Skyl3r-M0on: Hello! Just trying something new. I wrote this story previously with different character names on a different website, but I wanted to see if you guys would like it. So i just changed up the names, and if you see different names tell me.
"Wake up Amu. Breakfast is ready and you have to get dressed." My mother shook me.
I lightly groaned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before sitting up and hugging my mom. "Morning Mom!"
She left after giving me a peck on the forehead and went to wake up my older sister Ami.
I got up and got dressed before making my way downstairs to the kitchen table to be met by my Mom, my Dad, and sister sitting at the kitchen table with an extra plate of eggs, bacon, and french toast just waiting for my to dig in.
I smiled.
I love my family I thought while seating myself next to my dad who smiled down at me and ruffled my hair. Or maybe not.
I frowned and fixed my hair.
He chuckled. "You know, for a 9 year old, you care a lot about your looks. Got a special boy you're trying to impress?"
I scowled at him. "No! And even if there was, I don't need you scaring them off like last time!"
I heard Ami scoff and turned my attention to her. "As if! The reason he left was 'cause he saw your face you ogre!"
"Shut up! You only got Usui Yagami cause you're older"
"Age ain't nothing but a number kid. And don't blame me cause he doesn't like childish girls like you."
"You're only a year older, stop treating me like I'm 5." I growled back.
"Now now, play nice." Mom chimed in, breaking up our little argument.
I smiled at her. Everything about her was perfect. From her sandy colored hair with -which I sadly didn't inherit but Ami did- down to her her ruby painted toe nail. I did however inherit her beautiful gold colored eyes.
I could only wish to grow up and be anything like her. She's so kind and loving.
"Anything for you mom." I replied
I heard Ami mutter something along the lines of "suck up."
I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her anyways.
I love these guys.
~Later that day...~
The whole day I was excited about getting home so my mom could teach me the parts of a motorbike and how to clean them. She had bought me one yesterday and showed me today. She said that when I was finally of age, she'd give it to me and teach me how to ride it.
There was a knock on Kurenai-sensei's door, interrupting my thoughts
"Hi sorry to bother you, but can Hinamori Amu please come to the office. It's urgent." One of the office helpers said. Worry etched my face when they said it was urgent. Not wasting any time, I ran to the office, ignoring the yells from teachers passing by telling my to slow down, or stop running in the hall.
When I finally reached the office, I saw Ami sitting in one of the chairs with horror engraved on the face. Her once rosy cheeks were now pale, her once lively yellow eyes were now lifeless and cold. I walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"What's going on? What happened?" I asked. When she didn't reply, I walked toward the schools secretary. "Sanjo-sama, what's going on, why were Ami and I called here, and while does she look like she just saw a ghost?" I pointed towards Ami. I couldn't keep my voice from cracking because of the fear that enveloped me.
The hesitation was clear in her eyes. She was afraid to tell me something. "Um, well Amu, you might want to sit down for this." Though I was confused, and scared I sat down next to Ami and held her hand when I noticed she was shaking.
"I just got a call from the hospital." She took a deep breath. "Your mom passed away this afternoon after a motorbike accident. I'm so sorry."
Accident. Passed away. My head started to spin. I wave as nausea hit me like a tone of bricks as I took the information in. My mom is dead.
I felt my eyes mist up before a stream of tears slid down my cheeks. My stomach clenched as I let out a round of uncontrolled sobs. My mom was dead. She's gone!
How could she leave me? My mind questioned. Why? Why me? Why did she have to be taken away from me?
That day I cried and cried until there was nothing left and since that day, I slowly started losing a part of myself until if felt like there was a huge gaping hole in my heart.
And since that day. My life slowly started to fall apart.