Hey guys! So I was wondering if anyone would like to help me write this story? I have a lot of ideas but I've never been good at writing stuff. I'll give you guys another chapter, but if you are interested in helping me please PM asap!


Rosie and I were in Gym and our class was playing basketball. At the moment the guys were the ones playing. It was the 'cool' guys versus the 'nerds'. I saw Gabe showing off like always and I rolled my eyes. Rosie saw this... unfortunately.

"Why did you just roll your eyes at Gabe?" She asked me with one eyebrow up.

"No reason." I said shrugging and not taking my eyes off of the game. I hoped she would drop the matter, but with the luck I have, of course she didn't.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say you have a crush on him." She was grinning and she ha turned back to the game knowing that that would get my attention.

My head snapped to her direction and for a second I didn't even know how to respond to that. Finally I regained my senses and almost screamed.

"What?! Are you crazy?! Why would you think that? I could never like him!"

"Really? Cause it looks the totally cliche "I hate you, but I actually love you" kind of romance."

"Oh please. There's only hate here, no love whatsoever. He is an arrogant jerk. He doesn't care about anything or anyone. How could I possibly like a guy like that?"

"You never know." was Rosie's simple answer. She didn't even turn away from the game. I just shook my head and scoffed in bewilderment.

A few minutes later the teacher blew his whistle indicating the end of the boys' game and the start of the girls' game. The teams had already been chosen during the boys' game so we just got ready to play.

Rosie and I stood ready to receive the ball to then try to run down the court and get a basket.

The whistle blew again and the game started. Rosie caught the ball and she started dribbling to the ring. I ran close to her and she passed me the ball. I then passed it to a teammate who passed it to someone else and then the ball was back to me when I was close enough to hoop. I shot and the ball went in. My teammates cheered for me and Rosie gave me a double high-five and then just when she was gonna walk past me she whispered something in my ear.

"Looks like Gabe can't stop looking at you."

I turned to her but all she did was smirk. I then turned behind and true to Rosie's words, Gave was seating with his friends on bleachers staring right at me. I raised my eyebrows as if asking him 'What?'. That made him snap out of some sort of trance he was in and he quickly turned always from me and started talking with his friends.

I turned back to the game and scored a few more goals, but every so often I would feel Gabe's eyes on me again. But every time I made eye contact with him h would quickly look away and act like he hadn't even noticed I was there.

When the game finished I looked at Gabe's direction once more but this time he stood up and seemed to be walking towards me. I turned to Rosie who had made her way next to me.

"It looks like you aren't the only one that is having some mixed feelings." I was about to ask her what she meant by that but before I could someone spoke behind me.

"Not bad, Adams. I never would've imagined you were good at something." I turned to see Gabe standing in front of me.

"Wow. For a second there I thought you were actually gonna say something nice, but you ruined it with the last part. Thanks anyways." I shot him a sarcastic smile and turned towards the changing rooms with Rosie right behind me.

"Oohhh! Someone's got a crush on Melody!" She wiggled her eyebrows at me but I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh shut up. We both know that's not true. As if Gabe could actually like someone. He doesn't like girls, he just kisses them and never talks to them again. Like I've said a million times... He's a jerk!" Sometimes I think Rosie just has nothing better to do than gossip.

"Oh come on Melody! He was totally checking you out during the game, and then after he even complimented you!" She stood there ready, waiting for me to finish getting ready.

"Oh please you could hardly call that a compliment." I zipped up my bag ready to leave the changing room.

"But-" I cut her off before she could complain.

"Look, just drop it. Okay?" I walked off out of the changing room.

I ignored Rosie's calling of my name and something about there being a thin line between hate and love or something like that.

I was so not looking forward to lunch, knowing Rosie would tell Aubrey about her "suspicions" and knowing them both they won't stop bothering me about it.

God help me!


I hoped you guys liked this. I'm sorry of never updating but like I said before, I'm not good at putting ideas into words. Please review and PM me! I'll try to update soon! Thanks for all the support!

~PopiAle XoXo