The Last Chapter! Are you guys sad? Happy? Ecstatic? Unfortunately, there will not be another sequel (Sequel to the sequel?) but the spin-off, "Death isn't the End of Love" will be... say, 2-5 chapters. How many of you can't wait for the spin-off?


That day has finally come. I imagine the beauty of the bouquet of beautiful roses and tulips in my hands.

"Don't you think she needs something flashy?" Grace tilted her head to the side.

"No way you're making me look like a stuck-up, attention-seeking model on my wedding day!" I playfully warned.

"Okay, okay," Grace held her hands in the form of surrender.

"You can look now," I heard Julie murmured.

Opening my eyes, I saw a woman so breathtakingly beautiful, it seemed like she was from another world.

Then I realized it was me.

I was wearing a short wedding dress, the skirt puffed out and rippling down to my tights-covered knees, the sleeveless bodice tight fitting and adorned with a belt of pearls. A necklace of pearls hung around my neck, and I wore white heels. My hair was curled, and lay down my back, slowly spiraling down my dress. My veil flows down to my waist like a sheer, transparent, silky waterfall. My eyes seemed to be the color of milk chocolate, but shone with a brightness that glowed like an otherworldly light. My lips were glossy and full, and my cheeks betrayed my excitement and love for my soon-to-be married life and husband.

"Wow..." I breathed.

I heard the door open, and my dad came in, looking dashing in a light gray suit.

"My daughter," he sighed in happiness and sadness.

"You won't lose me," I tell him as I turn to face him. "I'll always visit."

"I know, but my baby won't be in the house when I come home," Dad smiled weakly, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

I wiped the tears from his eyes. "I love you Dad. I always will, even when I'm mad. No one can replace you."

"It's time," Kelsey called as everyone filed out and lined up.

I waited as my friends walked down the aisle. How ironic that all my bridesmaids were married. I guess they're the bride's matrons.

As the classic Wedding Canon comes on, everyone stands up and turns to see me. We're in a beautiful room in a hotel, and I don't even take the time to look around. My eyes are on Jack.


His wonderful brown eyes and caring smile.

His hero complex and overprotectiveness.


Before I can blink, we're there, and Jack's holding my hand, not Dad.

The Wedding begins, and it's all a blur. I only remember the vows.

"I, Jackson Anderson, take you, Kimberly Crawford, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.

"I, Kimberly Crawford, take you, Jackson Anderson, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Jack leans in, and gives me a tender kiss on the lips.

The congregation goes wild.

I've hugged thousands of people, accepted congratulations from everyone, smiled brightly and tried to pay attention to the ones who talked on and on, and danced with Jack, embarrassed myself thoroughly when I was dancing alone on the dance floor, and smashed cake into Jack's face.

I needed a break.

I walked onto a porch, taking in the nightime air.

"Kim," I hear a voice call. Whirling, I saw Beth and Kevin leaning against the railing across from me.

"We promised you we'd show you something," Kevin reminded me. I'm whirled back to the graduation, when they first showed up.

Two children appear next to Beth and Kevin. One is a teenage boy, maybe 13-14, with tousled brown hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes. In his arms is a beautiful, blonde toddler with soft, doe brown eyes. She looks to me with such warmth and love that it melts my heart. She mouths one word: Mommy.

I start, and turn to stare at Beth and Kevin. Slowly, the children disappear. "Are they..." I can't finish it.

"They're yours, Kim," Beth smiles. "Congratulations."

I continue to stare long after Beth and Kevin disappear.

Few Months After the Wedding...


I came home to silence. Kim didn't greet me like she usually does. I looked around, until I found her on the porch.

"Jack, I'm pregnant," Kim says out loud. I almost gasp. Kim's pregnant? "No, that's not it," she mutters. "Hey, Jack... I'm um... pregnant. Are you mad? No, that sounds judgemental. Let's see... Jack, hey, I'm pregnant, want to go see Jeremy and Mariela? No, that's too rushed." In pure anger, Kim slams her fist on the metal railing so hard, the rail shakes.

"Don't hurt yourself," I find myself saying.

Kim whirls. "J-Jack! H-How much did you hear?" She stammers.

"All of it," I answer, going to her and placing a hand on her stomach.

"What are we going to name it?" I ask.

"Don't you mean, what are we going to name him?" Kim corrects, her tone slightly cynical.

"What makes you think you're having a boy?" I protest.

"I may or may not have known the gender of my children and when I'm going to have them since the wedding," Kim winks.

"Beth and Kevin?" I ask her. Kim bites her lip before nodding.

"Well then, what are we going to name him?"

"Michael Kevin Anderson?" Kim suggests.

"And if we have a girl after him, should we name her Danielle Beth Anderson?" I shoot back.

Kim smiles. "Perfect. That sounds like a name that suits a girl like Dani."

"Oh, you've seen them too? Kim, you got to stop hiding visits from Beth and Kevin from me!"

"And what if I don't?"

And so ends "The Secret." Be on the Lookout for "Death isn't the End of Love." I really don't know if I will go through with it, but if I do, it's not going to be as long as any of my other stories. Max is about five chapters.
