I don't own Code Lyoko but I do own the Salmon's.

(The return trip is taken to when the Lyoko gang is in Jeremy's room except for Emily.)

They all ran out and raced to her home. When they got there John wasn't home still. But when they got to Emily's room she wasn't there. Everyone panicked.

"Where is she?" Aelita asked.

"Is she…?" Yumi started.

"Only one way to find out." Jeremy said. "To the factory."


When everyone arrived at the factory the first thing they noticed was Emily. She was indeed alive but she was standing on the bridge with her ankles tied.

"Emily! What are you doing?"

"I'm done. Xana scared me. My mother, my father, the men. I want to be with my parents. I… I… I want to die."

"Emily please! We can help you. Lets talk about this. Don't do this! What about Abby? Jessica? Rosanna? John? Us?"

"I don't know anymore."

"This isn't going to solve anything Emily. Please come down from there?" Ulrich said.

She looked at her beloved friends and then the water. She didn't know who she was anymore.

"I… I can't. I'm sorry." Emily then fell backwards and fell in the water… sinking.

Emily's POV

I was sinking. Down far enough were I was barley able to see the light of the surface. I see bubbles forming and a fish or two. I had no regret I wanted to be with my family. It just doesn't feel right to live without them. I couldn't feel any air in me anymore. I began to shiver because I had nothing to breathe with. And to make sure I tied my ankles so I wouldn't resurface. This is what I wanted. And I started to feel sleepy. I began to see light, I swore I did.


Odd Jumped in and swam. He couldn't see much since the water so murky and dirty. He just kept swimming until he was able to find the beautiful red head who felt like she was all-alone. He kept swimming down till he felt something soft. It felt like moss or seaweed. But it was Emily, he grabbed her and started to swim back up to the surface and to see if she was still alive. Odd couldn't live without Emily he thought. She was different from the other girls and has been through a lot. So he wishes that he could make that all better. Just by trying to help her.

When he made it to the top of the water Ulrich grabbed Emily and laid her down while Odd would get himself out. When he did he listened to her heart… it wasn't beating. Nor she was breathing. Odd began CPR until she would breath. He hopped it wasn't too late for Emily. It was nearly five minutes and she wasn't moving.

"Odd…" Aelita started with tears pouring down from her cheeks. "I think you should stop."

"What? NO!" He replied.

"Odd, its been five minutes. She's gone." Yumi said with tears as well as everyone else. Odd cried on his girlfriend's chest. She was gone. Not a single heart beat, not a single move, not a single breath.

-Emily's POV-

I woke up in a cloudy place. It was soft and warm. I liked it there. Then two figures came floated over.

"Hello." A woman said.


"We've missed you much dear." The male said.

"I've missed you too daddy." Emily said.

The family then hugged each other and smiled.

"So where are we?"

"Heaven." (Sorry if this is offensive to non-Christians or those that don't believe in that stuffL)


"But we want you to go back to Earth." Kelly said.

"But… I want to be with you guys. I've missed you all so much."

"We've missed you too sweetie but we want you to be happy and to live life. That's why we're going to make a miracle. For your friends to have you back."

"Do you really want me to go?"

"Yes." They both said. Emily looked down and started to cry.

"Don't be sad sweet heart. We will always be with you. Even if you cant see us." Ron said kissing his daughters cheeks and so did Kelly.

"Can I ask one question before I leave?" Emily asked. They nodded.

"Are those men still out there?"

"We, cant tell you that my dear. All we can tell you is that we love you and good luck out there. And make us proud." Kelly said. Then Emily began to disappear."


Emily started to move. The others looked at her closely to make sure they weren't seeing things. Then Emily started to cough up water.

"I'm back and here to stay." Emily said. Everyone cheered and hugged her tight especially Odd.

"How?" Aelita asked still with tears.

"You could say that it was a miracle." Emily said looking at the sky.