Harry Potter and the Order of Magic


Chapter 1: Rescues, Confrontations, and Revelations

"Well I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind
I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time
But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah

I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you
I really don't mind what happens now and then
As long as you'll be my friend at the end

And if I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might

You call me strong, you call me weak
But still your secrets I will keep
You took for granted all the times
I never let you down

You stumbled in and bumped your head
If not for me then you'd be dead
I picked you up and put you back on solid ground

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might
Kryptonite; yeah

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might

-Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down-

Number 4 Privet Drive

A young, man with raven hair sat alone in his bedroom at Number 4 Privet Drive. His emerald green eyes were bloodshot from crying and being overly depressed from losing his godfather, and the closest thing he had to a father, Sirius Black, and he knew that it was his entire fault. He had nightmares about what happened at the Department of Mysteries. That night Harry's life had been torn apart, he had lost his godfather then was told that he has to kill or be killed by Tom Marvolo Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort. Albus Dumbledore had hidden the prophesy from Harry for fifteen years. He was betrayed by the one he trusted the most during the school year. Albus Dumbledore had manipulated him during the school year for 'the good of light', and Harry was too blind to see it and it cost him dearly. Harry was slowly starting to lose the will to live. There was nothing else to live for anymore. Sirius was gone, and with his death everything else just didn't matter anymore.

"You must be strong Harry Potter, for you are the future for the Magical World. You will soon find the strength you need for the hardships that will soon face you. The world is corrupt by the manipulators of power and force. The world is in need of a savior that will bring balance to this world. Always remember Harry Potter that there is a great and deep power dwelling inside of you. Soon the powers of your blood will ignite and ancient oaths of power will be fulfilled," a deep and ancient voice resonated through Harry's mind.

Harry listened to voice inside his head and shook with exhaustion and anger at another lie. He slowly turned over and tried to fall asleep. He slowly closed his eyes and tried to block out the rest of the world.

'I am strong and powerful, ha-ha. I wasn't even powerful enough to save Sirius. Some fucking savior I am, you wanker,' Harry thought angrily at the voice.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"Harry Potter is a danger to himself. He has not been in touch with any of the Order in awhile. I am assigning three people to go check on him. Is there any volunteers?" Dumbledore announced to the Order.

Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody, and Remus Lupin all volunteered to go. All three of them stood and drew their wands and were about to leave until Dumbledore spoke again, so they all sat back down.

"You will go after the meeting, and now onto more pressing matters," Dumbledore said clearly.

One Hour Later:

Number 4 Privet Drive

Harry was lying in bed whimpering and moaning from a recent wave of nightmares. It was the same one again and again Sirius falling through the veil.

Uncle Vernon came in and yelled, "BOY! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR WAKING ME UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT," then he started hitting Harry with a belt until he was too tired.

Vernon left the room, and left Harry laying there on the bed bleeding. Harry lay there crying hard silently. Half an hour later, Harry heard three resounding cracks then knocks on the front door. Harry tried to get up, but was too weak and sore to even move. He willed his body to move and to somehow find the strength to go to the door but he collapsed back against his bed.

"Calm yourself and rest now, my young hero, for I have watched over you for many years, and soon you will reveal your true self, my young lord. I have been a watcher and guardian over you and over your own brethren. Hang on young one, for help is coming, and a friend as well," a cool and feminine voice chanted softly through his mind.

'Who in the bloody hell are you,' Harry thought desperately?

"I am in room shaking
I fear the door opening
The sky outside is darkening.
The door opens without warning
He has been drinking
He starts raging and hitting
After the final blow I feel my face darkening
the door closes again without warning

I hear voices shouting
They have been drinking
I have no defense against beating
I am fearing of not living

The door opens again without warning
I am waiting
They start shouting
They begin fighting
I am sitting in corner shaking."

-My Nightmare Room by Michael McAdam (a.k.a DARKFAWKES20)-

Meanwhile, downstairs Vernon answered the door, "You are not allowed here in the middle of the nights. If you want you can visit the freak tomorrow but not tonight, and plus the freak is sleeping and has finally been quiet for once this summer. Always bitching and moaning like someone important had died. The old man in those freaky purple robes said that no one would bother us," yelled Uncle Vernon.

Moody pushed Vernon into the wall while Tonks rushed past him towards the stairs. Vernon stood shaking against the wall as Moody's wand was pressing into his neck. A minute later, Tonks started to go up the stairs when she heard someone groan. She went to Harry's room and opened the door.

