Plot Twist: I end up posting it earlier.

But for those of you who are new, I would HIGHLY recommend reading "A Terrible Privilege" before even touching this fic. It has a lot of the basis for my version of Natasha Stark and such. And you will be incredibly confused if you don't read that first. Basically think of this as an AU to that story.

But anyways… Enjoy the first chapter!

Abnormality. Bruce Banner was quite used to such things as abnormalities. He himself was a walking abnormality. It was normal for a scientist to tinker and play with different experiments. It was normal for a scientist to be curious. It was normal for a scientist to seek knowledge, knowing fully well of what the consequences may bring.

It was an abnormality that he himself would be exposed to such large amounts of gamma radiation.

But as Bruce Banner continued to look at the readings of his latest experiment, he mind wandered to a moment when he spoke with another. He was a man who tended to be certain when it came to his work, especially after the incident. So it never occurred to him that someone would possibly have the ability to change his mind on such a strong matter as The Hulk.

His mind had doubt when he spoke privately with Natasha Stark.

It was before the invasion when they were working on locating the Tesseract. She had observed and concocted the theory that it was an abnormality in itself that he survived the exposure. That, in theory, the other guy had saved his life. It never occurred to him that such a nice sentiment might exist, from someone so reckless nonetheless.

For someone so small and seemingly frail, she didn't show fear around him. He had been accustomed to a certain environment where those around him walked cautiously, like a parent not wanting to wake up a normally fretful child. In stark contrast, she seemed to like the thrill, the idea of something exciting happening. His first impression of the young woman was clever. Definitely clever. An understatement if anything. He didn't know that many people who could master thermonuclear astrophysics in one night.

It was odd when Bruce thought about it. She was somewhat like he imagined and almost entirely different. Natasha Stark was a walking abnormality herself. She put herself out there blatantly and honest and he couldn't help but like that quality about her. She didn't hide what she thought and that was something refreshing for a guy who walked around people who tried to hide their fear in order to spare his feelings. Bruce sketched some more information down on his sheet of paper.

What perplexed Bruce Banner the most was that as honest as Natasha Stark was, she was only honest about public matters. Personal matters for her were something entirely different. Bruce could understand such a defense mechanism, but he couldn't help it. His hand reached for his cellphone.

Like all scientists, he was always curious of the new and unknown.

Natasha Stark sat alone in her lab, various machine parts were scattered in a specific area as she sat at a lab table not too far off. A holographic image of chess was floating in front of her as she moved a piece. "Checkmate, Jarvis." She said as she slumped more into her black chair. "Very good, Miss Stark. Might I suggest perhaps playing with a friend next?" The AI replied as she stared at the glowing images. She chuckling.

"I don't have any friends, Jarvis." She spun slowly in her chair, as if waiting to continue her response. "Pepper is on vacation with Rhodey. I've given Happy the time off too and so now I'm basically all alone to run the company once more. With the exception of you, Jarvis." She added with a light grin on her face. "Perhaps you could call in one of the Avengers to visit?"

Natasha swept her hand, pulling up all the Avenger files. "Capsicle and I aren't really on great terms enough to be chess buddies. The demigod is out of the question. And Dr. Banner…" She paused, actually considering the option. Under normal circumstance, she would have loved for the fellow genius to make his way over. However, the Avengers Initiative wasn't a normal circumstance. For the most part, they had all went their separate ways, waiting to be called upon once more if the world was in need for a group of remarkable people. "We didn't stay in contact…" She said dejectedly, throwing the files back into the folder on the screen. "Perhaps if you told them of your true identity, you'd be on closer terms. They see you and Iron Man as two separate entities completely." The AI argued, hoping to at least plant the idea in her mind.

"You know why I can't do that, Jarvis." She mumbled as she restarted the chess board again, making her first move. "I'm afraid not, Miss Stark." The opposing piece moved during his response. She sighed. "I'm not up for trusing anyone, Jarvis. Especially after the Obadiah crap. It's enough that Coulson and Fury know my dirty little secret. If the team knew, they'd be put in danger too. More so than usual and I'd rather not have the blood on my hands, kay? Okay. That's what I thought." She finished quickly as she moved her next piece.

"What do you think about calling Fury over for a lunch date?" She asked with fake hope up to the AI.

