Well, this is mostly about Natsume and Mikan. If you are a Hotaru and Ruka fan I am sorry. I will put them in once in a while but I'm focused mostly on Natsume and Mikan. I love them. This is going to be a lot different from the other Fan Fictions I have read. Natsume nor Mikan will leave to go to Alice Academy because they can stay home and go to school. Yes, Narumi-sensei does sound, look, and act gay but at least doesn't leap in the air while twirling in a pink fluffy dress in the anime. (But that would be funny) But this is way different. Mikan as to stay with Natsume for a while since her Mom, Yuka Sakura, has to go on a business trip. I won't say anymore cause that will spoil the fun. (Giggles) I will be using a few Japanese terms and I will but what they meant in ( ) if you don't know what they mean. Enjoy.

Magic Me: Hey, I'm ppgrrb1997 but you can call me Magic Me for now.

Mikan: Magic-chan, where's my clothes? *Wrapped in a tower coming out of the bathroom*

Magic Me: Mikan, what are you doing?! You have a fucking towel on! What if-

Natsume: Hey, Polka. Nice towel. *Smirks*

Magic Me: *Sweat-drop* Natsume comes in.

Mikan: Pervert! *Ran back into the bathroom closing the door*

Natsume: *Chuckles and looks at me*

Magic Me: *Glares at him* You don't scare me, Hyuuga. *Throws him against the wall using magic* Now, *Looks at the audience* Welcome to my new Fan Fiction everybody. Gakuen Alice! I won't be in it this time but I will show up once in a while just to say something or to lessen the mood. Mostly to confuse people.

Natsume: *Trying to get off the wall*

Magic Me: *Looks at Natsume* Would you like to do the honors or do you want to stay on the wall all day?

Natsume: *Mumbles under his breathe than sighs* Magic Me doesn't own Gakuen Alice. Now get me off this-

Mikan: *Opens door and yells* Enjoy reading everyone! We can't wait to read the reviews!

Chapter 1

Let me show you a little of their past before I give away details. You will see, imagine seeing, 2 little kids around 5 going somewhere. Will, the little boy was pulling the girl.

It was a beautiful spring day. Natsume was dragging Mikan, by the hand, to his favorite place. "Where are we going, Natsume?" asked a little Mikan Sakura. She was wearing a pink shirt with a red skirt that stopped a few inches above her knee along with black flats. Her hair was brunette and it was up in a side ponytail. Her eyes were the prettiest brown.

"Just wait little girl." said a little Natsume Hyuuga, who didn't look behind him at the girl he was dragging. He was wearing a blue t-shirt, black shorts, and black tennis shoes. His hair was raven colored and short but the short where it hangs in your face. His eyes were crimson color. He never showed his emotions except ti Mikan. (You can so tell that they are really good friends. Are is there more to it?)

Mikan puffed her cheeks out. "I have a name, you know?" She looked at how he was holding her hand.

Suddenly, Natsume stopped walking and so did Mikan. They were looking at a bis Sakura Tree standing in front of them. Mikan smiled when she saw it. Natsume let go of her hand and put his in his pocket.

"This is so pretty!" Mikan said. The wind started blowing and some Sakura Blossom's were flying around. Mikan giggled and looked at her raven haired friend. "Is this where you are always going when you are upset?" she smiled.

Natsume just looked down and nodded. He walked over to the trunk of the tree and sat down against it.

Mikan walked over to him and sat down next to him. "What's wrong, Natsume? You seem upset about something." she said with a little concern in her voice.

Natsume looked at her then looked away. "Baka. Nothing's wrong." Feels Mikan's glare piercing the back of his skull. "I'm just worried about...you." he said after a while.

Mikan blushed a little and looked down. She knew what he was talking about. Her father had died in a car accident. The worst part was she was in the car with him. She was in the back seat though. She was in the hospital for 3 days because she was unconscious for 2 of those days. Natsume stayed with her since he was worried about her. "I'm fine, Natsume. That was a few months ago." she said trying not to cry.