"Harry... Harry, you in there... Harry I'm coming in," Tonks said walking into the room.

Tonks looked around the room and lit her wand. She saw Harry lying on the bed in a small puddle of blood.

"OH MERLIN HARRY," Tonks screamed while her hair and eyes changed colors at the speed of light.

Tonks healed Harry's wounds and held him in her arms. Both Remus and Moody burst through the door and paled at what they saw. Harry's body was now almost all black and blue while an emerald haired Tonks held him on the bed.

"Tonks, are you okay?" Remus asked softly.

"How could they do this to him? Go take care of the muggles, I'll stay with him," Tonks told Remus and Moody while her eyes were tearing up.

Lupin and Mad-Eye went downstairs to deal with the Dursleys. Moody burst into the living room and stared down Dursley with a killer gleam in his eye. With his battle scars shining brightly he looked like an ancient warrior of the far past. His dark eyes scanned over each of the Dursleys and he slowly raised his wand. He could see the Dursleys shiver with fear, for their eyes were darting between his wand and the scars on his face.

"I warned you not to harm the boy, Dursley," Moody snarled in a gruff voice at a white pale shaking Vernon.

"That little freak got everything he has fucking deserved," Dursley said hatefully.

Moody had enough and a bolt of blue light flashed from his wand and hit Vernon in the chest. Vernon then went slamming into the living room wall making the pictures rattle and fall off the wall to the floor. Moody advanced on the fallen Dursley and his wand tip lit up again. Moody's wooden leg came up and slammed into Vernon's side.

"You dare attack the young Potter and insult him. His parents were noble and just more so then you will ever be. The things you have done to that boy are unforgivable, and if the Ministry of Magic didn't have this house under watch I would torture you within an inch of your life," Moody snarled as his wand tip brightened even more.

"The only reason that freak was born was, because my wife's no good slut of a sister lowered her knickers and spread her legs for some school sweetheart," Vernon said cruelly.

"Lily Potter was one of the greatest Auror's to ever serve under me, so you take your insults and shove them up your titanic ass," Moody snarled holding his wand in between Vernon's eyes.

"Please don't hurt him, and get the fuck out of our house," Petunia pleaded with the murderous looking ex-Auror.

"Stupefy Cruenta," chanted Moody as a reddish yellow flash hit Vernon.

"What did you do to my husband," Aunt Petunia shrieked?

"That animal has been knocked out and is having dreams about being covered in blood. When he does wake, he had best not go to Potter's room or Tonks will do much worse to him," Moody said coldly while grinning crazily at Petunia.

"That boy is nothing but trouble for us," Petunia whined while trying to hide Dudley behind her.

"I'm warning you now if this ever happens again and he's still alive when I get to him. I will make sure he feels like he'll never want to live again," Moody said while going out the door to the front lawn.

Remus stood there shocked for a minute, and then followed Moody outside. The old Auror was pacing the edge of the front lawn as his electric blue eye whizzed around keeping an eye on the surroundings. Remus stood silent as he watched the older Auror pace. He had never seen Alastor Moody lose control like he almost did tonight.

Meanwhile, upstairs in Harry's room Tonks was crying silently while holding Harry. She looked down the sleeping Harry and wished that none of this had ever happened to him.

'He's so adorable and such a strong person.' she thought to herself.

"T-Tonks is that y-you," Harry asked while clinging onto Tonks startling her out of her reverie?

"Yeah it's me Harry, are you okay? You gave us quite a scare when we found you," Tonks spoke softly while stroking his jet black hair.

"I am now thanks to you," Harry said softly with a slightly cracked voice.

At his soft words Tonks pulled Harry closer to her. Harry fell back asleep and so did Tonks. Remus came back into Harry's room and smiled. Tonks and Harry were sleeping with smiles on their faces. Remus chuckled a bit and then threw a blanket over them. Remus went back downstairs then he collected Mad-Eye and they both apparated back to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Lupin and Mad-Eye stalked into the drawing room and Lupin started his report. He smirked as he saw Molly Weasley's eyes scan around for Tonks. His gaze then turned and met Ginny's angry and suspicious eyes. He sneered at her and she fell back into her seat. The old werewolf chuckled at the young whore's actions.

