I know every single relationship has to have the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend talk. We haven't really done that, being a new couple and all, but I do wonder about Sasuke's relationship with Karin. Here she is now. At his house.

Half naked that is.

I mean, sure it can be normal to be friends with your ex or whatever. But I doubt walking around half naked counts as normal behavior towards friends. Heck, I don't even walk around my own house half naked.

I let go of Sasuke's hand, opening my mouth to say something, anything, and I clench my fists. Sasuke looks at me, looking calm, like having a half naked girl in your house is normal and nothing to freak out about. Because someone is about to get punched in the face.

Then he glances at my hand and he places his hand on my fists. "That's not going to be fair if you can get into fights and I can't."

"That wasn't the agreement in my part," I hiss at him looking at him angrily. "Care to explain?" I look over where Karin is, in a lacy bra and underwear. Like she's…expecting. Something. Whatever that something is, I don't know. Don't really want to know, actually. "Why is she at your house?" I cross my arms then, so my fists don't accidentally punch Karin in the face and mess it up. Maybe she does need a good bruise on that perfect face. A huge bruise next to her perfect nose.

"I'm like right here and I can totally hear you!" Karin says, a little too happily.

"Karin, you're drunk, go home," Sasuke says.

"I am not drunk," Karin humphs. Sasuke sighs, still not looking at me even though I will him to look at me. Guess what they say about couples having the same brain wavelength or something is false. Totally false. Completely and utterly false. And I'm pretty sure it came from a reliable source via Sai via the magazines he reads occasionally.

Sasuke checks Karin's eyes to see if she's drunk probably, and Karin is rolling her eyes, but looking at Sasuke. Checking him out, like I'm invincible and not there. I don't get jealous. I try not get jealous, but she was at his house, was inside of it.

Sasuke finally looks at me. Finally has his eyes on me, though I have been watching him, to make sure he doesn't give Karin a once over because Karin was half naked and all, but he didn't. He was only looking at her face. Not her body. Which was, I hate to say, in shape. A body guy's drool over. For a second, I wonder if she knows she could be a cheerleader. Or a model.

"Karin was supposed to leave my house yesterday," Sasuke says, like his explanation is supposed to make me feel better. It's making it worse.

"She was at your house?" I say, looking at Karin's half naked self and all its glory and look at Sasuke.

"Yes," he says simply.

"Well, I guess I'm not going to be needed," I turn around, but Sasuke grabs my hand.

"It's not what it looks like," Sasuke says. And he looks at me, in a pleading way.

"Oh, so you know what this looks like," I look past his shoulders and glare at Karin.

"Your mom let me in, Sasuke," Karin says. I feel a little jealous that Sasuke's mom would do that. I mean they're obviously close to each other.

"I'm leaving," I say, pulling away from Sasuke's grip. How could we go from amazing kissing to this in like two seconds?

"Sakura," Sasuke says, and I swallow. His voice sounds almost desperate and I'm about to turn around and kiss him again, but I take a deep breath instead.

"Sort out…whatever you have to sort out," I tell him.

"At least let me drive you home," he says.

"I have a ride," I tell him. "Sai's going to pick me up." I give him a tight smile. His eyes hold mine, trying to read my face.

"Text me when you get home?" Sasuke asks. The gentleman.

"If I feel like you deserve it," I tell him, turning around until Sai comes a minute later, picking me up. I can feel Sasuke's eyes on me, and it takes all of me not to look back.


I'm glaring at Karin.

"What?" she asks innocently. "Like what you see?" I take a deep breath to calm myself. My temper is usually in check when it comes to small things. But potentially ruining it for Sakura and me? She had to go there. And she crossed the line.

"You did this on purpose."

"She obviously doesn't trust you," Karin says. She's moving next to me.

"Don't." I rub my hands on my temples, already knowing there's going to be a headache. Sakura is one of those girls that are beautiful but doesn't know it. And that makes her even hotter. She also probably thinks I think Karin looks hot. Which she is, don't get me wrong, but Sakura is hotter, in her own unique way. And her personality is just something else.

"And thank you for not telling Sakura about…my situation," Karin says quietly. "I don't want your girlfriend feeling sorry for me."

"The only reason why is because I promised you I wouldn't. I don't break promises like some people do," I say, and all I am wanting is to call Sakura, to explain everything. The hurt in her eyes…I close my eyes, blocking it off.

The doorbell rings. Karin turns red, realizing it's my mother and quickly puts on something decent.

"Sasuke," my mother smiles. Then she looks at Karin. "Where's Sakura?"

