Chapter 6/Final: Door to a New Adventure

So what could Ash finally have decided for his wish to Princess Celestia? Did it have something to do with Fluttershy? Twilight? The other ponies? Twilight, Fluttershy, Pikachu and Misty stood by Celestia's chamber, anxious to hear Ash's wish to the Princess of Equestria. It better not be to have her as a wife. "Interesting!" she what? "So the wish isn't for Fluttershy or Twilight alone but for every pony and human that wants to walk in the hooves or shoes of one another?" Ash had a reason for this wish of uniting ponies and humans.

"Equestria's a great place and so is the Pokémon world," he exclaimed. "I just want everyone to enjoy being something other than themselves, if only for a moment. Plus, after seeing Twilight exhausting herself opening the portal...I want her to experience being in my world without the threat of getting stuck for her life." Celestia looked at her multicolored mural windows, one being a human touching hand to hoof with an Alicorn. Was it the two talking? Maybe an Alicorn that Ash could fall for in the future?

"I, too, wonder what it would feel like, less look like if I was human. So, a permanent gateway between Equestria and the Pokémon worlds..." Ash bobbed his pony head to the confirmation. The ponies and Pikachu waiting outside couldn't believe the wish or maintain their composure. A permanent doorway that connected both worlds would be established. That meant that anyone or any pony who wanted to see the other world could do so. "I had a feeling that you would want me to merge Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy to have an Alicorn of your own. After all, Twilight came to me and confessed to having feelings for you." Ash huffed to the information hoofed down to the royal Alicorn.

"It's kinda ironic that I'm getting more adored here in Equestria than back home. I mean, neither Misty or May had these feelings for me like Twilight or Fluttershy." Misty couldn't believe her ears. To Ash, Misty never showed love to him.

"The nerve!" she growled while trying to keep her voice from suspicious ears. "I have feelings for him! How dare he say differently!" Did she ever face him about those feelings? Twilight quizzed her about this detail.

"Did you tell him how you felt?" she questioned. Misty froze. She wasn't expecting a retort like that.

"N-No, why would I tell him?" Twilight and Pikachu shook their heads, telling her that she missed her chances to confess before Fluttershy did. Misty wasn't sure why the ponies would shake their heads. The chamber doors opened, Ash and Celestia stepping out. All were anxious to hear the final verdict.

"Princess, what did Ash wish for?" Celestia gazed at her pupil, a sincere smile imaged in front of the fillies.

"He wishes for a doorway that connects Equestria to the world of Pokémon," she responded. "A far more fascinating request than perhaps others that most ponies would think, even you." A gateway that connected the worlds brought the other ponies to a satisfied realization.

"Does this mean that I can go to their world without being trapped there?" Celestia and Ash neighed nods, confirming Twilight's beliefs.

"This way, we can come to each other for some talk or if we need help with a problem," Ash pointed out some ideas. "Heck, even the princesses could stop by and see more about themselves." An interesting theory.

"I have to say that this is one of your best ideas yet, Ash!" Misty complimented. "Not only can the Equestrian Ponies come by and we can be them at times but you've also mentioned communication." Ash really thought this one through.

"And it's a lot less strain on Twilight. I still remember Applejack telling you rest and apple cider." Twilight giggled at the reminder. A while later, all were in the backyard of Fluttershy's cottage, including the boys. All stood behind Celestia. We're not having a repeat of what occurred in the first story, right Pinkie Pie?

"I found a spell that can grant us unlimited passage to your world," she informed. "It was thanks to the little ponies that our meetings were made possible." Without their discovery of the book as mentioned with Spike over, would these two world collide at all? Celestia activated her horn, glowing with a white veil of glitter. A white beam shot from her horn and enveloped a dome by a fence. Seconds later...a shed? Seriously, Celestia? A shed is your way to the Pokémon World? Still, everyone put their faith in Celestia. She's a princess that everyone admired.

"I'll go first," Ash offered. He and Pikachu entered the shed. Pray that this works. In Ash's room, a new door where a window use to be opened up and a hand, not hoof, popped out. Finally, Ash stepped in his room, back to being human. Ash looked down, viewing his renewed body. "Alright! I'm human again!" His clothes were on, his skin wasn't fur and he had hair and not a mane. He undressed his gloves...and found something unusual. There was a tattoo in the palm of his hand. A red/white ball wearing a cape. No, seriously, its Super Ball! Even Pikachu, who retained his form throughout this trip into the world of ponies. Where did Ash get it? He's too young for a tattoo parlor. "Is cutie mark? I'm a human, how can I get a cutie mark?" It did seem unusual for a human to have a cutie mark. But when did he get it? There was nothing on his flank for the entire time he was a pony. Soon the rest came back over and even Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow. Celestia stayed behind. Twilight wore a purple school uniform with matching stockings and loafers. Rainbow donned a different uniform: a sky blue basketball jersey with her cutie mark as the logo. Twilight's eyes caught Ash gazing at his newly acquired cutie mark.

