Sorry I couldn't get this posted any sooner! My internet was down...Aw well.

I want to thank all of you lovely beings so much for following this story. Alas, this is the final chapter.

But I will be writing a lot more Gorillaz fics, hopefully multi-chaptered ones like this! In fact, I'm working on one right now! I hope you all want more 2Doc, I'm kind of addicted!

2D's head was throbbing by the time he woke up the next morning. He looked down around him, one eye shut, to see clothes scattered on the floor and his second luggage half packed. His knees were planted on the floor and his upper half had been lying on his bed.

"I was supposed to leave last night..." he thought to himself as he finally stood up. "I shouldn't have started packing when I was tired.."

The headache was getting worse by the second, and 2D still felt too tired to continue packing, so he held it off for a moment. But then, he began to panic. He realized he had no idea if he had already packed the pills away, or what pocket they were in for that matter.

Frantically, he began to search the two luggages he had packed. Unzipping every single pocket, pulling everything out, making a complete mess on the floor. It wasn't until he had started to pull out the last bit of clothes he had stored away that he realized he still had the bottle of pills laying on his dresser in the event this would happen. 2D paused for a minute, thankful no one else was there to see his humiliation.

As he took the pills, he couldn't help but stare down at the floor. All of the belongings he had packed away were now lying about everywhere. He had trashed his room. And what was worse is that now he'd have to start packing all over again.

2D reached to the floor and picked up a few of his shirts. He stuffed them back in a luggage without folding them or worrying he'd ripped them on a zipper, it made no difference. He had started to think back on the past week as he was waiting for the migraine to subside. The way he'd been treated..the way he treated everyone else. He probably even snapped at Russel without realizing it. But nothing compaired to the way he had treated Murdoc. 2D never wanted to yell at Murdoc the way he did, mostly because he feared of getting hurt by the older man. But now, it was different. Sure, Murdoc had been an ass before. He'd done things to hurt 2D pyschically and mentally, but he did have a sweeter side to him...

And now, 2D might never get to see that again.

He groaned in frustration and popped a few more pills into his mouth.

Why did Murdoc keep saying bad things about Paula, even now that it was all over? He kept saying that he did have a reason for doing what he did. But was 2D supposed to believe him?

Finally, he couldn't take being in his room anymore. He opened the door and walked out without saying a word, then headed off to the lobby to see if Russel was there. And sure enough, he was. Russel didn't go in his room much and, after being in his room for so long, 2D wished he could be the same way.

"Hey, 'D, I thought you left," said Russel with a look of confusion.

"Not yet...probably tonight. I messed up all my stuff and need to repack..." Admitted the blue-haired man as he sat down on the couch.

"Sorry all this happened, man." Russel said after awhile. "It's Murdoc's fault, you know?"

"Yeah you think..." 2D's voice trailed off and he shook his head quickly. "Nevermind."

"Think what?"

" you think he had a reason for doing what he did? Maybe there was some motive behind it?"

"Or maybe Murdoc's just a moron?" Russel chuckled quietly.

"I'm serious, Russ!" 2D pouted.

"Well I am too. I don't see how there could've been any other reason..."

"Maybe there was. Maybe he knew what he was doing, maybe Paula was the bad guy- er... girl..."

"Why are you sticking up for Murdoc?" asked Russel. "After all the shit he put you through..."

"Because!" sighed 2D as he sunk back into his chair. He didn't exactly know what to say. "Well...I don't want to believe Murdoc's all bad! He's been nice to me before, I miss that so much! I just wish none of this happened!"

"I think we all wish that," agreed the drummer.

2D frowned at the thought. "What're you gonna do, Russ?..When I leave..."

"Move back home, get my job back. Same as you..."

"What'll happen to Murdoc?"

"I don't know, man," Russel sighed. "He can't live off no money. This band was gonna support us all... We can still get jobs back home, 'D, but him? He wouldn't do it. I just don't know what's gonna happen to him..."

A tremendous wave of guit hit the singer. He stood up quickly and walked out without saying goodbye, heading back to the car park. He couldn't think straight, he didn't know what he was going to do, but he just felt so guilty.

2D reached the car park and ran over to the winnebago, knocking on the door loudly. A groan was heard from inside, 2D knocked more and more.

"Calm the fuck down! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Murdoc's voice boomed from inside.

The singer's hands were trembling as he shoved them back into the pockets of his faded jeans.

Murdoc slammed open the door, ready to yell at the first person he saw, but stopped in his tracks when he saw 2D. " didn't leave?" He asked quietly.

"Not yet, I-I still have a lot of packing to do..."

"Right...packing," Murdoc was at a loss for words. He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Why'd you come here?"

"U-uh-" 2D realized he hadn't thought of an actual excuse yet, he felt like a fool. Then suddenly, a perfect idea hit him. "To..say goodbye.."

"Oh-" Murdoc swallowed a hard lump in his throat. He was just wishing 2D was going to leave and never say another word to the bassist. He didn't like goodbyes, he always thought they were pointless, but with 2D it was different. With 2D, he didn't want to have to say goodbye. "Right...then...goodbye," He muttered bleakly.

