A/N: So I went to a costume shop with a friend today and found Loki's helmet. Sadly, it came with a man's sized costume that would never have fit me. I did get a picture with said helmet, and did update my avatar appropriately. Just in case you wanted to take a look.
Part Four
The sound of rocks scattering made him turn back to see his brother shuffling back down the side of the incline. "What are you doing?" he demanded, feeling his own sense of panic.
Loki's jaw was set and he crossed his arms. "I'm not leaving you. You want to fight the damn beast, then fine. We do it together."
Thor wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss him or throw him through the cave opening and into the field beyond. "You are not safe if you stay." he said. He had certainly never planned for anything this dire, or so desperate a feeling to be necessary on this day's journey.
Loki tilted his head, looking up at him with a steady green gaze. "And just what part of me would be safe, brother, if I left to the safety of the open air and heard you killed below?"
Thor cupped the side of his face gently, briefly. "You should join me in combat training more often if you are to become this stubborn, battle determined warrior of the field."
Loki brought up his hand to cover Thor's fingers just a briefly with his own. "You should join me in strategic theory more often if you plan to trap us in a cave with a raging beast ever again."
Their shared laughter was cut short as the hot breath of the dragon filled the tiny space. She filled the entrance they had come through, all teeth and scales and fiery breath. Her eyes found them instantly in the shadows and the stand-off suddenly seemed like a very ill-conceived idea. The air warmed instantly as smoke poured from her mouth and sweat built against both princes' faces as they took an involuntary step backward.
Loki let out a small sound of surprise. "So stupid..."
"This really is not the time," Thor grumbled.
"Not you. Me. Fire. The beast uses fire."
"What did you say about not stating the obvious?"
"We can use ice."
"You'd have to be too close."
"Well, at this point I really don't think a little bit of risk is asking too much. Simply standing here for more than a moment longer will be risk!"
"You'll need a distraction."
"I will." His tone spoke volumes of what he thought of that particular idea, but there was no alternative. Thor would have to act as the distraction if Loki were to get close enough to cast a spell powerful enough to freeze a dragon. He wasn't even sure he had the strength left in him to do so, but they didn't seem to have much of a choice.
"I shall endeavor not to let you down." Thor said, offering his brother a wide smirk. One moment Loki was rolling his eyes and the next Thor had grasped a large rock in his hand and had dashed forward with a battle cry to rival his father's.
The dragon's nostrils flared immediately and her large golden head swung low, teeth snapping together ferociously where Thor had been standing a heartbeat before. She snarled, twisting her body in the narrow space to follow his movements and the sound of his taunts as he danced back and forth to keep her occupied. For a moment Loki stood rooted to the spot, stunned that Thor had actually done so foolish a thing. It was one thing to suggest it as a tactic, even when there was no other way, and quite another to witness the person he cared for most dangling himself as bait before a creature that was not even supposed to exist.
The blond god pulled his arm back to let loose the rock he held and as he threw he slipped and went to one knee with a pained gasp that echoed more loudly than any scream. The dragon knew she had him and unfurled her wings as she reared back for kill.
Loki moved.
Seconds felt like centuries and each footstep felt like the space would never end between he and the beast. His fingers felt cool against the burns, as if the ice were helping the ache that had set into him since their last encounter, and he heard words tumble from his mouth as if someone else were saying them. His masters had always told him that emotion made magic stronger, and he had never found it to be false. In that moment he was sure it must be true as the ground became slick and ice spread all around him and creeping up the walls. It touched the dragon, finally gaining her attention as she snarled too close to his brother for any comfort.
"Hey!" Loki yelled and his hand came to rest on gold scales. The heat against his fingers, burning through the ice was the first thing his mind could process. He felt as if his whole arm were on fire and he bit down the scream that rose in his throat.
He had gained her attention, though, and the dragon swung around, aiming for him. He had to focus. Focus on the cold overtaking the heat. Focus on it snuffing out the flame. Focus on it saving Thor.
She was moving back now, away from the cold and the ice. Her wings beat angrily as she scuttled back to where she had come from. Loki risked a glance at his brother, still knelt on the ground and watching as icy tendrils snaked around the golden creature and she gave a frightened sound and slammed her tale against the wall.
