I feel this chapter could have been much better, but I haven't been in a mood to do much writing. But I tried anyways cuz I wanted to get something out for you guys. Been putting all my effort into drawing lately. Anyways, this chapter reveals the name of one of the other bots who survived. YAY!

Chapter Five: Compare

Tobi's alarm rang a 5:30am sharp. It gave her enough time to use the bathroom and get dressed before she went out and fed the animals. Pressing the off button, she gave her body a good stretch, feeling the bones pop. Looking to the side she saw Sunstreaker was already gone.

That was strange. Since he started living with her, he never woke before her. She threw the blankets of her and padded to the bathroom to relive herself. After that she grabbed a pair of ratty overalls and boots and put them on before heading downstairs. When she entered the kitchen, she found Sideswipe sitting solemnly by the sliding door and looking out it. He seemed so sad and lost in thought. She wondered what he was thinking, what had made him cry yesterday.

Making up her mind, she opened the fridge and took out a couple of left over burger patties. She placed them on a plate and nooked them in the microwave and then went over to the shepherd. She knew she had duties to do before going to work, but it wouldn't hurt to give Sideswipe a bit of her time.

She slid down to the floor next to him, placing the plate in front of her with a smile.

"Hey Sideswipe, I heated you up some burger patties if you're interested." she said. Sideswipe looked at her, then the patties and snatched one up into his mouth. Tobi was glad he took her offering and hoped that meant he felt better. She wasn't sure how much of his canine instincts were still there but usually a dog only ate when they were well and not depressed.

"I know you had a hard time yesterday, so I hope you are feeling better today." She reached out a hand to Sideswipe, waiting for him to accept her offering of a head scratch. She giggled when he licked her hand and pushed his head against her palm.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes." She laughed and the shepherd barked and grabbed another patty from the plate. He wolfed that down before moving on to the last one and devouring that one as well. She gave his head and ears another good scratch and stood.

"Good, I'm glad. You haven't by any chance seen Sunstreaker this morning have you." She asked him. Sideswipe made a strange laugh like bark and rolled his eyes, both very strange actions coming from a dog but it suited him. He turned to the sliding door, raised himself to his hind legs and pawed at the glass.

Tobi opened it and Sideswipe leapt out. He looked back at her and barked as if to tell her to follow. She did so and they both made their way down to the barn.

She was surprised to find the horses already out in the pastor and grazing, her one llama and ten sheep plundering around along with them. She entered the barn and looked into the stalls to see those cleaned and fresh piles of hay and water already inside. Back outside she checked the chicken coup and it too was cleaned and the hens' feed, new eggs lying together in a basket.

All her morning chores were done. She looked down at Sideswipe, whose tailed wagged happily and a goofy doggy grin on his face.

"Don't tell me, Sunstreaker did this?" she asked the shepherd.

"Of course I did."

Tobi whirled around to face Sunstreaker, a pleased smirk on his face. She looked him over, finding his armor only covered in a light layer of dust but still looking entirely too pristine considering the work he had just done.

"What-I…..Thank you." She exclaimed and looked back out to the pastor. He had done all this; but why? She wanted to ask him this but felt it might be rude so she firmly kept her mouth shut and smiled.

With a smirk in place, he walked past her and on his way back to the house he asked, loud enough for her to hear. "So now that you have time, you can make breakfast yes?" She didn't have the heart to tell him no, not after all the work he did, plus, it wasn't a secret that he liked her cooking. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an intolerable amount of dirt on my armor that I need to be rid of." And without waiting for her answer, he shut the screen door.

She looked down at Sideswipe, confusion on his furry face.

"What's wrong Sideswipe?" She asked. The shepherd's blue eyes squinted before he huffed and walked away. She watched him trot away into the forestry. The first time he had ran off into the woods, she had worried about him getting caught by a larger predator but Sunstreaker had scoffed at that and was quick to reassure her that he would beat the crap outta anything out there. She had been dubious about that but decided to go with his word. So far, Sideswipe had yet to come back with anything more than dirt and twigs stuck in his fur.

With nothing for her to do in the pastor, she decided getting properly dressed and making food would have to do.

Tobi was just finishing up the last of the chorizo and eggs when Sunstreaker walked in, free of all the dirt he had gathered on his armor from his work. He plopped down in a bar stool at the island counter and lay his head on his hand.

"So, you want to get…married right. I remember it being a big deal for my brother's wife, a lot of planning and shopping and just general chaos all around. Charlie had called it a big white wedding and it had been big and white that's for sure." Sunstreaker said and Tobi turned around to him, placing a plate of food in front of him. He picked up the fork and preceded to shove food into his mouth. She smiled and sat next to him with her own food, though when she ate, she was proud to say it was with more manners then him.

