Reviews make me happy and less suicidal, I guess
I own nothing. Next chapter will be the last, Then I will be working on my other stories. Most likely trying to finish Head Over Heels.
Maybe we're just having too much fun
Maybe you can't handle yourself,
Staring at me with your lips and tongue.
He had hurt Maya time and time again, and things only got worse when his face made an appearance. Perhaps part of him knew she was going to be better off with Zig or something like that. Cam loved her more than words could possibly convey, but he could not force Maya to stay with him if she did not want to.
There was no longer a wedding. There now was only a supposedly pregnant Maya Matlin who cried her heart out and watched Zig leave her behind. The whole supposedly pregnant thing was not meant to be a snide comment towards Maya at all, but there was something Cam had been unable to forget the entire they were together in post-coital pleasure.
The way Maya kept saying, "There is nothing to worry about Cam, I promise. You can come inside of me because I have the implant. That means there is no way I can get pregnant."
Something in Maya's story wasn't adding up, and Cam was determined to find out what the pretty blonde girl was hiding from him.
Maya knew one day her life was just explode in her face, and she would be left all alone. But she never thought it would happen in front of so many people or the way it all played out. There was no real reason she had to marry Zig. She could have gone along with what he had wanted and leave town for good. She could have stopped him from hurting Cam. Maya could have probably done a lot more than she had.
Above all, she should have not lied to herself and pretended to be pregnant to keep Cam around. It was such a selfish tactic, but she was terrified to let the words pass her lips. There was no way she could form a coherent plea asking Cam to stay with her when he had his big, fancy life and all she had was a baby way too young. She could only imagine what would happen to Cam's reputation if the world found out he had fathered a baby as a teen. Maya saw no good ending to everything happening in her life, but she needed to find a solution before it was too late.
She wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the sleeping baby in the crib. Caleb was the reason for her to turn her life around, she needed to be a good mother and stay strong for her young son. With a deep breath, Maya picked up the phone and dialed the old friend she was positive had been the reason Campbell Saunders had returned to town when he had.
The person answered, not saying much before Maya began to speak.
"I want to know why you did what you did. I can assure I am not angry, just looking for why. It is not a simple question. But I need to know why you asked Cam to come back here when you did. I thought you were one of the few people I could still trust in the world. Then you went and did something like that. You don't even live in Toronto anymore. What right do you have to call someone right before I am supposed to be getting fucking married and tell him what I had meant to keep from him? Why, why, why? You left behind Toronto for your California dreams. Why would you want to ruin my entire life. You are supposed to be my sister, Katie."
Deep breaths from the person on the other end of the phone call. "I did it because I could not watch you spend your life being unhappy and lying, Maya. I lost the love of my life because of a stupid choice I made. I don't want to see the same for you. Now, hang up the phone and call Cam. Let him know before it is too late."
Katie hung up the phone, leaving Maya staring at the object in her hand and trying to decide if she was going to take a risk once again on the boy who had left her behind.
Cam had planned on leaving after the blowout at the almost wedding, but he knew he had to stay. Life would go on without him. The hockey season was not even happening yet so there was no need to worry about hours of practice or stupid public appearances. He could focus on finding a way to get Maya to no longer hate him and convince her to come home with him. It may be a little complicated with the girl he had been sleeping with, but she was bound to be alright. She was only using Cam for the status, there would be plenty of other guys who would be able to do the same. She has only chosen Cam, she said, because there was something about his smile which made her still believe good people could exist within the world.
More than that, Cam wanted to show his mother he knew how to be an adult. His mother had always said she was proud of everything Cam had done, all he had accomplished and the man he had become. But he knew how much his mother would be disappointed if she knew Cam did not take care of his family. It may not have been planned, but Maya and Caleb were his family. Maya needed to know she was not going to have to live with the stigma of being the teen mom without anyone around. She would have Cam with her every step of the way if she would just let him back into her life for good. Caleb was his flesh and blood, there was so much he could teach his son and be the father Cam had never really had. So many possibilities if Maya would just let him try...
The voicemail was simple, "Maya called me and knows I am the one who told you. She is upse right now, but she will be fine. I think the best thing would be for you to go over and see her. Don't leave her behind like you did before. Or I will kill you and make it look like an accident, Saunders."
Cam knocked on the door and peered through the window, watching the way Maya stared the door. She saw him and rolled her eyes. Finally, she had opened the door with a bit of dramatics in her tone and stated, "What could you possibly be doing here?"
