A/N: Thank you to everyone who followed this story to its conclusion. Thank you to everyone who took some time to review. It's a long road back for Jane and Maura but good friends always make a journey that little bit easier.

Maura is staring off into space when Pauline walks into the cell. Jane's temperature has continued to drop and her heart beat has grown stronger. Its given Angela confidence to rest and she is out like a light. It's been eight hours since Pauline and Maura made Twitter contact with Boston Homicide. They can hear the Explosive Experts climbing all over the building trying to make sure the house is safe. They can also hear helicopters overhead and the odd shout from people working outside.

"Are you OK Dr. Isles" Pauline asks.

Her question brings Maura back from her thoughts. "Yes, thank you" is all Maura says.

Pauline sits beside her. In the thirty odd hours they've been in the house, Maura and Pauline have barely spoken. "Can I ask; what exactly do you do for a day job Dr. Isles."

Maura's mind has drifted again. "Huh; sorry" She looks at Pauline.

"What sort of Dr. are you" Pauline asks again.

"Oh I'm a Pathologist" Maura responds.

"I'm a personal trainer" Pauline explains.

"That's very nice" Maura acknowledges with polite respect.

"It doesn't seem enough but I wanted to thank you for what you did for us."

Maura becomes more animated "please don't thank me! It's my fault you're all here. We're in this predicament because Hughes thought it would be fun to put all your lives in my hands. So please don't thank me." Maura shuts down and Pauline can sense she's not going to get anymore conversation out of her. Pauline gets comfortable and before long she's asleep as well. Its close on forty hours since Maura's had any sleep but something inside of her has snapped and sleep's the last thing she feels like doing.

In her mind Maura keeps going over the equations and formulas she worked on to deactivate the explosives and help Jane. She can't stop doing the analysis. She's drawn out of her thoughts when she hears Jane. She moves to her. "It hurts… my hands… Hoyt…" Jane is dreaming and mumbling. It's music to Maura's ears it means her brain is functioning at least in some way. She hasn't told Angela that's been her greatest fear; that if she survived Jane would come out of all of this with brain damage.

Maura takes Jane's hand, "its OK Jane, it's going to be alright now" she says. She feels Jane squeeze her hand in response.

Korsack, Frost, Frankie and Cooper have stood around waiting for daylight. The Explosives Unit wants to check the building again under natural light before declaring it safe to enter. Thanks to Twitter they know Jane is extremely sick and so the EMT is on standby to rush her straight to Mass. General as soon as she's out. Cavanaugh walks up. "What's the latest" he asks. Korsack gives the update. "And everyone else is OK." They all nod at their boss.

At 8:00am the Explosives Unit gives the all clear and removes the door in the main entry. The EMT enters; Maura shouts for them to come downstairs. The EMT is closely followed by the Homicide team. As the EMT starts to treat Jane, Maura talks them through everything; the details of the poison and the antidote. While they get Jane ready for transportation Maura goes upstairs and gets all her notes. She gives them to the EMT to take with them.

Meanwhile Angela has sobbed into Frankie's embrace and Cooper has comforted Pauline. Korsack and Frost have gone over the building as a crime scene. When Frost looks in on the laboratory he can't believe what he sees. It looks like there has been one bad ass science experiment taking place in it.

Meanwhile Maura has removed herself from everyone and is leaning against a wall in the cell watching the EMT's do their work. As they remove everyone from the premises an EMT approaches Maura to guide her to an ambulance. Angela and Pauline are being taken to the hospital for a routine checkup. "I'm fine" Maura explains. "I'm a Doctor; I don't need to go to the hospital." She gives the EMT a stern look and he leaves her.

Korsack walks over to Maura. "You're not going to the Hospital Doc" he asks.

"No, I'm fine Sergeant" Maura responds.

"What the hell happened" he asks.

Maura looks at him for a minute. She shakes her head, "I'll write up my statement when I get home. Actually Sergeant Detective Korsack, would you mind giving me a ride home" she asks.

