Soooo this is my first attempt at...smut I guess that's a good word for it. I want to make this into an actual muti-chapter story :D This takes places right when they formed the band, when Paula Cracker was still in it. ENJOY.

"Alright you lazy sods!" Murdoc's voice boomed from the entrance of Kong Studios as he kicked the door open and walked in. "Get off your asses and let's go out!"

"Out? Where are we goin'?" 2D sat up on the couch and looked at the older man. Russel, who was sitting beside him, just shook his head and went back to watching T.V.

"Out! Y'know, to a bar!" Murdoc placed himself in front of the T.V. "We need to go out and celebrate the best band in the world. Now get the hell up!"

"Man, we ain't even gonna celebrate, you're gonna get down there and ditch us for a one-night stand!" Russel said.

"That-" Murdoc paused a bit and rolled his eyes. "Well. Yeah. S'probably what'll happen."

"That doesn't sound like fun at all," 2D muttered quietly. "I don't wanna go."

"Who the hell said you get a say in it, faceache?" Murdoc shot a glare to the blue haired figure in front of him. "You're going whether you want to or not, now get the hell up!"

"Plus, you get kinda crazy when you're drunk!" Russel said. He noticed 2D flinch at Murdoc's glare. "No one wants to be around that."

"I do not get crazy when I get wasted!" Objected Murdoc. 2D mumbled something to himself; Murdoc spun around on a heel. "What was that?! Do you have something to say?!" He brought a hand up and smacked 2D across the face. 2D whimpered and rubbed his cheek with a frown.

"What is wrong with you two?" Asked Murdoc loudly. "We just started the greatest band ever, and all you want to do is lay around on your asses!" He rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself for a while.

"Muds, we have some beer here if you wanna drink," suggested 2D, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Surrreee. Because drinking here instead of at a bar crawling with desperate girls is the same. Sod off!" Murdoc sat down and kicked his feet up on the table, staring at the ceiling and letting out a sigh in annoyance. The three men sat there for a while, in an awkward silence, occasionally turning their heads to look at each other. 2D gulped when Russel stood up and walk into the other room. He didn't want to be alone with Murdoc at all. He began to feel anxious, scared that at any given moment Murdoc would get up and beat him.

Suddenly, Russel came back into the room holding a six-pack of beers and handed one to each of his bandmates. "Well c'mon then, if you wanna drink we're gonna drink. Better than nothin',right?"

Murdoc stared at the beer in his hand and cracked a grin. "Right then...better than nothing!" He popped the top and brought the can forward. "Cheers!"

"To the best band in the world!" said 2D with a small smile. Murdoc grinned from ear to ear to hear 2D finally participating, and began to chug down his beer. 2D was surprised to see Murdoc smiling at him. It made him feel a little more at ease. He sipped down the beer as well, not as fast as Murdoc did though.

Within the next 10 minutes, they had been joking around, laughing like idiots. Murdoc had downed about three beers while 2D was just finishing up his second.

"Congrats..on our...our BAND!" Murdoc burst out laughing, holding his sides. "W-We got ourselves a BAND. A...BAND, guys! We're gunna be FAMOUS!" His words were slurred intensely. 2D giggled along and nearly fell of of his seat.

"That's my cue to go!" Russel chuckled and stood up to leave. "You guys don't kill each other, ya hear? Go to sleep soon."

"What are you, my MUM?" 2D sneered playfully at the bigger man.

"He certainly looks as ugly as her!" Murdoc said between his laughing fits.

"Hey!" 2D lurched forward and tried to push Murdoc over, but only managed to fall to the floor, giggling. Russel rolled his eyes and walked over to the stairs. "Don't kill each other!" He called out as he travelled over to his room.

Murdoc playfully kicked the younger man on the floor. "Get up, you aren't a fucking RUG!" He said with a grin.

2D stumbled to his feet.

"Where's Paula, that drunkard should be in on this!" Due to the fact he was completely wasted, Murdoc's voice was becoming unreasonabley high-pitched. 2D grinned at the hilarious sound.

