A/N: Aww, thanks for the reviews! But anyway, here's an extra-long chapter in order to fill up the gap of my absence.

Forbidden-Hanyou = Thank you! I shall try my best to make this story enjoyable for you all. Have a great day! :D

TOSHIRODEATH1000 = That filler has been on my mind for the longest time, rather than the story. Of course, Ichigo would go crazy! Even if it's his cat! (If he has one) XD

pokii1 = Aww, thanks! Well, I actually tried to make it sweet on purpose. Reasons, reasons all aside. u_u xD Anyway, here ya go! Here's the chapter! :D

Now, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, I only own my ideas.

"What?" - talking

'What?' - thinking

What? - Flashback

What? - Sound FX

(What?) - A/n or Author's note

WARNINGS: It might be about 50-60% different from the Manga and Anime. (Inspired by episode 139 to ?)

Chapter 3 - Trying to get her back!


Without a second thought, she sat down and hugged her knees on the ground, sitting where the moonlight shone. But she still hates the place. She sobbed silently, tears flowing through her face and drops landed on her lap. This is one of the moments that she hated, to face the suffering on her own and worst of all...

She was surrounded by the darkness...

(Ichigo's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, it was a blur at first but then it was back to normal. I sat up straight and scanned my surroundings, I was in my room. I sighed of relief, thinking of what had happened was only a nightmare. "It was just a dream..." I whispered but yet, why does it feel so real? As if it really did happen?

"It was no dream, Kurosaki." Startled by the sudden voice, I turned my head to my right side with eyes slightly widened. "Toshiro?!" There was the tenth division captain, sitting on the window. Staring at me with those cold eyes. Geez, what's wrong with this guy?

"Y-you mean that-!"

"Indeed, Kurosaki... Y-your sister was kidnapped..." he hoarsely said. I won't and couldn't believe it!

So what I think that was a dream was not a dream. Nor a nightmare. But it was reality. Reality; a merciless, cruel and gruesome object. The most frightening thing that can bring any shocking news to anyone, which may lead them to painful and suffering death or cause a suicidal murder.

I let out a growl, gripping on the blanket that covered me and basked me in warmness. The warmness could no more hold onto me as the feelings of pure anger and rage began to tense up in my body.

"Calm down, Kurosaki. Let's go to Orihime's house and there, we should have a word with Sou taicho " Toshiro exclaimed in a calm manner. How the heck can he be calm in all times like this?!

Soon, he flied out of the window but stopped in his tracks, his head back at me, motioning me to follow him. I swiftly stood up from my bed and got out of my body, so I'm in my (Substitute) Shinigami clothes now. I jumped out of the window and followed Toshiro to get to Orihime's house.

"So... What are we doing here again?"

"We must contact the Soul Society first and notify them about this..." replied the oh-so-smart Rukia. I sighed and clenched my fist, I wonder if Karin is still okay. As soon as we got in contact with the Soul Society, it wasn't the head captain who answered our call but it was none other than Jushiro Ukitake.


"Where's Sou taicho?"

"He's busy right now but other than that, I supposed you want to confront about your suggested mission to save the Kurosaki's sister? Am I not right? " he asked. We only nodded at him, but he closed his eyes and spoke in a grudgingly manner, "I'm sorry to say this but I believe that his sister could be dead-"

"-WHAT?! ARE YOU SAYING THAT SHE'S DEAD?!" I bellowed, enraged by the thought of my sister being dead! "NONSENSE, THERE IS NO WAY SHE COULD BE DEAD!"

"And what proof do you have, young boy?"

"-THIS!" He showed his injured hand which was now fully cured and not a sign of scars or wounds were sighted. Murmurs like "How did that happened?" were heard across the room. "Not only that, I could sense her reiatsu... And I could also feel it right here in my hands..."

"How is that possi-"

"He is right. If he could sense her reiatsu then, it simply means that she is still alive. If she was dead, the reiatsu would disappear." stated the old man who appeared from the corner in the screen. "Sou taicho!" As the head captain Yamamoto took Ukitake's place, he began to speak, "But she is now on their side. As we all know, the Arrancar are prepared and we need to protect Seirieitei at all costs!"

"But-" I tried to protest until Renji backed me by placing his arm infront of me, "Let me handle this, Ichigo." he said.

"Yamamoto-sou taicho, we request you to allow us save our friend, whom is Kurosaki's sister, Karin Kurosaki."

