King of the Wastes!
Bwhahahahaha your lord and master DreadGod returns with this random story I thought of while reading one piece crossovers; anyways here we go! Read and review! PS. For those who don't know this will be One Piece in the Fallout world and fallout follows an alternate timeline in which the Cold War only escalated after WW2. Last but not least a thanks to my beta GirlinBlue2364
The geopolitical situation that led to the outbreak of the long-feared global nuclear war was prompted primarily by the onset of a worldwide energy crisis when the supplies of fossil-fuels, particularly petroleum, finally began to run out by the year 2050. This energy crisis was in part the result of the ever-increasing amounts of fossil-fuel required to power the world's larger and less energy-efficient technologies, due to their failure to develop miniaturized electronics and more advanced manufacturing materials. The result of this energy crisis was an increasing scramble by all of the advanced, industrialized nations to secure the few remaining supplies of untapped petroleum around the world. Ultimately, a series of military conflicts driven by this hunger for natural resources consumed the planet. The European Commonwealth had reacted to the rapid raising of oil prices to unacceptably high levels by the Middle East's oil-rich states in 2052 by unleashing military action in that region of the world. This intervention ultimately resulted in the destruction of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv in December 2053 by a terrorist nuclear device and a limited nuclear exchange between the conflict's participants in 2054, the world's first since 1945.
As the United Nations tried with little success to keep the peace, many of that organization's member-states pulled out, and within two months of the outbreak of what was soon called the Resource Wars in 2052, the United Nations was disbanded. Next, following the breakdown of trade talks and the unilateral American exploitation of the world's last newly discovered reserves of crude oil, the Chinese invaded Alaska in 2066 in pursuit of the state's remaining oil reserves. The United States ultimately annexed Canada in 2076 to ensure Canadian support for its defense of the Alaskan front even as the American federal government acted aggressively against its own citizens to contain wartime rioting, anti-war civil disobedience and military desertion. The United States retaliated against the Chinese by launching its own costly invasion of the Chinese mainland in 2074 to reduce Chinese pressure on the Alaskan front. Despite initial costly setbacks, this strategy proved successful and American forces liberated the Alaskan city of Anchorage and forced the Chinese People's Liberation Army to retreat entirely from American soil in January 2077. This victory was largely won due to the more advanced military technology developed by the United States during the conflict, especially the deployment of Powered Infantry Armor. Many smaller nations went bankrupt in the ensuing conflict as their economies collapsed due to the increasing shortage of fossil-fuels. The Resource Wars ended with the Great War in 2077.
In The United States prior to October 23, 207.
Ever since the end of World War II in 1945, the United States had sought to become the sole remaining superpower in the world, aiming to control the globe's major energy resources and influence the direction of life in other nations. In the twenty-first century, this trend became even more apparent, because, as the Resource Wars raged between the European Commonwealth and the oil-rich states of the Middle East, as the United Nations disbanded in acrimony, and as the Soviet Union slowly declined, the United States found itself with no real rival on the global scene, except the People's Republic of China, which had become a new rival, though still economically and militarily far behind America at first. However, the energy crisis of the mid-twenty-first century hit the United States harder than expected, coupled with the outbreak of the New Plague in 2053. In 2054, a nuclear exchange in the Middle East prompted the American government to establish Project Safehouse, which was intended to create 122 underground fallout shelters that would save a portion of American society from the ravages of nuclear war or an unstoppable global pandemic. Five years later, in 2059, in order to protect its Alaskan oil interests, the United States established the Anchorage Front Line, to defend its stockpiles of oil from potential invaders.
In 2060, as stockpiles of oil ran dry and the last underground reservoirs of petroleum emptied, the American economy grounded to a halt. People pushed their cars around and the political pressure to research alternative sources of energy increased enormously. To maintain its status as a superpower in spite of the crisis, the United States expanded the size of its military and commissioned a government defense contractor, West Tek to create powered infantry armor, which was intended to replace tanks on the battlefield. This project eventually proved to be the salvation of American industry, and, in the summer of 2066, the first crude nuclear fusion cell was developed as part of this research effort and was then adapted to civilian needs.