When faced with a dragon, the possibility of once again dying by rockslide had escaped both brothers and both they and the creature stood still for just a moment. She let out a fierce roar and bashed her tail against the wall again which was all the encouragement the rocks needed. The dragon fled, slinking back into the depths of her cave and to her egg.
It seemed as though the very walls were melting as what had been touched by Loki's magic began to shatter and join the pieces tumbling through the air. Thor made it to his feet only to collapse a few feet later and when he coughed blood made it to his lips. Loki was at his side in an instant, hands under his arms to pull him up.
"Come on. We can make it." Loki breathed, forcefully hauling Thor to his feet.
Thor focused all his energy on moving with his brother and did not speak.
"The good news is I think the opening is big enough to get out of now," Loki added, trying not to sound as desperate as he felt.
They moved for it, the ground giving one more heave that sent them stumbling out. Loki threw up a magical barrier that kept the larger rocks from crushing them. He was sure that the only thing giving him the strength to cast anything now as the fear rushing his veins and forcing him into a fight-or-flight mode. He would very much prefer the flight at this point.
The earth finished its convulsions after what seemed like an eternity and the two brothers lay side by side. Loki finally let the shield drop and heard several smaller rocks roll off. His mind spun with thoughts of getting home. Thor wouldn't last out here without help. He had to... had to... He jerked himself up, ignoring the protests his body gave. "Thor?" he gasped out and reached a shaking hand to one broad shoulder. "Thor? We made it. We can go home. Please? I'd very much like to go home." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he leaned down to his brother and found him unresponsive. After everything he couldn't lose him now. Not when they'd won. Not when they could go home. "Please?"
Thor coughed once, his body instinctively trying to sit up or roll out of the way, his mind still in the midst of battle. Loki caught him by the shoulders and supported him when the fight in him vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. Thor slumped against him as he gathered his bearings. He could hear the frantic beat of Loki's heart beneath his ear and he turned his head so he could hear the cadence more clearly. His brother was speaking to him he was sure of it but he could not make out the words. His fingers found the fabric of Loki's shirt and he held on, certain the room would stop spinning at any moment. Loki was stroking his hair, the smooth tones of his voice made the pain not so unbearable. Slowly but surely everything came into focus and he looked up, the first thing he could see his brother's tearstained face.
"Loki," he murmured.
"I am here," Loki answered, brushing dirt off his face and out of his hair.
Thor laughed then, not as loudly or with as much gusto as usual (he decided he would prefer to remain conscious) and poked Loki in the ribs. His brother grumbled.
"What was that for?" Loki murmured.
"You slayed the dragon," Thor said, staring up at him.
"Well, hardly. I scared the dragon away with the equivalent of a snow storm in summer. It was not one of my more impressive attempts."
"Oh, do shut up, Loki," Thor said good naturedly. He hoped he sounded good natured for he meant it with full affection but he hurt so badly even his ears were ringing. He repeated the poke. "You slayed the dragon. That makes you the hero. The white knight. I make an impressive damsel, do I not?"
For once in his life, Loki was rendered speechless. So he made himself content to simply sit a moment, stroking his elder brother's hair. He knew that he had to get up and urge Thor up as well. They had to get home. Yes, they would certainly find themselves at the wrong end of Odin's wrath that day for the escapades, but it was better than either of them bleeding to death in the forest.
It took Loki some time to urge Thor to his feet, and even longer for them to limp their way towards home. The blond leaned heavily on his younger brother, mumbling incoherently here and there about various things that just didn't make sense. The more he went on about it, the more worried Loki became.
They reached a small band of soldiers on patrol just outside of the citadel and found themselves whisked away towards the healing chambers. They tore Loki away from his brother once they reached it, Master Rowen making a quick diagnosis and following after the more injured of the two brothers.
"No! I need to be with him!" Loki cried out, fighting against one of Rowen's many helpers who was trying to lead him to another room.
"Master Rowen will be with him. He needs you here," the young healer encouraged, pulling the exhausted prince away.
Loki might have fought him more, but the elder man held a cloth to his face and he felt his knees go weak before everything went black.
