Hi guys I know another Kuroshitsuji crossover… I can see how some may get annoyed this one swings on a different angle and I think you guys will find it

quite interesting… OF COURSE I love Ciel and Sebastian so of course… they will be superior to all. Haha I'll show how that happens in later chapters but please

enjoy and review. Also if you have anime fanfictions you wish me to write(Or crossover) I will do my best from studying the anime to reading each page of

manga. Please give me feedback and I will make adjustments accordingly

Merci Beacoup –Orchidfur-

Rin's Point of View.

*beep beep beep*

AH… "Aniki! WAKE UP!" I was pulled from my bed by the scaredy-four eyes. "Alright I'm up!" Yukio of course was fully clothed and ready for class. I looked at

the clock 7:10… "7:10 YUKIO WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!" "Tried several times" He muttered calmly. I grabbed my black pants fastened my white shirt,

pulled up my blazer and tied my tie… just like old man taught me… Everything was normal now… Gehenna wasn't leaking though to the safe world and I could

return to my studies of becoming the best exorcist… I grabbed a piece of toast and walked out of the door. Me and Yukio were the only people in the dorm so

it was quiet in the mornings. I walked happily carrying my red clothed sword, mornings weren't the best but mornings where you weren't seeing little monkey

like demons crawling around was amazing. I had normal classes in the morning but later that day I had a special class. I sighed remembering how my

annoying younger brother is my teacher. How embarrassing on my part… I walked in the classroom that had two large chalkboards. This place still amazed

me even though it was my second year. I sat in my seat that remained in the front row… I sighed placing my sword on the arm of the chair. The rest of class

piled in… this is when I realized two names etched into the board. I noticed two new chairs were added next to mine. Transfers I looked at sensei who was

pulling in two students. One was tall and refined with jet black hair and eyes a bright maroon. The other was a short steel-haired boy. His blue eye was

beautiful but the other was covered in an eye patch. Was he a delinquent like me not that I enjoyed being a delinquent. Sensei hushed the class who had just

noticed the new people standing before them "Alright now I would like to introduce the new transfers" Sensei said motioning to the two people. "I'm Sebastian

Michaelis. Nice to meet you." The girls burst into a fit of smiles chuckles and blushes. "I'm Ciel Phantomhive." Everyone went silent. He had a sour attitude

and his tone was snippy. He wouldn't get far with that. "Alright Ciel-kun and Sebastian-kun please take a seat next to rin-kun" He pointed to me; I raised my

head at the mention of my name. They took their seats Ciel next to me and Sebastian next to him. Us three made up the entire first row… then it multiplied to

six and so on until they're were at least 27 desks in the last row. I sat through a very boring explanation of how Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean

blue. (A/N getting involved with the holiday) Now was the class I was secretly happy to attend and then slammed with reality as Yukio walked up beside me

matching me stride for stride. "Are you ready aniki"? "Yes I studied for 3 hours" I looked up at the sky and then straight ahead. "Uwah!" "What is it aniki" I

pointed but words didn't come out. "The transfers…" "Huh oh yes Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis will be joining you on your study to becoming an

exorcist." He smiled. They turned around… I waved earning a smile from Sebastian and a scowl from Ciel. They were polar opposites… like me and yukio. I

smiled despite the scowl and approached them

Ciel's Point of View.

They walked up… Great… "Hi I'm Rin Okumura from your history class" he said smiling stupidly. "Nice to meet you" I said half bothered by his happiness. "I'm

Yukio Okumura… His younger brother it's nice to become acquainted with you both." I dipped my head motioning for Sebastian to follow. "So where is this

classroom?" I asked "Oh it's this way." Rin jumped excitedly. He was about to jump on a ledge but missed and face planted on the ground below into the

ravine. "Umm." Yukio face-palmed and jumped down landing more gracefully. I stepped on the ledge and tripped over an untied shoelace pitching forward.

Sebastian grabbed me doing a summersault in the air and landing on his feet. "Ten" I said blandly. "AMAZING" rin's eyes bulged with curiosity. "Well done"

Yukio assured. "Now use your keys…. Niisan… where are my keys" He asked clearly annoyed. "Well you see I couldn't reach the light switch and… uh your

keys were there so I threw them at the switch. In the end I missed and had to get up anyway." Rin grinned slightly. Yukio fumed standing over his brother


SECOND DAY! NIISAN IS A B-A -K-A!" He screamed. "It's fine…" I continued earning a stare of bewilderment from them both… "Sebastian open this door at

once." I muttered. "Yes." He said kicking the door off its hinges. They both gaped their jaws. "Now please escort us." I said plainly. "Uh… that was reinforced

steel… we have that door so demons can't get in." this earned a chuckle from me and Sebastian. Some people were so stupid… this Rin may be a wonderful

source of entertainment. We stepped into an awfully gaudy hallway filled with mismatched colors. We stopped at a room in the thousands and stepped inside.

Rin took a seat next to a quite blonde… a man with streaked hair sat in between a bald child and a pink haired maniac. I women wearing a bra and well.