This fact, coupled with American unwillingness to share the world's last untapped oil field in the Pacific Ocean with other energy-starved nations prompted China to declare open war against the United States and invade Alaska in 2066, initiating the Sino-American War. The initial Chinese campaign was successful, but soon, Chinese and American soldiers found themselves bogged down in a war of attrition, with both sides unable to gain any sort of meaningful advantage over the other. Even the mighty American T-45d power armor units did not tip the scales, as China's Crimson Dragoon units rampaged behind American lines, disrupting the U.S. Army's logistics and transport.
The United States' northern neighbor, Canada, proved unwilling to accept the increasingly aggressive behavior of the United States as it fought to repel the Chinese invasion. Faced with almost open hostility and the threat of military action, Ottawa relented, allowing American troops and aircraft to pass freely through its territory. This led directly to the annexation of Canada by the United States in 2076.
War and the energy crisis took a toll on American citizens. Together with the development of the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) being leaked to the mainstream news, the citizens became increasingly restless as the global and national situation deteriorated, throwing the country into turmoil. The U.S. Army was deployed into major American urban centers to contain riots in the year just before the Great War, leading to the American Army firing on its own commanders in certain circumstances.
The Fire begins, the world ends….
On Saturday October 23, 2077 a war began and ended with the dropping of nuclear weapons in China, USSR, and the United States. The exchange lasted for nearly two hours and then the world fell into the deep darkness of nuclear holocaust. In an attempt to preserve some of the American populace the United States government commissioned "Project Safehouse" in 2054, Vault-Tec built 122 vaults across the country. However, when the storm of nuclear war came in 2077, the vaults were sealed without many of their dwellers due to the "Cry Wolf" effect training drills had on the populace.
The first vault was built in Los Angeles, intended to demonstrate the viability of such a facility. The demonstration vault was built beneath the city, within its limits. Unlike other vaults, it wasn't part of the experiment. Most vaults were completed by 2063, with the last completed, in June of vault project involved making subterranean cities that would last long enough to survive the nuclear bombs. The Vaults were cities designed to hold a limit of 1000 people per vault with in tight halls and cramped living areas. The halls dimly lit by florescent lights built into the walls that buzzed constantly. While the rooms were very plain with one dresser a bed and whatever the resident could put on to the wall to not fall into boredom. The life style in the vault if you could call it that was split between people keeping their society in order or keeping their vault in order. From a young age the children were evaluated to see what they would do for the rest of their life not allowing the children themselves to choose. It was here that the people were locked and forced to live till one day it was seen fit to leave.
The nuclear exchange that characterized the Great War lasted for only a brief two hours, but was unbelievably destructive and reshaped the climate of the world even as it caused the fall of most of human civilization everywhere across the globe. More energy was released in the first moments of the Great War than all of the previous human conflicts in the history of the world combined. Entire mountain ranges were created as the ground buckled and moved under the strain of the cataclysmic pressure produced by numerous, concentrated atomic explosions. Rivers and oceans around the world were contaminated with the resulting radioactive fallout released by the relatively low-yield nuclear weapons used by all sides, and the climate changed horrifically. All the regions of the Earth suffered from a single, permanent season once the initial dust blasted into the atmosphere by the nuclear explosions had settled - a scorching, radioactive desert summer.Many American citizens did not heed the air raid sirens on October 23, 2077, believing them to be signaling just another drill. The Vaults sealed in their inhabitants as the Earth burned in atomic fire.
A few citizens took shelter where they could: sewers, and subway stations, drainage center, however without a very strong outer shield of dense metal or rock to defend them from both the heat and kinetic shockwave of the nuclear blasts, few civilians survived the full-out nuclear exchange. Some who were exposed to high levels of radiation became ghouls, and some of these ghouls, in turn, formed their own communities. Those who survived the nuclear exchange would form the basis for the brutal civilization that existed for the next 20 years, until the first Vaults re-opened.