"Tonks is not here right now because she is staying with Harry. We reported to Number 4 Privet Drive about two hours ago. When we got there Tonks went upstairs to check on Harry. There was evidence that Harry was assaulted earlier this evening by his Uncle. Tonks healed Harry and stayed with him while I and Alastor took care of the Dursleys. She probably will not be returning to Headquarters tonight... she might come back," Lupin said smiling.

Number 4 Privet Drive

Harry woke up an hour later and looked around then felt a warm body pressed up against him. He was in bed with Tonks, and she had her arms around him protectively. Harry just stared into her beautiful heart shaped face until her lovely violet eyes opened.

"Wotcher Harry," Tonks said softly.

"Hey Tonks, are you hungry," Harry asked Tonks who was now looking Harry over?

'Why in the world did I ask her if she's hungry? It's the middle of night,' Harry thought quickly while doing a mental face palm.

"Not right now, but a definite maybe in the morning. How are you feeling," Tonks asked worried?

"I am sore but thanks for healing me. If you want to talk we can or we can go back to sleep. I mean if you want to stay," Harry said starting to blush.

"I would love to stay, Harry. What happened earlier though," Tonks asked sternly but softly?

"I was having a nightmare about the Department of Mysteries and I woke my uncle up on accident. He came in and beat me up like every other night I wake him up for the past fifteen years," Harry said starting to shake again.

'Should I tell her about the voices?' Harry asked himself.

"It's okay Harry go back to sleep. You're safe now I'm here," said Tonks warmly as she lay back down.

'No, I'll wait to tell her after I figure what they are I,' Harry told himself.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS STAYING THERE," Molly Weasley screamed in outrage while staring at Lupin with wide eyes.

"Tonks is staying with Potter to protect and comfort him," Moody barked at Molly while Remus wore a smile and Molly wore a scowl.

"She is trying to seduce a vulnerable and weak fifteen year old boy," Molly snarled heatedly.

Remus and Moody were outraged at the words and actions of the matron of the Weasley family. Remus stood silent with a growing rage inside of him, but Moody had enough and reached the breaking point.

"You will not insult Nymphadora Tonks for her actions and choices. You did not see the state of young Potter tonight. How dare you insult her honor, for she is a Tonks and a Black as well, and plus the Blacks were trusted by the Potter's more than anyone else. Andromeda Tonks was one of Lily's closest friends and is Harry's Godmother, and I should know since I was there, and she could see you all now, you would be in some serious trouble. Andromeda's younger sister was also Lily's best friend even in Hogwarts, and if she knew everything you people have done to Lily's son you would not be living for much longer. If Sirius was here he would rip out your throat for what you said. Finally, how dare you call Harry James Potter weak! He has more bravery and strength inside of him than anyone else at this table. He has faced and conquered more than any of you could in a lifetime. He may be fifteen years old but he is not weak and he can make any decision he wants," everyone went quiet after the tirade.

"But, why does Tonks have to stay with Harry." Ginny fired off angrily.

'He's mine, not hers,' Ginny thought viciously to herself!

"Then who do you think should stay with Harry," Remus said coldly.

"Mum and I could bring him to the Burrow and I could help comfort him. Plus in a year's time I'll be his girlfriend and then we'll get married after this little war is over. I'll end up with Harry and Hermione will be with Ron just like it should be," Ginny said happily, but Remus started to laugh.

"Why you and not Tonks," Moody asked even more coldly than Remus?

"Because I care about Harry," Ginny said flaring up.

"And, Tonks doesn't care about him," Remus said sarcastically.

"No, she does not care about him," Ginny yelled at Remus, but the werewolf had enough.

"Tonks doesn't care about Harry! That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time. Tonks and Sirius cared more about Harry than anyone else at this table excluding a few people. Little do you know that Harry's couple of freedoms was secured by Tonks? Tonks has argued with the Headmaster to remove Harry from Number 4 Privet Drive. Tonks has single handedly watched Harry thirteen hours a day plus doing her Auror duties," Remus said in a proud and venomous voice.

"So she does her job it does not mean that she cares about Harry like we do," said Ginny rising up out of her chair.

But Remus exploded; he pulled out his wand and shouted 'Silencio Maximus', and Ginny's mouth slammed shut instantly.

"Now that is over with we shall wait for the arrival of Nymphadora Tonks," Dumbledore said calmly.

Number 4 Privet Drive

Harry slept against Tonks' body until his eyes shot open and he was engulfed by a shield of gold and green. He could feel magic flowing through his body and immense power right underneath the surface of his skin.