He woke slowly, blinking lazily and shifting to lay on his side. The pillows were cool and soft and he hugged the closest one to his chest. Green eyes opened and he could see the orange-pink of dawn chasing back the gray of night. Cool fingers brushed against his temple and he jerked a hand up to catch them as a reflex.
"Mother," he said. His throat was dry and he had to swallow before he could speak again. It felt like someone had jammed fur in his ears and his mouth."Please forgive. I did not know you were here."
Frigga smiled. "No, I would not suppose you did." She kissed his hand. "My precious boy, what were you possibly thinking?"
For a terrifying moment, Loki's mind was blank. The last thing he could remember was leaving the palace with Thor early that morning. Thinking of his brother brought back the rest of the trip in a horrific rush. The cave in, the treasure, and the dragon flashed in his mind.
"Where is Thor?" he asked. He tried to sit up and Frigga helped him.
"He is resting, darling."
"But he is all right?" Loki insisted.
"Yes. Rowen was up most of the night, but he says there will be a full soldiers that brought you home said you had been in a cave in the forest. What were you thinking? And how did you both wind up with burns?"
"Does Father know?"
Frigga arched a slender eyebrow.
Loki sighed. "Foolish question."
"Now answer mine, if you please, or I will not keep your Father out of the healing chambers much longer."
"I don't suppose you'll let me rest if I say I'm tired?" His mother's look said she was not to be fooled that day. Loki sighed deeply, his chest aching as he did so. His skin still felt as if it were on fire and his entire body ached from the event. "We had heard there was a dragon," he said slowly, carefully, as if testing each word as he spoke them. He might be able to twist this around for their benefit. Perhaps not with their mother, but certainly Father would find the tale more appealing if they had been after a dragon that could have done harm to Asgard.
"A dragon?" Frigga asked, her tone showing she was skeptical.
"It wasn't far, and we thought we'd just have a look. It went... poorly."
"I can see that. And did you find this dragon?"
"You don't believe me, do you?"
"My dear boy," his mother said as she smoothed back his dark hair, "you have a very creative mind, especially when there is something you would like to hide. I'm sure there is something about a dragon story that fits somewhere into this fiasco, but I question wholeness of this story."
Loki snorted. Little did she know. Sometimes, it seemed, when he chose to use the truth instead of a lie, that was when people assumed he was lying the most.
"I'll fetch your father."
"But there was one!" he called out, feeling desperation creep in on him.
As soon as the door shut his feet hit the floor and he grabbed the dressing gown that had been left on the chair and pulled it around himself. Once in the hall he went the opposite way his mother had gone and kept to the edge of the wall until he found what he hoped was his brother's room. He slipped in and his breath caught. There were signs that it had been where they brought his brother. A pitcher of water and a glass sat on the table next to the bed. Extra bandages and a bowl with murky liquid sat, abandoned on the dresser. Thor was not in the bed.
"She lied to me," Loki breathed. Thor had died and they had decided not to tell him, he thought. His brother was gone.
The thought barely had a foothold in his mind when fingers closed around the top of his arm. Loki gave a shout of surprise and tried to pull away, only to look up into the tired face of Thor.
"I'm glad you are here. We need to get out of here before Father comes. If we can get back to our rooms, they may at least leave us until after dinner." Thor said.
He too had pulled on his robe, but was bare chested beneath save for the bandages wrapped tightly around his ribs. His arms both had bandages as well, and a small one rested above his eye. Bruises littered his skin and one of his eyes was blackened. He was the most beautiful sight Loki had ever laid eyes on, and he flung his arms around Thor, pressing his face into his shoulder.
Thor gave a short cry of pain and his brother pulled back instantly. "I'm sorry!"
The blond grinned, teeth still grit tightly together through it. "I'm happy to see you alive too, little brother."
They turned together to find the door blocked entirely by the imposing form of the Allfather. Both boys shrunk back at the sight of him and Loki was sure that that intense, one-eyed glare rested on him a few seconds longer.
"Where were you two rushing off to so quickly?"
"To find you, of course," Loki lied with what he hoped was a convincing smile.