"No way!" she shrieked. "How did you get a cutie mark?" He's asking himself as well.

"I don't know!" Hearing that Ash has a cutie mark, Celestia grew an interest from the other side while Spike looked on.

"May I see your cutie mark?" she requested. The crowd cleared to let Ash show his palm to Celestia. She examined it. "Fascinating! While you may be young, you're destined as a protector, a guardian to the Pokémon. Your past in keeping a watching eye on those, including my ponies, will guide you to success." Ash gazed back at his hand. Such responsibility to take.

"Whoa..." Seeing Ash's cutie mark made Misty wonder if she got one herself. Nothing on her arms... Nothing on her legs... That's when she began to unbutton her top...just as Ash turned to her. Seeing one button come off made Ash a little jumpy. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop, Misty! Not with me!" Ash quickly spun, not wanting to see Misty strip down. Ignoring the paranoid protector, Misty gazed down her chest... another cutie mark? Just above her right breast was a large water droplet. She gawked at the size and shape of this new accessory.

"It looks like the Cascade Badge at my Gym!" she notified. Ash looked, sure that Misty stopped stripping and also saw the droplet, as well as Rarity. "Luckily, I keep one to show during my stops." She pulled out another droplet, frozen in place.

"My word!" she gasped. "Now two humans have cutie marks!" If that cutie mark was in regard to this gym, she knew her destiny.

"Well, I don't think I need the princess to explain this one." And spoil her fun, too. May and Max wondered if they received cutie marks also. May didn't look long as she found a maestro's conducting baton stretching from her wrist to her index finger.

"A baton stick?" she gulped in confusion. Fluttershy looked at her hand with the baton, quickly coming up with an answer.

"This must be like your duty as a coordinator," she theorized. May thought for a second, happy that her cutie mark matched her passion as a coordinator.

"Awesome!" Max searched his body but couldn't find anything to resemble a cutie mark. Pinkie Pie checked the back, including the neck.

"Nothing back here," she noted. To forgive him, Pinkie Pie kissed the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine of the ticklish. That had to feel good to him. Tracey wasn't having any luck finding a cutie mark of his own. He chose to take his shirt off, maybe someone might see something. Applejack saw the slightly muscled figure of Tracey, whistling in admiring his body.

"Now those are farming muscles!" she named. Tracey's cheeks bled red in embarrassment. It's a compliment, dude. However, Applejack saw something else: a pair of binoculars between the shoulder blades. "And here's your cutie mark: binoculars!" Tracey's the fourth to get a cutie mark.

"Binoculars?" he repeated. "I guess it fits since I am a Pokémon Watcher." Applejack rubbed Tracey's new mark before actually wrapping her arms in a hug. Adding her country body caused Tracey to sweat. "This may be a first."

"What, being adored by a girl?" Applejack's giggle and Tracey's nervous laughter sounded rather cute. Misty and May tried to hold their laugh. Brock frantically searched his body but wasn't finding anything. Rainbow grappled him to the floor and raised his top...but nothing there.

"He's got nothing!" she groaned. Celestia heard Rainbow's slight frustration, determining why Ash, Tracey, Misty and May received cutie marks but not Brock or Max.

"It seems Brock and Max still need to find their calling," she studied. "As for the others, these cutie marks are your reminders of what your world and ours mean to you. Ash, the protector; Misty, the mermaid; Tracey, the watcher and May, the coordinator. I hope that you can fulfill your roles in your world and aid others that need it." Strong words from the princess.

"We will, Princess," Misty spoke for the rest. The door closed but remained visible. While the gateway was closed, it was there in case. Fluttershy had an idea.

"Why don't we head back to Prof. Oak's ranch to show the others your Pokémon?" she suggested. Ash wouldn't mind showing Twilight, Applejack or Rainbow his creatures.

"Good idea!" he agreed. The dozen found their way out of Ash's house and were walking to Oak's home...again.

"You know, the crusaders are gonna be jealous of us," Rainbow sneered. Pinkie Pie chuckled at Rainbow's gimmick.

"Because we're seeing all the Pokémon before they do?" she guessed.

