Hello! Here I am with a new crazy idea that popped in my mind like a week ago and I thought I could make it a short multi-chapter fic. Let me know what you guys think and hit me up with ideas, I am open for anything.

*To the readers of The Unknown Roads of Life, I am working on the final chapter but it won't be ready until next week. Job and school are kinda kicking me in the butt and I need to be responsible with the two things that will shift my future to greatness or misery.

Please forgive any mistake you might run into. My Beta and I are only humans.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or anything that is affiliated to the show, Ryan Murphy & Co and Fox and to be honest I don't wish to own what is now a sinking ship. But, I do own my thoughts and I will write Samcedes Fics because they live beyond that stupid show. Also, I do not own Made of Honor (the movie in which I am loosely basing this story) but I wish I could be the woman owning Patrick Dempsey's heart.

On to the first chapter and please leave me some love, hate or anything on your reviews.

Chapter 1

It was the Halloween night of their sophomore year at Cornell; they were attending the Halloween party of one of the fraternities on campus. He was every girl's dream boy. He had blonde hair, green eyes, great physique and a charming personality. He was the typical womanizer. She was short, had a beautiful and flawless dark skin, a curvaceous body to die for and a sassy personality that stole every guy's heart. The only issue was none of the guys reached her expectations.

The party was in full swing, one of them was having a good time and the other one not so much. The typical thing that goes on at parties.

"Hey Sam! Enjoying the party?" A slightly drunk Mike said.

"Yeah man! The music is great, the booze seems like never ending and the girls are crazy tonight." Sam said animated.

"Speaking about girls, where is Monica?" Mike asked intrigued.

"Somewhere around here. She said something about her roommate being sick or something. I don't know really." Sam said very uninterested. Monica was just another one on his list.

"So, you invited her to the party for?" Mike raised an eyebrow.

"Mike… Mike… Frat parties mean booze and-"

Mike interrupted him, "Yeah, yeah! I get the picture. Well, if you want that start looking for her before someone snatches her away from you. Frat boys don't play fair."

"Tell me all about it." He smirked remembering his antics.

He walked away from Mike and started to look for Monica all around the house. She was nowhere to be found. Sam was quite annoyed. Not that he wanted her for something more than sex but just the thought of her ditching him for some random guy bothered him. A few beers later his phone buzzed, it was a text from the girl in question,

"My roommate was feeling a bit sick so, I drove her back to our place. Come, I have a surprise for you. I'll leave the door open, just walk in when you get here."

Sam was fuming. Not only Monica made him wait for over an hour when he went to pick her up, at the party, she barely spent time with him and now she just discarded him at the party because of her party-pooper roommate. He wanted to forget all about her but she was his next conquest and his manhood was on the line, Monica was the girl every guy wanted but never got to score her and Sam Evans was no quitter. They have been out in two dates, counting this party, and he was growing impatient because he was the kind of guy who gets girls to go panty less on the first date. So, when she said she had a surprise for him he was all in because he wanted to worship what she was hiding under her clothes. He got in his car a drover to Monica's place expecting a whole lot of steaminess between them.

Meanwhile, Monica was helping her roommate to bed. Monica's roommate had a bad stomachache and they both left the party for the girl's sake.

"How are you feeling girl?" Monica asked.

"Much better. Thanks. I'm sorry for ruining your night." Her roommate said while getting comfortable in her bed.

"No apology needed. Your well-being is more important than parties." Monica said grinning.

"You're so sweet, but what about your date?" The girl in bed asked apologetically.

"He's just a looking for the same thing all boys get close to, so whatever." Monica said unaffected. "I'm going to run the pharmacy to get you some Pepto, I'll be back soon."

Monica left the apartment feeling a little bit uneasy. She was thinking about how bad she blew it with Sam because it has been 30 minutes since she sent him the text and he never answered back. Monica loved playing the hard to get game with Sam but deep inside she was dying to get intimate with him but he has a reputation that followed him and she was scared she was going to be another one on his list. Deep inside she had the hope she was going to be the one that was going to change his womanizing ways. She was far from the truth on that one. Feeling frustrated she took her sweet time at the pharmacy.

When Sam arrived at the apartment and opened the door, it was pitch black inside. He stumbled making his way inside but he found a light switch not long after. To be honest, he was feeling quite lost there; he has been inside the apartment only once and that was hours ago while waiting for Monica to get ready for the party, so he did not remember a single thing about the place. He squinted his eyes, adjusting to the light. Looking around, he made his way around the apartment looking for Monica's room and his way into her gift from god. He found his way to what he thought it could be Monica's room and went inside, without knocking or making sure he was walking into the right room in the two-bedroom apartment she shared with her still unknown roommate. When he was inside the room, he saw the must seductive feminine silhouette resting in bed, thanks to a very interesting purple nightlight that was on. Sam got an instant hard-on while he lustfully observed the curvaceous body. Monica had a nice curvy body he was dying to worship as soon as possible. He quickly undressed and gently climbed in bed.

