"Why can't we just leave Team Rocket's hideout?"

"I'm here for something and I'm not leaving without it."

"What do you want?"

"It's a sword."

"But you have a gun and a knife already! Why do you need a sword?"

"First off, I have two knives. Second, it's not for me, it's for Pawniard."

"Look out!" She yelled.

I pushed her over to get her out of the way and fired 3 bullets. 2 into two grunts' heads and missed the third. "Crud." I thought. I went behind the wall for cover and he ran towards me. I put my pistol in its holster and readied my fists for hand-to-hand combat. He came around the corner and I punched him in the face. His nose was bleeding and I held him against the wall.

"Where's the brazen sword?"

"Brazen sword? I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Don't play dumb with me. I keep multiple knives with me and I'm not afraid to use them."

"Stop Howie! He doesn't know what you're talking about!"

I sighed. "Go." I told the grunt.

As he ran off I shot him.

"What was that?! You let him go and then killed him!"

"I did what I had to do. He was the enemy and I had to eliminate him."

"But he's a person too!"

"When you fight in a war like this your feelings have to go."

"They might have to but your morals don't!"

"My morals are only modified, they're not gone. Stay here if you want, but I'm going to get that sword."

I started to walk off and she stayed.

"If you're going to stay there, at least take this."

I threw her my switch blade.

I headed down the dark hallway. I loaded my pistol in case I ran into anyone. "I'm low on bullets." I kept running down the hall. I came to an intersection with three rooms. Two looked like classrooms and one had a tinted window and a keycard slot on the right side. This is what I was expecting. I inserted the Rocket Card. The door popped open. I could see the sword. It was a copper sword, hence the name brazen. It had a silver hilt adorned with an emerald. "Bingo." I stepped in and an alarm went off. A grunt in what looked like one of the Shadow Triad's suits. He grabbed the sword and said, "I'll give you one chance to leave."I shut the door. "Number one rule of combat, know your opponent. You are pretty strong seeing as you have iron anklets and wristbands. Rule number 83, never pull a sword on someone with a gun." I fired a single shot through his chest. "I'll take that." I said as I grabbed the sword from him. I sent out Pawniard. I handed him the sword and said "You know that to do." He grabbed the sword and rubbed the copper off on every silver part of his body. He now had a copper tint on each edge of his blades. We went back to Lexi. "Ready to go?" She nodded. "Where's the sword?" I showed her Pawniard. "Aww... He's even cuter than before!" He came back to me. "He finds that insulting. Pawniard is a tough Pokémon and he doesn't like being referred to as cute. She sighed. "Let's go" she said.