"Well, yeah! How many ponies get an opportunity like us to see something awesome? The dragon migration that flew over us, the Sonic Rainboom performed by yours truly and seeing Ash's Pokémon...Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo can only imagine having to see everything!" Fluttershy winced when Rainbow mentioned "dragon." Her fear alerted Ash to comfort her, his hand grasping firmly to her's. Someone would need to comfort them as the ground gave way to the weight of the group. All yelled as they plummeted down a pit and landed with a series of crunching thuds. The last thing that fell was Applejack's hat which fell on top of her who was on top of Tracey...and the two could say intimidating the romance of Ash and Fluttershy. Applejack's lips touched Tracey's. No one else noticed as they tried to understand how the ground collapsed. Then, laughter.

"Don't tell me..." Ash groaned, thinking it wasn't good as Pikachu appeared knocked out. That's when two adults appeared.

"Prepare for trouble, we've got quite a score!" chanted a female with wavy blood-red hair. She wore a white mid-drift shirt with a red 'R' on it, white skirt and black thigh-high boots.

"Make it double, the pit worked to a galore!" voiced a male with dampened blue hair. He donned a white uniform with that same red 'R' on it. The last to emerge was a white cat with an oval coin wedged in its forehead.

"Forget da motto and grab Pikachu!" it mewed proudly. The redhead used a claw which reached out and snagged Pikachu before anyone had a chance to react.

"Pikachu!" Ash cried our for his Pokémon. The bad guys got Pikachu and ran off before one of those in the hole could crawl out. They escaped in a hot-air balloon in the shape of the cat's head. The rest slowly followed but it was too late.

"Team Rocket's blasting off in success!" they cheered as they flew away. All Ash could do was watch.

"Come on, Ash!" May urged. "We gotta save Pikachu!" That's when a snicker from Ash echoed. Did he expect Team Rocket taking Pikachu? Something was definitely off. "Ash?" All Ash did was turn to Applejack.

"You're safe, buddy," he told...who? Pikachu popped out from under Applejack's hat. Whoa, talk about quick thinking! Other than Ash and Pikachu, no one was in on the switcher.

"Hold your horses," Applejack huffed while grabbing Pikachu from her head. "If this is Pikachu then what the hay did Team Rock nab?" The growing grin had a sinister ploy.

"Let's just say that it's a gift from the Everfree Forest." May, Tracey and the ponies freaked out. Understandable for something that was used from that forest. Meanwhile, the three in the balloon had "Pikachu" in a glass case hooked to some portable generators to absorb electricity.

"What did I tell you, Jessie?" the blue-haired gloated. "A simple plan is the most effective. All those twerps didn't know what hit them."

"Indeed, James," Jessie the redhead agreed. "And with so many of those twerps neatly packaged in that hole, they'll have a hard time fishing all out of that hole." They planned this through...okay, not quite. The cat checked the readings on the generator, showing zero. This cat's fur began to stand for some wrong reason.

"Guys, I think dere's something wrong with Pikachu," it mewed in a shiver. The adults glared at the cat, no clue that their kidnapped Pikachu was a fake.

"You sure there's not a fault in the wiring?" James asked.

"If there were any fault wiring, I would've fixed it. I think Pikachu needs a doctor." The adults panicked a little. If Pikachu wasn't alive, it would be useless to their benefit. They hoisted "Pikachu" back up, making sure "it" was okay. Immediately, the cat saw stitching. "AH! We've been swapped!" Jessie pulled the head up, not seeing the face but a recorder.

"That twerp played us for morons!" Jessie screamed in anger. The recorder began to play and Ash was heard laughing.

"Sorry about that," Ash snickered. "But I can't let you have Pikachu that easily. I did leave you a gift for your troubles. Just press the right cheek." What could Ash have in store for Team Rocket? She pressed the red cheek. Maybe it was money that they spent on wacky contraptions which Ash and friends destroyed. Maybe it was another Pikachu to compensate for his own. Or how about...BOOM! A cascade of Poison Joke spreading from the basket. The blue petals of Poison Joke blew toward the waters after the doll exploded. Inside, something hilarious showed up when the smoke cleared. The trio inside the basket seemed to have switched heads. Jessie's head was on James' body, James' head was on the cat's small body and the cat's head was on Jessie's body. All three screeched when they saw each other. Just the sight of the three's new forms was, just as the name implied, hilarious.

