I was watching the beginning of Season Two, and to do this, I had to watch One Shall Rise, part 3. So, this little number was whipped up. Little minific, if you will.
When we were given time to ourselves, my friend and I would travel to the nearest city to watch the gladiators. I had long admired them, those warriors, ever since my first encounter with them in my youth. They were afraid of no one, and had no idea how lucky they were to serve none. How I envied them.
Cyclonus and I had been sitting in the space reserved for the worker-class, right in the front, nearest the pit. We were miners, the two of us. He was my closest friend, truthfully, and had kept me out of trouble as much as possible. My temper was short, and I often started fights.
The victor slammed his opponent to the ground, accompanied, even fuelled, by the cheers of the crowd. He looked up into the stands and spread his arms, bellowing out.
"Is there any mech who dares challenge me now?!"
This was a common practice. Plenty of gladiators challenged their audience, most because they desired another fight, some to reassure themselves that they were feared. Few times did anyone ever accept.
"I do!"
There was silence as I stood from my place in the lowest-class. Cyclonus grabbed my wrist, trying to pull me back. "Sit down!" he hissed. "You're mad!"
"No, Cyclonus. I am inspired," I told him, throwing his hand off.
The victor laughed at me. "Only a mere worker believes himself worthy of the honor of being defeated by me?!"
I growled, climbing up onto the railing, and leaping into the pit. I was dwarfed by him, the top of my head barely grazed his chest. And believe me when I say this, I am not a small mech.
He laughed louder, stooping down to my level to look me in the optics and sneer. "Why don't you crawl back into your mineshaft where you belong?" he growled.
"Why don't we let Primus decide where I belong?" I shot back.
The battle was quick, too quick, in my opinion, and ended with my victory. I placed one foot on the chest of my dead opponent, and looked up into the crowd, throwing my arms wide and letting out an animal bellow, a guttural cry of victory that intermingled with their shouts and cheers and applause.
I turned, attempting to rejoin my friend in our space. A trainer grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back into the pit. "Our new champion!" he bellowed. "What is your name, Brave One?"
Cyclonus was moving to run, we had called too much attention to ourselves already. He waved for me to ignore the question, to run for it. I did no such thing.
"I am called Megatronus," I declared.