"Renji!" He only smiled, I smiled back as well. But the smiles didn't last after the rejection, "You will not! Like what I just said, she is now on their side! And the Arrancar as well as the Hollows are ready for the war. Your power is essential and needed by the Soul Society!"

"Karin..." I gritted my teeth, "Karin is my sister and our friend! I can't just ignore that!"

"One's life cannot be compared to the many lives. As the head captain, I order Hitsugaya-taicho and his squad to return and to be set for the battle!"

"Sou taicho, I'm sorry but I could not follow that order!" Rukia protested while Toshiro and the others only nodded. "I knew this would happened but unfortunately, I have prepared some things."

I turned around to see doors appearing behind us, then it slid open to reveal the Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki. "Taicho!" Renji somewhat looked surprised. (You don't say?)

"Go back..." demanded Byakuya, "There is no escaping!" Kenpachi yelled with a delightful smirk plastered onto his face. I kept on my stern face with a scowl forming. Rukia then walked towards me and looked down, "I'm sorry, Ichigo."

Soon, one by one left the room to return to Seireitei, leaving Orihime and I in the room.

"Ano, Kurosaki-kun..."

"..." I kept quiet. I didn't feel the need to speak, chaotic thoughts raced through my mind. I certainly don't want to leave my sister like that! What kind of brother am I, not to care about their own little sister?!

"G-gomenasai..." she squeaked, I only ignored her and went straight outside her house. In the middle of my trip of walking down the road, the rain started to prickle down me. Then a flashback came to me, a memory that I always wanted to forget.

"Hey, wait!"

"Ichigo, don't!"


I stared at the bloody scene before me. There laid my mother, who had protect me from dying. Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't believe it. She was dead. And it was all because of me.

"Mom? W-wake up please... Mom?! Mom! MOM!"

I cried harder and harder. Gripping on her clothes, hoping that she would move and say 'I'm okay' but it was too late, she's gone. Dead. "MOM!"

I silently cried in the rain, I clenched my fist again but this time, tighter. I looked up at the dark sky and stared at billions of raindrops falling down. "I don't want to lose another precious person..." I whispered then stayed in my position for god-knows-how-long.

(Toshiro's POV)


I winced at the sound of clapping of the thunder. Yet, I continued to watch the clouds drifting through the dark, carrying while dropping the water drops. I gave out a long yawn and laid down on my bed. 'How boring can this get? Well, at least it's better than doing paperwork all day long...' I thought to myself.

"Karin..." I vaguely spoke. "...Why must you always put yourself into trouble?" I am an idiot, how in the world can she answer me when both of us are far apart? But somehow, it feels like we're so near. Like we're next to each other.

'Aizen, you better be prepared...' I vindictively thought of any possible ways to kill the master, Sosuke Aizen.

If you are asking me how and why I am still here on Earth, then the answer to that is I just simply escaped during the ride to Seireitei. (Easier said than done.) Then I made my way to Orihime's house, she lets me stay in her house. Don't get the wrong idea! There is NOTHING going on between us! (Except that you guys are friends.) Shut up, smart-alec. (Cliche')

'I swear to god that I'll kill you, if you touched her, Aizen!'

Now the only thing on my mind is; Is she okay?

(Karin's POV)

I'm bored. Cross that out, I'm DYING here! The food they gave me taste horrible that I haven't eat anything from morning until now. (I haven't watch the next episode, so I'm not sure what happened.)

I feel the need to sing, but what song? Oh yes, I remembered the time when Ichi-nii told me that Okaa-san loves to sing to us, he said that she called it 'Raggs requiem' which I think is a silly title. Nonetheless, I liked it. And so, I began to sing.

Hoshi ni yuki ni kioku ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Doka towa no yasuragi
Koko wa yume no tochu de

Osanai tsubasa de sakamichi kaketeku
Michi kara hagurete kono me wo tojiteku

Hoshi ni yuki ni kioku ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Doka towa no yasuragi
Koko wa yume no tochu de

Itsuka subete modorite
Sora no hate hitorikiri
Anata ga matsu yasuragi
Hikari no ato nokoshite

Osanai tsubasa de sakamichi kaketeku
Michi kara hagurete kono me wo tojiteku

Yume ni ai ni kokoro ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Towa no hikari nokoshite
Yurugi no nai tsubasa de

Towa no ai wo anata ni

As I finished singing, I noticed that it's almost downfall. I gave out a groan. It's time for me to be in the dark again.