"Team Rocket's in an embarrassing dilemma!" they cried in unison. Now that we've seen Team Rocket with misplaced heads, here's a few questions: is that what normally happens to people exposed to Poison Joke? How did Ash escape its cursed effects even though he was directly exposed to it? Was he anticipating Team Rocket to after any Pikachu, even if they're fake? Well, we'll let them sort out the mess as the ponies and heroes arrived back at the ranch where Applejack herded brown bulls back to the open, away from other Pokémon. It had to be tough wrangling two and a half-dozen beasts. Rainbow tended to flying Pokémon, wanting to see what it took for these creatures with wings. One dark-colored sparrow chick made a beeline at Rainbow but her athletic skills caught it before it could dig its beak in her. Brock watched, astounded with her quick reaction.

"Hey, I'll get to you in a second, Spearow!" she scowled. "Be patient!" Brock wanted to warn Rainbow about laws against harming Pokémon. Twilight and Pinkie Pie saw ponies and unicorns with fire for manes.

"So these are Ponyta and Rapidash," Twilight realized. The small ponies were the Ponyta and the taller unicorns were Rapidash. Twilight petted one Rapidash, the horse's reaction of calm and ease.

"That Rapidash likes you," Pinkie Pie believed. "Maybe it knows that you're also a unicorn." Twilight laughed at the ridiculous guess.

"Yeah, maybe." Applejack spotted the stables, checking Twilight and Pinkie Pie on their mood.

"The Tauros are back in the open range," she announced. "That herd is a handful to keep in check. I don't know how the professor does it at his age." Handling a few of those Tauros would be tough. 30 of them? Nightmare.

"Maybe you could come by at times to help corral Ash's herd if they misbehave," Pinkie Pie suggested. Not a bad idea for Applejack.

"Not exactly why I would want to come here more often but it's a nice offer." Applejack's cheeks burned red suddenly. Twilight's suspicions drove her mind to think that another pony has found her dream colt.

"Okay, who is it?" she wondered with an evil smirk. It better not be Ash. Please, Ash has plenty with Fluttershy and Twilight.

"You really want me to tell y'all?" Twilight's anxious. "Well, I hope the watchman doesn't have a filly on his mind." The truth: Applejack admired Tracey. That kiss in the hole convinced her, huh?

"Well, that's five of us who have a crush on humans. Rainbow's the only one left." That's got to suck for Rainbow being the last pony to fall for a human male. Twilight and Fluttershy liked Ash, Pinkie Pie liked Max, Rarity liked Brock and now Applejack on Tracey. Poor Rainbow.

"And I prefer it that way!" she gloated as she reached the others. "Unless someone can better me at speed, I'm not falling for anyone...period!" Twilight's sigh didn't sit comfortably with Rainbow. "Don't even go there, egghead. I know what you're gonna say. And no, Ash will never be anymore in my life than a friend." Applejack's eyes spotted Ash and Fluttershy feeding the fish Pokémon. To her, Applejack thought he had plenty with the ponies who showed romance with her.

"No need to get your shorts in a bunch," she acknowledged. "Ash has given her the wings to fly here as well as Ponyville." The four watched on as Fluttershy nestled her head on Ash's shoulder. Twilight never became jealous. Fluttershy's words stoked her that she can be support. She liked Ash but unless something happens to Fluttershy, she felt that she can't get any closer than now. Despite this, she remained happy. That night, Tracy, Max, Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie Pie rested inside Oak's lab while Ash, Brock, May, Misty, Fluttershy and Rarity snuggled in Ash's house. Ash and Fluttershy slept comfortably in a bed together when the doorway opened. But who could be coming through? She came in with a glistening black gown and heels. Her hair was as long as the dress and wore a black tiara. Luna? She came bedside to Ash and Fluttershy, resting a hand on each, smiling in accepting the two together. She left the room and proceeded to the living room where Twilight wrote a letter, presumably to Celestia. How often do you see her writing in place of Spike? Hearing the stiletto heels, Twilight's head swiveled to see the older, though very young-looking woman.

"Princess Luna?" she guessed. The woman nodded to her identity. If that's what Luna looks like, we can only imagine Celestia.

"Good evening, Twilight Sparkle," she greeted. Twilight's gawk had to be Luna's appearance.

"Heh! I can only wonder what you'd look like as Nightmare Moon." Luna giggled a little as she gazed at a wall of pictures. Almost all of them had Ash, most with Delia, Misty, Brock and Ash's Pokémon. However, something never popped up as she scanned the photos.

"There's no image of his father." Ash has to have a dad, right? Why was there no pictures with him?

"Yeah, no one in the house knows what happened to him after nearly a decade." Did Ash's father not care for him?

"Sad." Luna bowed her head to pray.