Natsume looks at her and hugs her. "I'm sorry, Mikan." he whispered in her ear.

Mikan wiped her eyes and smiled. "It's O.K, Natsume."

Natsume let her go. "When is your mom going on her business trip?"

"Tomorrow. She will be back when spring break is over."

"Do you want to stay at my house?"

She looked at him and smiled. "Yes please" She looked at the sky. "Ne, Natsume?"


"Promise you won't leave me?"

He looked at his brunette friend sitting beside. He smiled a little. "I promise."

We are going to the present now! Everyone please buckle your seat belt and prepare to see somecuteness!

Mikan Sakura and Natsume Hyuuga have known each other since they were toddlers. They mothers were best friends so they would always see each other. Not only were they good friends (minus the usual fights) they were good neighbors and classmates. Yes you heard me right fan girls! Natsume and Mikan are next door neighbors. That's how they met but that's another story for another trip to the past. Natsume had had a crush on Mikan since they were 7. Mikan is smart enough to notice but teases him when ever she gets the chance. Since the were 16 they were also in high school. Mikan's mom, Yuka Sakura, was a lawyer and had to make business trips a lot. But Natsume offered her to stay with him and his Mom until she comes back. But since it was almost summer break her mom was going to be gone for the whole summer, which is 2 months. Mikan was going to be in the same house with the same guy that she also had a crush on, for 2 months.

It was the last day of school before summer break began and the last day before her mom had to leave. Mikan was talking to her second best friend, Hotaru Imai. "Baka, it's only 2 months. You will see me when I get back from vacation. Stop crying over it." said Hotaru. She was another weird girl. She never showed her emotions all the time. The only person who has ever seen her smile was Mikan.

"Fine. At least Natsume isn't leaving me." said a sad Mikan. SHe turned around and looked at the hot raven haired boy sitting beside her. "Right, Natsume." She pouted.

Yes fan girls, you guessed right again. Natsume is hot.

Natsume: *Makes a fire-ball* What was that, Aho? (Moron)

Magic Me: *Uses water and gets him all wet* Don't interpret the show, Hyuuga! I am trying to make people laugh an' be happy an' think you an' Mikan are a cute couple! *I cover my mouth* Let's continue before I die. *I whispered as Natsume started chasing me*

"Hn." was all he said.

"You are going to watch after her, right, Hyuuga?" asked Hotaru. She had out her famous BAKA GUN!

Magic Me: *Freezes time* *Clears throat* The baka gun is Hotaru-san's best creation. It is called the baka gun because it is used for baka's or idiots. Yes that does mean Mikan and Natsume. Well, I have my life 'bout to end. See ya'll. *Starts running when time continues*

Natsume looked at Hotaru. "Do I even have to answer that? She's my friend, annoying, but still my friend."

Mikan blushed a little. She didn't even hear the annoying part. Natsume had called her his friend friend in public. Ruka looked at her. The bell suddenly rang and everyone ran out of the school to get to there cars and leave. They must have had some place to go. Mikan and Natsume were walking home since their house wasn't that far from the school. Natsume was listening to his music when he noticed that Mikan wasn't walking beside him. Where did that baka go? thought Natsume. He looked around. When he found Mikan he saw her looking at a Sakura Tree. When got closer her realized that it was their Sakura Tree. She was smiling as well. "Baka, I thought someone took you when I wasn't looking."

"Sorry, Natsume." She turned to look at him. "We better hurry before my mom leaves so I can get some stuff." He nodded and they ran to her house.

Mikan: Magic-chan, it's over!

Magic Me: *Running from Natsume and dodging attacks* Kind. Of. Busy. At. The. Moment. *She said while dodging his fire balls* Can. You do. The. Credits. Douze. Mikan-chan.

Mikan: Hai.

Natsume: *Stops attacking Magic Me and walks over to Mikan* If you want to read more, please leave a review.

Mikan: But even if you didn't, we would still show up.

Magic Me: Oi. I do need someone other then family giving me constructive citasism. Plus my spelling is bad.