*~Anything But Ordinary~* *~Prologue - The New Girl~*

Hey!! This ficcy is an AAMRN, and I've got not much else to say, besides it's a total A/U plot, kay? And just to let you know, everybody is the same age, and in grade 10. Got it? Alright, on to the story! (P.S - Reviewers will get a special mention in the next chapter!)


"Hey, Brocko!" Ash greeted his long time friend as he plunked down into his seat. He tossed his few books onto the desk in front of him, and then turned around to face his friend behind him.

"Hiya Ash. Barely made it, the teacher's gonna be coming in through the door any minute now."

Ash sighed. He had a frequent habit of. not quite being on time. regularly. "It wasn't my fault." he said. "Pikachu was-"

"Yeah yeah, Ash, it's never your fault." Tracey, another of Ash's friends, said from the seat diagonally from his own.

Their conversation was cut short as the teacher entered the classroom. Their first class, math, held one of the most un-likable teachers of the lot; Ms. Bentley. She had short, curly blonde hair, and thick-rimmed glasses which seemed tiny compared to the rest of her, despite their large size. Ms. Bentley was quite overweight, and her height wasn't that to be proud of. One would think that someone of this stature would pose no threat to the students, as what most of them thought when they had their first class with her. Oh, how wrong they were.

"Mr. Ketchum, how many times do I have to tell you to take that blasted hat off your head while in this classroom?"

Ash snickered. He knew how irritable Ms. Bentley was, and he used it to his fullest potential. Almost every class he was sure to wear it, although it resulted in getting it confiscated several times over the few months since school had started.

"Oh, Ms. Bentley, I am so utterly sorry. I was unaware that I had my hat on my head, if I had known I would have surely taken it off before entering your wonderful classroom." His voice was so sugar-coated that a hum of laughter soon filled the air of the classroom.

Ms. Bentley huffed, which was not an easy task considering her weight, and glared at Ash. He snickered to himself, fully realizing the reasons of why she was still a 'Ms' instead of 'Mrs'. Ms. Bentley glared at Ash, saying "Do you think this is funny, young man?"

Ash thought about this for a second. 'Hmm.. To be cocky, or not to be cocky? That is the question.' "Well? Does it require that much thought, Mr. Ketchum?" He smirked. "Maybe, maybe not."



'Great.' Ash stood in the hallway outside of the main office, waiting to see the principal. 'First period, and I'm already kicked out.'

Ash heard the door open and a young woman with blue hair stepped out of the office, followed by the secretary.

"Like, thank you, Mrs. Stellar."

Mrs. Stellar, the secretary, replied "No problem, Ms. Waterflower. We're looking forward to the new arrival on Monday."

'New arrival?' Ash thought curiously.

The young woman, Ms. Waterflower, tucked away a few papers, of which looked like forms to Ash, into her purse and finished up conversation with Mrs. Stellar, then trotted out of the main doors in her navy mini skirt, heels clicking on the hard floors.

"Well, Mr. Ketchum. What brings you to the main office?" Mrs. Stellar, arms crossed over her chest, asked in slight amusement. Ash was a regular customer to the office, they saw him at least three times a week, when he was at least trying to co-operate.

"I, ah. you know, the usual." Even at age 15 ('almost 16,' he thought joyously), he still had the habit of scratching the back of his head and stuttering when put in the spotlight. Despite the situation, Mrs. Stellar chuckled lightly.

"Ash, Ash, Ash." She shook her head. "Always getting in trouble, aren't we?"

"I was provoked!" he defended, his lucky red hat still sitting on his head.

Mrs. Stellar noticed the hat, and moved out of the doorway for him to enter the office. "You might want to take off your hat before Mr. Coleby sees you with it on, you remember what happened last time."

Ash bowed his head down in shame, tucking his hat inside his jacket. "Yeah, I remember." One of the few times he'd had his hat confiscated had been with the principal, yet all of the-okay, almost all of the teachers and staff knew that Ash and his hat always went together, like a matching pair.

Mrs. Stellar pushed him on his back to hurry him in, and announced to the principal in his room that Ash was here to see him. Again.