"So, what brings you here?" Luna sat on a recliner to rest her legs. Her mind weighing a little more with Ash's family issue.

"I saw one of Celestia's murals depicting an Alicorn and a human." That window? Twilight's eyes lit. Still, there's more that she needed to know.

"Is there anything about it? Like it's with you or Princess Celestia?"

"Can't say for sure. It may not be about either of us." Twilight listened intently. There's something she's not telling her, she just knows it.

"If it isn't you or your older sister..." Luna had a thought of who.

"Tell me...the boy, Ash. Do you love him?" Twilight hesitated a little. She did have feelings for him but still...

"A little, I-I guess. But Fluttershy said that if anything happened to her..." Luna understood the situation but had a feeling it's not the problem.

"I hope I'm wrong but..." Luna hesitated on an answer. Twilight needed to know from the younger princess.

"What's wrong?" Luna thought if it was a good idea to tell Twilight about the Alicorn in the mural and the possibility that the human was Ash. Did the Alicorn contain Twilight? If so, did Fluttershy have something else to do? Luna chose ultimately to drop the subject for now.

"Now is not the right time. I'm sorry for addressing it in the first place."

"It's alright, Princess Luna. I wasn't ready to hear about your news." Luna smiled. Twilight's response would have troubled. This was a good time to leave everyone and head back to Canterlot.

"Sorry to disturb you this late."

"Nah, it was nice to see you...even as a human." Twilight rolled up the letter she wrote. "Can you get this to Princess Celestia?" Luna received the letter without a second to think.

"Of course." Handed, Luna headed back up to Ash's room and through the doorway back to Equestria. The next morning, Ash, Brock, Max, May, Misty and Pikachu were packed up and ready to head towards a new adventure. The ponies watched as the group prepare to step out.

"The Battle Frontier and the Kanto Contests?" Max recalled.

"Yep," Brock confirmed. Misty came forward.

"But first, I'm heading back home," she announced. "I got a call from my sisters in Cerulean City wanting me to come home. There's a lot of trainers challenging our gym." Applejack came up to Misty, an offer of support.

"Hey, let those trainers and your sisters know that there's a renewed sheriff in that city," she pumped her confidence. A grin from Misty told Applejack that she's ready.

"I will." Rarity stepped to Brock next with an all new backpack and jacket.

"This is for you," she gave. "You've got more room in your jacket and in that bag. I'm sure with all the Pokémon you'll capture..." Brock dressed the new jacket and bag for the journey. Rarity had one more thing: a kiss on the cheek. Brock got a little lovin'. Oak had a few devices ready for handing out.

"Ash, May, I've updated your Pokédexes," he informed as he handed two red flip-cover devices to the two he called to.

"Thanks, Prof. Oak," Ash accepted. Now the yellow hand-held.

"And Max, I've updated the Pokénav to help you on your way." Max had the look of a kid in a candy store: giddy.

"Awesome!" he cheered. "Thanks, Prof. Oak!" Pinkie Pie knelt to give Max a big hug.

"Promise me that you'll help Ash and May," she ordered. A soft chuckle from Max.

"Okay, I will!" Pinkie Pie gave Max a kiss on the forehead. Hm, perhaps the same way his mother kisses him? Twilight and Fluttershy confronted Ash with their last wishes.

"Ash?" Fluttershy called. "I know you'll do great on this journey. I wish I could go with you but you know with my cottage..." Ash bobbed, understanding Fluttershy's dilemma.

"Right, I gotcha," Ash acknowledged. Twilight's hands clasped both shoulders of Ash and Fluttershy.

"Ash, I'll make sure Fluttershy is okay," she promised. "I know how much you two care for each other." Huffing giggles from both sides were signs of keeping the promise.

"Win or lose, Ash," Fluttershy continued. "Keep me in your heart." She capped it off with a kiss on the lips. Delia and Oak watched, her son being admired by a girl, regardless that she's a pony. Twilight offered a little of the same with another kiss to the cheek.

"Thanks, both of you," he praised. Ash turned to the humans, a celebration trip behind them and a new adventure ahead. "Well, every pony?" Rainbow and Pinkie Pie laughed at Ash stealing Twilight's phrase, Ash flashed a smug to those two before addressing his human friends. "Let's go!" Pikachu cheered while the group left Pallet Town. The ponies watched Ash lead the gang to new lands...even though it's Ash's, Brock's and Misty's home region. They held Princess Celestia's blessings and new friends from Equestria. To Twilight, Fluttershy. Rarity, Pinkie Pie. Applejack and Rainbow, meeting new friends and falling for a few humans became an experience for the rest of their lives.