Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful reviews, I'm glad you have enjoyed this story so much!

Once again I have to thanks my BAMF Beta, Maddsgirl75!

Chapter 7 - Family

John awoke the next morning, feeling relaxed and refreshed for the first time in years. No nightmares had haunted him, and the sleeplessness that plagued him when he wasn't having nightmares had vanished.

He looked over at the reason for his new-found peace, Josselyn, laying on her side with her head propped up on one arm, smiling down at him. He couldn't help but smile at her. "Good morning, sleepyhead", she chirped and leaned over to kiss him. He cupped his hand over the back of her head and kissed her back so softly and gently that it took her breath away. When she pulled back, the gentle, loving look in his eyes made her swear to be with him as long as they were alive.

John reached out and ran the back of his large hand over her cheek. She raised her hand to his and held his hand while she pressed her cheek against his hand. She turned her head and kissed his hand. John gathered her in his arms and kissed her deeply. He rolled them over so he was on top and entered her without breaking the kiss. He smiled a bit when she whimpered as he penetrated her. He loved the little sounds she made during lovemaking.

The pace started out slow and gradually increased in speed until John was once again pounding himself into her while she screamed his name and begged for more. They came almost in unison, and John cupped her face in his hands, kissed her, and then pressed his forehead against hers.

"Good morning to you too", he said and she laughed. Suddenly, John was looking forward to the rest of his life because he was spending it with her.

His eyes fell on the clock. "You have a doctor's appointment in 90 minutes, we had better get moving."

Joss snuggled up to him. "Do we have to?" She looked up at him coyly.

He kissed her. "Yes, we do", he said firmly. "You are not skipping a doctor's appointment."

Joss groaned and rolled out of bed, Can you at least come with me?" She pouted.

John got out of bed and went looking for his pants. He pulled his phone out of the pocket and checked it. "No messages from Finch, so I can. Go take your shower, we can stop for coffee and a muffin on our way if you want."

Forty fine minutes later, John parked in front of the coffee shop by the hospital. He and Joss got their coffee and a couple of pastries and took a seat at an empty table.

"Taylor is supposed to move home today", Joss said.

John looked startled. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked.

"What? NO! He's made it clear to me that he likes having you around. I was just going to ask you to pick him up from school and get his stuff from my mother's. I have a physical therapy appointment, so I can't do it."

John relaxed. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to this."

Joss leaned forward. "Well you had better work on that buster, you're not getting away from me!"

"Don't worry, you're stuck with me, Detective."

Joss leaned back in her chair and smiled at him. "Don't you forget it".

John smiled at her and dropped his eyes down to his coffee, swirling it around idly. He looked pensive.

Joss cocked her head to one side. "What's wrong, John?"

John raised his eyes to met hers. "You do know that this is not exactly going to be a normal relationship, don't you?"

Joss looked puzzled. "Of course I do, John. I know we can't walk down the street together holding hands. I know we'll have to be very careful so we don't expose you to the CIA or any of the other government agencies that want a piece of you. I know you'll have to disappear for days at a time when working a case. I'm OK with that, as long as you keep coming back to me."

John stared at her, his blue eyes as intense as she had ever seen them. She was surprised that they didn't bore a hole through her like some sort of laser beam. "I swear, I will always return to you, no matter what. Only death will keep me away."

"Oh, John", Joss did not know what to say to that. She felt so loved in that moment, but they were in public, so she couldn't throw her arms around him.

John broke the mood by looking at his watch. "We better get moving if you are going to make your appointment in time."

John waited patiently in the waiting room while Joss was in the with the doctor. She came out of the office beaming. "Good news?" John asked.

"I have been cleared to return to work, light duty only, but I get to go back to work."

"That'll make Fusco happy, he's been missing you."

"Are you sure? He's never said anything to me; all he does is bitch about the new kid they got him training."

"Yep, all the bitching means he misses his partner."

Joss rolled her eyes. "If you say so."

"How are you getting home from your physical therapy session?"

"I was just going to take the subway."

"I'll call Finch, he can pick you up, then he can stay for dinner. You have been cleared to return to work, Taylor is coming home and I feel like celebrating. Call Fusco too."

Joss laughed. "A dinner party does sound nice."

Later, John parked around the corner from Taylor's school and texted the high schooler instructions on where to meet him.

Ten minutes later the teenager hopped in the car. "Ready to go home?" John asked.

"You know it", Taylor responded. "I love Grandma, but she's not my mom." The teen paused. "Are you staying?" He asked tentatively.


Taylor smiled, "Cool."

John smiled back, "Thanks."

And that was all they need to say to each other.

John drove over to Alice's apartment, and he followed Taylor up in case the teen needed help. Alice was happy to see him and, to his shock, gave him a big hug. Taylor had to stifle a laugh at John's surprised expression. But John recovered and returned her affectionate hug.

Taylor retrieved his things, hugged his Grandma good bye and he and John were on their way back to the Carter apartment.

When they turned onto Joss's street, John recognized Finch's Lincoln and Fusco's cruiser both parked on the street. Taylor bounded out of the car and up the steps into the building as soon as John parked. John had to smile, the kid was anxious to be home with his mother. John locked the car and followed Taylor up the stairs and into the apartment.

As soon as he entered the apartment, John heard Joss bossing Fusco around in the kitchen, and Taylor and Finch discussing the teen's latest Trig test. John paused as he took his jacket off and hung it on the coat rack by the front door. He walked to the doorway leading to the kitchen and he saw his family gathered there. Joss was giving Fusco directions on how to she wanted the fruit sliced for the fruit salad as she slid a large ham into the oven. Taylor was sitting at the table with Finch reporting on his latest assignment. John leaned against the door jamb smiling a big goofy grin.

He was finally home with his family.