As soon as he placed his head on the pillow, the person in bed pushed him brusquely out of bed.

"What the hell are you doing, you pervert?"

He knew his face was bloodshot red. "You are not Monica!"

The girl ran to turn the light on and in front of him stood a very angry girl that wanted to pretty much punch him on the face. "No, I'm not. Who are you and why are you here?"

He stood up; grabbing the closest item, he could use to cover his very friendly member. She was disgusted. "I am Sam. Sam Evans. I am Monica's friend."

She looked at him from the top of his head down to his feet. "So, what are you doing in my room? Scratch that, what were you doing in my bed?"

He was looking for an excuse but he ran out of ideas, he went back to basics, the truth. "I thought it was Monica's room."

"Well, you're wrong. Now, get out!" She started to push him out of the room, trying not to stare at his bare behind.

He turned around, "I need my clothes."

"Right… Yeah… Your clothes!" She scooped his clothing pieces and threw them at him and he purposely dropped the pillow to catch them, leaving all his body exposed. He gave the girl a not so innocent look and she said,

"Boy, don't try that on me! You don't impress me at all."

"What?" It was the first time a girl was numb to his charming seductive ways. "Really? Not even a little?"

"Not even a little." She said without any hint of falsehood.

"Oh Shit!" He was in shocked. "You said your name was?"

She looked at him oddly, "I never gave you my name."

"Right. Are you going to give it to me? I need to know the name of the girl that resisted all of this." He said as motioning his index fingers all over his body.

"Get dressed, Sam!" She ordered him.

"I want your name." He demanded.

"Get dressed and maybe I'll give it to you." She teased.

She shut her bedroom door and he started to get dressed in the hallway. To his surprise, at that exact moment Monica walked in and caught him.

"You have got to be kidding me?" She said furiously.

"Oh crap! Monica this is not what it looks like." He fearfully said. First, he screwed it big time with her roommate and now needed to explain himself out of a situation that he did not have an easy way to explain.

"Oh really! Start explaining!"

"Well… Umm…" He was out of words.

"I'm waiting." She said. She had her arms crossed and she was furiously tapping on the floor.

At that moment, her roommate opened the door.

"Yay! You got me the Pepto." She walked to her and grabbed the little brown paper bag from her hand. As she turned around to walk back to her room, Monica spoke;

"Not so fast! Care to explain." Monica said pointing at a halfway dressed Sam. "Why is Sam getting dressed outside your bedroom door?"

"Oh! Him! Simple, he thought I was you when he walked inside my room. He got undressed, got in my bed but to get you out of any assumptions; no, we didn't have sex. Sam is not my type." She said as she made it to the doorframe of her room.

He looked at her thunderstruck. "Really?" He needed to know why and he was not leaving that apartment without an answer. "Are you a lesbian?"

She was annoyed by his hypothesis. "No, I am not! It's just that guys like you are not my type and I just simply don't waste my time."

"Guys my type?" He asked.

"Yup!" She simply said.

He felt his balloon of ego rapidly deflating. "There's always a first time for rejection."

Monica was looking at the exchange intrigued. Sam was the Mr. McSteamy on campus, every girl and gay guy wanted a piece of him, how was it that her roommate was immune to him. She was going to have a talk with her later.

"I guess there is." Monica's roommate answered.

Without anything else to say, she closed her bedroom door. She quickly opened again and looked at Sam and said,


He turned his gaze to her. "Huh?"

"My name is Mercedes. Funny to meet you in this situation."

He laughed.

"I'll see you around." She added and closed the door.

After Mercedes took her Pepto, she zoned out forgetting all about the incident with Sam. When she woke up the next morning and walked to the bathroom she noticed there was a piece of paper that was thrown under her door, she picked it up and looked at it. She laughed. It was Sam's cellphone number. Below his number was the funniest sentence Mercedes had read in years: Say hello to your new best friend. She laughed even harder.

A/N: What do you guys think? Yes or No? Should I give it a shot...

What do you guys thought of Sam and Mercedes? Interesting start for these two. What is going to happen next?

Remember this story is loosely based on the movie so I am bringing my own twists to it. Don't hesitate on leaving me some ideas to work on and incorporate in the story. Since I am kinda swamped with school and work, the chapters of this story are not going to be as long as the chapters of my previous story, The Unknown Roads of Life. I do promise to try my best to do a good job and keep the readers interested.

Rose, thanks you for your help and for jumping in this new adventure with me. I love you tons.

Until next time!