Despite the global destruction caused by the war, many areas remained habitable, with low and tolerable levels of radioactive fallout. The surviving humans were in some parts of the Earth able to continue living in the ruins of the pre-War civilization, establishing new communities and even small cities.
Around a week after the initial nuclear explosions, rain started to fall; however, none of it was drinkable. The rain was black; tainted with soot, ash, radioactive elements produced by the nuclear explosions and various other contaminants produced by nuclear weapons. This rain marked the start of the terrible fallout that marked the true, permanent destruction caused by the Great War. The rain lasted four long days, killing thousands of species that had survived the initial destruction of the bombs, be they animal, plant or micro-organisms. Those few living things, human, animal or plant, that survived after the rain ended were left to live in the now barren wasteland that had spread across the Earth, where nearly all pre-War plant life had died either in the initial explosions or from the intense radiation produced by the fallout.
War… War never changes…
In the heart of a California a vault 111 lay hidden from the rest of the wasteland who unlike many others hadn't opened their doors to the outside world over the years. Since the Bombs had fallen Vault 111 leader also known as The Overseer refused to abide by the rule that one day they would leave instead believing the world above would never heal he made a single law. No escape. They had heard stories through radio frequencies over the passing years that many other vaults had opened up for whatever reason be it survival, anarchy or just plain boredom. They had heard that some vaults had went on to do many other good deeds after leaving the vault like one had helped found a great nation known as the NCR (New California Republic). Despite all attempts at contact from the outside, Vault 111 would continue this way for 197 years when the winds of change would finally start up again…
In the year 2274 a riot would ensue that would change the hearts of the vault residents forever and it would start with the newest Overseer Outlook the 3rd's own son…
"Hey Luffy, Ace hurry up it's over here!" Sabo screamed as he rushed down the stairs of the narrow hallway. The little blonde 10 year old ran down the wall before jumping to a step and turning the corner. He smiled like a madman as he continued down the path his smile showed off his chipped tooth. Behind him another 10 year old followed suit running just behind Sabo; his messy brown hair was falling in front of his freckled face as he ran. Ace laughed at his friend; something had Sabo really excited. While a little behind followed a 7 year old boy with messy black hair and a scar below his eye, this was Luffy. All boys wore matching attires of Vault 111 suits, as did everyone else residing in that vault. The suit was an ugly sight to behold with its blue leather fabric with a yellow zipper and yellow trimmings, the number 111 was stamped on the back. No difference could be seen between any two suits all design to be identical and bland like the rest of the place.
Luffy and Ace were brothers while they had known Sabo since they were babies. Their parents were dead having died long before Luffy could remember due to a bacteria strain that was going around at the time so their grandfather Garp took over, who was also the Chief of security. So he and the overseers were well connected friends.
"What are you're so excited about Sabo? And I don't even think we are allowed in this section of the vault; not that I really care." Ace laughed out as he saw the Sabo finally started to slow down as he headed towards a door.
"Yeah, it's even passed curfew! If our dads catch us not in our rooms their going to ground us again… That last one was devastating. It was 2 months of nothing but vault boy videos..." Luffy said pouting at the informative videos that the vault educators practically shoved down all the children's throats.
"It's a surprise now give me a second as I hack this door." Sabo smiled as he lifted his right hand, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a computer attached to his arm this as all the children as well, as all the other residents of the vault had. Sabo was a smart boy and at the age of 7 realized his Pip-Boy could be used to hack doors and cameras. With a few clicks of his Pip-boy which both Luffy and Ace marveled in as they had hardly been able to understand the tutorial for their Pip-boys.
The RobCo Pip-Boy (Personal Information Processor) is an electronic device manufactured by RobCo Industries, using ultra-modern super-deluxe resolution graphics, which coupled with its capability to store large amounts of information and transfer data to and from holodisks and from data tubes. A standard that all vault residents must wear one had been enforced since the beginning. The Pip-boy had many uses including monitoring ones vitals to exact location verifier and the best part the more you saw and experienced the more your Pip-boy could help you in your own cases.