"I find that you might have better luck with Agent Coulson." She chuckled as the AI replied. "But speaking of Agent Coulson, he and company are currently on their way up to the main room…" Natasha frowned as she slipped on a sweater that sat idly on the table. "Security breach. I'll have to tell Pepper about it." She jumped off of her chair, making her way towards the upstairs rooms. "They are currently waiting in the lounge, Miss Stark."

"Thank you, Jarvis." She said expectantly as she rolled up her sleeves. "You know what I hate? Unexpected company. I should get a warning before I have to put on the sweater to cover this thing. It glows like the sun…" She said as she referenced the life source currently in her chest. She had a slight bit of hope that maybe the world might be in peril again. It would be a few minutes before Natasha would reach the lounge, leaving Phil Coulson to stand near the couch as Dr. Bruce Banner stood awkwardly stood near the bar and kitchen. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I'm sure she's busy. I appreciate the favor though-"

"Nonsense, Dr. Banner." Phil Coulson gave him a reassuring smile as he made his way towards the kitchen. "This is Stark we're talking about. She really hasn't anything better to do." He grasped at the nearby coffee handle finding freshly brewed coffee. He poured himself a cup and gestured the pot towards Bruce. "No thanks…" Bruce managed to say as he observed how at home Phil Coulson seemed. Bruce had long forgotten what it was like to have a home.

"To be frank and off the record, Dr. Banner…" Coulson took a sip of his coffee as Bruce replied. "Bruce, please." He interrupted before letting the agent continue. The two sauntered over to a nearby couch and sat down. "I worry about Miss Stark. As odd as it is to say, she's not the most sociable person. At least not like she used to be." Phil blew on his coffee a bit, finally deciding that it was a bit too hot to the touch. "I'm not really up to date on my tabloids, Agent Coulson. I read her file during the invasion but it was pretty vague. World leader in mechanical engineering, took over the company at age 21. She was kidnapped to Afghanistan, but even that was vague. Nothing too peculiar." Bruce chuckled as he took off his glasses.

"It's Phil, while we're off the record." He smiled. His face turned slightly dark; his words were subtle enough to explain but also to hide the truth. "She's changed since her time in Afghanistan. She hasn't been much of a people person since then. And currently she's sent her only three friends off to do live their lives relaxing for however long. She's been a bit alone and could use the company."

"I see…" Bruce said, contemplating his words briefly. "I doubt how you can see, Dr. Banner, without your glasses on. But, granted, you can probably see better than Fury. So that's still a plus." Bruce and Coulson turned to see her leaning against the wall. Ripped jean shorts and a baggy sweater. "Nice to see you bundled up and cozy, Miss Stark." Phil sent a mocking smile in her direction. "Haha. Very funny." She muttered sarcastically as she walked towards the two. Bruce caught on that their dialogue was something of an inside joke for the two of them. "But besides mocking me, to what do I owe the pleasure of a SHIELD agent and a fellow scientist sitting in my lounge?" She sat on the edge of the couch, her legs extending to stretch slightly.

"We thought you could use the company, Stark. And if I recall, you did mention to Dr. Banner that facilities would be open for him to use." Coulson raised an eyebrow in her direction. "I did indeed. Like I said, it's Candyland for people like us."

Her voice had lost any sarcastic or snarky intonation it usually had and was replaced with something a bit more genuine. It was a sincerity that Bruce wasn't used to, but it was nice to hear it. The way she said it. People like us. It made Bruce all the more curious as to how she could see him in such a light when she had no idea of the chaos that had been interwoven through his life. "If you two are settled, I think I'll take my leave." Coulson stood up, mug still in hand. "Mind you, Dr. Banner, she's a bit of trouble to babysit." Coulson gave Natasha wryly smile as she raised an eyebrow.

"Love you too, Coulson." She muttered sarcastically enough for him to hear. "Color my life with the chaos of trouble." Bruce said aloud without realizing it. Natasha snapped to attention, unsure of what he had said. "Pardon?"

"It's nothing." He smiled in reply.

I can't decide whether I want to name this "A Stark Contrast" "The Color of Chaos" or "People Like Us". What do you guys think?

I have a few ideas for this plot line but I don't know how long it'll go. I will, of course, continue to update A Terrible Privilege, seeing as how that's coming near to the end. I'll post a chapter of that at some point, then ch 1 of a Fem!Tony/Loki fic, and then I'll update the this fic. It'll be a pattern.

In this one, I'll be focusing a lot on Bruce as opposed to Natasha, since I think I covered her pretty okay in ATP. Also, I'll be developing Coulson, Clint, and Romanoff in these side fics!