"Congratulations, Harry Potter for the blocks upon your magic has been destroyed. Over the next few hours your magic will destroy the abuse that your body and mind has endured over these many years and renew it anew. Your natural mind shields are now backing up and physical shields are at your command. Also your memories are now unblocked and your ancestor's memories as well, so now you know who I am, young Harry," the cool and feminine voice explained.

"Yes, I do know who you are, Lady Morganna LeFey, but you like to go by the name of Lady Morgan. The voice I heard before yours was Merlin himself, but it was said a long time ago as a prophecy since Merlin has long passed," Harry answered the voice.

"Very impressive, Harry you are as smart as your mother was when I knew her. You also have a selection of her memories as well as a few of mine. You are a natural Occlumens so all you have to do is go through her memories and pick one out and it will play out before your eyes," Morganna explained to him.

Harry browsed through the different memories in his mind and selected one where his mother was talking intensely to a young woman who looked hauntingly familiar. The memory slowly played out before his very eyes…

Lily Potter sat a small table in the back of Number 12 Grimmauld Place across from a young woman with violet eyes and raven black hair and a bottle of firewhiskey and butterbeer sat between them.

"Ok, Bella tell me of your brilliant plan," Lily said with a smirk.

"It's quite simple Lily. I will go undercover in the Death Eater Corp. for the Order," Bella said calmly while Lily nearly choked on her butterbeer.

"Are you out of your mind, Bellatrix Artemis Black," Lily demanded while her smile fell into a big frown.

"No, I am not out of my mind Lily. I know I can do this and if I succeed it may help bring the end of Voldemort sooner than before," Bellatrix argued back.

"Yes, but if you are figured out then you will be tortured, raped, and killed," Lily said her voice rising an octave.

"Lily Rosalie Evans, I know what I am doing and why I am doing it. I am doing it for you and for my sister's future godson and her young daughter. I will always love you like a sister and I know how hard this is for you, but I am confident that I can do this. You and Andromeda will be the only ones who know about this. I will be leaving tonight after the meeting," Bella said calmly while she stood from her seat.

Lily walked forward and gathered Bella into a big hug and tried to hold back her tears. Bella wrapped her arms around Lily and held her as close as possible. Andromeda then came into the room and nearly cried at the sight and joined the group hug. Bella slowly broke away from the hug and extended out her arm and hand. Lily and Andromeda followed Bella's actions. There was a small silver ring on each of their pinky fingers.

"We are sisters forever either by blood or by love. The bond between us three are unbreakable. I will miss you all along with and cute little Nymphadora. Please tell her that her aunt says goodbye and that I love her as well," Bellatrix said proudly just before she apparated away.

Andromeda slowly walked back to the kitchen where her little metamorph was waiting for her. Lily walked over to the window and watched as the rain hit the window. She gazed out of it as her fingers slowly rubbed against the small silver ring and a lone tear escaped from beautiful emerald green eyes and traveled down the expanse of her tanned cheek.

"That is all for now young Harry, for you must sleep and let your powers and strength grow," Morganna said softly as Harry drifted back to sleep.

Harry woke up again twenty minutes later and shook Tonks awake.

"Whatza matter, Harry," Tonks said sleepily.

"I need to address Dumbledore and the Order as soon as possible. There are certain things that they need to know." Harry said with a flash of anger.

Tonks got up and said "Come on Harry lets go then."

"What no trying to convince me not to go." Harry said gently but shocked.

"No way Harry, I know that tone of voice. Nothing can stop you when you are this determined." Tonks said softly.

Then she grabbed his arm and was about to apparate, when Harry apparated both of them to Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

Outside Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Tonks and Harry reappeared outside Sirius's old house and current Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.

"Harry." Tonks said swaying slightly.

"Hey Tonks, are you okay?" Harry said very quickly.

"Harry you just apparated us both here not me." Tonks said starting to get curious.

"That is why we are tonight. I have unlocked my magical blocks on my magic." Harry said proudly.

"Ok Harry we will discuss this later. Let's go inside so you can vent your anger on people you don't like." Tonks said mischievously.

"Ok, Tonks lets go." Harry said.

Tonks and Harry went through the front door and then walked into the drawing room.

Inside Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"Good evening Nymphadora." Dumbledore said in a welcoming tone.

