Saved My Life
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Chapter 1
Caitlyn Gellar never looked were she was going her head was either in her phone or listening to a new beat on her iPod or both today it was both. Today was the day that was going to change her life forever.
With one foot about to step on the road a hand jerked out and pulled Caitlyn backwards as a black car speed past them. Yanking her headphones out of her ears she turned to thank the person who had just saved her life and was meet by soulful brown eyes staring back at her.
"Thank you," she said
"No problem," said the guy
Caitlyn gasped "Oh my gosh your Nate Grey,"
"I am but please don't draw any attention to the fact?" asked Nate
"Of course not," said Caitlyn
"You should watch were you going next time," smiled Nate
"I always get told that," said Caitlyn
"This happens often?" Nate asked
"No I never look were I'm going but I've never almost been hit by a car," said Caitlyn
"Would you like to get a drink with me?" asks Nate suddenly
"I'm too young to drink," said Caitlyn
"I mean a coke or coffee or something," said Nate
"I'd like that," smiled Caitlyn
So side by side and while looking they crossed the road and headed into a small café just a little way down the street.
Review Please
Gabriella Somerfield