Walking into the principal's room was almost a daily ritual for Ash, and he was almost friends with everyone in the office. Except the principal himself. That's why they always made sure he ended up seeing him whenever he was bad. Which was quite often.

"Mr. Ketchum, what an honour to see you." Mr. Coleby said. "Come have a seat." Ash instinctively patted the spot in his jacket where his hat laid underneath, making sure it wouldn't budge.

Ash sat down on the furnished wooden chair in front of the desk. Mr. Coleby looked at him intensely with his cold, blue eyes. Clad in black dress pants, a pale blue shirt and a navy tie, he was the image of authority to others around him. To Ash, he was the image of trouble.

Ash only wore his hat, under his jacket of course, a pair or baggy jeans, a deep green t-shirt, and a jean vest with yellow trimming on the pockets.

"Well, what's the problem this time, Mr. Ketchum?"

"Being rude, according to Ms. Bentley."

"Being rude, eh? Well, you do know that we have rules and policies about respect to our staff members, right?"

"Yeah," Ash grunted, folding his arms over his chest and slouching in the chair, looking out the window into the Friday morning sun. Looking at his watch, he noticed that it was 9:55, his first period would soon be over.

"Mr. Ketchum, please divert your attention from your watch and put it on the subject at hand." Ash sighed heavily and looked at Mr. Coleby.

"Now, I think your mother would love to hear about this incident. After all, three strikes and you're out, right?"

The school had a policy of which three times in the office and you got a phone call home. His mother had gotten so many of them that she was often beside herself with the total. He then cringed. He had plans to go to a dance with a group of friends this weekend, and as soon as Mr. Coleby phoned his mom, she'd ground him for the weekend. That meant no dance.

He heard the ringing of the phone and these thoughts crossed his mind.

'This is not fair!'


"But mom!!"

"I said no, Ash! Don't you listen to me?"

Deliah pointed her index finger at her son, flicking it in his face.

"I can't believe you, you get in trouble in the office - again! - and then expect for me to let you go to some hooligan party? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Maybe," he said.

"Oooh, now I can see why these teachers are constantly sending you to the office!!"

Ash sighed. There was no way he was going to be able to go to this party now. As his mother walked out of the kitchen, he smacked himself upside the head for his stupidity. He should have known better than to talk back to his mom if he even wanted a chance to go to that dance.


"So, how was the dance?" asked Ash. He was talking to Brock on the phone on Sunday night, considering he had finally worked off that phone call from the office and had gotten his phone privileges back.

"You should have seen all the girls!!" he screeched over the phone. Ash winced, holding the phone away from his ear since he was so loud. "So, who went?"

Brock thought for a moment. "Basically everybody except you."

Ash sighed. Stupid Mr. Coleby, why'd he have to call on Friday??


'Really.' he thought sarcastically in his head.

"Okay Brock, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye Ash. Good luck with your mom." And with that, Brock hung up.

'I'll need it.'


Ash walked into school the next morning in a foul mood. He had been deprived of doing anything over the weekend, and he had been lectured so many times, you'd think he tried to murder the Prime Minister rather that just get a phone call from the school. He was even deprived of talking to his own pokemon, so Pikachu had been sent over to Prof. Oak's for the weekend.

He headed for his desk, and Brock and Tracey immediately noticed his bummed- out mood. But they never got a chance to talk to him before the teacher interrupted them. Thankfully, the class wasn't math, but science. Mrs. Finne stood at the front of the class and said "I'd like to welcome a new student to the class."

'A new student?' Ash thought. 'Could that be what that woman was talking about in the office on Friday?'

He couldn't finish his thoughts when a young girl walked in. She had long, orange hair tied back into a ponytail at the top of her head, and wore flared stonewash jeans with a pastel purple t-shirt. He could see her eyes sparkle even in his seat near the back of the class.

"Everybody, meet Misty Waterflower."



So, how did you like it? Good or bad? Comments, criticisms, flames, and questions accepted from the review box!!

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Oh, and I may like a beta-reader for this fic, so if you're interested (and are full of great ideas!) leave that in your review, too!


~Violet Emeralds~

P.S - All of my future reviews will be at the bottom of the fic, kay?