"Headmaster, don't call me Nymphadora it's Tonks and I am not here to give a report. Harry is here to give the report of many things Dumbledore." Tonks said coolly.

Harry strode into the room next to Tonks and stared down the table. Everyone gasped when they saw him and the state in which he was. There were fading bruises on his face, neck, and arms, but his dark green eyes were blazing with defiant anger. Everyone in the room took a small step back as they saw the rage and determination in the young wizard's eyes. Ginny then made the first move as she saw Harry and rushed towards, but froze still in front of him as his lit wand was aimed at her throat. She slowly stepped back and sat down in her seat. Moody then stood and strode over in front of Harry, and looked into his dark green eyes and was reminded of Lily Potter's determined eyes. He looked down slightly at Harry and Nymphadora's lit wands pointing at him. He smiled his lopsided smile and stepped to the side of Harry. He then bent his head down to Harry's ear.

"Don't worry Potter I'm on your side just as your mother used to be on mine. She was my greatest student and a good friend, but I'll explain more about that later. Long live the memory of Lily Potter and her sacrifice," Moody whispered into Harry's ear.

Mrs. Weasley started to get up when Harry finally spoke icily, "Sit down Mrs. Weasley; I am fine thanks to Tonks."

"What does the brat want now I wonder? Still crying over the dead dog are you? Weak as ever Potter." Severus Snape said coldly while staring down Harry.

Harry trembled a little trying to contain his anger while he spoke, "I came here tonight to tell that I have unlocked suppressed magical powers and memories that Dumbledore had blocked when I was younger. Well Dumbledore will no longer control me for his plots. That is all for right now," he then stood still as he felt something deep inside of him stir.

"You powerful, bah, you're a weakling Potter, and you always have been. Just like your mud blood mother and worthless father." Snape said with a sneer.

A sudden emerald green aura surrounded Harry as Snape was lifted out of his chair and slammed into the wall. Snape tried to lift his wand arm and send a curse. Harry waved his hand and a loud crack sounded through the air. Snape's arm was positioned oddly and his face was a grimace of pain. Harry strode forward as Snape started to writhe on the wall from what looked like pain. The green aura flared up around Harry again and his cuts and bruises faded away along with his tattered clothes. The aura slowly faded away again and left Harry standing in black and emerald robes along with an emerald button-up and black trousers.

Harry then spoke in a deadly and icy voice, "Never insult them again if you value your life Snivellious. As you can tell I'm no weakling and if you ever insult them again I will strip your mental shields and send you off to Voldemort. I wonder how he'll feel to know that he has a spy in his midst. Your insults and Dumbledore's controlling ends towards me ends now. Dumbledore won't be able to protect you from me, and he knows what I'm capable of. Anyways goodnight everyone." Harry and Tonks then stalked outside while the room remained silent, and Remus soon followed them.

"Wait Harry I am coming with you two." Remus said, and then Remus, Tonks, and Harry apparated back to Number 4 Privet Drive.

Number 4 Privet Drive

Harry, Tonks, and Remus all reappeared outside of Number 4. They all went into Harry's room. Lupin pulled out his wand and expanded the room and added an extra bed while Harry and Tonks sat on his bed. Remus went over, lied down on his bed, and fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Harry and Tonks sleep well we will talk in the morning." Lupin stated tiredly.

"Well Tonks you take the bed and I'll take the floor." Harry said calmly.

"You are not sleeping on the floor Harry so get in bed. We will share the bed it is no big deal." Tonks snapped.

Harry slipped into bed while Remus slept across the room with light snores and Tonks transfigured her clothes. Tonks slid into the bed next to Harry in a tight, black tank top and red boy shorts. Harry snuggled up to Tonks and fell asleep holding her in his arms. Tonks smiled and put her arms around Harry, and then she fell asleep with pleasant dreams, and finally Harry didn't have any nightmares that night. Harry woke up to the sound of an owl chirping on his desk holding a letter addressed to him. Harry got out of the bed and retrieved the letter and a minute later the owl flew back out the window. Harry opened the letter and read:

Dear Mr. Potter,

You are hereby requested to come to the Will reading of

Sirius Orion Black, the Will reading will be today at two O'clock this afternoon.

Also the Director of Gringrotts Ragnock would like to meet with you today at one o'clock this afternoon.


Vilnius Griphook

Account Manager of Gringrotts of London

P.S. This letter has been sent and meeting set up as debt repaid for the descendant of Lily Potter, an ally of the United Goblin Nation.