2D couldn't hold back, he lurched forward and wrapped his arms around the satanist, burying his face in the crook of Murdoc's neck. By now, he was near tears, but he didn't want Murdoc to see him cry.
Murdoc bit his lower lip a bit too hard as he returned the hug. He was grateful it was only the two of them, so he wouldn't have to keep his hard reputation and push the singer away.

They stood there for a minute or two, locked in each other's embrace, neither one willing to let go. Finally, Murdoc slowly pulled 2D off of him.

"M-Murdoc?" asked 2D quietly.


"Since...I am going to leave can tell me what you were trying to yesterday."

"About Paula?" Murdoc asked hopefully.

"About anything. I did say I'd listen before I left..."

But to tell the truth, 2D just wanted to prolong any time left he had with Murdoc.

Murdoc smiled and motioned for 2D to follow him into the winnebago. He took a seat at the drivers side, in front of the wheel he never used to drive with, and 2D sat in the passanger's seat.

"Will you at least try to believe me?" said Murdoc. "I am telling you the truth..." 2D nodded and smiled only slightly.

"Alright well..." Then Murdoc told 2D everything he could. Telling him that Paula had admitted to having 2D at her "beck and call", how she asked if 2D would never find out, even how she tried to get Russel to believe her afterwards.

"And I did have an initial plan for all of this," explained Murdoc. "I was going to hook up with her so she'd be to ashamed to come back here. Or maybe she'd be guilty and tell you the truth. But you and Russel came back before my plan could take place and then...all of this happened."

"W-Wow..." 2D gulped and leaned back in his chair. ", I-I didn't even know.."

"C'mon, you believe me?"

2D paused a moment and thought back on everything he'd just heard. "Murdoc...I...I actually do.."

"Really?!" Asked Murdoc in pure surprise.

" does sound like a reason you'd do something like that..." He turned his head up to face Murdoc. "And you swear that Paula really did say all of that?"

"I swear!" Murdoc said quickly

"Then...yeah...I-I believe you," Finally, after a long while, 2D genuinely grinned. He finally felt the relief he'd been hoping to have for so long. The relief of knowing Murdoc wasn't truly some heartless idiot.

"But..wait!" 2D said. "If you didn't know Paula thought all that of me until after she came over, why'd were you trying to get rid of her? Did you just not like her?"

Murdoc chuckled nervously. "Yeah..that and um-" He knew if 2D even had the slightest thoughts about staying at Kong, this would change his mind. "Well, I guess I wanted my chance with you. Couldn't do that if you had a girlfriend around, huh? Eheh.."

"Your chance-" 2D stopped and looked up at Murdoc. "O-Oh, I get it..."

"Yeah, so go ahead and leave if you want, I actually don't blame you by this point..."

Silence filled the winnebago for a bit. 2D smiled wide.

"I'm not leaving, Murdoc..."

"Huh?" Murdoc's head snapped up as he looked at 2D.

"Why would I leave? I'm part of the best band in the world!" He chuckled happily and quickly reached forward to catch Murdoc's lips in a loving kiss. Murdoc couldn't respond fast enough, he was shocked, but happy.

He wrapped his arms around 2D's waist, pulling the singer down to sit on his lap. 2D smiled against Murdoc's lips and pulled their bodies closer together. Every now and again they'd pull away for air, but in very short breaths. Their kisses became more frantic, as if they would die without being on each other's lips. 2D's hands tangled desperately in Murdoc's black hair, and every time he stopped to breathe he would let out a tiny whimper.

Murdoc's hands went under the singer's legs as he pulled him closer and closer. 2D's lanky torso was pressed as closely as it could be against Murdoc's chest, but they still wanted to be closer. Murdoc gently groped the other man's thigh, earning a moan against his lips.

The satanist ignored the pain in his broken nose each time 2D pulled himself closer. They both knew by this point they would need to stop while they were ahead. They were both still tired from a rough morning. And Murdoc knew if they were gonna go through with it eventually, they both needed to be wide awake. He smirked at the thought and brought his lips away from 2D's.

2D grinned once more, quickly kissing Murdoc's cheeks. "I knew you weren't just some jerk," He said, hoping it sounded nicer than it came out.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still a jerk. You willing you put up with that?" Murdoc asked with a smile.

"I've been putting up with it for a while, I think I still can..." The singer rubbed his eyes and yawned very quietly.

"You need sleep,mate. You still got a lot of unpacking ahead of you."

They both smiled at each other. "I don't wanna go back in my room though. I probably won't want to for a while, spent too long in there..."

"Then sleep in here," Murdoc motioned towards his bed and smirked. 2D had to admit, from his last memory of being on that bed, it was exremely comfortable.

"Good idea," chuckled the singer. He got off the older man's lap slowly and walked over to the bed, stumbling once over the random objects layed all over the floor.

Murdoc smiled warmly at the sight of his lead singer lying tiredly on his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, trying to take in the sight as long as he could before laying behind him and wrapping his arms around the singer. He went to go say something, but 2D was already fast asleep against Murdoc.

"Damn..." thought Murdoc with a small grin. "Why's he always the first one to sleep?"