"Gone," I look at Karin. She looks at my mother sheepishly. My mother nods at us, heading to her room.

I was about to walk to my room when Karin goes in front of me. "You were the first person I loved," Karin tells me.

"No," I shake my head. "There was too many games and manipulation on your part."

"That was all for us. Don't you see, Sasuke? Every time you got mad at me made me happy because you cared about me enough to fight someone." Karin looks at me, pleadingly. "I've never had that."

I clench my fists tightly. I thought about Suigetsu and her. "No, you don't hurt the ones you love." I walk away, closing my bedroom door gently. I was calmer than I felt.


Thankfully Sai picks me up quickly.

"What happened?" Sai asks me. "I really hate your cryptic texts. 'Pick me up. I am at Sasuke's. Not good. Please. Thanks.' Yeah, that just made me more confused. I mean one thing, you're at his house. At night."

I tell Sai about the whole Karin situation. "I'm not going to talk to him," I shrug.

"You're going to have to talk to him eventually," Sai tells me.

"I hate when you're right."

"Which is always," Sai says smugly.

"I mean how can you explain how there's a half naked girl at your house? Like, there's no explanation. At all. And even though he might look like it, I don't think he's that kind of guy. Or maybe he is and I just misjudged him from the start."

"Has he called you?" Sai asks.

"Yes. And he even left me a voice mail, which I'm not going to hear."


"Maybe later," I say, feeling tired all of a sudden.

"So he's a good kisser?" Sai asks. I groan. "I'll take that as a yes."

After Sai drops me off, I enter the house, knowing no one's there because my dad at the step are out somewhere, probably not coming back until the a.m. I head to my room and lay on my bed. I listen to the voicemail. "Hey. It's me. But you already know that. Number one, I just ask you to trust me." I narrow my eyes, wondering if Karin is there. He's seen Karin, his not girlfriend more naked then his girlfriend, me. Who's not wearing the most appealing attire, but still. I don't go into people's houses half naked and walk around. Not even in my own house.

I mean, Karin is super model thin, unlike me, which Sai calls curves and beautiful, and is just like the complete opposite of me. She's confident. She knows she's pretty.

Unlike me.

I stare at the phone, debating of what I should do. I come with crazy scenarios in my head if I was a different person:

Sai: Write some couple-y thing on Facebook

Hinata: Go to his house and then faint at the sight of him

TenTen: Tell him straight up how I feel

Ino: Call back giggling and tell him to come over my house so we can get freaky

Karin: Walk around his house half naked

So I take the safe route and text him: I'll see you tomorrow.

Sasuke's reply: I only have eyes for you, number one

I roll my eyes. Oh whatever. Corny, cheesy, but I like it. I smile despite myself and find that he texted me again: thank you

Thank you for what? For understanding when I don't really understand really? For texting him? I sigh, hearing his voicemail just to hear his voice. I want to call him, but I want him to sweat it some. He deserves that much because deep inside me, I have already forgave him.


I haven't heard from Sakura the next morning during school. I knew I was going to see her during Kakashi's class, but I want to talk to her now.

When I sit in my seat, coming almost late, I glance over at Sakura, who's right next to me but staring straight ahead. Sakura is going to drive me crazy. She smells so good, like vanilla and a whiff of almonds. She's writing in her notebook about something Kakashi's saying about something else. Whatever it is, I'm sure isn't that important. I need to stop staring at her.

Sakura doesn't even look at me when she whispers, "Pay attention." I take this as a sign she's not completely mad at me. I didn't know what to expect. But she's driving me crazy with not looking at me and being beautiful.

"Does it matter when I have you as a tutor?" I whisper back. She shoots me a look and narrows her eye, shaking her head slightly, but I see her lips twitch up slightly. It felt good to make her smile like that. That I was the reason why she was smiling.

The bell rang and Kakashi calls out to us, "Say no to drugs!"

Sakura bolts out of the room, leaving me no room to talk to her about what happened with Karin. Because nothing happened.


I head straight to my next class, hoping Sasuke doesn't catch up to me to talk to me. Hoping he does. I stop when I hear my name.

"Hey Sakura!" Naruto walks over to me, with Hinata by his side. She still looks really embarrassed to be near him, but it is too cute. Way too cute. They're like the cutest couple ever. I don't know how people perceive me and Sasuke. Sasuke, the hunky guy, and me, the girl who dresses like a bum everyday and doesn't care. "We're having out double date tomorrow, right? That's what Sasuke told me the other day."