"My mother was an ally of the Goblins, and Moody was good friends with her. Who in the world was my mother?" Harry thought curiously.

Harry put the letter back down on the desk and went over to the bed and shook Tonks awake. Tonks rolled over away from Harry and her tank top rolled up her stomach slightly. Harry rolled his eyes and climbed onto the bed and grabbed Tonks by the shoulders and shook her like a madman.

"Good Morning Harry, how did you sleep?" Tonks said sitting up.

"I slept fine Tonks. I need to be at Gringrotts at one o'clock today, and after Gringrotts we can get something to eat." Harry said happily.

"Why do you need to go to Gringrotts?" Tonks said curiously.

"I have to meet with Director Ragnock and then attend Sirius' Will reading." Harry said softly.

Tonks got up and transfigured her clothes back into a Weird Sisters t-shirt, tight tattered jeans, dark blue Auror battle robes, and then put her boots on. She grabbed her wand holster and strapped onto her hip. She then slipped a dagger into a holster that was connected to her boot. Finally she clipped her Auror badge onto her belt, and her hair switched from hot pink to a fiery orange and red. She produced a bright smile and winked at Harry.

"So Tonks you want to go for a walk." Harry asked happily.

"Sure Tonks lets go after breakfast, but first you have to take your shower then I'll take mine." Harry said quickly.

"Are you saying that I look and smell bad, Mr. Potter.", Tonks said sounding like Professor McGonagall.

"No ma'am you look beautiful and smell great, Nymphadora Tonks. I will be right back after my shower unless you want to join me, Tonksie." Harry said then raced out of the room.

Tonks stood there open mouthed and slightly shocked. She contemplated in joining him in the shower then shook her head violently as her face suddenly turned the color of her hair.

'Harry was flirting with me and doing a good job.' Tonks thought to herself.

Tonks smiled and started planning her revenge on Harry. A couple minutes later Harry walked into the room and Tonks stared at him. Harry was dripping wet and had a towel around his waist. Then he looked over his shoulder and saw Tonks staring at him with a look of hunger on her face.

'Oh my god he's so hot and cute.', Tonks thought.

"Enjoying the view Tonks," Harry said calmly while blushing slightly.

"Immensely, Harry immensely." Tonks purred huskily that made Harry blush even more.

"Well the shower is open Tonks." Harry said in a husky tone also.

"Thanks Harry I will be right back." Tonks purred then headed out the room.

Harry got dressed when Hedwig soared through the window holding three letters. Harry took the letters and then fed Hedwig then he opened the first letter and read:

Hey Mate,

I hope you are not blaming yourself for Sirius's death. Guess what I and Hermione got together. We're both going to Egypt this summer. Sorry you can't come to the Burrow this summer. See you on the train to school.

You're Friend, Ron

P.S. Stay at Privet Drive or Mum will go berserk on you.

Harry wadded Ron's letter up and chucked it at the wall. Then he picked up the next letter and started reading:

Dear Harry,

I hope you are not blaming yourself entirely for Sirius's death. It was only partially your fault that he died. I am not injured any more. I am going to Egypt with Ron and the rest of the Weasleys for the rest of this summer. While you're sitting in your room sulking you might want to think about your 'saving people thing', and how next time you might get one of your friends killed. Stay at Privet Drive and don't interfere with the Order. Stop letting Tonks seduce you when you are this vulnerable.

Sincerely, Hermione

P.S. Ron and I are together now.

Harry could feel the rage, guilt, and sadness run through him like a tidal wave destroying any magical blocks that remained. Remus got up and looked at Harry who was shaking and letting off a visible gold, black, and emerald green aura. A scantily clad pink haired Tonks burst into the room and started to try to get Harry to calm down.

"Harry it's me Tonks you need to calm down and control yourself before you accidently hurt me or Remus. Please calm down Harry you are starting to scare me. Harry we will have to stun you if you do not calm down." Tonks said in a soft and scared voice.

Harry turned to Tonks and said in a hurt soft voice, "I would never harm you Nymphadora or you Mooney. I never meant to harm Sirius in my decisions. I wouldn't blame you if you blame me for Sirius's death everybody else does."

Tonks couldn't take it any more she ran into Harry's arms in the aura. Harry held on to her for dear life. Remus watched as Harry's aura changed into golden green. Then a dome of golden light transcended on them.

Rock On You Awesome Readers!