"Oh no, dear god no. Nothing as fancy as a white wedding. That would be…very expensive and much too hectic to plan. I was thinking something small, with family and close friends. I mean, really this wedding would be just for show right, for people to think we've been a couple for a while. A secret hush-hush couple that have finally decided to come out into the light and tie the knot." Because in reality, they were really just a baby making couple. She was helping him repopulate. Maybe down the lane, they would become more, they were already becoming fast friends if she were to think about it. But the goal was children, to remake a basically dead race. Who knew if there would be time for romance?

Sunstreaker paused in his meal, his optics fixed intently on his fork before he placed it on the plate. "Yeah, sounds about right." He said a bit sourly. Tobi stopped in her own eating to look at him.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" She asked. Why did he look upset? He shook his head, a small grimace forming on his lips.

"No, its fine. So, a small wedding, sounds good to me. What do we need to do" He said, sidestepping the conversation. Tobi continued to look at him for second, hoping maybe he would change his mind and tell her why he was suddenly bothered by what she said but he stayed tight lipped and she sighed.

"Well, we have to make a list of people to invite. Are there…" her throat suddenly felt dry, as she was about to touch a sensitive subject, "is there, anyone left, that you want invite." She asked hesitantly. Sunstreaker's head bowed at her words, and Tobi felt bad about bringing it up.

"There are." He said and Tobi perked. "Five mechs were all the survived the massacre, along with some humans. I know a few of the humans who survived, I am sure they would come. I'll have to speak with the other mechs though, this whole thing has affected them on a different level then the humans. Jazz though might come still, simply because it's a party. No amount of death and destruction will shut that bot out of a party. What about you."

"Well, Abby of course, and some friends from work. I don't know many people outside of the work place sadly so not too many. I will have to call my mother and father so they can spread this news down the family grapevine. They will definitely be surprised but I think they'll take it well, though maybe not as joyously as Abby."

"You have a lot of family?" Sunstreaker asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know the majority of them on personal level. I've met most of them, at family gatherings, but that's it. I am close to my mother and father and two brothers and that's it. I was close to my grandma and grandpa too before they passed away last year." She explained with a smile, remembered her two elderly grandparents fondly.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh no, it's alright. They lived happy lives. They passed in their sleep from old age from what the doctors said. They were healthy as a horse all their life. They would have liked you." She said.

Sunstreaker was quite as he watched her reminisce about her grandparents. Could he someday think of those he had lost without hurting so much as she did, could he smile when he thought of them? Was the death of her grandparents the same as the death of an entire race, could he compare the two?

:Any death is painful brother, there is no reason to compare it.: Sunstreaker's mind jerked as he felt his brother's presences sneak into his conscience. It still felt so foreign now that Sideswipe was no longer Cybertronian and he was still getting used to the feeling of it.

:Sideswipe, were are you?: He asked.

:Frolicking with the woodland creatures like a fairy, what else would I be doing.: There was distinct laughter.

:Are you sure you aren't brooding.:

:Oh no dear brother, brooding is your job.:

He really wanted to tell him that their roles had severely reversed and that he had been the brooding brother recently.

"Hey Sunstreaker, hurry up and finish your food. I have to get to work." Tobi said, breaking him from his conversation with Sideswipe. The golden twin shook his head and quickly shoveled the last of his food into his mouth. This in turn caused Tobi to frown when he started to cough.

"Come on now, I said hurry up, not look like a moron and choke on your food." She laughed when he sent her a glare. She picked up his plate and took it and hers to the sink, rinsed it and placed it in the dishwasher. Tobi looked up from loading silverware when a bark came from the back screen-door.

"Oh look, fairy prince is back." Sunstreaker said sarcastically.

"Fairy prince?" She asked, confused.

The mech got up to let Sideswipe in and the shepherd bounded up to her, tail wagging and fur covered in debris. She sighed and put down the plate of food she has saved for him and he happily went to wolf it up.

"Yeah, he thinks he's a fairy that frolics with the woodland creatures. It must have been a dream of his I was unaware of when he was a mech and now that he's a dog he can live it to his heart's content. He's just lacking sparkly wings." Sunstreaker said, ignoring how Sideswipe glared up at him from his plate of food. The twin only smirked.

"Oh well, if it makes him happy, I'm sure we can find him a pair of wings in the little girl's toy section at Wal-Mart." Tobi said, playing along. Sideswipe tuned to her, mouth slightly open in shock and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh please do, he'd love it. Get him the glittery ones." Sunstreaker added.

:I hate both of you!: Sideswipe growled and plopped onto his stomach and rolled onto his side, looking like an indignant blob on the kitchen floor. This is only made Tobi laugh harder and even Sunstreaker couldn't help but chuckle. His brother was just so pathetic when he was trying to pout as a dog.

"Alright you two, I have to get to work. You two behave yourselves." Tobi said, moving into the living room to gather up her keys and purse. Sunstreaker nodded and Sideswipe simply rolled over to his other side to blink at her.

"See you later tonight, possibly with Abby." One last look at the brothers who were making their home in her heart, she walked out the door.

Tell me what you think guys, was it any good.

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