"If it's OK Doc, I'll organize a uniform to do it. I want to help Frost go over the scene some more." Maura's grateful, even relieved at Korsack's suggestion. She ducks her head to the screaming media as she leaves and jumps into the waiting squad car.

When Maura gets home she takes a long hot shower and changes into fresh clothes. She packs a bag. When that's done she types three documents. The first is her statement for Korsack. She emails it to him. The second is her letter of resignation. She emails it to the Governor and copies Lieutenant Cavanaugh. The last is a note to Angela.

'Dear Angela,

Sorry I didn't make it to the hospital today.

Here is the name of a Doctor I suggest you see. The trauma of what's just happened will take you some time to process and you'll find Dr. Monica Pratley very good.

I have a lot to process as well so I'm going away for a little while. Please don't worry I'm fine but I need some space at the moment.

I hope and pray that Hoyt and any of his connections are out of your lives for good. I am so sorry for my part in his hideous plans.

Please tell Jane I'm thinking of her and give her my love.

I'll be in touch.


Maura calls a taxi; when it arrives she asks to be taken to the airport. Maura buys herself a first class ticket on the first plane leaving for France. Once on the plane she asks not to be disturbed. She gets settled and finally she allows herself to sleep.

Korsack is sitting at his desk re-reading Maura's statement. He cannot believe what Hughes did to her. He's interrupted when Cavanaugh comes looking for him. "Doctor Isles has resigned" he announces.

"You're kidding" Korsack looks at Cavanaugh.

"I wish I was."

"I guess I'm not surprised; I've just read her statement" Korsack explains. "Hughes put her though hell."

"God I hope this is the last we'll hear of anything to do with the name Hoyt." Cavanaugh sounds exasperated.

"Me too" Korsack shakes his head.

"How's Rizzoli doing?"

"She's not out of the woods but thanks to Doctor Isles and the work she had to do while in captivity, the Doctors are confident Jane will make a full recovery. They say she was lucky it was Doctor Isles, they doubt anyone else could have done what she did."

"So why's she quit" Cavanaugh asks confused.

"No idea but the one person I'd ask is Jane" Korsack offers.

It's a little over a week when Jane's allowed to leave the hospital. As she's packing up Dr. Yeo comes to say goodbye. "So Jane, I'm happy with where you're at. If you have any violent headaches call me straight away otherwise I want to see you again for one more scan in three months" he explains.

"Sure Doc; thank you."

He smiles "I'm not the one you should thank."

"I know I know I should thank Dr. Isles" Jane looks at him. She does her best to hide the disappointment she's feeling that Maura resigned from her job and took off before Jane could speak to her. Jane's also annoyed that Maura hasn't returned her calls.

"Yes you should; oh and she asked me to give you a referral to Dr. Leigh Santos. He is a very highly regarded hand specialist" Dr. Yeo explains.

"Really" Jane asks. "When did she do that?"

"One of the times she called. I can't remember exactly which one" he explains.

"She's phoned you?"

"Yes Jane; she's phoned nearly every day. She is the only reason you're alive and she obviously cares for your well-being; I'd say you're very lucky" Dr. Yeo smiles.

"Huh; go figure. Anyway thanks again Doc." Jane takes his notes and referrals and leaves.

Maura's been staying in her parent's villa in France. She's enjoyed the isolation. With the exception of speaking to Dr. Yeo on a regular basis Maura's not talked to anyone. She's been exercising regularly and paying close attention to her diet. Physically Maura knows she is fully recovered from the lack of proper food and sleep during that horrendous forty-eight hours or so she was held captive by Hughes. The question she hasn't been able to answer is what she's going to do now.

She decides to take an afternoon walk; it's a beautiful day. Before long she finds herself standing outside the gates of the 'Fancy French Boarding School' Jane has so often mocked. True it wasn't the happiest of places for Maura but it wasn't the worst place on earth either. It was the place that not only fulfilled her thirst for education it provided the platform for her natural sense of inquiry and curiosity. Given the remote nature of the relationship with her adoptive parents; this school had played more of a part in who Maura was then perhaps anything else in her life.

