Hi guys...and welcome to the last chapter of my Vampire Knight Crossover...I can honestly say...this story was supposed to be a oneshot...it is the reivews and support I received to keep this story going. It had a good run, though I forgot to update at times...i'm glad you all stuck with me. I would just like to thank you all for everything you've done. I hope you can find some of my other work entertaining as well and I hope I got all of your creative juices flowing so you can make work of your own.

Thank you once again...


Ciel's point of view

"Sebastian...today is the day..."

"Indeed young master, though I do say...the time frame is quite short...do you really think they could make an improvement in the time you've given them?" He inquired fastening the necktie around my slender neck.
"Honestly Sebastian...I wasn't planning on letting them live...I just gave them this time as a false hope...their lives will end this evening."

"Quite devious young master?"

"It's part of being a demon..." I smirked rising to my feet and beginning the trek to class.

Kaname's point of view

I rolled around my expensive mattress trying desperately to find sleep...but how could I if I knew my life could end tonight. Vampires were growing scarcer and scarcer...we are among a limited population...he could possibly be the end of our species. I can only hope that our vampires are prepared... I sighed giving up on falling asleep and tiredly walked out of my room, entering the living room.

"Ruka...what are you doing up?" I questioned surprised to see the prideful vampire lounged on the sofa.

"I couldn't sleep is all..." she replied in a quiet, almost inaudible voice.

"I am finding it hard to sleep myself..." I confessed walking over to sit on the couch opposite of her.

"Kaname-sama...would you like to drink my blood...we may die tonight...it would be my great honor."

"I cannot." I replied letting an airy breath escape my lips.

"Kaname-sama...can I ask you a question...I understand it may be out of place...but I must know...in case my life ends today."

"I suppose..."

"Why am I not good enough...I've tried for so long..." She whispered, dread overwhelming her features.

"You are good enough...I just am set on someone..."

"It's her isn't it...that girl...that human...who you treasure so much..."

"Let's not talk about this okay?"

She huffed and walked back towards her room...Today is going to be extremely hard...

Ciel's point of view

The day seemed to drag on, but finally Sebastian and I made our way out to the dark courtyard.

"Are you ready? I don't expect them to go down without a fight." I asked casually as we walked towards the nightclass building.

"I wouldn't want it any other way young master."

"Good well then we must hurry, I would like to go home as soon as possible..."


We walked quietly to the building. Today or rather tonight would be the last time we would be at this academy, and I can't say I will miss it. This academy brought only stress...and no education. We finally reached the door and knocked ominously...

"Come in..." A strong voice called from the others side. Sebastian quickly opened the door, stepped aside and motioned for me to go inside. I walked into the room, the tense atmosphere silently edging me on to do what I had to do.

"Hello Kuran Kaname..."

"Ciel Phanotmhive...Sebastian Micahlies..." he responded trying desperately to hide the growl that threatened to emerge from his throat.

"As you can tell...I want to get this done as soon as possible and I'm sure you would like to as well." I inquired quirking a brow upward as I walked toward the front of the classroom.

"Now i've given you time to fix yourselves, if you are incapable of doing so...you will die."

The students stiffened but didn't protest, sitting silently on the edge of their seats, anxiety surging through their systems.

"Any complaints..." I asked casually knowing there wouldn't be any...There are...they just won't voice them in fear of dying without any chance to survive.

"Now Sebastian...please hand me the letter opener you keep in your coat."

"What for young master?" He questioned handing me the long sharp object.

"For there test." I replied simply, sliding the it across my thin wrists, wincing as the blood welled up around the sharp steel and began to drip, pooling on the cold floor. In an instant the vampires gasped, covering their mouths, closing their eyes and counting to distract them from the deliciously red fluid dripping in front of them.

"Young master...though I understand I must say that this is a bit risky..." Sebastian worried as he took the opener from my fingers.

"Now we wait...I intended to wait for around 15 minutes if that's alright with you..."

"Young master 15 minutes is an awful long time to bleed yourself." Sebastian warned, but it fell upon deaf ears. I am a demon, I shall not die loosing this blood...this blood more delicious than any humans would not be the death of me ...It will become their heartbreaking torture.

"Ciel this is a bit ridiculous...it's like setting a cake in front of a child and telling them they aren't allowed to eat it." Kaname argued, clenching his jaw as I laugh lightly at his complaints.

"I have chosen the time...it will go as I say."

