Kagome: 8 years old friends Eri, Yuki and Ayumi

Never knew she was a miko

very girly and childish

Really kind and innocent

cannot use Bow and arrows...yet

Sesshomaru: Looks 14 but really is over 500 yrs old

Stubborn and egoistic

has a soft spot for younger kids

really mature for his age

respects his father

dislikes his mother for leaving

uses 'Poison Whip'

does not have any swords

Inuyasha: Looks 11 but really is over 300 yrs

stubborn and childish

loves his brother, father and mother

can only use 'Blades of Blood' and 'Iron Reaver Soul Stealer'

(A/N: if i got that one wrong please tell me)

Does not have Tessaiga

Inu Taisho: Looks 20 but is over 2,000 yrs old

Loves to tease Sesshomaru and Inuyasha

Secretly wants a daughter

Loves Izayoi (but sadly she died)

Planning to give his sons his swords when their at the appropriate age

can use the same moves and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru

Fun, loving, and embarrassing (you'll get what i mean)


Kagome and her friends were playing catch, Eri threw the ball to far so Kagome went to go get it

The rolled to the street but Kagome still went to go get it

Kagome finally got the ball but it was to late, a car was coming

When Kagome turned around the car didn't have time to stop and eventually hit Kagome

Kagome's mom rushed Kagome to the hospital

The docters said that Kagome was fine but she fell into a coma

Everybody got scared, she might never wake up again

While everybody went home Kagome's spiritual powers guided her to the feudal era

Kagome woke up in the bone eater's well and climbed up

She didn't know what to do so she walked towards the first recognizable thing she saw...the Goshinkibo (if anyone knows what it's called please tell me)

Or what she calls it 'The Tree of Ages'

She gets captured by the village men and gets taken to Edo

Kikyo takes a good look at her and says that she is her incarnation

Nobody believes it but eventually kikyo persuades everyone

Kikyo trains Kagome and her sister Kaede

As always Inuyasha comes to watch but when Inuyasha spots Kagome loads of questions come out of his mouth, Kagome and Inuyasha eventually becomes friends

4 yrs passed,now Kagome is a fully trained miko and Inuyasha wants to introduce his brother to Kagome

She agrees, when she sees Sesshomaru a part of her immediately falls in love but the rest of her just fears him

Sesshomaru starts to develop feelings for Kagome as well.

A 15 yr old Kagome in front on Sesshomaru and besides the bone eater's well

Kagome finally confesses her love for Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru does as well

As soon as that happens she gets sucked into the bone eater's well and wakes up from her coma fully grown

After she gets out of the hospital Kagome becomes depressed...Not able to see Sesshomaru ever again made her grow with sorrow

Or that's what she thinks, she bumps into a man out on her way home

Their eyes meet but they do not recognize each other but they feel they met each other somewhere before

Where will they end up? Who is the mystery man? Find out on the next chapter