"Don't call my girlfriend a drunkard!" he hissed out as he fell back into his seat. Murdoc scoffed. He threw an empty can at the lead singer's head, then smirked at the dramatic reaction he got afterwards.

"I'll call her whatever the hell I want!" slurred Murdoc. 2D groaned and rubbed the spot on his head that was hit,but then he began to chuckle uncontrollably. Within a second, Murdoc stood up and had already stumbled over. He managed to pick himself up and try to remain balanced, but his own weight was far too much. The older man fell forward and landed on 2D's lap, straddling him down into the seat.

"Ow, get off, you're heavy!" Whined 2D loudly.

"Shut up, dullard, I fell," groaned Murdoc, clamping a hand over the younger man's mouth. He turned his head before getting up, and took a good,long look at the man before him. Their eyes locked, both frozen slightly, unmoving, unchanging. Murdoc took his hand off of 2D's mouth and continued to stare into his pitch-black eyes. 2D shifted under the bassist's weight, and began to giggle. He was feeling so lightheaded, he couldn't really look at anything without cracking a grin.

"Stop laughing," Murdoc chuckled and smirked. He kept himself on 2D, leaning forward and laughing more as 2D continued to giggle.

"Y-You stop laughing!" replied 2D.

They just sat there for the longest time, laughing and giggling, slurring out playful insults to each other, and staring at each other. Until finally, Murdoc couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled the younger man forward and pressed their lips together, effectively silencing both of their chuckles. 2D let out a muffled yelp against Murdoc's lips. The bassist pulled 2D closer, their lips mashing together and adding much more friction to the kiss. 2D couldn't even comprehend what was happening. Between the alcohol and the closeness between them, he couldn't understand any of it. But he just knew he loved it.

2D quickly grasped the front of Murdoc's shirt, pulling him completely forward so the older man was leaning on his body. Murdoc smirked against his lips and slid his tongue across the singer's lips as his hands began to work their way down his body. 2D let out the tiniest noises and grunts when he felt Murdoc's fingers flick under the bottom of his shirt and dance their tips on his stomach. A pool of heat and a whole new mixture of emotions was resting in his stomach, he felt so tense and unsure what was going to happen. He opened his mouth and gave the older man full acess, groaning when he felt Murdoc's tongue explore every inch of the new area.

Then, much to his dismay, Murdoc pulled apart their lips and stared down at 2D with a mischevious smirk. "Let's take this into the Winnebago, love." 2D nodded without hesitation. Murdoc jumped up quicker than 2D could've even hoped to at this new wasted sensation. He was pulled up forcefully by the bassist, who was near running outside to the winebago, keeping a firm grip on 2D's wrist. A couple of times, the blue haired man nearly stumbled over his own feet. Murdoc burst open the door to the winnebago and shoved 2D in eagerly. He smirked as he saw a blush cover the other man's pale cheeks.

There were no words. Just continuing what they had left off. Murdoc kissed his lead singer so hungrily and passionately, his legs went weak. He fell on top of the small bed with Murdoc over him, not ceasing the kiss for one second. 2D tangled his fingers into Murdoc's hair, earning a groan in pleasure from the other. With a smirk, Murdoc's hands found themselves at 2D's pants, he began to tease him by playing with his belt buckle. The younger man whimpered quietly, thrusting his hips forward.

Murdoc smirked and brought his hands up to the edge of 2D's shirt. He began pulling it off of the younger man, smirking as his pale skin was revealed. 2D wasn't being much help. By this time, he had almost gone limp. Once his shirt was off, Murdoc leaned down and trailed his torso with kisses and bites. He smirked everytime he heard 2D's moans get louder and louder. But soon, he had stopped moaning, and every noise was coming out a near-silent whimper.

The bassist brought his gaze up to 2D's face and growled when he found the blue haired man had already drifted off into sleep. He was going to shake him awake, but his eyes were drooping slightly as well. With a groan, Murdoc simply lay his head down on 2D's chest and fell asleep.

PHEW. That took some time. So, lovelies, if you liked my story PLEASE review. I wanna see if it's even worthy enough to become a full story with a plot and everything. I'd really appreciate it! Thank you!