We waited, nobody daring to make a sound...the air,thick with tension. The only sound that could be heard was the blood spilling down my fingertips and the vampires gasping for air, groaning in discomfort. Kaname as well gritted his teeth at the smell, quietly holding his stoic face...

"I can't take this anymore!" Aidou screamed lurching forward over his desk.

"AIDOU!" Kaname screamed but was quickly trapped in an icy prison.

"Well well well...looks like we have someone who can't keep their fangs away." I teased as Sebastian subdued the vampire.

"I had a feeling it was going to be you, You always seemed like the weakest link...now your friends are going to pay for it...Do you want to see them die? You will pay for your actions...you will watch as all of them die by your rash decision." I growled out locking eyes with the now panicked blonde.

"You can't...I swear...i'll control myself-" he choked as Sebastian tightened his grip on the smaller man's throat.

"That is enough gentlemen..." A stern voice called from over my shoulder. I sighed in annoyance and turned around to see a scruffy looking old man. He is the old vampire...that kept me here at first...

"Ichijo-san..." Kanamae whispered in disbelief..."What are you doing here? I thought you left a long time ago..."

"That is what I wanted you to think." He explained as he ran dry fingers through his disheveled beard.

"So why are you here?" Kaname questioned slightly insulted at the mans arrogance.

"I was watching you since the devil walked in the door." He growled in a low tone that would have sent shivers through any humans' spine.

"Nevermind that, what is your purpose for interrupting my test?" I asked rudely, cossing my thin arms across my chest.

"I will not allow you to kill my vampires." He stated calmly, narrowing his eyes.

"Why? Can't you see that your species only cause trouble?" I growled back becoming slightly agitated with his cool attitude.

"Think about it, How many students were attacked by vampires?" We peered over to Kaname for conformation. He only shrugged leaving me to believe he didn't know anything at all.

"What will happen when the vampires are killed and have to leave?" he asked yet another question and I swear I could have ripped his head off...

"What do you mean? The kids would be safe and they wouldn't be in harms way." I replied as smooth as possible wanting to appear more mature and superior.

"Oh but would they? Did you forget where this school is located? Just outside those gates vampires lurk waiting for their next prey...most of the degenerated into level E's...Do you really want to put the students in that kind of danger? These vampires keep the level E's away and therefore keep the academy safe..." He concluded a smug smirk crossing his face.

"So you say if I take them away more vampires are going to attack?"


"Couldn't I just kill them as well?"

"There are many level E's...It would take you the rest of your immortal life to get rid of them."
I pondered for a bit, feeling the cuts on my wrists heal up.

"I understand..." I announced stepping back from the crowd and signaling for Sebastian to release the vampire pinned to the wall.

"I will not kill you, I'm not satisfied with the results that happened today and I expect them to be corrected but I won't kill you."

The class let out a breath of relief as the visibly relaxed in their seats.

"I expect you to keep them safe and-"

"KANAME-SENPAI ARE YOU OKA-..." Shouted a frantic Yuuki as she burst through the door, followed quietly by a rather relaxed Zero.

"I'm fine Yuuki..." Kaname replied smoothly walking over to the breathless girl.

"Where did this blood come from?" She fretted looking at the pool around myself.

"That was their test, they failed." I explained nodding to the elder vampire.

"What! You can't kill them! They can-"

"Yuuki calm down, i'm not killing them. They have to keep the academy safe...and I expect you to keep them in line." I said walking over to her slowly.

"You aren't..."

"no...don't make me repeat myself."

"Thank you so much Ciel!" She screamed pulling me into a bruising hug.

"Let me go at once." I ordered, straightening myself up.

"I promise, they will try their best!"

"Okay...if I get any word of trouble, i'm coming to kill them whether they protect this place or not."

"I promise you won't need to do such a thing." She saluted looking at Zero for support.

"uh..yeah..." he added half paying attention.

"Sebastian...I think we can leave now..."

"I agree..."

We nodded to the crowd signaling our leave as we walked out of the doors towards the front gate.

"I can say I won't miss this place..." I told Sebastian as we walked through this cold night air.

"I can't say I will either, but we have experienced something new." He replied a small smirk gracing his thin lips.

"let's go home?"

"Yes...let's go home..."

Okay so i'm sorry if it didn't end like you wanted...but that's how I had the story planned out from the very beginning...I might do a epilogue...like what happens after Ciel leaves but it isn't likely...

Merci for reading so long.

Please share your final thoughts...

Thanks for the support
