I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! But I got really REALLY busy... sick, part of my house flooded, school... etc. Anyways, here's a quick little chapter that'll hopefully hold you guys over long enough for me to write something truly worthy of you all! Enjoy...


Zim sighed as he flopped down onto the couch with Dib. It was Friday afternoon, and they had just gotten home from school.

"What should we do?" Zim asked out of boredom, blowing the bangs of his longer, and shaggier black wig out of his eyes.

"I don't know. I'm too brain-dead from world lit." Dib sighed as his face flopped into a pillow.

"Eh... I hate that teacher. She's so strict and..."

"Boring?" Dib's voice came muffled from the pillow.

"Yes." Zim chuckled, glancing over at his best friend. It had been a whole year since he had found out the truth of his mission, and some how through that year, he and Dib had stopped fighting and became best friends. He didn't really know when that had happened. Maybe when the class was picking on Dib during dodgeball and aiming all at him, and Zim had tried his best to deflect all the balls and stand up for the poor kid. Dib had thanked him after it in the locker rooms, and Zim had merely shrugged it off. A month later, and Dib stood up for Zim in class. They started standing up for each other after that, and eventually became best friends.

"We could... watch a movie." Zim tried suggesting. They had spent a lot of their weekends doing that, mainly horror movies however. And a lot of slender as well. That was their favorite, slender. They just loved anything that involved horror.

"Are there any left that we haven't seen?" Dib asked, arching an eyebrow as he lifted his head from the pillow. Zim shrugged.

"I dunno."

"I don't think there are..." Dib let his sentence trail off.

"Then... how about another round of slender?"

"Nah, too tired."

"You're very difficult, you know that?" Zim asked Dib seriously.

"So I've been told." Dib chuckled. Zim simply rolled his eyes, and tried to think of something else.

"Um... what about terrorizing random people?" Zim tried not to laugh at the horror filled expression on Dib's face. "Kidding." he exclaimed, then mumbled "For the most part..." Dib sent a glare his way, but didn't say anything on the matter.

"Um... mess around in Wal-Mart?" Zim asked.

"...I'll get the super bouncy ball. You get the list." Dib replied, getting up. Zim chuckled as he pulled the list out of his PAK.

"Already got it."

"Cool. Lets go."

...I did NOT intend for it to end like that, but eh. Whatevs. Do you guys think I should make that into a separate story, where they mess around in Wal-Mart? I'd make this the first chapter. Tell me in a review please! :D

Love you all!