"And open says me!" Sabo said as all the boys heard the door unlock. Sabo grabbed the handle and with a big pull opened the doorway to the room inside. As the three boys stood at the doorway, what Ace had hoped to be a weapon armory or even maybe a room of lighters for the pyro maniac is exactly what it wasn't. While Luffy had hoped for the image he had fallen in love with which was the image of meat; something no one in the vault had since the thought of animals weren't something that existed.
In the room was a huge generator with a small computer in front of it. The room buzzed loudly from the generator but was very plain in design leaving two of the boys disappointed. Sabo entered first and the other boys followed him as he walked up to the computer and turned to them.
"This isn't that exciting Sabo…." Luffy said as looked pouty around the room then towards the green screen of the computer as Sabo started pressing buttons.
"Yeah when you said this would be a dream come true this wasn't exactly what I was expecting…" Ace looked at Sabo mess with the computer in front of him he never knew what would happen when ever Sabo touched either his Pip-boy or another computer. It usually led to trouble not that he or Luffy minded because despite their size he Luffy and Sabo were known for their strength as well as their mischief.
"Shut up will you; I'm almost done and then you will see." Sabo said as he looked at the computer screen the words popped up randomly that led to the unlocking of the function some were difficult others were simple; this in particular was as expected very difficult. But of course the reward was what made it worth it. As he finally got threw security behind his father's watchful eye. He clicked his tongue when he finally reached it and smiled.
"Ok guys what's the one thing that all of us have wanted since we were born into this bland bored world?" Sabo said through his smile only to frown and hit each of the boys as they screamed out "lighters" and "meat". They both rubbed their heads as Sabo crossed his arms.
"No you idiots, I said all of us." Sabo questioned again looking at the others as the rubbed their heads before both children's eyes bulged as they realized what he was talking about.
"No way… You know how to escape?!" Ace screamed out as he looked to the blonde boy. Luffy looked on with a speechless excitement he had never thought that their wildest fantasy would ever come to fruition. Luffy, Sabo, and Ace had all dreamed of escaping the vault. Everyone did since they had heard stories of the wasteland from guards who listened to the radios of the vault hearing of wonderful stories told over the frequencies. But Outlook would have none of it he believed that the world above was savage and dangerous so here is where they would stay forever under the feet of people who would never know of their existence.
"With one press of this button the power goes off and the vault opens. We can be out of this hell in 20 minutes but it starts now! We have to leave right now because dad will surely see that someone created a backdoor to the main generator and know it was us. So are you both ready to get the hell out of here?!" Sabo screamed out as he looked to his two friends he didn't even see them contemplate the answer before they both nodded their head.
"Let's go!" Luffy screamed out and punched the air as Ace patted Sabo's back readying himself for what they were about to do as Sabo pressed on the keyboard a few more times before all the power went out.
"We have to go now before the guards start heading over here. Come on!" Sabo screamed as all the boys activated their Pip-boy lights and ran out the door. Before they had even turned the corner a guard stood in the way.
The guard didn't get a word out before Luffy ran, jumped to the wall then pushed off and drop kicked the man in the face doing a back flip and landing by Ace and Sabo as they grinned at Luffy's strength and agility. The three boys set out towards the vault door using the impaired light to their advantage as the guards went down one after another until they reached the atrium. There 13 guards stood with the room brightened by lights with their own Pip-boys.
"So the infamous trio… You three have the best possible future in the vault future of becoming Overseers and future heads of security, and yet you constantly create mischief but no more this is truly your most troublesome feat yet. Surrender now and your punishment will be severe continue this way and we will shoot to kill!" The head guard screamed out readying his men for whatever the kid had planned he didn't like the overseer's decision but these kids represented rebellion and as the overseer said no one leaves the vault.
Ace and Luffy stood in front of Sabo as he quickly hacked the generators connected to the lighting. The two boys in front stood defiantly but not moving knowing what Sabo had planned all the boys had already turned off their Pip-boy lights.
