. "Not sure if anybody else's washing's in there right now, though. Key's hanging up by the door."

"I won't be long," Nancy said and grabbed the small silver key from the hook by the door before she left. After the door closed, Amanda turned to look at Olivia.

"What the hell was that?"

Olivia grinned. "A woman who was trying to give her daughter and her new girlfriend some privacy."

"Girlfriend, eh?" Amanda asked and arched an eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah," Olivia smiled and wrapped her arms around Amanda's waist, pulling her closer. Feeling the smaller woman's body against her own set her skin on fire. Her dark eyes found Amanda's blue and she let her fingers trail up along Amanda's arm. "What else would you call me?"

Amanda's lips curled up into a naughty smile. "I can think of a couple of things, actually."

"Do you now?" Olivia teased. "Maybe I'll let you show me one of the days."

Amanda's blue eyes reflected a desire unlike any other Olivia had ever seen. "Maybe I will."


An hour and a half later they were sitting in a small restaurant a block away from Amanda's apartment. They had walked there, as Amanda had insisted. It was a crisp November morning and the cold wind pulled their hair. The roads were wet and shiny from the rain but for the first time in days the skies were clear and blue. Amanda's hand had linked with Olivia's in a natural kind of way as they walked and now they sat side by side at the small table in the back of the restaurant, a cup of coffee in front of them. Nancy's eyes rested on the couple without them even noticing. The happiness she had longed to see in her daughter's eyes had finally returned.

"I guess you won't be coming back to Atlanta," Nancy said after the waitress brought them their breakfast and Amanda attacked her bacon and eggs like she hadn't eaten for three days.

"You know," Olivia said as she put down her fork and found Amanda's hand under the table. "I've never been to Atlanta and the Captain keeps telling me I should take a vacation."

"You wanna come to Atlanta?" Amanda asked in surprise.

Olivia smiled. "You've seen where I come from. Don't you think I should see where you come from?"

Amanda seemed hesitant for a moment but then she smiled. "Ok." She looked back at Nancy. "How quick can you get those tickets?"

They finished their breakfast off and sat in the restaurant for another half an hour or so before going back to Amanda's apartment. Nancy took a cab and promised she'd call them later that night to tell them if she'd managed to get tickets for the flight to Atlanta. Olivia and Amanda made their way back to Amanda's apartment and the blonde closed the door behind them before sliding the chain back in place. Olivia was leaning against the kitchen counter and watched with interest how Amanda slowly walked towards her. She was wearing tight fitting jeans and a simple black sweater but to Olivia she looked amazing.

"So, Atlanta, eh?" Amanda whispered as she snaked her arms around Olivia's waist and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

Olivia cocked her head. "Yeah, I'd like to know more about you."

"Do you?" Amanda breathed as she unexpectedly let a single finger slide behind the waistband of Olivia's pants. With her other hand she took the detective's hand and stared leading her towards the bedroom. A smile graced her lips.

"Well then, Detective Benson, that can be arranged."