Shorts… sat in the back. And a girl with purple hair and very odd eyebrows sat by herself. This was a weird class but if we're going to learn about what were

up against if these exorcists are the real deal me and Sebastian are in trouble. We stood in the front and introduced ourselves taking a seat behind the blonde

and rin. The blonde turned around happily and whispered "I'm Shiemi nice to meet you." She smiled warmly… it was familiar… It was like Lizzy's… innocent

and pure. "I'm Ciel Phantomhive" I could easily relax around her. Her presence was so familiar it hurt as I remembered my Fiancé. "Okay class now we're

going to learn how to summon demons. Ha-ha just make a contract This class should be an easy A. We all gathered around in a circle… well half a circle due

to the small number of us. The purple haired girl kamiki… Pulled out a sheet of paper. She pushed the pin into her finger and smeared it onto a pentagram. "I

call on the gods of harvest" and two foxes appeared. What the heck is this… I've never heard of this type of demon… I turned to Sebastian and he shared my

bewilderment. When our times came we were awestruck. "Umm…." "How exactly am I supposed to do this." I whispered shyly. This was so embarrassing I

could die. "Simply prick your finger and call on something that will protect you… they can't leave the pentagram so please do your best." Yukio-sensei

commented. "Ahh alright." I thought inwardly… I call on the god of darkness and hatred…. A large beast appeared. It was tattered and everyone stepped back

as stared at me. Then the beast that I had summoned shrieked back against the far corner of the pentagram. "Please… Please spare me…"It pleaded as its

eyes spread wide with fear. Yukio ran up to me "RIP THE PAPER" he screamed. I obliged utterly confused. "Uh... Class dismissed." Yukio said waving his hand

dismissively. We all flied out of the room. "What the heck…" I stared at Sebastian who stared at me… We jumped up to the ledge walking back to the dorm.

Apparently we only shared it with two other people… I hope were lucky enough to remain alive… that thing was terrifying… could this mean the end of the

demon race…

Yukio's Point of View

I sat with my head in my hands. I rose and rubbed the bridge of my nose. What the heck. How did a person who didn't even know how to summon a demon…

summon such a vengeful one. I would have to try extremely hard to get one like that though I'm not saying it's impossible. Maybe I'm thinking too much… I

mean Neuhaus sensei was able to summon powerful demons. But why would it ask to be spared…. I must be thinking into it far too much. Maybe not… Maybe

I should talk it over… for the safety of the students… That is exactly what I should do.


I approached Chairman Mephisto's office and knocked. It opened with a click and a few magic words. "Why hello their Yukio Sensei." "Mephisto Chairman" I

said with a bow. "What brings you to my beautiful office." He inquired feeding sunflower seeds to Anamion the hamster. He used to be the Earth King but was

brutally injured by Rin. "Today in my class a very high class demon was summoned by a very low-rate student…" I paused. "Yes… and Neuhaus sensei was

like this as a child as well" Mephisto reasoned. "But this one begged to be spared." I continued. "I don't understand." Mephisto paused… I have never seen

this man serious… ever… even when he was on the 'to be executed' list. But at this very moment he was thinking hard as it showed in his expression. "AH I

know". That expression had faded as if it wasn't there…. This man… He handed me a book… "What's this "I inquired dusting it off. "Read it and find out" he

said with a smile. "Uhh.. Does this hold the answer"? "Most likely :D" mephisto settled into his chair pulling out a pile of paperwork as if signaling for me to

leave. I excused myself and ran to the dorms.


I had read most of the book and all that remained was one last chapter. I turned the page….

A mystery beyond Gehenna….

If you're reading this book you know of Assiah (where you live) and Gehenna(the demon realm). What if I told you that there was a

dimension beyond Gehenna… It is called the Underworld…The underworld is a place where demons are placed if they have done something

more than Gehenna can handle. The place where they suffer and die only to be reborn and it begins all over again. There are a select few

demons in charge of this dimension. They get their power from creating contracts with humans and devouring their souls once their demands

have been met. It goes by a system of ranks.

Your king

The ruler of the dimension.

Lucifer himself.

Your nobles

Demons of pure blood. (born in this dimension)They are the second highest ranking demons coming second only to Lucifer.


-Sebastian Michaelis


Third highest ranking demons only coming after the nobles

(A/N Ciel would be listed here but he wasn't a demon at the time the book was distributed.)



The lowest ranking demons in this realm. They normally entertain the nobles and deal with the troublesome shimigami.


The words contained in this book shocked him. He stared blankly… A third dimension… Demons powerful than the ones in Gehenna… Demons that could wipe

out Gehenna… and Satan...(A/N I know they're the same but they already claimed Satan so I had to be different) What disturbed Yukio the most…was that

one of the names listed…. Was a student at his academy…. Sebastian Michaelis. He wasn't just a member of these elite demons. He was a high ranking elite

demon. Why would such a upper-class demon be here at this academy. Yukio dropped the book and leaned back in his chair… He had to warn the higher-ups

of his discovery… but how where they going to deal with this. Just when things became peaceful everything has to stir up again. Why can't things remain


Thank you very much for reading this chapter. I will bring the next one up asap. I will also continue to bring up the darker than black, 07-

ghost and vampire knight crossovers as well. Please read and review

Merci beacoup –Orchidfur-