Sadly the school also cemented her belief structure that somehow she didn't quite belong in 'the land of the living' as Jane often called it. Until Hughes put the lives of Jane and Angela in her hands, she thought she'd gotten past her fear of living people. Having a best friend like Jane and being so welcomed into her warm and loving family had brought her some of the happiest times in her life. What she felt when their very lives were her responsibility, had been terrifying. She didn't like the feeling and it was something she never wants to experience again. It leaves her with a dilemma because she doesn't want to have anything to do with the living or the dead.

"Hey Ma" Jane shouts as she walks into Maura's place.

"Hi Janey" Angela shouts in reply. A few minutes later she comes into the kitchen to see Jane raiding Maura's fridge. "How are you feeling sweetie" she asks.

"Excellent" Jane replies.

"Really" Angela's surprised. "Did you hear from Maura then" she asks.

"No Ma; I haven't heard from Maura, but I saw the hand specialist she referred me to this morning and he has given me a one hundred percent clean bill of health on my hands." Jane smiles as she holds them in the air.

Angela laughs "that's great news baby." Angela moves into the kitchen. "So are you staying for dinner" she asks.

"If that's OK; Cavanaugh wants to meet with me; so I asked him to do it here rather than my place" Jane explains.

"Sure" Angela says and starts to get busy. Jane has a beer while doing as instructed to help her mother where she can. "Constance called me last night" Angela mentions.

"Cool" is all Jane says.

"She's very worried about Maura Janey" Angela adds.

It has the desired effect. "Why" Jane asks now a little more interested in the conversation.

"She's avoiding everyone. The house keeper says she's had no guests; she's not taking any calls and she's asked that Constance not visit her" Angela explains.

"Look Ma; at first I was really hurt that Maura took off without speaking to me but after reading all your statements on what she went through, I actually understand. Maura needs to process this for herself. We just have to give her time and respect her wishes" Jane explains. "I mean you of all people know what it's like to get past something like what happened." Angela nods in understanding.

When Cavanaugh arrives later that evening he's on a mission from the Governor to get Maura back. Jane says the same thing to him as she did to Angela. She advises him to give Maura her space and time.

Maura is sitting staring at the Musée d'Orsay; she's been there for hours. It's been over six weeks since the incident. Maura's started processing the event as the incident. She is still no closer to moving on. Scientifically she knows the processes her mind is going through; the stages of coming to terms with what happened. She just can't seem to get to a point where she can make a decision.

"I had a best friend once who could sit and stare at the Musée d'Orsay for hours because it created awe for her about what human beings could do." Jane sits down beside Maura. "Hey stranger" Jane adds.

Maura turns to see Jane sitting beside her. "You remembered me saying that" Maura asks in shock and surprise.

"Well I thought it was pretty odd at the time but when I thought about where I might find you over here where you couldn't slam a door in my face; yeah I remembered." Jane smiles and leans into Maura giving her a gentle nudge. "So what's going on Maura?"

"What are you doing here Jane? Are you even well enough to travel yet" she asks.

"Yeah I'm great; I go back to work next week… but you know that; don't you" Jane looks at Maura.

Maura drops her head "Ok yes; I'm sorry I have been checking up on you. Are you really Ok; you know after everything" Maura looks up again at Jane.

Jane looks intently at Maura. "Will I ever be completely over Hoyt and him pinning me to the floor with scalpels. Probably not but Maura I don't remember any of what happened with Hoyt, Hughes or whatever his name was this time. What I hate is that he used me to put you through what he did. I'm so sorry Maura."

"Hmm" is all Maura says.

"So you; how are you Maura. You have a lot of people really worried. What's going on" Jane asks.

"Nothing Jane, I'm fine. It's just after everything thing that happened in that damn house I've realized I can't live that life anymore. So I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do next" Maura explains.

"Well that's cool. So what are you thinking" Jane asks.

"I've been thinking about going back into research; I've been offered an opportunity at Oxford" Maura explains.

"What, Oxford in England? That's sounds fantastic" Jane tries to encourage Maura. At least she is thinking about doing something. It's not what Jane was hoping she'd decide, but it's positive.

