This is my first fanfic so I hope you all like it! All characters belong to Yana Toboso (genius!)

.:|A Different Kind of Shy|:.

The Grim Reaper Department Building was completely silent. It was so unlike this when it was daytime, what with reapers dispatching to collect cinematic records, arguing over the people on the To-Die List, the occasional sound of a death scythe whirring to life. But now, all the shinigamis had retired to their chambers and the office was completely quiet, save for the drumming of rain upon the rooftop.

William looked up at the clock above his door. 11:34 pm. He had been at work for precisely three hours and forty-nine minutes more than necessary. Overtime did not bother him, though. People did not cease to die because the lights went out. Yet, it had proved to be a peaceful evening. There hadn't been any deaths that night. So, to make use of his time, he had caught up on back-logged souls.

William had been slowly drifting in and out of sleep for hours, and decided it was time for him to rest. He checked the To-Die List one more time, running his fingers along the pages. The next death was scheduled for 10:28 am, on the following morning, freeing up enough time for him to indulge in a peaceful sleep.

William organized his papers neatly, rose from his chair, and crossed to the double doors located to his right. He produced a key from his coat pocket and unlocked the entrance to his bedroom.

Once inside, the reaper shut the doors, lit a candle, placed his death scythe on a hanging stand, and sat down on his bed. Everything that William owned was high-quality. He stored his expensive ties in his fine mahogany armoire, and slept on silken sheets and feather pillows. Will was a very studious and work-bound man and preferred to have his bedchambers located in his office, for easier access.

He proceeded to unbutton his coat, remove his vest, and loosen his tie. The reaper then hung his garments on hangers, placed them in his meticulously organized armoire, and cast his glasses onto his bedside table. Will hadn't slept for days, and he deserved a good night's rest. He blew out the candle, curled up on his bed, and fell asleep.

A warm hand snaked its way across William's waist and rested on his abdomen. Will, half-asleep, shuddered at the heat and blinked his eyes open. Everything was blurry, mainly because his vision was impaired, but the darkness that enveloped him made it increasingly hard to define anything.

Will's hand fumbled in the dark, searching for his glasses. His hand fell upon a packet of matches and he locked his fingers around it. Dazed, he extracted a match, struck it against the packet, and lit a candle. Now, he could make out the silhouette of his glasses and settled them on the bridge of his nose. He looked over to see what still had it's hand curled around his waist. It was HIM.

A familiar face loomed over him. It was easy to recognize, even in the dim light. His feminine build, his porcelain skin framed by long locks of red hair, those green flashing eyes and that seductive grin that, Will thought, matched the Chesire cat perfectly. "Grell Sutcliff." he stated flatly.

"Oh, why did you have to wake up?" Grell said affectionately. "You look so sweet when you're asleep."

The composed William calmly responded to the flamboyant reaper. "Grell. How did you know that this was my bedroom?" he asked, rather disturbed to see his co-worker lurking in his chambers.

"What are you talking about? I wait behind those doors every night. I was just lucky to find the door unlocked on this marvelous evening! It was too tantalizing NOT to take advantage of this opportunity!" Grell said, with a flirtatious flip of his hair.

'Right,' William thought, his hands clenching his bedsheets. 'I forgot to lock the door.'

William sat up and carefully eyed his gender-confused co-worker. He was wearing black tailored trousers, a white button-up shirt (with the top two buttons undone, exposing his chest), and a necktie hanging loosely around his shoulders. He was flashing him a devilish grin while batting his eyelashes behind his red-framed glasses. Then, William looked himself over and realized that there were small, pinkish blemishes covering his neck and abdomen. He had also been stripped of his trousers and his silk tie had been strewn carelessly across the floor. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. How long had he been asleep?

Grell snuggled his head in the crook of William's arm and began to kiss his shoulders. Will slapped him away and firmly planted his hands on Grell's waist, trying to pry the shinigami off of his body. "I'm afraid it was you that woke me up. You are such a nuisance, Sutcliff."

"Oh, well aren't I just the worst?" Grell said, edging closer to the other reaper. He ran his hand through William's raven-black hair and smiled.

In one fluent motion, William grasped his death scythe, secured the two claws firmly, but not so as to draw blood, around Grell's neck, lifted him up, and flung him through the double doors. Grell landed with a crash, peeked back inside his superior's bedroom, and sang, "Goodbye, my love, see you at 8 am sharp!" before trotting out of the office. He listened as the clopping of the redhead's heels faded into the distance. William rubbed his temples, tossed off his glasses, snuffed out the candle, and wearily fell asleep.

What did you think? Should I continue?