"Hmm let me think about that…. FUCK YOU!" Ace said as Sabo stood up smiling tooth fully before all three boys flipped off the guards then everything went dark as the lights were disabled. The guards turned on their Pip-boy lights but it was too late the boys had snuck passed the guards but not before Sabo kicked the head guard in the back of the head knocking him down face first.
"Come on guys, we are almost there!" Sabo screamed before as the headed to the exit; unknown to the three Garp and Outlook awaited in the vault exit ready to pounce on the un-expecting trio. They couldn't believe when they had heard their children had gotten through all the defenses they had set up using only the darkness as an advantage. The vault door was open and the smell of the cave leaked into the vault and it disgusted Outlook who had never wanted to see the door open.
As the three boys rushed through the door Garp threw a punch that hit both Luffy and Ace in the face knocking them both to down before tackling them to the ground. Sabo looked behind him only for a moment before heading towards the vault door smashing his foot into Outlook's face as the man tried intercepting the boy.
"Sabo stop. If you take another step I'll shoot!" Outlook screamed out in rage not being knocked down by the child's kick. Rage boiled in his eyes as his anger overflowed before he cocked back the gun as a warning. The boy stopped momentarily before running forward. His father looked on in shock why would he run, why was it his son who had evaded Garp's punch. He took aim knowing he was a click away from killing his own son.
"SABO!" Outlook screamed out once more before pulling the trigger a large burst shook the room but then fell into silence as they heard a thump on the ground. It felt like forever till Luffy and Ace began screaming out for their friend to answer them but when no answer came, they knew. Their friend died in the darkness of the room as the moment went on the light turned on allowing them all to see the dead body of their friend.
"You two are sentenced to imprisonment till further notice…" Outlook said before walking out of the room tears streaming down his face. Garp looked to the children under him both crying their eyes out for their dead friend but all he could do was be glad they had lived. He could have missed or only hit one of them but he had saved both from meeting the same fate as their friend.
Guards rushed passed them closing the vault before a group gathered around Luffy, Ace, and Garp. Garp got up and moved out of the way knowing what was about to happen. He left the room as Luffy and Ace continued to cry on the ground, feeling a pang in his heart he blamed himself for the beating the children were about to receive. Maybe if he hadn't been working so hard maybe he could have shown them why the vault was good for them. It was too late now though they would serve the harshest of punishments the Vault security could hand out for breaking the main rule.
No escaping.
He heard screams coming from the room as the guards began beating the hell out of the kids. All Garp could do was shake his head and go back to the head security office to write up a report. He looked at Outlook who was just ahead of him. The man was broken but more than that he was planning. Planning to end all thoughts of escape and the outside world, the vault was about to suffer a totalitarian rule and Garp would be at the head of it.
Two days later…..
Luffy and Ace lay in medical beds recovering from the wounds they received at the hands of the guards. They were physically as well as emotionally broken. Their beds lay right next to each other but neither could move.
"Luffy, you awake?" Ace almost whispered it out since it hurt to talk. He wouldn't be surprised if his wind pipe was broken with how hard the head guard had punched him in the throat.
"Ace… It hurts…" Luffy gurgled out he tasted blood in his mouth the nurse had said he had internal bleeding and that he would possible die. She hadn't seemed too sad about it maybe because the officer he had drop kicked had fallen back on a step and had been paralyzed. Luffy tried to apologize but the lady would hear none of it.
"I know Luffy tough it out… We can't die here we have something to do before we die…" Ace spoke tears rushing to his eyes as he saw Sabo's dead body in his mind.
"What do we have to do?" Luffy tried to lift his head but it didn't happen, he couldn't move without help.
"We live our dream. We will live Sabo's dream… We will escape into the Wasteland!" Ace screamed out despite the pain. He looked to Luffy and moved his hand out.
"Yeah… Yeah we will." Luffy said as he with all his efforts moved his hand to Ace's and shook his hand.
"I'LL BE KING OF THE WASTESLAND!" Luffy suddenly screamed out laughing madly before coughing loudly and spitting up blood all the while smiling. He would escape and he would become king for Sabo, for Ace and for himself.