They sit there pretty much in silence until evening starts to fall. "Well I've got to go and check into my hotel but I was hoping you might have dinner with me Maura" Jane offers, hoping Maura won't shut her out.

Maura looks at Jane with a glazed expression. She's been miles away. "Sorry?"

"Dinner; would you have dinner with me" Jane repeats.

"How long are you staying Jane; oh where are you staying" Maura asks.

"I start back at work next week Maura; I just wanted to make sure you're OK before I do. I'm staying at a little Hotel not far from here" Jane explains.

"Oh don't do that Jane; my parent's Villa is huge. You can choose from three rooms with different views."

"It's OK Maura; I didn't come here to invade your privacy."

"No please Jane; I wasn't sure how I'd cope with seeing you; but I'm really pleased you're here. I'll cook us up some dinner," Maura sounds a little more enthusiastic.

After they've eaten Jane and Maura are sitting out on the balcony enjoying a glass of French wine and looking at the variety of colourful people parading along the Paris streets. "I think French men are sexier just because of their accent" Jane offers.

Maura laughs. "We'll have to go and meet a few before you head home."

Jane has a sip of wine and looks at Maura. "What bothered you the most about what happened" she asks.

Maura pauses; she's thought about this a lot. "I think I've always believed my intellect was my greatest asset; the tool I could always rely on to do my job well. I just… well I never thought it might be used against me and the people I… well people… I love."

Jane thinks about that statement. "OK so I'm not a genius like you so don't get mad at me but wasn't it your intellect that saved us; taking for granted of course that me and Ma are the people you love" Jane teases.

"What" Maura looks at Jane; questioning her.

"Come on Maura; the only reason I'm alive today to annoy you is because you're so damn brainy" Jane pushes.

"Jane the only reason you were sick in the first place is because Hughes saw my intellect as a challenge" Maura stares at Jane.

"No Maura; that's not fair. Hughes went after me for killing his brother. He never even knew about you until he started that process. Maura I've done my homework. I know what he put you through and I know why" Jane explains.

"Jane I've never been so scared in my entire life; my stomach is still in knots." Maura stares at Jane.

Jane understands. "Maura I know what it's like to be scared; the thing is I can't run from it I have to face it."

"Oh so you think I'm running from my fear" Maura sounds annoyed.

Jane reaches across the table and takes Maura's hand. "Yeah I do; but I don't mean that in a bad way Maura. I do understand."

"Jane for the first time since we've been friends I think I really understand what it was like for you when Hoyt had you pinned to that floor" Maura says.

"No you don't Maura and I'm so envious of you it hurts" Jane says emphatically.

"I don't know what you mean," Maura looks at Jane.

"You beat them; you rose above them. Crap Maura you were smarter than them. Till the day I die I have to remember that Hoyt left me helpless. He made me a victim. His brother tried to do that to you but he failed."


"No Maura, don't you forget that. I know you know what it means to be afraid now; I do, but you are amazing. Dr. Yeo told me that he doesn't know of any doctor who could have done what you did under the pressure you were under. He is adamant the only reason I'm alive is because of your toughness and pure brilliance."

"Really" Maura says getting emotional.

"Yeah but Maura I'm here because you're my friend and I'll support you know matter what you decide to do with your life. I just want you to know that there are a whole lot of people back home hoping and praying that you decide you still want to be part of their lives" Jane stresses.

"There are" Maura wipes away a tear.

"What about Ma, Maura. What about Frankie, Frost and Korsack. Hell Maura the whole BPD is in awe of what you did. You know how much I hate all this talking about feelings crap but hell I'm your biggest fan" Jane laughs. Maura laughs with her.

"Jane you're right. I'm scared to go back to my job; I never want to go through that again" Maura really opens up.

"I know Maura; I really know what that feels like. I can't make promises that you might not face tough situations going forward. All I can promise is as your friend I'll do everything I can to help" Jane looks at Maura with sincerity.

Maura picks up her glass and taps it against Jane's. "You're a great friend Jane; thank you."

Jane smiles "thank you Maura."