Oh crappo. I totally forgot. And me and Sasuke are fighting so unless we make up by tomorrow, it's going to be one awkward double date. Really awkward.

"Yeah we are," a deep voice behind me says. Sasuke walks next to me, giving me his megawatt smile and turning to Naruto.

"That's great!" Naruto suddenly hugged me. "I have a great plan." Naruto waggles his eyebrows and I faked a smile. No. Oh no.

What if he chooses to go bowling? I suck at bowling. Actually, I can't throw or aim to save my life.

"Can you tell us what is it?" I ask him.

"It's a surprise," he tells us.

"Y-yeah. Even I don't know," Hinata tells us. Ugh. I hate surprises. Like straight up hate surprises. I have to be prepared.

"Great," I say weakly. I couldn't tell him I was bailing because he looks really excited, but I'm glad he has something planned. There's nothing I hate more than a person asking me what I want to do. I'd rather have the guy already plan the whole date. It's better that way.

Naruto leaves me and Sasuke. Alone.

Sasuke doesn't move.

I don't move.

Since I hate awkward silences or just silences in general and am uncomfortable with them, I have to say something. Anything. "So nothing is going on with you and Karin? She's your ex girlfriend, Sasuke. I'm not stupid," I say as I start walking. Sasuke walks with me.

"Nothing," Sasuke promises. "I told you, didn't I? I only have eyes for you." His comment makes me think about how yesterday he didn't check out Karin's body, but then a sickening feeling came over me. When they were dating, he probably looked at her plenty.

"Would it have been different?" I ask Sasuke as we walk outside into the courtyard of the school.

"What would have?" Sasuke answers, looking at me.

"If you met me before Karin," I say. Sasuke runs a hand through his spiky hair, and my hands itched to touch it. It's all about the self control.

"I was stupid back then. But I think I made it clear to Karin yesterday I never really felt anything for her and I come to realize this when I'm with you. Being with you makes me happier than I ever was with Karin," Sasuke explains. I feel my heart beat picking up, just hearing those words make me fall for Sasuke Uchiha even more.

"Well," I say, trying to lighten up the serious mood that I initiated, "I mean how would you feel if Kiba was at my house, half naked?" I ask him, reversing our cases. Sasuke gives me a look. We enter the cafeteria where people are just hanging around and buzzing around.

"I'd probably knock his lights out," Sasuke answers, "then just pummel him some more, for good measure."

"Exactly my point," I say. "So do you understand how I felt yesterday?"

"I'm trying, but, Sakura," Sasuke takes both of my hands and he looks at me. "One huge part of our relationship is going to be trust."

"I trust you, I just don't trust her," I say easily. "Because I think that trust is the most important part of a relationship. Without trust, you have nothing." I look at him. "And I do trust you, Sasuke."

"So yesterday…"

"Was just so you could sweat a little." I grin at him. "I think we just had our first official fight as a couple."

"Why are you happy?" Sasuke asks incredulously.

"It's just such a normal, couple thing to do. I didn't expect that with you."

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. "Expect what?"

"Normal." I look sideways at him.

Sasuke laughs which makes me smile even wider, and I realize that I have been smiling a lot lately. Also, I haven't really heard him laugh much, but he laughs in such an adorable way, his whole face lights up and he looks so relaxed, washing away the seriousness that's etched in his face even when he's not being serious.

We're both looking at each other and I fall deep into his eyes. I break the silence, "Yesterday was nice though." Sasuke gives me a questioning look. "The few minutes before we saw Karin and all her glory."

"You mean us kissing."

"Yeah. That." I bite my lip looking up at him and blinking innocently and he groans. I only lean on him and smile, tracing my finger across his amazing jaw line.

"That's not fair. You can't do something like that where there's people around," Sasuke growls. He then takes me by the shoulders and kisses me full on the lips, making my heart skip a beat. He pulls away abruptly, giving me a wolfish grin. How can someone be this hot? And he's mine.

I take a deep intake of breath, realizing that I'm really falling for Sasuke Uchiha. And hard.


Oh hi there, readers. TO ALL THOSE REVIEWERS I THANK YOU GUYS. I was like, "When should I update?" Then I read some reviews and honestly that put my really really stressed out mood in a really good mood to go ahead and write. My one month was to adjust to senior year and it hit me with scholarships and college apps. Which I still have to finish up. Thank you for staying with me. I'm trying to write this wonderful story of mine, and all those reviewers out there that I know you like the story because your comments imply it, push me to keep continuing on. I was going to update regardless, but reading good things about my story motivated me to write for you guys.

So if you haven't reviewed, Nike. Just do it.