Odin was not fooled and his younger son seemed to disappear behind his elder brother when he realized it. The king of Asgard looked between them. "You went beyond the borders set up for you."
"We did," Thor answered, as much bravery in his voice as he could muster.
"There was a dragon, Father!"
"So I hear."
"There is!" Loki spoke up, peeking out from his personal guard of a brother. "I didn't believe it either, but we both saw it. How else would we have gotten burns like these? Not from a cave-in."
Odin motioned for both boys to move fully into the room and he shut the door behind him. "Was she very large?"
"She would have taken up too rooms!" Thor said, opening his arms wide and wincing even as he did so.
"And gold?"
"Yes!" the boys said together.
A small, knowing smile perked the very edges of Odin's lips. "If your mother asks," he said in an almost conspiratorial fashion, "I yelled endlessly over this matter."
"Are you not going to yell?" Thor murmured.
Odin laughed, the deep and rich sound filling the room. "Just this once, I shall not. But only this once which I pray you to bear in mind the next time the two of you decide to push the limits I have set for you. And let us save the time of you telling me there will not be a next time." he added when Thor opened his mouth again. Odin sat in the chair near the bed, amusement in his features. "I had often wondered if she had survived."
Thor and Loki exchanged surprised looks.
"You have seen the dragon?" Thor asked at the same time Loki asked, "You believe us?"
Odin nodded, a small smile gracing his lips.
"Did you battle it?" Thor asked.
"Are there more?" Loki asked.
Their father shook his head. "A tale for another time, my sons. Let us leave her, though, shall we? She is not a woman to be trifled with as you have learned."
"But you will tell us, won't you Father?" Loki insisted.
"As long as you promise you will stay out of trouble for at least a month. I know that is the most I can hope for with such adventurous children."
"We promise, Father." Thor said.
Odin's gaze moved past him to his younger son. "Sometimes intent is what matters most."
Loki grasped Thor's sleeve, but remained silent.
Odin sighed, but not heavily. "All right. To bed with the both of you. You both need to rest. I expect you both for dinner and I expect you both to look contrite in front of your mother."
"Yes, Father," they murmured together and Odin left them alone.
Thor sighed and started for the bed. "No such luck as to our own softer beds," he grumbled, climbing in. He wouldn't have to worry about it too much longeras his eyelids were drooping dangerously the closer his head got to the pillow. He noticed, after a moment, that Loki hadn't moved. "Aren't you going to bed?"
"I..." He didn't know what to say. Exhaustion had not been fully dealt with and his mind was moving at a snail's pace compared to his usual quick wit. He just didn't want to wake up to wonder if Thor were alive or dead, not being able to see him. It sounded silly, he knew, but the thought of moving back to his own temporary room bothered him more in action than in theory.
"Don't be such a child about it, Loki," Thor huffed and scooted over. At the hurt look in his little brother's eyes he motioned towards the now-empty spot. "Well come on then. I just meant that you might as well stay instead of looking pathetic and such."
"I don't look pathetic," Loki grumbled as he accepted the invitation.
"Of course you do," Thor laughed and nestled down under the sheets. After a moment he glanced over at his brother and the smile softened. "I'll tell you a secret that you can't tell anyone. Ever."
"You have to swear."
"I swear."
"You better not be lying."
"I'm not lying!"
Thor chuckled, reaching up to ruffle the younger prince's hair. He laid back , eyes closed. For a moment Loki thought he had fallen asleep again, but he began to speak in a very soft tone that seemed foreign to him. "You want to know why I was up?"
"I thought you were running away from Father."
"No. Well, partially, but no. I was coming to find you." He paused and shifted, one blue eye cracking open to watch Loki's reaction. "I'd had a dream that you had died. I had to make sure it wasn't real."
Loki felt his breath catch. He had always viewed his brother as so much bigger, so much braver than he, that to hear this fear that mirrored his own was strange to him. He sniffed, telling himself that he was too old to simply start crying in the aftermath of this. So instead he turned to his side and curled up, clutching Thor's sleeve. "To make sure I know you're still here," he explained softly.
Thor's hand covered his own. "To make sure."
A/N: And this is what happens when we say that we're wrapping up a series... We continue writing. Working on a new installment now. See you there!