(Third person's POV)

Later night.. (Around 6PM)

Ichigo was sitting in his room, he doze off to somewhere deep inside his thoughts. 'What should I tell them?' He was panicked, he doesn't know what to do if his father and his little sister, ever found out that she was kidnapped.

Soon, he hear muffled cries coming from downstairs. He froze. He knew this was going to happen, but he was scared. Afraid to go down and confront or comfort them.

'Should I?'

Pushing back all of his negative thoughts, he stood up. But just before that, Kon went infront of him, "Oii, Ichigo! What's wrong?" He just glared at him and retorted, "It's none of your business..".

Ichigo only ignored him and went downstairs, but then, he stood still on the middle of the staircase. There, he heard sobs and so, he decided to sit down and listen. "It's okay, Yuzu. She'll come back.." reassured the man who was known as Ichigo's father, but he too, was also crying with his eyes red.

"B-but o-oyaji-s-san! Ka-Karin-chan h-hasn't co-come back u-u-until no-now!" There goes another loud cry. Meanwhile, Ichigo sat there and felt sympathy for them, he blamed himself.

Not being able to handle the sadness of his family, he sneakily went out of his house and walked to Urahara's shop. He turned to the left corner, straight then to the right corner. "I knew you would come."

Ichigo looked up and saw a man wearing a dark green shirt and pants, topped with a black coat with a white diamond pattern along its bottom half.


"I've been expecting you, you know?"

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"You wanted to come for me to see if I know anything, am I right?"

Ichigo only nodded at him and gulped nervously. "I see, come with me then!" exclaimed Urahara with Ichigo trailing behind after him. "Wait!" The boy and the man looked behind them to see the white-haired boy with turquoise eyes.


"I'm coming with you..."

"Are you crazy?! I have to go alone, don't come with me or else you'll die-"

"-I should say the same thing to you too, Kurosaki! But I'm willingly to save your sister and help you. Don't think that you're the only one who cares about her!"

"Toshiro..." Ichigo stared at the captain in disbelief, he actually wants to help him? And save his sister? Now, that's something you don't hear everyday!

"Alright..." At this, the two boys smiled at each other. Determination shown both in their eyes. "Let's go, you two! We don't have enough time!" yelled out the cheery-man (Typical Urahara)

(Few minutes later)

Now, Ichigo and Toshiro was in the hidden storehouse. Preparing to go to Hueco Mundo. But just right before that, Sado and Uryu appeared before them.

"Chad? Uryu? What are you guys doing here?"

Sado answered while staring at the two Shinigamis ( *coughs* Ichigo *coughs)"We are here to come with you, Ichigo. It is too dangerous for you to go but I can see that you brought a friend."

"Oh, the shortie?-"

"-Oi! *Insert vein mark here* "

"-He's Toshiro, a Shinigami." Ichigo replied bluntly, by now, Uryu shot a confused look at Urahara, "I thought you said that no Shinigamis are involved in this rescue mission." Urahara only 'tsk-ed' at him while laughing, "I said that EXCLUDING a certain Shinigami captain! Anyway, others please step back. It is time to open the Garganta!"

"Garganta?" Toshiro grew more and more curious about these things, he watched Urahara jumping on a large wooden post which was jutting out from a large rock formation, he noticed that there was another one which was distant from the one, where Urahara is standing.

Urahara, then bent down and stomped his stick (I don't know what it is called) and began to do a recitation; "My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd is hung from a chair. Stratus clouds come, and I strike down the ibis."

Soon a mysterious glowing blue appeared and stretched out to the other wooden post. The people who was watching the scene, were speechless. Meanwhile, the blue object separated into two and thus, creating a big hole.

"W-what is that?" Ichigo stuttered, gazing at the humongous object.

Urahara only smirked and explained to them, what is a Garganta, "It is a Garganta. Garganta is an object which can be used by the Arrancar and Hollows, with this, they are able to move in and out from Hueco Mundo."

He stood up and turned to them, "Hurry and go inside. This thing don't last forever."

They nodded and went inside the black hole. While they're going inside, Toshiro and Ichigo were thinking the same thing;

'Don't worry, Karin... We're going to save you!'

~End of chapter three~

A/n: Well, there you go! Third chapter! Hope you enjoy! :3