He grinned. "The same thing I told you when I came her a little over a month ago. I came to get my family back." He stepped toward her with determination and wrapped his hands around her arms to keep her close.
"What family? You got me pregnant and left. My son barely knows who you are. There is no family, Cam. There is just an outdated idea in your head you need to let go of. This not 1950, you can't just come in here and demand I be with you. I am not some helpless little girl who doesn't know how to face the world on her own. I am not fourteen years old anymore, alright? I am not going to beg you to kiss me or tell me I am pretty. I won't be like that anymore!" Maya yelled, tears streaming down her reddened face.
Cam bit his lip and ran his hands up and down her arms. "I know you aren't the same girl you were back then. We have both grown up, Maya. I used to run away from my problems, but here I am. I am not proud of not saying goodbye. I am not proud of the way we left things, but I am trying so hard here. My intention was not to come here and fuck you again and again. I wanted to see you, to let you know I still loved you. I wanted to offer you a chance to come be with me. You would never have to worry about anything again because I would be able to make sure you were okay."
Maya shook her head, tears blurring her vision. "This doesn't even sound like you anymore, Cam. I am trying so hard to believe you, but I also think you are lying to me. You are just trying to clear your conscience, and you don't really care about me or Caleb. This is all to make you look and feel good."
He sighed. "I am not lying to you. If I was trying to clear my conscience, I would have sent you a check and asked you to keep your mouth shut. I would not have come back to ask you to be with me if this was about making myself look good, Maya."
Maya tried to form some more angry words, but Cam cut her off with a kiss. It was a kiss which said, "I loved from the time we were fourteen to now we have a son. I will love you until the day I die."
Or rather, Cam said those words to Maya after he kissed her. She just kind of pretended the kiss had said the same thing as well.
Zig stood outside of the window of his former apartment and watched the way Maya looked at Cam. He noticed the gentleness of Cam's touch towards Maya. Zig had expected to feel anger, but he did not feel much at all. Perhaps he should have always known Maya was going to choose Cam. Zig had just hoped since he was the one to take on the role of being Caleb's father, Maya would learn to love him. You can't force someone to love you though, and you can't change who they are meant to be with. Zig had planned to go inside and beat the shit out of Cam again. He would call Maya all the bad names he could possibly think of and then leave. All the plans he had went out the window when he saw the way Cam and Maya interacted with each other. It was as though no time had passed between them and they were falling in love all over again. Zig could not compete with the way Maya looked at Cam.
Instead, Zig Novak did what he never thought he would be able to do. He silently said his goodbyes to Maya Matlin and decided to move on with his life. There was a whole world to explore. He could go to every skate park across North America and find a way to be happy. Anything was possible. He was young and had his whole life ahead of him.
Someday, Maya would be just another memory.
Zig pulled his cell phone out and called someone. As soon as the person answered he said with a smile, "Would you care to go for an adventure, Tori Santamaria?"
Maya carefully folded all of Caleb's clothes in the suitcase she kept in the back of the closet. She wanted to make sure his belongings survived the trip to somewhere new for both mother and child. The suitcase was mostly new and quite roomy. She was going to fit all of his baby clothes inside and place her own clothes inside of trash bags. They would serve the same purpose of a suitcase in the end. When you were a mother, you always made sure your child had better than you.
Cam had offered to buy her an entire set of luggage. It was not a big deal to him because he had more than enough money to spare. He had even offered to hire someone to pack everything up for Maya. She had refused though, because she still had her pride. Just because she was going with Cam she was not going to compromise who she had become. Maya had done fine taking care of her son for the time (Zig helped, but he was gone now). It was hard to hold onto the independence she had created for herself when Cam was insisting on doing almost everything for her.
"So, are you ever going to tell me why you were pretending to be pregnant?"
Maya looked up at Cam standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. She held her breath and stared at him for a long moment.
"I didn't know how else I was going to make sure I wasn't alone." she finally answered.
"It has to be more than that though. I know you, Maya. Tell me why."
She sighed and took a deep breath, ready to tell Cam the truth she had been hiding from him for over a year.
"I did it because..."
a/n: I wonder why she did it. Well, the next chapter will be the last. I promise it will be long and awesome. Hopefully you liked this one. It has been awhile, but reviews make me happy.